'Don't leave me this way, I can't survive, I can't stay alive without your love [?], so don't leave me this way.' Or so runs the song.
If you must leave me, however, first I would really appreciate it if you can link to my site:
  Link to vbAccelerator
Now onto the fun. The lastest web statistics show that
VB websites now outnumber the number of owners of VB.
vbAccelerator's Links attempts to defeat the information overload by providing links to sites
you'll really enjoy. All hand-picked!
Advanced Programming Sites (2
Links covering OpenGL, DirectX and API programming sites. These are my favourite sources of information.
Visit but be warned; it could take some time...
Searchable VB Source Databases (1
Want to know how to do something? Or even how not to do it? These are the places to try
first. Hundreds of quick tips; they often get you started even if they don't actually work!
Microsoft's exceptional free sites with more information than you can possibly use are linked here;
also specifications and code for various graphics and compression standards.
New to VB?
vbAccelerator might seem like a bit of an effort if you're new to VB and just want to get some
neat stuff to work! After all, VB is usually about instant gratification. These sites are some
of the nicest I've seen on VB and some have more advanced code and topics too.
A heap of stuff, some coding related, some not. Download a few utilities, play with HTML and XML,
or just enjoy yourself.
Selected Accelerator Related Resources
As the saying goes: "I guess you think you're pretty smart, huh? - Think you can outsmart a bullet?"
(A quote unfortunately missing from
the standard sources).