Sharp Vector Graphics (.NET SVG Processor)

SVG is an extremely good idea. Imagine being able to create graphs on a server of any platform and represent them using a reasonably sized easily readable SVG file. Then deliver them to any browser anywhere and have them render beautifully at any scale or DPI setting?

Sadly that isn't quite the reality, since you need to download the nasty Adobe plugin to view SVG in the browser (anyone want to check if there's a new version of the plugin available before showing a single image? I didn't think so) and of course most XML formats are hardly reasonably sized. But as bandwidth gets cheaper at least we're getting closer to being able to generate the SVG in the first place with packages like this great SVG rendering implementation in C# - whilst not complete it includes a fairly comprehensive implementation of the SVG 1.0 DOM and worked well in my admittedly trivial initial tests.
