Updated! 25 August 1999
Added the VB6 compile of the Header control, courtesy of Ed Haswell.
Updated! 2 January 1999
There were a few bugs in the control identified whilst developing on the
S-Grid control and some new features have been added.
Attempt to set ColumnImage to -1 (no icon) or an index not in the ImageList caused a GPF.
AddColumn method set image to the first image in the ImageList when no Image specified.
ColumnHeader property set to "" caused no change or a corrupt string to appear in the header and ColumnHeader property.
RemoveColumn for column other than the last one caused the ColumnTags to be incorrect.
Control no longer raises ColumnEndDrag event with invalid order (-1) when the user cancels column dragging
Added method for getting and setting column order (ColumnIndex).
Added method for getting and setting column alignment (ColumnTextAlign).
Added method for getting and setting image alignment left/right (ColumnImageOnRight).
Previous version re-created the control from scratch when setting styles, this was not necessary. Now just the style is changed for a smoother display.
Source Code Note
This OCX is a binary compatible component which works with all other samples.
If you compile your own copy of this OCX yourself please make sure you change
the name. See disclaimer and license for more details.
Before you Begin
These projects require the SSubTmr component. Make sure you have loaded and registered this before trying any project.