vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: mUnzip.bas
Attribute VB_Name = "mUnzip"
Option Explicit
' Name: mUnzip
' Author: Steve McMahon (steve@vbaccelerator.com)
' Date: 1 January 2000
' Requires: Info-ZIP's Unzip32.DLL v5.40, renamed to vbuzip10.dll
' cUnzip.cls
' Copyright 2000 Steve McMahon for vbAccelerator
' Visit vbAccelerator - advanced free source code for VB programmers
' http://vbaccelerator.com
' Part of the implementation of cUnzip.cls, a class which gives a
' simple interface to Info-ZIP's excellent, free unzipping library
' (Unzip32.DLL).
' This sample uses decompression code by the Info-ZIP group. The
' original Info-Zip sources are freely available from their website
' at
' http://www.cdrcom.com/pubs/infozip/
' Please ensure you visit the site and read their free source licensing
' information and requirements before using their code in your own
' application.
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
lpvDest As Any, lpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
' argv
Private Type UNZIPnames
s(0 To 1023) As String
End Type
' Callback large "string" (sic)
Private Type CBChar
ch(0 To 32800) As Byte
End Type
' Callback small "string" (sic)
Private Type CBCh
ch(0 To 255) As Byte
End Type
' DCL structure
Public Type DCLIST
ExtractOnlyNewer As Long ' 1 to extract only newer
SpaceToUnderScore As Long ' 1 to convert spaces to underscore
PromptToOverwrite As Long ' 1 if overwriting prompts required
fQuiet As Long ' 0 = all messages, 1 = few messages, 2 = no
ncflag As Long ' write to stdout if 1
ntflag As Long ' test zip file
nvflag As Long ' verbose listing
nUflag As Long ' "update" (extract only newer/new files)
nzflag As Long ' display zip file comment
ndflag As Long ' all args are files/dir to be extracted
noflag As Long ' 1 if always overwrite files
naflag As Long ' 1 to do end-of-line translation
nZIflag As Long ' 1 to get zip info
C_flag As Long ' 1 to be case insensitive
fPrivilege As Long ' zip file name
lpszZipFN As String ' directory to extract to.
lpszExtractDir As String
End Type
' Callbacks:
lptrPrnt As Long ' Pointer to application's print routine
lptrSound As Long ' Pointer to application's sound routine. NULL
if app doesn't use sound
lptrReplace As Long ' Pointer to application's replace routine.
lptrPassword As Long ' Pointer to application's password routine.
lptrMessage As Long ' Pointer to application's routine for
' displaying information about specific files in
the archive
' used for listing the contents of the archive.
lptrService As Long ' callback function designed to be used for
allowing the
' app to process Windows messages, or cancelling
the operation
' as well as giving option of progress. If this
function returns
' non-zero, it will terminate what it is doing.
It provides the app
' with the name of the archive member it has just
processed, as well
' as the original size.
' Values filled in after processing:
lTotalSizeComp As Long ' Value to be filled in for the compressed total
size, excluding
' the archive header and central directory list.
lTotalSize As Long ' Total size of all files in the archive
lCompFactor As Long ' Overall archive compression factor
lNumMembers As Long ' Total number of files in the archive
cchComment As Integer ' Flag indicating whether comment in archive.
