Two code only solutions for displaying Common/Dialogs
Reuse the CommonDialog/Direct code directly in your application and ditch dependencies
The Common Dialog/Direct component provides you with a more functional version
of the Common Dialog control which also means you no longer need a form to
create Common Dialogs. These samples show how you can go one further with
your app and remove the need to ship any DLLs at all!
The Harder They Come
There are two ways to do this: the "minimum code" way and the
"full compatibility" version. The minimum code solution means you just
need one class in your application: you loose the ability to use
Hooks to centre and customise dialogs and you get a simplified interface to work with.
The full compatibility version, on the other hand, means you need to add three classes
and one module to your application, but it provides 100% of the functions provided by
the CommonDialog/Direct DLL.
I'll cover these in turn.
The Minimum Code Way
In this version code is combined from various parts of the CommonDialog/Direct DLL
and the support for Hooks and Templates removed. The result is a single class
cCommonDialog.bas which offers the following functions:
- VBGetOpenFileName
- VBGetSaveFileName
- VBChooseColor
- VBChooseFont
- VBPrintDlg
- VBPageSetupDlg
These functions are equivalent to the Show.. methods of the
Common Dialog but with all the properties supplied as parameters rather
than being individually set through properties.
The Minimum Code Single Exe Demonstration project demonstrates opening and saving
a document using this method.
The Full Compatibility Way
This method simply involves copying all the code from the CommonDialog/Direct
library into a project, and ignoring any error messages from VB ("Class xxx
cannot be public in this type of project, type changed to private"). The
Full Function Single Exe Demonstration above shows a sample which uses a hook to
centre a File Open Dialog box.