I am writing to inform you of a few bugs in your Commandbar control (it is looking very good, BTW; I can hardly wait to see the full version). It is exceedingly likely that you already know about these bugs (they are mostly minor), but here they are just in case:
1) The Alt key is not functioning properly: while it starts the menu loop correctly, pressing it during said loop should close the menus and end the loop. It closes the menus alright, but it restarts the menu loop.
2) The F10 key should behave like the Alt key re:menus.
3) If you click a menu, then click it again, the menu is shown again; instead, the menu should close. Same goes for other popups (like the color picker), although I think the underlying code is the same (haven't read it throughout yet).
4) In a menu, pressing a key which is not the accelerator key of any of the menu items should produce a beep. This is only valid when menus are displayed or when Alt+key combinations are pressed; pressing Alt to enter the menu loop, and then pressing a random non-accelerator key should simply end the menu loop as if Alt had been pressed again.