Splitting the Easy Way
Download the cSplitter Class (2kb)
The cSplitter class demonstrates a very simple way to add splitter functionality to your application.
There are undoubtedly more flexible and difficult ways of doing this (I'm currently trying to develop one
using transparent windows) but this is the method I've used up to now.
In this method, a PictureBox is used as the splitter for the form. The splitter class automatically
sets the MousePointer for the PictureBox to the NS or EW depending on the orientation you want, so when
the mouse moves over the PictureBox, the user sees that they can click and drag the splitter in the
right direction.
When the user clicks on it, the Splitter class then calls the SetCapture method to redirect subsequent
MouseMoves onto the owning form of the splitter. This makes it easier to work out where the splitter
should be positioned as the mouse moves over the form. Finally, when the mouse is released, the class
evaluates if the splitter is being dropped with allowable bounds, releases the mouse capture to the form
and raises an event saying the split is complete.
Here is the code:
' cSplitter
Private Declare Function SetCapture Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long
' If we used WithEvents on these items, then we not need to
' write any code at all in the form being split. However, this
' means you have a a WithEvents reference to the form here, whilst
' the form also has a WithEvents reference to the splitter.
' This seems to cause immediate crash (VB dev environment disappears!)
' when trying to terminate the splitter class under VB5 (SP2 and above)
Private m_picSplitter As PictureBox
Private m_frmParent As Form
Private m_bSplitting As Boolean
Private m_lSplitOffset As Long
Private m_lBorder As Long
Private m_eOrientation As ESPLTOrientationConstants
Public Enum ESPLTOrientationConstants
    cSPLTOrientationHorizontal = 1
    cSPLTOrientationVertical = 2
End Enum
Public Event DoSplit(bSplit As Boolean)
Public Event SplitComplete()
Property Let Orientation(eOrientation As ESPLTOrientationConstants)
    m_eOrientation = eOrientation
    If Not (m_picSplitter Is Nothing) Then
        If (eOrientation = cSPLTOrientationHorizontal) Then
            m_picSplitter.MousePointer = vbSizeNS
            m_picSplitter.MousePointer = vbSizeWE
        End If
    End If
End Property
Property Get Orientation() As ESPLTOrientationConstants
    Orientation = m_eOrientation
End Property
Property Let BorderSize(lSize As Long)
    m_lBorder = lSize
End Property
Property Get BorderSize() As Long
    BorderSize = m_lBorder
End Property
Public Sub Initialise( _
        ByRef picSplitter As PictureBox, _
        ByRef frmParent As Form _
    Set m_picSplitter = picSplitter
    Set m_frmParent = frmParent
    With m_picSplitter
        .BorderStyle = 0
        .ZOrder 1
        .MousePointer = vbSizeWE
        .Visible = True
    End With
End Sub
Public Sub MouseDown( _
        ByVal Pos As Single _
Dim bSplit As Boolean
    bSplit = True
    RaiseEvent DoSplit(bSplit)
    If Not (bSplit) Then Exit Sub
    m_bSplitting = True
    m_lSplitOffset = Pos
    With m_picSplitter
        .BackColor = &H80000010
        .ZOrder 0
        .BorderStyle = 1
        .Width = 4 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    End With
    SetCapture m_frmParent.hwnd
End Sub
Public Sub MouseMove( _
        ByVal Pos As Single _
    If (m_bSplitting) Then
        If (m_eOrientation = cSPLTOrientationHorizontal) Then
            ' Horizontal orientation:
            If (Pos m_lBorder) Then
                Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeNS
                m_picSplitter.Move m_picSplitter.Left, Pos
                Screen.MousePointer = vbNoDrop
            End If
            ' Vertical orientation:
            If (Pos m_lBorder) Then
                Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeWE
                m_picSplitter.Move Pos
                Screen.MousePointer = vbNoDrop
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Public Function MouseUp( _
        ByRef Pos As Single _
    ) As Boolean
Dim lRealPos As Long
    If (m_bSplitting) Then
        ' End the moving:
        With m_picSplitter
            .BackColor = &H8000000F
            .BorderStyle = 0
            ' Move to a position within bounds
            ' if we are out of bounds:
            If (Pos
                Pos = m_lBorder
            End If
            If (m_eOrientation = cSPLTOrientationHorizontal) Then
                If (Pos > (m_frmParent.ScaleHeight - m_lBorder)) Then
                    Pos = m_frmParent.ScaleHeight - m_lBorder
                End If
                If (Pos > (m_frmParent.ScaleWidth - m_lBorder)) Then
                    Pos = m_frmParent.ScaleWidth - m_lBorder
                End If
            End If
            ' Now drop the splitter:
            Pos = Pos - m_lSplitOffset
            If (m_eOrientation = cSPLTOrientationHorizontal) Then
                .Move .Left, Pos
                .Move Pos
            End If
            .ZOrder 1
        End With
        m_bSplitting = False
        Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
        MouseUp = True
        RaiseEvent SplitComplete
    End If
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    m_eOrientation = cSPLTOrientationVertical
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    m_bSplitting = False
    Set m_picSplitter = Nothing
    Set m_frmParent = Nothing
End Sub
To use the splitter
Draw a PictureBox on the form, called picSplit (say).
In the Form declarations section, declare a splitter variable:
    Private WithEvents m_cSplit As cSplitter
In Form_Load, initalise your splitter:
    Set m_cSplit = New cSplitter
    m_cSplit.Initialise picSplit, Me
Then add the code to direct mouse events to the splitter class. In picSplit_MouseDown, put:
    m_cSplit.MouseDown X ' Use Y if the splitter is horizontal
Under the Form_MouseMove and Form_MouseUp events:
    m_cSplit.MouseMove X
    m_cSplit.MouseUp X
Finally, from the m_cSplit_SplitComplete event, you can call your form resize code.
To try a fully working demo, download
the RegEdit demonstration application.
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