vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cCustomClipboard.cls

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "cCustomClipboard"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

' =================================================================
' File:     cCustomClipboard
' Author:   SP McMahon 9 March 1998
' Requires: Self contained
' Version:  2.0
' Allows complete access to the clipboard.
'   1) Define custom clipboard formats
'   2) Read binary or text data from formats other
'      than those provided with VB as well as the VB
'      ones.
'   3) Enumerate types of data on the clipboard.
' Note when Copying to the Clipboard, using this class, you
' muse follow this order:
'   ' Get access to the clipboard:
'   .ClipboardOpen Me.hWnd
'       ' Become the clipboard owner:
'       .ClearClipboard
'       ' Do copying in all formats here:
'   ' Give clipboard control over allocated memory:
'   .ClipboardClose
' If you do not follow this order, GPF may result, particularly
' under NT4.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' vbAccelerator - free, advanced source code for VB programmers.
'     http://vbaccelerator.com
' =================================================================

' Clipboard functions:
Private Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" _
    () As Long
Private Declare Function GetClipboardData Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetClipboardData Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetClipboardFormatName Lib "user32" Alias
 "GetClipboardFormatNameA" _
    (ByVal wFormat As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long)
     As Long
Private Declare Function GetClipboardOwner Lib "user32" _
    () As Long
Private Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" _
    () As Long
Private Declare Function RegisterClipboardFormat Lib "user32" Alias
 "RegisterClipboardFormatA" _
    (ByVal lpString As String) As Long
Private Declare Function EnumClipboardFormats Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable Lib "user32" _
    (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CountClipboardFormats Lib "user32" () As Long

' Members:
Private m_lID() As Long
Private m_sName() As String
Private m_iCount As Long
Private m_bClipboardIsOpen As Boolean
Private m_hWnd As Long

' * Predefined Clipboard Formats
' */
Public Enum EPredefinedClipboardFormatConstants
     CF_TEXT = 1
     CF_BITMAP = 2
     CF_SYLK = 4
     CF_DIF = 5
     CF_TIFF = 6
     CF_OEMTEXT = 7
     CF_DIB = 8
     CF_PALETTE = 9
     CF_PENDATA = 10
     CF_RIFF = 11
     CF_WAVE = 12
''#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
     CF_HDROP = 15
     CF_LOCALE = 16
     CF_MAX = 17
'#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
     CF_DSPTEXT = &H81
     CF_DSPBITMAP = &H82
' * "Private" formats don't get GlobalFree()'d
' */
' * "GDIOBJ" formats do get DeleteObject()'d
' */

End Enum

Public Enum ECustomClipboardErrorConstant
    eccErrorBase = vbObjectError + 1048 + 521
End Enum

Private Declare Function CopyMetaFile Lib "gdi32" Alias "CopyMetaFileA" (ByVal
 hMF As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function CopyEnhMetaFile Lib "gdi32" Alias "CopyEnhMetaFileA"
 (ByVal hemfSrc As Long, ByVal lpszFile As String) As Long
    mm As Long
    xExt As Long
    yExt As Long
    hMF As Long
End Type
    mtType As Integer       ' 2
    mtHeaderSize As Integer ' 4
    mtVersion As Integer    ' 6
    mtSize As Long          ' 10
    mtNoObjects As Integer  ' 12
    mtMaxRecord As Long     ' 16
    mtNoParameters As Integer ' 18
End Type

Public Function AddFormat( _
        ByVal sName As String _
    ) As Long
' Adds a custom clipboard format and returns its
' ID if successful, otherwise returns 0.
Dim wFormat As Long
    wFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(sName & Chr$(0))
    If (wFormat > &HC000&) Then
        AddFormat = wFormat
    End If
End Function
Property Get FormatCount() As Integer
' Returns the number of formats available on the
' clipboard:
    FormatCount = CountClipboardFormats()
End Property
Public Function GetCurrentFormats(ByVal hWndOwner As Long) As Long
' Enumerates all the names and IDs of items currently
' on the clipboard, and returns the number of items:
Dim lR As Long

