This sample demonstrates a new 24 bit image processor using the DIB Section GDI object, allowing
you to perform a whole raft of standard Image Processing functions, including blurring, sharpening,
colourising, resampling and image arithmetic.
Last Updated: 13 January 2003
In VB, you cannot change the colour depth of a bitmap. This article presents classes allowing you
to reduce or increase the colour depth using a number of different methods and also to save the
resulting image to disk as a bitmap with the specified colour depth.
Last Updated: 13 January 2003
This sample provides a simple image processing application which applies a texture
to an image by modifying the lightness of the image according to the lightness
of a texture image. The texture image is tiled across the surface of the processed image.
Last Updated: 13 January 2003
Counting the number of distinct colours in an image doesn't sound like a particularly hard
thing to do until you try it on a large 24-bit image. This article demonstrates one technique
for counting the colours quickly.
Last Updated: 13 January 2003
This sample was inspired by a T-Shirt I bought which used circles of various sizes
to represent the intensity level of a blown-up image. The image is easy to see at
a distance but not so straightforward close-up (which is handy, as I'm no oil-painting
close-up). The code demonstrates averaging the pixels in an image and then creating
a new image with one which uses an image from a strip which corresponds to the intensity
at that point, optionally setting the colour to match the original.
Last Updated: 16 April 2004
This sample demonstrates creating an alpha-blended drop-shadow for a bitmap in
code. Intensity, colour, offset and blurring of the effect can all be
easily controlled. For reasonably sized source bitmaps, the code is efficient
enough to run in real-time on most machines.
Last Updated: 16 April 2004
Image colourisation is a widely-used technique in image processing which can
be used to create sepia-toned effects as well as adjusting images so they
can be used as watermarks and in the creation of layered background images.
This article demonstrates how to use the Hue, Luminance and Saturation model
to perform colourisation and to adjust the intensity of the applied effect.
Last Updated: 23 October 2003
A Gamma Correction filter is primarily used for colour matching
purposes on CRT based displays, but it can also be used for
creative image processing. This article shows how the gamma
filter is calculated and provides an implementation.
Last Updated: 5 September 2003
There are various ways of
combining two images together, particularly when either or both of the two
images contain alpha channels.
As the real-time video-effects industry has developed, twelve standard compositing
techniques, know as the Porter-Duff Compositing Operations, have emerged. In
addition, many image processing application support other useful operations, such as
"Burn" and "Hard-Light".
GDI and GDI+ provide very limited support for compositing operations, so this article
demonstrates how to perform them using VB code.
Last Updated: 5 September 2003
This article demonstrates how to apply two of the simplest image processsing filters, brightness and contrast, to an image.
Last Updated: 5 September 2003