Enabling Mouse Gestures with a WH_MOUSE hook

Enhancing usability in mouse-driven applications

Mouse Gestures Demonstration Application

Use of mouse gestures to control application is becoming increasingly common in the more sophisticated web browsers. This sample demonstrates how you can support a range of mouse gestures in a Visual Basic application using a Windows Hook.

About Mouse Gestures

Most Mac users would agree - having a right mouse button is a great thing. But you'll notice it doesn't get to do that much in Windows applications except popping up a context menu when its released. The idea of mouse gestures gives the button something more to do whilst its held down. The idea is that if you want a popup menu, you're unlikely to move the mouse significantly until you release the button. If you do, then the movement is a candidate to be interpreted as a "gesture".

In theory, you could have an unlimited number of gestures of arbitrary complexity, for example, recognising when someone draws out a picture of an octopus rather than a squid with the mouse. However, in practice gestures are most useful there aren't very many of them and they're nice and simple. The figure below shows some of the sort of gestures users find easy to get used to and aren't too challenging to recognise:

Simple Mouse Gestures

Simple Mouse Gestures

Even this set of gestures is more than you would normally want to support in a single application, as it is easy to forget how to draw a North then East gesture as opposed to East then North, unless you one of the alpha-males with the type of spacial intelligence all males of the species are supposedly automatically inbued with but somehow I never got. Typically, you might want to support the four main directions (left and right can represent back and next, whilst up and down can be used for closing and opening windows) and one or two of the compound gestures.

Technically Speaking

As with Mouse XButtons, you normally want to be able to detect when a gesture occurs anywhere in your application, not just when the mouse is over a particular control. Visual Basic and Windows conspire to make this kind of task fairly tricky as mouse messages are directed specifically to the object the mouse is over. There are two way ways of fixing this, but one (intercepting the application message loop) is all but impossible in VB. The other way is to use a Windows Hook to solve the problem.

These Hooks Are Dangerous

The requirements for a mouse gesture recogniser are twofold. Firstly, you need to be able to detect where the mouse moves when the right mouse button is down, regardless of which control in the application that the mouse is over. Secondly, you need to be able to consume the mouse up event that follows when a gesture is recognised, otherwise the default processing may well be invoked (typically displaying the context menu for the item that the mouse was over when the right button was released). There are three hooks which could be considered for doing this: WH_CALLWNDPROC, WH_MSGFILTER and WH_MOUSE. Unfortunately all have problems. Whilst WH_MSGFILTER appears to be the best choice (it is intended to provide you with the Message before it is send to the Message Loop) unfortunately attempting to consume a message during this Hook doesn't work in VB, which means the FILTER portion of the name is something of a barefaced lie. WH_CALLWNDPROC can be used, but is extremely unstable under VB, for reasons yet to be determined. Whilst this Hook can be used to detect the creation of Windows and install a subclass, beyond that it typically crashes the IDE or any EXE shortly afterwards. That leaves WH_MOUSE.

Don't Ask Me, I Just Work Here

Now WH_MOUSE is a bit rubbish. It provides all mouse events, provided your mouse has no buttons, or you never press them. This means you need to start doing some unexpected stuff if you want to use it to to do gesture recognition. Luckily, the Windows API includes a method to get the state of a key at any time, and the keys include the buttons on the mouse. By using GetAsyncKeyState you can detect if the right mouse is pressed at the time of the call. That solves the problem of determining if the hook should be checking for a mouse gesture, but leaves the issue of ensuring the mouse up event is consumed when the gesture is recognised. My solution to this is a shameless hack - consume the next ten mouse events after you've detected that the mouse gesture has occurred and the mouse is released. It may be shameless, but it works well, so I'm going to leave it at that.

Some Code

With these thoughts in mind the code isn't too hard to put together with the Hook library. Firstly, you install the Hook and then you start checking all mouse events to see if the right button state changes. If it does, then start tracking the mouse position. Once the mouse is released, check the points that you tracked and see if the mouse moved far enough to equate to a gesture; if it did, set a flag to consume the next ten mouse messages and raise an event indicating which event occurred. Here's the main Hook implementation:

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" ( _
   ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer

Private Const WM_ACTIVATE As Long = &H6
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN As Long = &H204
Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE As Long = &H200
Private Const WM_RBUTTONUP As Long = &H205

''' Array of mouse points recorded during gesture.
Private m_gesture() As POINTAPI
Private m_gestureCount As Long

''' Whether mouse gesture checking is attached or not
Private m_bAttached As Boolean
''' Whether right mouse button down on last hook event or not
Private m_bRightDown As Boolean
Private m_iCancelRightUpHack As Long

