ListBox and Combo boxes have an ItemData property to allow you to store an additional
long value against each ListItem. Similarly, ListView items and TreeView nodes have a Tag
property which can be used to store a string. But what if you want to associate more
data along with an item? Clearly you can make some use of a long value to store a key, or
use the bitfield technique to store multiple items. With a string you can generate cunning
schemes to store multiple strings and numbers in the same string. But it would be a lot
nicer if you could just store an object against each item. Then data of any complexity
can be stored against the item just by setting the item data to point to the instance of
the object.
This article explores three methods you can use to store objects using only a long value to store
the object, and hence you can associate the long value with either the ItemData property
of a List or Combo box, or (by using CStr and CLng) with the Tag property of Microsoft control.
The uses don't stop there. You can replace VB's collection object with an object that runs up to
100x faster using a ListBox. You could attach custom class data to the items in an
S-Grid control. Take advantage of the technique when building
controls directly from the API to store lots of data in the lParam member of the items...
this is great stuff!
Three Ways To Store Objects
Storing objects against ListBox items requires a pretty flexible way to allocate and remove
the objects. You can add items to a ListBox, but you can also insert items at any position.
Likewise you can delete items from any position. That really rules out using arrays as your
storage method without a lot of pain, because whilst arrays are always the fastest way
to work in VB if you add and remove to the end of the list, they are difficult to manage
and slow if you want to insert or delete from the middle. (Although it is possible if
you implement a Linked List structure as part of the array - article coming in a future
vbAccelerator update!).
Oh Dear: VB's Collection Object
At first glance VB's collection object would seem to provide a good solution to this problem.
You can Add, Insert and Delete items in the collection at any point, and you can store an
object against each item in the collection. Also you can give every item in the collection
a unique key to identify it, and although this must be a string there is no problem using
a Long value (which you can use to link the ListBox's ItemData to the item in the collection)
as long as you ensure VB thinks it is a string when you add the item. The sample code
uses a counter to generate unique keys, and hence is limited to only (ahem) adding and
up to 4 billion items before it wraps and could then possibly generate a duplicate key. However
note that that limit is equivalent to 100 days of continuous running doing nothing else except
adding and removing objects in blocks of 100 (on my machine).
And basically this technique works... except for one thing: performance. If the ListBox has a
small number of items, everything is fine. But if the ListBox has thousands of items then
this technique is unsuitable. I would recommend this technique for small numbers of items just
because it is simple... except that there is actually an even simpler method in coding terms!
Using IUnknown and ObjPtr
A COM object is fundamentally the same as a C++ object: a "reference" to an object is just a
pointer to a structure in memory called the Virtual Table or vtable.
In COM terms, however, there is a difference between just knowing the pointer to the
vtable and having a workable object. This difference is enforced by the COM contract and implemented
through the IUnknown interface. All COM objects must support this interface and all must
work according to the contract in order to work successfully.
The IUnknown object has just three methods:
- AddRef
- Release
- QueryInterface
The QueryInterface is the method COM and Automation can use to determine which facilities
the object supports, and provides a directory to those objects. The interesting objects (at
least for the purposes of this article) are the AddRef and Release methods>.
All COM objects use an AddRef and Release scheme to determine when they are being used. Whenever
a COM object is created, or a program obtains a reference to the object, the
AddRef method of the object is called. Whenever a reference to an object is set to nothing,
the Release method is called. The COM object is in charge of internally counting the number
of AddRef and Release calls, and when its internal counter of references reaches 0 it terminates,
freeing up any memory allocated to the object.
Since all VB objects implement the COM contract, we can take advantage of the IUnknown
interface to create valid COM references to objects but without using the VB Object type or
the native object type itself. It's easy! We just do what any COM-conversant object must do
to store an object, i.e. keep a copy of the pointer to the object but also call
the IUnknown AddRef method.
This technique would be fine, but unfortunately VB does not allow you to call either AddRef
or Release. You can create an object of type IUnknown or reference an existing
object using this interface, but any attempt to call the methods results in an unfriendly
error message:
(Incidentally, if you try to include a public method called Release in a VB5 UserControl, something
even worse happens! Try compiling one and see if you can interpret that error message...)
The only way to work around this is to use a version of IUnknown that you can call yourself;
and that means using a Type Library. For this sample I have used Brad Martinez's
IShellFolder Extended Type Library v1.2 (ISHF_Ex.TLB)
to get at IUnknown; you can also find implementations in a number of other Type Libraries, including
Bruce McKinney's Win.TLB and WinU.TLB provided with "Hardcore Visual Basic".
