Very handy tool which generates exactly the right amount of that dummy-text
phrase beginning "Lorem Ipsum.." which appears widely in professional
design and printing mock-ups. Includes some research into the origins of the
phrase - interestingly Cicero, the original author of the text, seems to have
stumbled upon exactly why vbAccelerator itself exists:
"Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to
obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally
circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure."
Last Updated: 7 June 2003
Interesting open-source peer-to-peer file transfer protocol which looks as if
it should work more efficiently than things like Kazaa as it includes a
centralised server for routing requests. Any .NET code to work with it? I'd
be intrigued to take a look.
Last Updated: 7 June 2003
Need a light? Forget all that overclocking nonsense, here's something really
useful for your PC - a lighter which fits into a spare PC drive bay. Curiously
no ashtray provided though with it though. Besides, having just stopped smoking again
and just looking at this lighter is causing me problems... Patches! Food! Drink!
Last Updated: 11 May 2003
I'm sure this was done as a bet, but it really does appear someone is proposing this
bizarre product which allows you to "search the Internet whilst sitting
on the toilet and print out any pages you are interested in
on your toilet roll". So if you really don't like a site...
Last Updated: 10 May 2003
"The low-fat, high-bandwidth solution to your networked cooking needs is finally here".
Excellent idea, although the fact it appears under a URL containing "looflirpa"
may give you some idea why no-one has yet sent in an action shot of the item.
If I had one of these though, all I would need next is a micro-brewery inside my PC.
Perhaps it could have a perspex side panel and blue glow lamps? Does anyone know where to
get one? I think if you had a GeForce FX card you could probably heat the hops to the right
temperature with it and you'd end up with a silent cooling system too!
Last Updated: 10 May 2003
Not a long or in-depth article by any means, but it is great to see how easy it is to
set up a thread pool in the .NET Framework. Two short pages showing how to create a
pool and run multiple requests: apparently the most threads you should run per CPU
is approximately 25 before things start getting inefficient - why 25?
Last Updated: 10 May 2003
This excellent article describes how the places bar on the left-hand side of the
File Common Dialogs is populated and then demonstrates how to use the little-known
Windows RegOverridePredefKey API function to allow you to customise it
on a per-application basis. Code is provided for C# but doesn't look difficult
to adapt to VB or VB.NET.
Last Updated: 22 April 2003
Provides the source code for a C# application, RSS Bandit (bandit??), which
retrieves and displays news feeds using the RSS and OPML syndication formats.
Reading to the end of the article its clear the
author still intends to do quite a bit of work on it, but its a nice application
which makes good use of the .NET Framework XML features.
Last Updated: 22 April 2003
An excellent code sample at Planet Source Code from Vlad Vissoultchev that expands upon the techniques
provided in Paul Caton's Subclassing and Hooking with Machine code thunks code and uses it to provide a full Office XP-style menu
system for all OS versions. Also includes right-to-left support and has undergone
a number of updates and bug-fixes to prevent crashes.
Last Updated: 13 April 2003
The ImageList handle (hImageList) provided by the VB6 Microsoft Common Controls (MSCOMCTL.OCX) ImageList
for some reason is not usable with any ComCtl32.DLL API
calls under XP. This KB suggests that there is a fix for the problem, although
currently it can only be obtained if you raise a support request with Microsoft,
and there are limitations to further distribution of the updated version of the
Last Updated: 13 April 2003