vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: mFileOpenSave.bas

Attribute VB_Name = "mFileOpenSave"
Option Explicit

Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
    lStructSize As Long          ' Filled with UDT size
    hWndOwner As Long            ' Tied to Owner
    hInstance As Long            ' Ignored (used only by templates)
    lpstrFilter As String        ' Tied to Filter
    lpstrCustomFilter As String  ' Ignored (exercise for reader)
    nMaxCustFilter As Long       ' Ignored (exercise for reader)
    nFilterIndex As Long         ' Tied to FilterIndex
    lpstrFile As String          ' Tied to FileName
    nMaxFile As Long             ' Handled internally
    lpstrFileTitle As String     ' Tied to FileTitle
    nMaxFileTitle As Long        ' Handled internally
    lpstrInitialDir As String    ' Tied to InitDir
    lpstrTitle As String         ' Tied to DlgTitle
    flags As Long                ' Tied to Flags
    nFileOffset As Integer       ' Ignored (exercise for reader)
    nFileExtension As Integer    ' Ignored (exercise for reader)
    lpstrDefExt As String        ' Tied to DefaultExt
    lCustData As Long            ' Ignored (needed for hooks)
    lpfnHook As Long             ' Ignored (good luck with hooks)
    lpTemplateName As Long       ' Ignored (good luck with templates)
End Type

Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "COMDLG32" _
    Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (file As OPENFILENAME) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSaveFileName Lib "COMDLG32" _
    Alias "GetSaveFileNameA" (file As OPENFILENAME) As Long

Private Declare Function CommDlgExtendedError Lib "COMDLG32" () As Long
Private Declare Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal
 lpString As String) As Long

Private m_lApiReturn As Long
Private m_lExtendedError As Long
Public Enum EOpenFile
    OFN_EXPLORER = &H80000
    OFN_LONGNAMES = &H200000
End Enum

Private Const MAX_FILE = 260&

Public Function VBGetOpenFileName(Filename As String, _
                           Optional FileTitle As String, _
                           Optional FileMustExist As Boolean = True, _
                           Optional MultiSelect As Boolean = False, _
                           Optional ReadOnly As Boolean = False, _
                           Optional HideReadOnly As Boolean = False, _
                           Optional Filter As String = "All (*.*)| *.*", _
                           Optional FilterIndex As Long = 1, _
                           Optional InitDir As String, _
                           Optional DlgTitle As String, _
                           Optional DefaultExt As String, _
                           Optional Owner As Long = -1, _
                           Optional flags As Long = 0) As Boolean

Dim opfile As OPENFILENAME, s As String, afFlags As Long
Dim lMax As Long
   m_lApiReturn = 0
   m_lExtendedError = 0

