- Common Dialogs
Common Dialog/Direct - A full no-code change replacement for COMDLG32.OCX as a VB ActiveX DLL
21 March 2000
Centre a Common Dialog - the easy and the hard way!
10 October 1998
Common Dialog and Hooks - create a VB style New/Open Project dialog, and a File Open dialog with Picture Previews. A completely new and much better version courtesy of Mark Grimes.
21 March 2000
Common Dialog and Templates - If you have a resource compiler capable of creating dialogs, then this solution
from Cayce Cochran will show you how.
Browsing for Folders - create a WinZip style Extract dialog!
Subclassing without the crashes
25 August 1999
- Compression
- Threading
- Windows Hooks
- INI file and Registry access with Class
- Resource Files
- Collections, Dictionaries, IUnknown and IMalloc
- User Control Support
vbAccelerator COM Support Library
Another amazing release from Paul Wilde. VB6 and VB5 DLLs which allow you to create native collections
and hook into low level run-time and design-time COM interfaces. If you want to create a truly professional VB control you need this library!
IPerPropertyBrowse DLL and Type Library from Paul Wilde.
This excellent sample shows you how to respond to property browse events in the VB IDE
and customise the available items to pick from. Full sample code shows how to create a drop-down list
in the IDE Properties window to pick a control on the UserControl's parent form.
How to trap the Tab Key in a UserControl using IOLEInPlaceActiveObject. Demonstrates how
seriously difficult it can be to do something which appears trivially easy.
Simpler UserControl Tab Trapping.
This ActiveX DLL wraps up the awkward details of implementing IOLEInPlaceActiveObject, making it easier to
implement yourself.
- A drop-in Most Recently Used (MRU) File List class
Tiling Bitmaps into PictureBoxes, UserControls, Forms and MDI Form backgrounds
10 January 1999
Customising Clipboard Use - find out exactly what's on the clipboard, create a Clipboard viewer application and Paste data in multiple formats, including your own customised ones.
Also demonstrates how to Copy and Paste files in the same way as Explorer.
- Using Enumeration API methods in VB to find Fonts and Windows.
25 October 1998
- Windows and Windows Styles
- Graphics and GDI
- Splitter Code
- Shell Projects
Create new GUIDs.
Code from Dion Wiggins. Use the result for your own TypeLibs, or just as a useful numbers - a GUID has a practically
unlimited 128 bit range plus as solid a guarantee as any that you won't ever generate a duplicate
number, even across remote machines.
NT Only
Coming up:
- Hash tables and an new, faster and more flexible collection object which won't increment your object's reference count
- Sorting algorithms - Shell Sort and the Postman sort - a sort whose speed varies linearly
(not exponentially) with sort size.
- Using XML to store self-describing data. Replace old-fashioned (already???) registry
storage and INI files with this new and much-hyped technology!