Implements IWindowsHook

Public Sub Attach()
   If Not (m_bAttached) Then
      InstallHook Me, WH_MOUSE
      m_bAttached = True
   End If
End Sub
Public Sub Detach()
   If (m_bAttached) Then
      RemoveHook Me, WH_MOUSE
      m_bAttached = False
   End If
End Sub

Private Function IWindowsHook_HookProc( _
    ByVal eType As vbalWinHook.EHTHookTypeConstants, _
    ByVal nCode As Long, _
    ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, _
    bConsume As Boolean) As Long
   Dim ret As Boolean
   Dim bRightDown As Boolean
   Dim iMsg As Long
   bRightDown = Not (GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyRButton) = 0)
   If (bRightDown) Then
      If Not (m_bRightDown) Then
         m_bRightDown = True
         iMsg = WM_RBUTTONDOWN
         iMsg = WM_MOUSEMOVE
      End If
   ElseIf (m_bRightDown) Then
      m_bRightDown = False
      m_iCancelRightUpHack = 0       ' apologies
      iMsg = WM_RBUTTONUP
      ' eat next 10 mouse moves after right up
      If (m_iCancelRightUpHack < 10) Then
         m_iCancelRightUpHack = m_iCancelRightUpHack + 1
         ret = True
      End If
   End If
   If Not (ret) Then
      ret = PreFilterMessage(iMsg)
   End If
   If (ret) Then
      bConsume = True
      IWindowsHook_HookProc = 0
   End If
End Function

The PreFilterMessage routine does the work of actually detectingthe gestures and interpreting which gesture has been made. The main elements of work are to track all the points that the mouse moves to during gesture capture and then to use that to determine which gesture was performed. Note also that although the mouse up event is consumed by the application when the gesture is recognised, this leaves the system in a state where it believes the right mouse button is still down. To prevent this occurring, but to keep the default mouse up processing from happening, I post a right mouse up to the window at a point that is guaranteed to be offscreen. The steps in capturing mouse movement and posting the mouse up are shown below:

Private Type POINTAPI
   x As Long
   y As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" _
   (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
   ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" ( _
   lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

''' Array of mouse points recorded during gesture.
Private m_gesture() As POINTAPI
Private m_gestureCount As Long

Private Function PreFilterMessage( _
      ByVal iMsg As Long _
   ) As Boolean
   Dim retValue As Boolean

   If (m_gestureTypes > 0) Then
      If (m_checkingGesture) Then
         If (iMsg = WM_MOUSEMOVE) Then
         ElseIf (iMsg = WM_RBUTTONUP) Then
            retValue = EndMouseGesture()
            If (retValue) Then
               ' Windows will skip the next mouse down if we consume
               ' a mouse up.  m cannot be modified, despite being byref,
               ' so post a new one to a location which is offscreen:
               Dim offScreen As Long
               offScreen = &H7FFF7FFF
               PostMessage GetActiveWindow(), WM_RBUTTONUP, 0, offScreen
            End If
         ElseIf (iMsg = WM_ACTIVATE) Then
            m_checkingGesture = False
         End If

      ElseIf (iMsg = WM_RBUTTONDOWN) Then
      End If
   End If

   PreFilterMessage = retValue
End Function

Private Sub BeginMouseGesture()
   m_gestureCount = 1
   ReDim m_gesture(1 To m_gestureCount) As POINTAPI
   GetCursorPos tP
   LSet m_gesture(m_gestureCount) = tP
   m_checkingGesture = True
End Sub

Private Sub AddToMouseGesture()
   m_gestureCount = m_gestureCount + 1
   ReDim Preserve m_gesture(1 To m_gestureCount) As POINTAPI
   GetCursorPos tP
   LSet m_gesture(m_gestureCount) = tP
End Sub

The last step is to determine which mouse gesture was performed. The code does this by detecting how far the mouse moved horizontally and vertically, then checking whether most of the travel occurred vertically or horizontally during that motion:

''' The default absolute number of pixels the mouse must travel
''' in any direction for the gesture to be acknowledged.
Private Const DEFAULT_HYSTERESIS_PIXELS As Integer = 8

Private Function EndMouseGesture() As Boolean

    m_checkingGesture = False

    Dim retValue As Boolean

    '' add the end point:

    '' get start and end:
    Dim first As POINTAPI
    LSet first = m_gesture(1)
    Dim last As POINTAPI
    LSet last = m_gesture(m_gestureCount)

    '' check which directions we register a change in:
    Dim xDiff As Long
    xDiff = first.x - last.x
    Dim yDiff As Integer
    yDiff = first.y - last.y

    Dim north As Boolean
    Dim south As Boolean
    Dim east As Boolean
    Dim west As Boolean

        north = (yDiff > 0)
        south = Not (north)
    End If
        west = (xDiff > 0)
        east = Not (west)
    End If

