vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cMouseGestures.cls
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "cMouseGestures"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Type POINTAPI
x As Long
y As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal
hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
As Long
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As
Private Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As
Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long)
Private Const WM_ACTIVATE As Long = &H6
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN As Long = &H204
Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE As Long = &H200
Private Const WM_RBUTTONUP As Long = &H205
Implements IWindowsHook
''' <summary>
''' Enumerated flag values for the mouse gestures supported by
''' the MouseGesture class.
''' </summary>
Public Enum MouseGestureTypes
''' <summary>
''' No mouse gesture.
''' </summary>
NoGesture = &H0
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move north
''' </summary>
NorthGesture = &H1
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move south
''' </summary>
SouthGesture = &H2
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move east
''' </summary>
EastGesture = &H4
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move west
''' </summary>
WestGesture = &H8
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move north-east
''' </summary>
NorthThenEastGesture = &H10
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move south-east
''' </summary>
SouthThenEastGesture = &H20
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move south-west
''' </summary>
SouthThenWestGesture = &H40
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move north-west
''' </summary>
NorthThenWestGesture = &H80
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move north-east
''' </summary>
EastThenNorthGesture = &H100
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move south-east
''' </summary>
EastThenSouthGesture = &H200
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move south-west
''' </summary>
WestThenSouthGesture = &H400
''' <summary>
''' Mouse Gesture move north-west
''' </summary>
WestThenNorthGesture = &H800
''' <summary>
''' All mouse gestures
''' </summary>
AllGestureTypes = &HFFF
End Enum
''' <summary>
''' The default absolute number of pixels the mouse must travel
''' in any direction for the gesture to be acknowledged.
''' </summary>
Private Const DEFAULT_HYSTERESIS_PIXELS As Integer = 8
''' <summary>
''' How far does the mouse have to move before it is
''' interpreted as a gesture?
''' </summary>
Private m_hysteresis As Long
''' <summary>
''' The configured mouse gesture types
''' </summary>
Private m_gestureTypes As MouseGestureTypes
''' <summary>
''' Whether we are checking for a gesture or not.
''' </summary>
Private m_checkingGesture As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' The recorded mouse gesture during gesture checking
''' </summary>
Private m_recordedGesture As MouseGestureTypes
''' <summary>
''' Array of mouse points recorded during gesture.
''' </summary>
Private m_gesture() As POINTAPI
Private m_gestureCount As Long
''' <summary>
''' Whether mouse gesture checking is attached or not
''' </summary>
Private m_bAttached As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' Whether right mouse button down on last hook event or not
''' </summary>
Private m_bRightDown As Boolean
Private m_iCancelRightUpHack As Long
Public Event MouseGesture( _
ByVal gestureType As MouseGestureTypes, _
ByVal xGestureStart As Long, ByVal yGestureStart As Long, _
ByVal xGestureEnd As Long, ByVal yGestureEnd As Long, _
ByRef acceptGesture As Boolean _
Public Sub Attach()
If Not (m_bAttached) Then
InstallHook Me, WH_MOUSE
m_bAttached = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Detach()
If (m_bAttached) Then
RemoveHook Me, WH_MOUSE
m_bAttached = False
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Gets/sets the mouse gesture types to look for.
''' </summary>
Public Property Get GestureTypes() As MouseGestureTypes
GestureTypes = m_gestureTypes
End Property
Public Property Let GestureTypes(ByVal Value As MouseGestureTypes)
m_gestureTypes = Value
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
m_gestureTypes = AllGestureTypes
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Private Function IWindowsHook_HookProc(ByVal eType As
vbalWinHook6.EHTHookTypeConstants, ByVal nCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long,
ByVal lParam As Long, bConsume As Boolean) As Long
Dim ret As Boolean
Dim bRightDown As Boolean
Dim iMsg As Long
bRightDown = Not (GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyRButton) = 0)
If (bRightDown) Then
If Not (m_bRightDown) Then
m_bRightDown = True
End If
ElseIf (m_bRightDown) Then
m_bRightDown = False
m_iCancelRightUpHack = 0 ' apologies
' eat next 10 mouse moves after right up
If (m_iCancelRightUpHack < 10) Then