    Erase m_lID
    Erase m_sName
    m_iCount = 0
    If (ClipboardOpen(hWndOwner)) Then
        lR = EnumClipboardFormats(0)
        If (lR <> 0) Then
                m_iCount = m_iCount + 1
                ReDim Preserve m_lID(1 To m_iCount) As Long
                ReDim Preserve m_sName(1 To m_iCount) As String
                m_lID(m_iCount) = lR
                m_sName(m_iCount) = FormatName(lR)
                lR = EnumClipboardFormats(m_lID(m_iCount))
            Loop While lR <> 0
        End If
    End If
    GetCurrentFormats = m_iCount
End Function
Public Property Get GetCurrentFormatID(ByVal lIndex As Long)
' Returns the clipboard format id obtained by GetCurrentFormats
' at 1 based position lIndex
    GetCurrentFormatID = m_lID(lIndex)
End Property
Public Property Get GetCurrentFormatName(ByVal lIndex As Long)
' Returns the clipboard format name obtained by GetCurrentFormats
' at 1 based position lIndex
    GetCurrentFormatName = m_sName(lIndex)
End Property
Public Property Get HasCurrentFormat(ByVal lFormatId As Long) As Boolean
Dim iFormat As Long
    For iFormat = 1 To m_iCount
        If (m_lID(iFormat) = lFormatId) Then
            HasCurrentFormat = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next iFormat
End Property
Public Property Get FormatName( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long _
    ) As String
' Returns the format name for a clipboard format id:
Dim lSize As Long
Dim sBuf As String
Dim lR As Long
    If (lFormatId >= 1 And lFormatId <= 17) Then
        ' For pre-defined formats, we have to make the text
        ' up ourselves:
        Select Case lFormatId
        Case CF_TEXT
            FormatName = "Text"
        Case CF_BITMAP
            FormatName = "Bitmap Picture"
            FormatName = "Meta-File Picture"
        Case CF_SYLK
            FormatName = "Microsoft Symbolic Link (SYLK) data."
        Case CF_DIF
            FormatName = "Software Arts' Data Interchange information."
        Case CF_TIFF = 6
            FormatName = "Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Picture"
        Case CF_OEMTEXT
            FormatName = "Text (OEM)"
        Case CF_DIB
            FormatName = "DIB Bitmap Picture"
        Case CF_PALETTE
            FormatName = "Colour Palette"
        Case CF_PENDATA
            FormatName = "Pen Data"
        Case CF_RIFF
            FormatName = "RIFF Audio data"
        Case CF_WAVE
            FormatName = "Wave File"
            FormatName = "Text (Unicode)"
            FormatName = "Enhanced Meta-File Picture"
''#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
         Case CF_HDROP
            FormatName = "File List"
        Case CF_LOCALE = 16
            FormatName = "Text Locale Identifier"
        End Select
        ' For custom formats, we can ask the Clipboard for
        ' the registered name:
        lSize = 255
        sBuf = String$(lSize, 0)
        lR = GetClipboardFormatName(lFormatId, sBuf, lSize)
        If (lR <> 0) Then
            FormatName = Left$(sBuf, lR)
        End If
    End If
End Property
Public Property Get FormatIDForName( _
        ByVal hWndOwner As Long, _
        ByVal sName As String _
    ) As Long
' Searches for the Name sName on the Clipboard, and returns the
' format ID for it (or 0 if the item cannot be found)
Dim i As Integer
Dim iIndex As Integer

    GetCurrentFormats hWndOwner
    For i = 1 To m_iCount
        If (sName = m_sName(i)) Then
            iIndex = i
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    FormatIDForName = i
End Property
Property Get IsDataAvailableForFormatName( _
        ByVal hWndOwner As Long, _
        ByVal sFormatName As String _
    ) As Boolean
' Returns whether data is available for a given format name:
Dim lID As Long
Dim lR As Long
    lID = FormatIDForName(hWndOwner, sFormatName)
    If (lID > 0) Then
        lR = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(lID)
        IsDataAvailableForFormatName = (lR <> 0)
    End If
End Property
Property Get IsDataAvailableForFormat( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long _
' Returns whether data is available for a given format id:
Dim lR As Long
    lR = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(lFormatId)
    IsDataAvailableForFormat = (lR <> 0)
End Property

Public Function GetBinaryData( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long, _
        ByRef bData() As Byte _
    ) As Boolean
' Returns a byte array containing binary data on the clipboard for
' format lFormatID:
Dim hMem As Long, lSize As Long, lPtr As Long
    ' Ensure the return array is clear:
    Erase bData
    hMem = GetClipboardMemoryHandle(lFormatId)
    ' If success:
    If (hMem <> 0) Then
        ' Get the size of this memory block:
        lSize = GlobalSize(hMem)
        ' Get a pointer to the memory:
        lPtr = GlobalLock(hMem)
        ' Resize the byte array to hold the data:
        ReDim bData(0 To lSize - 1) As Byte
        ' Copy from the pointer into the array:
        CopyMemory bData(0), ByVal lPtr, lSize
        ' Unlock the memory block:
        GlobalUnlock hMem
        ' Success:
        GetBinaryData = True
        ' Don't free the memory - it belongs to the clipboard.
    End If
End Function
Public Function GetClipboardMemoryHandle( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long _
    ) As Long
    If pbNotReady() Then Exit Function
    ' If the format id is there:
    If (IsDataAvailableForFormat(lFormatId)) Then
        ' Get the global memory handle to the clipboard data:
        GetClipboardMemoryHandle = GetClipboardData(lFormatId)
    End If
End Function
Public Function SetBinaryData( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long, _
        ByRef bData() As Byte _
    ) As Boolean
' Puts the binary data contained in bData() onto the clipboard under
' format lFormatID:
Dim lSize As Long
Dim lPtr As Long
Dim hMem As Long

