If you haven't tried CVS as a version control system then I'd highly recommend it. It supports
pretty much anything you'd ever want to do in branching and tagging, it offers wonderful performance
over high-latency connections, non-exclusive checkouts, cross-platform support and best of all completely
free... This is the page to download the highly regarded NT version.
Last Updated: 4 March 2003
ConTEXT is a small, fast, powerful and freeware text editor for
software developers. It has an extensible colour coding model and
(from my testing so far) works like a dream! Great for IDL editing
and the occasional forray into Assembler too.
Last Updated: 4 March 2003
Another very powerful free development editor, this one is open source and written in C++.
Last Updated: 4 March 2003
Taking a hamster ball and converting it into an object of "such high
luminous output that it requires sunglasses to view directly" kind of
appealed for some reason. More realistically, the PIC16C54-based LED Colour
Changer Lamps actually look rather good. I'll hoping soon to find out how
many of the aforementioned PIC16C54s I can destroy with my soldering skills...
Last Updated: 14 January 2003
"Biting the Hand that Feeds IT"... Another great example of how
to report tech news in the UK. For example UK school plans
retinal scans in the dinner queue correctly points out that this may
be somewhat unnecessary...
Last Updated: 14 January 2003
If you've ever done any research into Image Processing the same picture keeps
on coming up as a sample - where did it come from and why is it always used
for this purpose? Read here for more, and thanks to Dr. William K Pratt for
doing the scan originally and storing it on a 1600BPI 9-track tape.
Last Updated: 14 January 2003
One of Viz's finest moments; a comprehensive dictionary of amusing euphemisms and
definitions for sexual organs, sexual activities and bodily functions. An excellent
source of material to sneakily inject into your documents and presentations, for
example, try Crowd Pleaser.
Last Updated: 14 January 2003
Not content with winning the 2002 Ig Nobel Prize
in Chemistry for building this fantastically useful furniture object, the author
goes on to describe what happens when you add a huge
chunk of sodium to a lake. I had gone off chemistry for a while until I read
this again.
Last Updated: 14 January 2003
Consistently excellent sarcastic UK tech update newsletter, providing a minimal
100% text view onto amusing websites and the many dopey website failures (how not to update your dates). Also a strong political line
particularly against fools tampering with privacy and censorship on the internet.
Last Updated: 14 January 2003
I keep promising to take a proper look at this. But in the meantime you will
find a nice scriptable installer, VB code to help with writing WinAmp plugins
and some real fun around visualisations and skinning.
Last Updated: 14 January 2003