Updated! 21 March 2000
Added VB6 binary.
Updated! 1 November 1999
Added support for templates, based on the code written by Cayce Cochran.
Updated! 20 February 1999
The File Open Dialog did not return a usable result when set up to accept multiple
filenames (OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT flag). Now the filenames are returned and there is
a new method ParseMultiFileName to convert the return value into a directory
and an array of file titles.
Thanks to Steve Lager for pointing out this problem.
Updated! 10 December 1998
Improved Hook Support. Now all Common Dialogs (except the Print dialog) can be centred to a form or to the screen with just one line of code. See the
code article Centre a Common Dialog - The Easy and the Hard Way for more details.
Hooks also allows you to capture
a Common Dialog into your own form - see create a VB style Open Project dialog
for a demonstration.
Page Setup Dialog converted page sizes in inches into integer values. A new Page Setup method, VBPageSetupDlg2 has been
added which correctly returns the values with decimal places.
The Page Setup Dialog always overwrote default and minimum margins. It now sets margins
to the default unless you explicitly request it not to with the PSD_MINMARGINS/PSD_MARGINS flags.
Print and Page Setup dialogs used to ignore the flags parameter passed in. This meant, for example, it
was impossible to display the Print Setup dialog box (the Print dialog box was always shown).
Print Setup failed to return number of copies and collation option when collation was turned on for
some printer drivers.
Thanks to Larry Kuhn for spotting these problems.