    If pbNotReady() Then Exit Function
    ' Determine the size of the binary data to write:
    lSize = UBound(bData) - LBound(bData) + 1
    ' Generate global memory to hold this:
    hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, lSize)
    If (hMem <> 0) Then
        ' Get pointer to the memory block:
        lPtr = GlobalLock(hMem)
        ' Copy the data into the memory block:
        CopyMemory ByVal lPtr, bData(LBound(bData)), lSize
        ' Unlock the memory block.
        GlobalUnlock hMem
        ' Now set the clipboard data:
        If (SetClipboardData(lFormatId, hMem) <> 0) Then
            ' Success:
            SetBinaryData = True
        End If
    End If
    ' We don't free the memory because the clipboard takes
    ' care of that now.

End Function
Public Function SetClipboardMemoryHandle( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long, _
        ByVal hMem As Long _
    ) As Boolean
    SetClipboardMemoryHandle = (SetClipboardData(lFormatId, hMem) <> 0)
End Function
Public Function GetTextData( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long, _
        ByRef sTextOut As String _
    ) As Boolean
' Returns a string containing text on the clipboard for
' format lFormatID:
Dim lHwndCache As Long

    If (lFormatId = CF_TEXT) Or (lFormatId = CF_UNICODETEXT) Then
        ' Use VB method, temporarily we close the clipboard:
        If (m_bClipboardIsOpen) Then
            lHwndCache = m_hWnd
        End If
        sTextOut = Clipboard.GetText
        If (lHwndCache <> 0) Then
            ClipboardOpen lHwndCache
        End If
        GetTextData = True
        Dim bData() As Byte, sR As String
        If (GetBinaryData(lFormatId, bData())) Then
            sTextOut = StrConv(bData, vbUnicode)
            GetTextData = True
        End If
    End If
End Function
Public Function SetTextData( _
        ByVal lFormatId As Long, _
        ByVal sText As String _
    ) As Boolean
Dim bData() As Byte
Dim i As Long
' Sets the text in sText onto the clipboard under format
' lFormatID:
    If (Len(sText) > 0) Then
        ReDim bData(0 To Len(sText)) As Byte
        For i = 0 To Len(sText) - 1
            bData(i) = Asc(Mid$(sText, i + 1, 1))
        Next i
        SetTextData = SetBinaryData(lFormatId, bData())
    End If
End Function
Private Function pbNotReady() As Boolean
' Determines whether a call to Get or Set Data on the
' clipboard will work.
    If Not (m_bClipboardIsOpen) Or (m_hWnd = 0) Then
        Debug.Assert (1 = 0)
        Err.Raise eccClipboardNotOpen, App.EXEName & ".cCustomClipboard",
         "Attempt to access the clipboard when clipboard not Open."
        pbNotReady = True
    End If
End Function

Public Sub ClearClipboard()
' Clears all data in the clipboard, and also takes ownership
' of the clipboard.  This method will fail
' unless OpenClipboard has been called first.
    If (pbNotReady()) Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub ClipboardClose()
' Closes the clipboard if this class has it open:
    If (m_bClipboardIsOpen) Then
        m_bClipboardIsOpen = False
        m_hWnd = 0
    End If
End Sub
Public Function ClipboardOpen( _
        ByVal hWndOwner As Long _
    ) As Boolean
Dim lR As Long
' Opens the clipboard:
    lR = OpenClipboard(hWndOwner)
    If (lR > 0) Then
        m_hWnd = hWndOwner
        m_bClipboardIsOpen = True
        ClipboardOpen = True
        m_hWnd = 0
        m_bClipboardIsOpen = False
        Err.Raise eccCantOpenClipboard, App.EXEName & ".cCustomClipboard",
         "Unable to Open Clipboard."
    End If
End Function

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    ' We Shouldn't have the clipboard open here, but if it is,
    ' and you manage to get this far(!) the clipboard will be
    ' closed...

End Sub