Once you have a reference to the Type Library you can then safely store classes using just their
object pointer, like this:
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
lpvDest As Any, lpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
' To Store An Object to a Long:
Public Sub Store(objThis As Object) As Long
Dim iU As IShellFolderEx_TLB.IUnknown
Set iU = objThis
Set iU = Nothing
Store = ObjPtr(objThis)
' objThis cannot terminate until we call iU.Release on it
End Sub
' To Retrieve the Object From the Long Value:
Private Property Get ObjectFromPtr(ByVal lPtr As Long) As Object
Dim objT As Object
' Bruce McKinney's code for getting an Object from the
' object pointer:
CopyMemory objT, lPtr, 4
Set ObjectFromPtr = objT
CopyMemory objT, 0&, 4
End Property
' To Delete The Object:
Public Sub Delete(ByVal lPtr As Long) As Long
Dim objThis As Object
Set objThis = ObjectFromPtr(lPtr)
Dim iU As IShellFolderEx_TLB.IUnknown
Set iU = objThis
Set iU = Nothing
Set objThis = Nothing
' objThis now terminates if there are no other external
' references to it.
End Sub
Using IMalloc
The last method took advantage of COM support in VB objects to create an "object"
which lasts as long as the pointer to it does. Another way to create an object that lasts
is through Persistence.
In the persistence scheme, the object is coded so it is capable of storing all the information
required to create a completely new object that looks the same as the one you started with.
The persistent information can be stored in a format external to the object itself, hence
allowing a new version of the object to be stored at a later date by creating a new object
and loading the external data in. The most obvious example of a persistent object in VB
is the UserControl object, which includes a PropertyBag implementation to allow
details about the UserControl to be stored and restored to the control's parent
.FRM and .FRX files.
The only question about persistance is how to store the data. You can see some sample
techniques for persisting information in the article malloc in VB?
which demonstrates saving byte arrays, UDTs and strings. Storing longs, bytes and integers is
simple, and it is straightforward to aggregate these techniques together. When I say
straightforward, however, I should point out that another way of putting this is
"tedious and error prone". You can do it, but it isn't easy.
A better way of persisting data is to have a class which controls reading and
writing data to a single memory chunk and have that provide a memory pointer for saving
purposes. The VB PropertyBag object is an example of such an object - this can save
properties in many different data types to a byte array in memory (which is extremely
simple to persist to memory or file). Unfortunately, this object is only exposed in VB6
and then it is only available to public classes. A better method would be a PropertyBag
which was available regardless of type and VB version (Hey!!! If any VB designers are
reading, please mail me and tell me how come
something I can do with only a little trouble is not possible in VB?). An example of
this type of object at the site is the XML Property Bag
object, which can be implemented by any class you choose and is adept at turning
complex combinations of variables into a neat package. (Not just that; it has the
by default benefit of delivering XML, the ideal way of sending your data to another
machine or process... And right now just the initials XML are enough to send business
sponsors and colleagues alike into a frenzy of excitement!)
Performance Comparison
The following table shows the results from running the sample application provided with the
download for differing numbers of items. All the tests were performed on a 266MHz Pentium II desktop
with 256Mb RAM. Below 500 items the performance differences are insignificant - you can use any
technique you want. However, as the number of items increases we begin to see that the VB Collection
object is useless, and performance worsens exponentially. Both the IUnknown and the IMalloc
method however provide almost equal high performance which varies much more linearly to the number of
items. The IMalloc method is quickest at adding and removing items, whilst the IUnknown
method is quickest for accessing items:
Collection |
IUnknown |
IMalloc |
Add |
Enum |
Clear |
Total |
Add |
Enum |
Clear |
Total |
Add |
Enum |
Clear |
Total |
100 |
54 |
7 |
9 |
70 |
41 |
1 |
10 |
52 |
25 |
34 |
9 |
68 |
500 |
190 |
39 |
72 |
301 |
110 |
8 |
52 |
170 |
84 |
41 |
30 |
155 |
1000 |
383 |
91 |
224 |
698 |
201 |
15 |
94 |
310 |
157 |
83 |
69 |
309 |
5 000 |
2 184 |
490 |
4 510 |
7 184 |
1 008 |
73 |
436 |
1 517 |
843 |
464 |
298 |
1 605 |
10 000 |
4 423 |
1 068 |
28 531 |
34 022 |
1 963 |
168 |
857 |
2 988 |
1 642 |
935 |
502 |
3 079 |
25 000 |
12 352 |
8 947 |
241 672 |
262 971 |
5 601 |
793 |
2 400 |
8 794 |
4 458 |
2 149 |
1 559 |
8 166 |
Table Comparing Object Storage Performance
The IUnknown reference count control method has to be highly recommended. You get very quick access
to the objects you have created with hardly any new code to write.
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