Fans of NUnit should find this a useful
package. Unit tests are typically easy to write until you start testing
the bowels of a more complex system, where an object depends on many other
collaborators or services to perform its task. Providing a non-mutating
version of these related objects can be quickly become a tiresome task, which is
where EasyMock comes in.
Provided the objects to mock out under test implement an Interface (and
they should, right?) EasyMock auto-generates an implementation which can assert
the number of times methods are called, provide specified return values,
check the order of method calls and simulate exceptions.
Last Updated: 25 April 2004
A short site including some interesting downloads
with source code including nice utilities for examining assemblies, creating
ResX packages, working with matrices and a some controls. The .NET Reflector
is an particularly useful tool which I would recommend to anyone using .NET.
Last Updated: 23 January 2004
Juval Lowy's .NET consulting/training site has a number of good articles to read
through. There's also the IDesign C# coding standards guide that looks pretty good
to me. One bitch though: if
you want to suggest a coding standard then it would be nice to know
the reason for it. Just knowing the answer, even if it's right, isn't always
helpful. But then again, I hadn't published my coding standards standards
guide until now...
Last Updated: 23 January 2004
Includes .NET code articles and some very high quality controls for docking and command
bar support, which are free to use for non-commercial projects; although unfortunately source code
for the controls is not available. Articles about designers, collections and scripting
make good reading though.
Last Updated: 23 January 2004
Excellent .NET site published by Stephane Rodriguez with (startlingly) a good blog too.
Code covers C#, C++, XML and some very interesting IE samples. There is also a nice
diff tool with HTML output
available which I've found to be pretty useful.
Last Updated: 23 January 2004
Useful MSDN article mapping the Win32 API to the .NET Framework API. Functions are
categorised alphabetically and in groups and the list is pretty comprehensive. Sadly
no sample code though; and some of the mappings whilst apparently correct don't mention
the hoops you need to jump through to achieve the same functionality.
Last Updated: 23 January 2004
Like CodeProject, this is a submission-based site and has some high quality publishers
so therefore some worthwhile articles. I particularly enjoyed some of the code in
the Algorithms
and GDI+ and Graphics sections; look out
particularly for articles from Mike Gold.
Last Updated: 7 November 2003
Nice open source IDE for MSDE and SQL Server providing similar functionality
to Microsoft's venerable Isql/w with the addition of a Tree browser for the
database objects and a nicer looking UI. Developed in C#, it reuses the
SharpDevelop editor, so you get syntax highlighting and auto-complete, and DotNetMagic for menus and docking
bars, so you get a VS.NET style interface (and a few bugs too :).
Last Updated: 27 September 2003
Must download tool - similar to Java CheckStyle but more useful.
Checks compiled assemblies for some coding style elements (such as use of
CamelCase and method and field capitalisation), common OO errors (like default
constructors in Abstract classes) and Framework errors and omissions (such as failing to
declare Permissions and other attribute related errors). Very instructive - I
learnt at least ten things the first time I used it.
As a side note, I'm not sure how people do it but this
application has an icon that displays poorly at every single
possible size and colour depth in Windows. Not bad going, but
isn't the first...
Last Updated: 27 September 2003
SVG is an extremely good idea. Imagine being able to create graphs
on a server of any platform and represent them using a reasonably sized
easily readable SVG file. Then deliver them to any browser anywhere and have
them render beautifully at any scale or DPI setting?
Sadly that isn't quite the reality, since you need to download the nasty Adobe
plugin to view SVG in the browser (anyone want to check if there's
a new version of the plugin available before showing a single image?
I didn't think so) and of course most XML formats are hardly reasonably sized.
But as bandwidth gets cheaper at least we're getting closer to being able to generate the
SVG in the first place with packages like this great SVG rendering implementation in C# - whilst
not complete it includes a fairly comprehensive implementation of the SVG 1.0 DOM and
worked well in my admittedly trivial initial tests.
Last Updated: 8 June 2003