m_iCancelRightUpHack = m_iCancelRightUpHack + 1
ret = True
End If
End If
If Not (ret) Then
ret = PreFilterMessage(iMsg)
End If
If (ret) Then
bConsume = True
IWindowsHook_HookProc = 0
End If
End Function
Private Function PreFilterMessage( _
ByVal iMsg As Long _
) As Boolean
Dim retValue As Boolean
If (m_gestureTypes > 0) Then
If (m_checkingGesture) Then
If (iMsg = WM_MOUSEMOVE) Then
Debug.Print "PreFilterMessage"
ElseIf (iMsg = WM_RBUTTONUP) Then
Debug.Print "PreFilterMessage"
retValue = EndMouseGesture()
If (retValue) Then
' Windows will skip the next mouse down if we consume
' a mouse up. m cannot be modified, despite being byref,
' so post a new one to a location which is offscreen:
Dim offScreen As Long
offScreen = &H7FFF7FFF
PostMessage GetActiveWindow(), WM_RBUTTONUP, 0, offScreen
End If
ElseIf (iMsg = WM_ACTIVATE) Then
m_checkingGesture = False
End If
ElseIf (iMsg = WM_RBUTTONDOWN) Then
Debug.Print "PreFilterMessage"
End If
End If
PreFilterMessage = retValue
End Function
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
Private Sub BeginMouseGesture()
m_gestureCount = 1
ReDim m_gesture(1 To m_gestureCount) As POINTAPI
GetCursorPos tP
LSet m_gesture(m_gestureCount) = tP
m_checkingGesture = True
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
Private Sub AddToMouseGesture()
m_gestureCount = m_gestureCount + 1
ReDim Preserve m_gesture(1 To m_gestureCount) As POINTAPI
GetCursorPos tP
LSet m_gesture(m_gestureCount) = tP
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <returns></returns>
Private Function EndMouseGesture() As Boolean
m_checkingGesture = False
Dim retValue As Boolean
'' add the end point:
'' get start and end:
Dim first As POINTAPI
LSet first = m_gesture(1)
Dim last As POINTAPI
LSet last = m_gesture(m_gestureCount)
'' check which directions we register a change in:
Dim xDiff As Long
xDiff = first.x - last.x
Dim yDiff As Integer
yDiff = first.y - last.y
Dim north As Boolean
Dim south As Boolean
Dim east As Boolean
Dim west As Boolean
north = (yDiff > 0)
south = Not (north)
End If
west = (xDiff > 0)
east = Not (west)
End If
'' check for very narrow angles as these are probably not compound gestures
If ((north Or south) And (east Or west)) Then
If (Abs(xDiff) > Abs(yDiff)) Then
If ((Abs(xDiff) / (Abs(yDiff) * 1#)) > 7) Then
Debug.Print "Cancelling north/south contribution"
north = False
south = False
End If
If ((Abs(yDiff) / (Abs(xDiff) * 1#)) > 7) Then
Debug.Print "Cancelling east/west contribution"
east = False
west = False
End If
End If
End If
m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.NoGesture
If (north Or south) Then
If (east Or west) Then
' compound gesture
m_recordedGesture = interpretCompoundGesture(first, last, north,
south, east, west)
' vertical gesture:
If (north) Then
m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.NorthGesture
m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.SouthGesture
End If
End If
ElseIf (east Or west) Then
' horizontal gesture
If (east) Then
m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.EastGesture
m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.WestGesture
End If
End If
If Not (m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.NoGesture) Then
If Not ((GestureTypes And m_recordedGesture) = 0) Then
Dim bAccept As Boolean
RaiseEvent MouseGesture(m_recordedGesture, first.x, first.y, last.x,
last.y, bAccept)
retValue = bAccept
End If
End If
EndMouseGesture = retValue
End Function
Private Function interpretCompoundGesture( _
first As POINTAPI, last As POINTAPI, _
ByVal north As Boolean, ByVal south As Boolean, ByVal east As Boolean,
ByVal west As Boolean _
) As MouseGestureTypes
Dim retValue As MouseGestureTypes
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.NoGesture
' draw a diagonal line between start & end
' and determine if most points are y above
' the line or not:
Dim pointAbove As Long
pointAbove = 0
Dim pointBelow As Long
pointBelow = 0
Dim i As Long
Dim point As POINTAPI
For i = 1 To m_gestureCount
LSet point = m_gesture(i)
Dim diagY As Long
diagY = ((point.x - first.x) * (first.y - last.y)) / (first.x - last.x) +
If (point.y > diagY) Then
pointAbove = pointAbove + 1
pointBelow = pointBelow + 1
End If
Next i
If (north) Then
If (east) Then
If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.EastThenNorthGesture
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.NorthThenEastGesture
End If
If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.WestThenNorthGesture
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.NorthThenWestGesture
End If
End If
ElseIf (south) Then
If (east) Then
If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.SouthThenEastGesture
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.EastThenSouthGesture
End If
If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.SouthThenWestGesture
retValue = MouseGestureTypes.WestThenSouthGesture
End If
End If
End If
interpretCompoundGesture = retValue
End Function