End Type
major As Byte
minor As Byte
patchlevel As Byte
not_used As Byte
End Type
Public Type UZPVER
structlen As Long ' Length of structure
flag As Long ' 0 is beta, 1 uses zlib
betalevel As String * 10 ' e.g "g BETA"
date As String * 20 ' e.g. "4 Sep 95" (beta) or "4 September 1995"
zlib As String * 10 ' e.g. "1.0.5 or NULL"
End Type
Private Declare Function Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip Lib "vbuzip10.dll" _
(ByVal ifnc As Long, ByRef ifnv As UNZIPnames, _
ByVal xfnc As Long, ByRef xfnv As UNZIPnames, _
dcll As DCLIST, Userf As USERFUNCTION) As Long
Public Declare Sub UzpVersion2 Lib "vbuzip10.dll" (uzpv As UZPVER)
' Object for callbacks:
Private m_cUnzip As cUnzip
Private m_bCancel As Boolean
Private Function plAddressOf(ByVal lPtr As Long) As Long
' VB Bug workaround fn
plAddressOf = lPtr
End Function
Private Sub UnzipMessageCallBack( _
ByVal ucsize As Long, _
ByVal csiz As Long, _
ByVal cfactor As Integer, _
ByVal mo As Integer, _
ByVal dy As Integer, _
ByVal yr As Integer, _
ByVal hh As Integer, _
ByVal mm As Integer, _
ByVal c As Byte, _
ByRef fname As CBCh, _
ByRef meth As CBCh, _
ByVal crc As Long, _
ByVal fCrypt As Byte _
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sFolder As String
Dim dDate As Date
Dim sMethod As String
Dim iPos As Long
On Error Resume Next
' Add to unzip class:
With m_cUnzip
' Parse:
sFileName = StrConv(fname.ch, vbUnicode)
ParseFileFolder sFileName, sFolder
dDate = DateSerial(yr, mo, hh)
dDate = dDate + TimeSerial(hh, mm, 0)
sMethod = StrConv(meth.ch, vbUnicode)
iPos = InStr(sMethod, vbNullChar)
If (iPos > 1) Then
sMethod = Left$(sMethod, iPos - 1)
End If
Debug.Print fCrypt
.DirectoryListAddFile sFileName, sFolder, dDate, csiz, crc, ((fCrypt And
64) = 64), cfactor, sMethod
End With
End Sub
Private Function UnzipPrintCallback( _
ByRef fname As CBChar, _
ByVal x As Long _
) As Long
Dim iPos As Long
Dim sFIle As String
On Error Resume Next
' Check we've got a message:
If x > 1 And x < 32000 Then
' If so, then get the readable portion of it:
ReDim b(0 To x) As Byte
CopyMemory b(0), fname, x
' Convert to VB string:
sFIle = StrConv(b, vbUnicode)
' Fix up backslashes:
ReplaceSection sFIle, "/index.html", "\"
' Tell the caller about it
m_cUnzip.ProgressReport sFIle
End If
UnzipPrintCallback = 0
End Function
Private Function UnzipPasswordCallBack( _
ByRef pwd As CBCh, _
ByVal x As Long, _
ByRef s2 As CBCh, _
ByRef Name As CBCh _
) As Long
Dim bCancel As Boolean
Dim sPassword As String
Dim b() As Byte
Dim lSize As Long
On Error Resume Next
' The default:
UnzipPasswordCallBack = 1
If m_bCancel Then
Exit Function
End If
' Ask for password:
m_cUnzip.PasswordRequest sPassword, bCancel
sPassword = Trim$(sPassword)
' Cancel out if no useful password:
If bCancel Or Len(sPassword) = 0 Then
m_bCancel = True
Exit Function
End If
' Put password into return parameter:
lSize = Len(sPassword)
If lSize > 254 Then
lSize = 254
End If
b = StrConv(sPassword, vbFromUnicode)
CopyMemory pwd.ch(0), b(0), lSize
' Ask UnZip to process it:
UnzipPasswordCallBack = 0
End Function
Private Function UnzipReplaceCallback(ByRef fname As CBChar) As Long
Dim eResponse As EUZOverWriteResponse
Dim iPos As Long
Dim sFIle As String
On Error Resume Next
eResponse = euzDoNotOverwrite
' Extract the filename:
sFIle = StrConv(fname.ch, vbUnicode)
