KB 811415 - FIX When You Use SendMessage with TB_GETIMAGELIST to Get an ImageList Handle on Windows XP, You Do Not Get the Correct ImageList

Click for KB 811415 - FIX When You Use SendMessage with TB_GETIMAGELIST to Get an ImageList Handle on Windows XP, You Do Not Get the Correct ImageList<p /><p>
The ImageList handle (hImageList) provided by the VB6 Microsoft Common Controls (MSCOMCTL.OCX) ImageList 
for some reason is not usable with any ComCtl32.DLL API
calls under XP.  This KB suggests that there is a fix for the problem, although
currently it can only be obtained if you raise a support request with Microsoft,
and there are limitations to further distribution of the updated version of the
</p><h2>Link</h2><a href=http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B811415