VB has never provided direct support for the Find/Replace common
dialogs. This may have been because these dialogs are non-modal, and
it is more difficult to use these from an ActiveX control container,
or that it is fairly simple to knock up your own Find/Replace form
in VB without bothering with the ones provided by Windows.
In any case, this sample provides a simple class and a module
which enable you to use the dialogs direct from VB, although
there is problem with Tab key handling in the dialogs.
Last Updated: 20 June 2003
Common Dialog/Direct is a new DLL or class library which shows how to completely replace
COMDLG32.OCX through Visual Basic code. The main advantage of this is you no longer need
to put a control on a form to use common dialogs - just declare an instance of the class and
you have a straight replacement. You can also incorporate the Common Dialog/Direct code
straight into your own project if you want to reduce dependency files when you
ship your project.
Last Updated: 20 June 2003
This sample, from Cayce Cochran (cayce@fastlane.net),
demonstrates how to use a dialog template with a File Open or Save CommonDialog.
It takes advantage of the CommonDialog/Direct DLL component which now (versions dated
1 November 1999 and higher) includes the relevant support for templates.
Last Updated: 19 December 2002
This sample, completely rewritten from an original sample at this site by
Mark Grimes (kapag@tir.com), demonstrates how to
create a full VB-style Open project dialog by taking advantage of the Hook support provided
in the CommonDialog/Direct DLL component.
Last Updated: 19 December 2002
The Folder Browse Dialog is the missing dialog in VB - it can't be called from a run-time function
and it is missing from the Common Dialog OCX as well. Whilst a number of code samples demonstrate
that calling this dialog is simple, many ignore the most important feature: the ability to initialise the
folder browse dialog to the user's previously selected folder or to some default.
This librbary also offers the ability to capture the Browse for Folder dialog into your own VB form
and respond to browse events such as folder change.
Last Updated: 16 December 2002
The Common Dialog/Direct component provides you with a more functional version
of the Common Dialog control which also means you no longer need a form to
create Common Dialogs. These samples show how you can go one further with
your app and remove the need to ship any DLLs at all!
Last Updated: 21 March 2000