    '' check for very narrow angles as these are probably 
    '' not compound gestures
    If ((north Or south) And (east Or west)) Then
        If (Abs(xDiff) > Abs(yDiff)) Then
            If ((Abs(xDiff) / (Abs(yDiff) * 1#)) > 7) Then
               Debug.Print "Cancelling north/south contribution"
                north = False
                south = False
            End If
            If ((Abs(yDiff) / (Abs(xDiff) * 1#)) > 7) Then
               Debug.Print "Cancelling east/west contribution"
                east = False
                west = False
            End If
        End If
    End If

    m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.NoGesture

    If (north Or south) Then
        If (east Or west) Then
            ' compound gesture
            m_recordedGesture = interpretCompoundGesture( _
               first, last, north, south, east, west)
            ' vertical gesture:
            If (north) Then
                m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.NorthGesture
                m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.SouthGesture
            End If
        End If
    ElseIf (east Or west) Then
        ' horizontal gesture
        If (east) Then
            m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.EastGesture
            m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.WestGesture
        End If
    End If

    If Not (m_recordedGesture = MouseGestureTypes.NoGesture) Then
        If Not ((GestureTypes And m_recordedGesture) = 0) Then
         Dim bAccept As Boolean
         RaiseEvent MouseGesture( _
            m_recordedGesture, first.x, first.y, _
            last.x, last.y, bAccept)
         retValue = bAccept
      End If
    End If

    EndMouseGesture = retValue
End Function

Private Function interpretCompoundGesture( _
    first As POINTAPI, last As POINTAPI, _
    ByVal north As Boolean, ByVal south As Boolean, _
    ByVal east As Boolean, ByVal west As Boolean _
    ) As MouseGestureTypes

   Dim retValue As MouseGestureTypes
   retValue = MouseGestureTypes.NoGesture

   ' draw a diagonal line between start & end
   ' and determine if most points are y above
   ' the line or not:
   Dim pointAbove As Long
   pointAbove = 0
   Dim pointBelow As Long
   pointBelow = 0
   Dim i As Long
   Dim point As POINTAPI
   For i = 1 To m_gestureCount
      LSet point = m_gesture(i)
      Dim diagY As Long
      diagY = ((point.x - first.x) * (first.y - last.y)) / _
         (first.x - last.x) + first.y
      If (point.y > diagY) Then
         pointAbove = pointAbove + 1
         pointBelow = pointBelow + 1
      End If
   Next i

    If (north) Then
        If (east) Then
            If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.EastThenNorthGesture
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.NorthThenEastGesture
            End If
            If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.WestThenNorthGesture
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.NorthThenWestGesture
            End If
        End If
    ElseIf (south) Then
        If (east) Then
            If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.SouthThenEastGesture
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.EastThenSouthGesture
            End If
            If (pointAbove > pointBelow) Then
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.SouthThenWestGesture
                retValue = MouseGestureTypes.WestThenSouthGesture
            End If
        End If
    End If

   interpretCompoundGesture = retValue

End Function

This code typically generates the correct results. A better alternative to the deterministic algorithms shown above would be to use Fuzzy Logic to determine which gesture was the most likely. This is the subject of a future article, in the meantime information about implementing Fuzzy Logic please go to CodeProject and search on the author "pseudonym67".

In Use

The logic described above is wrapped up into a class called cMouseGestures. To use the class, first add a reference to the vbAccelerator Windows Hooks DLL, then create a withevents instance of the class:

Private WithEvents mouseGestures As cMouseGestures

Private Sub Form_Load()
   Set mouseGestures = New cMouseGestures
End Sub

Private Sub mouseGestures_MouseGesture( _
   ByVal gestureType As MouseGestureTypes, _
   ByVal xGestureStart As Long, ByVal yGestureStart As Long, _
   ByVal xGestureEnd As Long, ByVal yGestureEnd As Long, _
   acceptGesture As Boolean)

   ' Process the gesture here...

   ' Return True if you've processed it:
   acceptGesture = True

End Sub

By default, the class recognises all mouse gestures. You can adjust which mouse gestures events are raised for by setting the GestureTypes property. This property accepts a bitwise combination of the different gestures that should be recognised from the MouseGestureTypes enumeration.

One thing to note that once the class is installed, it will respond to events over any form in your application. This includes forms that have been shown modally, as well as API dialogs and MessageBoxes, so you need to take care to ensure that these events will not cause problems if they occur at that time. You can solve these problems by disabling the class using Detach or telling the class that it should respond to no gestures by setting the GestureTypes property to NoGesture.


This article presents a class you can use to add Mouse Gestures to a VB application. It allows you to respond to the gestures in a natural way over any form or control and, as the code is provided you can customise the gestures to suit a particular application.