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vbAccelerator Pick
Microsoft Developer's Network Library
Excellent - the MSDN Library available free on the web! A very neat part of Microsoft's site, navigated by a nice Java treeview showing the library contents. Registration is no longer required - completely free. Thanks to vbAccelerator's continual protests :) the Common Controls API information is finally there too!

The only thing that's wrong about this site is it is almost impossible to browse using Netscape Navigator and some people (i.e. me) are forced to use that thing during work hours (I believe this is intended to discourage web usage...)


Independent JPEG Group
The home page for the Indepedent JPEG Group (IJG). IJG is an informal group that writes and distributes a widely used free library for JPEG image compression. There isn't much to read on their web page, but the code is legendary!

Portable Network Graphics Format
The home page for the Portable Network Graphics file format, including the specs and C code. PNG is an excellent replacement for GIF files, supporting paletised images, transparency, animated images as well as multiple layer images (check out the sample PNG images to see what I mean!)

Free source code (MFC) for ImageLib, a high quality MFC library capable of reading and saving JPEG, Windows BMP, XBM and PNG file formats. vbAccelerator is aiming to develop an ActiveX DLL from this code for use from VB!

NewInfo-ZIP's ZIP libraries
Info-ZIP's purpose is to "provide free, portable, high-quality versions of the Zip and UnZip compressor-archiver utilities that are compatible with the DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE, Inc." - and they do an excellent job at it. Download their free Zip and Unzip DLLs here.

zLib is a "A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library (Also Free, Not to Mention Unencumbered by Patents)" [ahem - that really is how the authors introduce it!] The compression algorithm used is essentially the same as used in PKZip and gzip. This is the home page for the algorithm with C code and specifications; however if you want to use it in VB, then go to:

Mark Nelson's OCX for ZLib
A nice, free, fully working OCX providing access to Zlib compression and decompression. MFC source code is included. Recommended!

NewVisual Basic Owners Section at MSDN
Microsoft's MSDN section on Visual Basic. Unfortunately this section is infrequently updated, but there is some excellent information here, for example the CodeFlow and IContextMenu source code samples.

Microsoft Systems Journal
MSJ is probably Microsoft's most hardcore publication for developers. Occasionally a Visual Basic or J++ article crops up, but most of the time its straight in there with unreadable C++ and MFC code (and the occasional pitiful ADO article). Despite that, it can be excellent stuff, for example, how to implement Cool Menus (January 199), how MFC subclasses all windows (June 1999) and an Excel style tabs implementation (May 1999). All source code is downloadable freely from the site, although you can only read the introduction to selected articles online.

Visual Basic Web Directory
Without question the most focused and comprehensive Visual Basic site link collection on the web. Frighteningly large, in fact! But it is easy to search through and well designed. Visit!

VBWire is an excellent VB News service. They say: "Our editors scour the net every day to bring you the hottest news so you don't have to." VBWire covers everything from new product announcements to product reviews, press articles, books, seminars and VB website announcements.

Click to visit the ultimate news site
for Visual Basic
vbAccelerator is using this service to announce new releases of our controls. Keep watching!

Microsoft Platform SDK
Here you can download all the C header files for the Win32 SDK as well as C code samples. This is where I got all my RichEdit and Common Controls declares from - a must! Also this is great for declares and constants that got 'missed' from the rather partisan Visual Basic Win32 API viewer...
Note that the downloads tend to be on the large side (10Mb+...) so its best to download at work if you can, otherwise its an over-nighter.

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Last updated: 25 November 1998