iPos = InStr(sFIle, vbNullChar)
If (iPos > 1) Then
sFIle = Left$(sFIle, iPos - 1)
End If
' No backslashes:
ReplaceSection sFIle, "/index.html", "\"
' Request the overwrite request:
m_cUnzip.OverwriteRequest sFIle, eResponse
' Return it to the zipping lib
UnzipReplaceCallback = eResponse
End Function
Private Function UnZipServiceCallback(ByRef mname As CBChar, ByVal x As Long)
As Long
Dim iPos As Long
Dim sInfo As String
Dim bCancel As Boolean
'-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
On Error Resume Next
' Check we've got a message:
If x > 1 And x < 32000 Then
' If so, then get the readable portion of it:
ReDim b(0 To x) As Byte
CopyMemory b(0), mname, x
' Convert to VB string:
sInfo = StrConv(b, vbUnicode)
iPos = InStr(sInfo, vbNullChar)
If iPos > 0 Then
sInfo = Left$(sInfo, iPos - 1)
End If
ReplaceSection sInfo, "\", "/index.html"
m_cUnzip.Service sInfo, bCancel
If bCancel Then
UnZipServiceCallback = 1
UnZipServiceCallback = 0
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub ParseFileFolder( _
ByRef sFileName As String, _
ByRef sFolder As String _
Dim iPos As Long
Dim iLastPos As Long
iPos = InStr(sFileName, vbNullChar)
If (iPos <> 0) Then
sFileName = Left$(sFileName, iPos - 1)
End If
iLastPos = ReplaceSection(sFileName, "/index.html", "\")
If (iLastPos > 1) Then
sFolder = Left$(sFileName, iLastPos - 2)
sFileName = Mid$(sFileName, iLastPos)
End If
End Sub
Private Function ReplaceSection(ByRef sString As String, ByVal sToReplace As
String, ByVal sReplaceWith As String) As Long
Dim iPos As Long
Dim iLastPos As Long
iLastPos = 1
iPos = InStr(iLastPos, sString, "/index.html")
If (iPos > 1) Then
Mid$(sString, iPos, 1) = "\"
iLastPos = iPos + 1
End If
Loop While Not (iPos = 0)
ReplaceSection = iLastPos
End Function
' Main subroutine
Public Function VBUnzip( _
cUnzipObject As cUnzip, _
iIncCount As Long, _
sInc() As String, _
iExCount As Long, _
sExc() As String _
) As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim tInc As UNZIPnames
Dim tExc As UNZIPnames
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set m_cUnzip = cUnzipObject
' Set Callback addresses
tUser.lptrPrnt = plAddressOf(AddressOf UnzipPrintCallback)
tUser.lptrSound = 0& ' not supported
tUser.lptrReplace = plAddressOf(AddressOf UnzipReplaceCallback)
tUser.lptrPassword = plAddressOf(AddressOf UnzipPasswordCallBack)
tUser.lptrMessage = plAddressOf(AddressOf UnzipMessageCallBack)
tUser.lptrService = plAddressOf(AddressOf UnZipServiceCallback)
' Set files to include/exclude:
If (iIncCount > 0) Then
For i = 1 To iIncCount
tInc.s(i - 1) = sInc(i)
Next i
tInc.s(iIncCount) = vbNullChar
tInc.s(0) = vbNullChar
End If
If (iExCount > 0) Then
For i = 1 To iExCount
tExc.s(i - 1) = sExc(i)
Next i
tExc.s(iExCount) = vbNullChar
tExc.s(0) = vbNullChar
End If
m_bCancel = False
VBUnzip = Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip(iIncCount, tInc, iExCount, tExc, tDCL, tUser)
'Debug.Print "--------------"
'Debug.Print MYUSER.cchComment
'Debug.Print MYUSER.TotalSizeComp
'Debug.Print MYUSER.TotalSize
'Debug.Print MYUSER.CompFactor
'Debug.Print MYUSER.NumMembers
'Debug.Print "--------------"
Exit Function
Dim lErr As Long, sErr As Long
lErr = Err.Number: sErr = Err.Description
VBUnzip = -1
Set m_cUnzip = Nothing
Err.Raise lErr, App.EXEName & ".VBUnzip", sErr
Exit Function
End Function