The new vbAccelerator Site - more VB and .NET Code and Controls
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 NOTE: this code has been superceded by the version at the new site.


Hello and welcome to the least visited page on the site! Nice to meet you and hope you are enjoying the code. If you're not, then try these for a significantly higher amusement factor:

vbAccelerator is a free service and therefore people usually only get here when they find a link to the site. So if you like what I'm doing and you have an Internet site then it would be great if you could put a link up.

Its totally up to you how you link to my site. Oh, ok then, that's a lie. I prefer links not to read "vbAccelerator - Sex with Hamsters" for example. But otherwise just go for it. There are some images here you can download if you want an accompanying image, and also some HTML if you are in the mood:

Click to visit vbAccelerator - Free, Advanced VB Source Code and Controls
&nbsp 468x60 3,530 bytes

Large Button:
Click to visit vbAccelerator - Free, Advanced VB Source Code and Controls
&nbsp 169x56 10,175 bytes

Small Button (far more sensible):
Click to visit vbAccelerator - Free, Advanced VB Source Code and Controls
&nbsp 87x24 1,484 bytes

Save pictures to your site then use the following:

&nbsp &nbsp <a href="/index.html" target="_top">
&nbsp &nbsp <img src="/yourpath/vbaccel.gif" border="0"
&nbsp &nbsp alt="Click to visit vbaccelerator -
&nbsp &nbsp Free, Advanced VB Source Code and Controls">
&nbsp &nbsp </a>

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Copyright © 1998-1999, Steve McMahon ( All Rights Reserved.
Last updated: 30 May 1999