
Download the TitleBar Focus code and demonstration (20kb)
Before you Begin
This project requires the SSubTmr.DLL component. Make sure you have loaded and registered this before trying the project.
The ToolWindow style, introduced with VB4, allowing you to easily create pop-up tool windows with small
captions. However, there is (and has always been) a problem with them: whenever the form or a control
on it gets the focus, it appears that the main form of your application looses focus. Whilst maybe
this isn't the worst user-interface crime in the world, it is annoying and makes your application
look unprofessional compared to the smoother behaviour in Word, Excel, DevStudio etc.
This subclassing sample demonstrates how to fix the title bar problem with a working but rather
slimy hack. The code here is the basis for the code used in the
vbAccelerator Drop-Down Form Control and is also incorporated
directly into the vbAccelerator Toolbar, Rebar and CoolMenu control.
Note: This technique is probably not suitable for an application that contains multiple main
form windows.
How It Works
Changing the appearance of a VB form's title bar is one of the things VB makes it very difficult to
do. Whenever a Window's title bar needs to change state from active to inactive, Windows sends
a WM_NCACTIVATE message to the window. In a simple C Windows application you could simply intercept
this message and consume it rather than sending it to the DefWindowProc.
In VB, it isn't so easy. VB appears to use the WM_NCACTIVATE message for its
own purposes. If you eat this message, your VB form either stops responding
to the mouse or keyboard, or the program goes into a continous loop and can only
be stopped with Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Another possible alternative is intercepting the WM_NCPAINT message.
Windows sends this whenever any part of the non-client area needs to be repainted
(including the form border, the titlebar, the menu bar and so on). If you consume
this message you can write all the non-client area drawing code yourself - and
that means you can paint the titlebar focused when it would normally be non-focused.
Whilst I played with this solution for quite a while, my experiences with
indicate that either Windows does not play fair with the WM_NCPAINT
message or that VB redraws parts of the non-client area at other points for its
own reasons. You can download a sample
which shows how it it is almost but not quite reliable enough to
draw the entire non-client area yourself. (BTW: there is a bug in this sample -
the client drawing appears to draws one pixel too deep on the title bar, causing
the menu bar to flicker. However, if you remove the pixel from the drawing, you
end up with an non-drawn area. Can anyone fix it? If so, please
mail me!)
Another solution is required. It turns out there is a simple one, but it is
a bit of a slimy hack, as you're going to see..
The Code
This technique involves subclassing for three messages: WM_NCACTIVATE,
received, the code first calls LockWindowUpdate to prevent any
changes being shown to the user.
Tip Successful LockWindowUpdate
LockWindowUpdate is an excellent call in that it completely stops
window repainting and thereby speeds things up and stops distracting
flicker. But you have to be careful when using it. If you cover or
expose any area of another window whilst LockWindowUpdate is on, as soon
as you turn it off again the entire desktop repaints, this is very slow, and
causes probably worse flickering than if it wasn't turned on in the first
place! So when using LockWindowUpdate, ensure you apply it to a window
that does not change size or move. Often the parent window is a better
choice than the window being updated.
With window updating locked, it then calls the VB window procedure
with the as received WM_NCACTIVATE parameters. Normally this would
redraw the title bar inactive, but because updates are switched off,
the display is not updated. The code then calls WM_NCACTIVATE again,
but with the parameters set to indicate that the window should be
active. This sets the title bar back to the right display but enables
the form to keep working correctly. Finally we turn LockWindowUpdate
back off again to make the display correct.
That ensures that the titlebar keeps an active appearance when a non-modal
form is displayed, but we need to make a few more modifications to hold
that appearance when you display a modal form. Showing a modal form
can be detected because Windows will repeatedly try to call WM_NCACTIVATE
until the title bar state is changed correctly. Normally directly after
a WM_NCACTIVATE call there is a WM_ACTIVATE message. So to detect a
modal form being shown, and to allow the title bar to update, we can
use a static variable to count the number of times the WM_NCACTIVATE
message has been sent between WM_ACTIVATE messages. If this exceeds 2
we assume a modal form is being displayed and allow the default
processing to occur.
The final processing is to detect the WM_ACTIVATEAPP message. This
tells the code whether the entire app (all forms) has gained or lost the
focus, and since it fires after the WM_NCACTIVATE message we can
update the titlebar in response.
Private Property Get ISubclass_MsgResponse() As SSubTimer.EMsgResponse
Select Case CurrentMessage
ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrConsume
Case Else
ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrPostProcess
End Select
End Property
Private Function ISubclass_WindowProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal iMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Static iRefCount As Long
Select Case iMsg
If wParam = 0 Then
iRefCount = iRefCount + 1
If iRefCount < 3 Then
LockWindowUpdate hWnd
ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
CallOldWindowProc m_hWnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0
LockWindowUpdate 0
ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
End If
ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam)
End If
If (wParam = 0) Then
iRefCount = 0
' app being deactivated
CallOldWindowProc m_hWnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, 0, 0
' app being activated
' if not the active form then we should repaint
' the title bar
CallOldWindowProc m_hWnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0
End If
If wParam = 0 Then
iRefCount = 0
' deactivating the window, lParam is the window that is being activated.
End If
' In case the user does not set the class
' to nothing before the owning form is
' closed:
End Select
End Function