   With opfile
       .lStructSize = Len(opfile)
       ' Add in specific flags and strip out non-VB flags
       .flags = (-FileMustExist * OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST) Or _
               (-MultiSelect * OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) Or _
                (-ReadOnly * OFN_READONLY) Or _
                (-HideReadOnly * OFN_HIDEREADONLY) Or _
                (flags And CLng(Not (OFN_ENABLEHOOK Or _
       ' Owner can take handle of owning window
       If Owner <> -1 Then .hWndOwner = Owner
       ' InitDir can take initial directory string
       .lpstrInitialDir = InitDir
       ' DefaultExt can take default extension
       .lpstrDefExt = DefaultExt
       ' DlgTitle can take dialog box title
       .lpstrTitle = DlgTitle
       ' To make Windows-style filter, replace | and : with nulls
       Dim ch As String, i As Integer
       For i = 1 To Len(Filter)
           ch = Mid$(Filter, i, 1)
           If ch = "|" Or ch = ":" Then
               s = s & vbNullChar
               s = s & ch
           End If
       ' Put double null at end
       s = s & vbNullChar & vbNullChar
       .lpstrFilter = s
       .nFilterIndex = FilterIndex
       ' Pad file and file title buffers to maximum path
       lMax = MAX_PATH
         lMax = 8192
       End If
       s = Filename & String$(lMax - Len(Filename), 0)
       .lpstrFile = s
       .nMaxFile = lMax
       s = FileTitle & String$(lMax - Len(FileTitle), 0)
       .lpstrFileTitle = s
       .nMaxFileTitle = lMax
       ' All other fields set to zero
       m_lApiReturn = GetOpenFileName(opfile)
       Select Case m_lApiReturn
       Case 1
           ' Success
           VBGetOpenFileName = True
               FileTitle = ""
               lMax = InStr(.lpstrFile, Chr$(0) & Chr$(0))
               If (lMax = 0) Then
                  Filename = StrZToStr(.lpstrFile)
                  Filename = Left$(.lpstrFile, lMax - 1)
               End If
               Filename = StrZToStr(.lpstrFile)
               FileTitle = StrZToStr(.lpstrFileTitle)
           End If
           flags = .flags
           ' Return the filter index
           FilterIndex = .nFilterIndex
           ' Look up the filter the user selected and return that
           Filter = FilterLookup(.lpstrFilter, FilterIndex)
           If (.flags And OFN_READONLY) Then ReadOnly = True
       Case 0
           ' Cancelled
           VBGetOpenFileName = False
           Filename = ""
           FileTitle = ""
           flags = 0
           FilterIndex = -1
           Filter = ""
       Case Else
           ' Extended error
           m_lExtendedError = CommDlgExtendedError()
           VBGetOpenFileName = False
           Filename = ""
           FileTitle = ""
           flags = 0
           FilterIndex = -1
           Filter = ""
       End Select
   End With
   End Function
Function VBGetSaveFileName(Filename As String, _
                              Optional FileTitle As String, _
                              Optional OverWritePrompt As Boolean = True, _
                              Optional Filter As String = "All (*.*)| *.*", _
                              Optional FilterIndex As Long = 1, _
                              Optional InitDir As String, _
                              Optional DlgTitle As String, _
                              Optional DefaultExt As String, _
                              Optional Owner As Long = -1, _
                              Optional flags As Long _
                           ) As Boolean
       Dim opfile As OPENFILENAME, s As String
       m_lApiReturn = 0
       m_lExtendedError = 0
   With opfile
       .lStructSize = Len(opfile)
       ' Add in specific flags and strip out non-VB flags
       .flags = (-OverWritePrompt * OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT) Or _
                OFN_HIDEREADONLY Or _
                (flags And CLng(Not (OFN_ENABLEHOOK Or _
       ' Owner can take handle of owning window
       If Owner <> -1 Then .hWndOwner = Owner
       ' InitDir can take initial directory string
       .lpstrInitialDir = InitDir
       ' DefaultExt can take default extension
       .lpstrDefExt = DefaultExt
       ' DlgTitle can take dialog box title
       .lpstrTitle = DlgTitle
       ' Make new filter with bars (|) replacing nulls and double null at end
       Dim ch As String, i As Integer
       For i = 1 To Len(Filter)
           ch = Mid$(Filter, i, 1)
           If ch = "|" Or ch = ":" Then
               s = s & vbNullChar
               s = s & ch
           End If
       ' Put double null at end
       s = s & vbNullChar & vbNullChar
       .lpstrFilter = s
       .nFilterIndex = FilterIndex
       ' Pad file and file title buffers to maximum path
       s = Filename & String$(MAX_PATH - Len(Filename), 0)
       .lpstrFile = s
       .nMaxFile = MAX_PATH
       s = FileTitle & String$(MAX_FILE - Len(FileTitle), 0)
       .lpstrFileTitle = s
       .nMaxFileTitle = MAX_FILE
       ' All other fields zero
       m_lApiReturn = GetSaveFileName(opfile)
       Select Case m_lApiReturn
       Case 1
           VBGetSaveFileName = True
           Filename = StrZToStr(.lpstrFile)
           FileTitle = StrZToStr(.lpstrFileTitle)
           flags = .flags
           ' Return the filter index
           FilterIndex = .nFilterIndex
           ' Look up the filter the user selected and return that
           Filter = FilterLookup(.lpstrFilter, FilterIndex)
       Case 0
           ' Cancelled:
           VBGetSaveFileName = False
           Filename = ""
           FileTitle = ""
           flags = 0
           FilterIndex = 0
           Filter = ""
       Case Else
           ' Extended error:
           VBGetSaveFileName = False
           m_lExtendedError = CommDlgExtendedError()
           Filename = ""
           FileTitle = ""
           flags = 0
           FilterIndex = 0
           Filter = ""
       End Select
   End With
End Function

Private Function StrZToStr(s As String) As String
    StrZToStr = Left$(s, lstrlen(s))
End Function

Private Function FilterLookup(ByVal sFilters As String, ByVal iCur As Long) As
    Dim iStart As Long, iEnd As Long, s As String
    iStart = 1
    If sFilters = "" Then Exit Function
        ' Cut out both parts marked by null character
        iEnd = InStr(iStart, sFilters, vbNullChar)
        If iEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
        iEnd = InStr(iEnd + 1, sFilters, vbNullChar)
        If iEnd Then
            s = Mid$(sFilters, iStart, iEnd - iStart)
            s = Mid$(sFilters, iStart)
        End If
        iStart = iEnd + 1
        If iCur = 1 Then
            FilterLookup = s
            Exit Function
        End If
        iCur = iCur - 1
    Loop While iCur
End Function