vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: fMain.frm
Begin VB.Form frmGoldfish
Caption = "Goldfish"
ClientHeight = 5535
ClientLeft = 2475
ClientTop = 2535
ClientWidth = 6900
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Icon = "fMain.frx":0000
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 5535
ScaleWidth = 6900
Begin pGoldFish.vbalStatusBar sbrMain
Align = 2 'Align Bottom
Height = 375
Left = 0
TabIndex = 6
Top = 5160
Width = 6900
_ExtentX = 12171
_ExtentY = 661
BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
BackColor = -2147483633
SimpleStyle = 0
Begin pGoldFish.cToolbar tbrEdit
Left = 60
Top = 1500
_ExtentX = 10081
_ExtentY = 661
Begin VB.PictureBox picDetails
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 2595
Left = 240
ScaleHeight = 2535
ScaleWidth = 6255
TabIndex = 2
Top = 2220
Width = 6315
Begin VB.ComboBox cboTypes
Height = 315
Left = 780
Style = 2 'Dropdown List
TabIndex = 5
Top = 0
Width = 2295
Begin pGoldFish.vbalRichEdit edtDetails
Height = 2115
Left = 0
TabIndex = 3
Top = 360
Width = 6255
_ExtentX = 11033
_ExtentY = 3731
Version = 1
BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
Name = "Lucida Console"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ViewMode = 1
Begin VB.Label lblTypes
Caption = "Types:"
Height = 255
Left = 60
TabIndex = 4
Top = 60
Width = 1215
Begin VB.ListBox lstClipboard
Height = 2595
IntegralHeight = 0 'False
Left = 60
TabIndex = 1
Top = 1920
Width = 6615
Begin pGoldFish.cToolbar tbrMain
Left = 60
Top = 1080
_ExtentX = 10081
_ExtentY = 661
Begin pGoldFish.cReBar rbrMain
Left = 60
Top = 0
_ExtentX = 12091
_ExtentY = 1085
Begin VB.PictureBox picIcon
AutoSize = -1 'True
BackColor = &H00000000&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 435
Left = 5820
ScaleHeight = 435
ScaleWidth = 495
TabIndex = 0
Top = 660
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 495
Begin VB.Image imgIcon
Height = 480
Left = 0
Picture = "fMain.frx":0442
Top = 0
Width = 480
Begin pGoldFish.cToolbar tbrMenu
Left = 60
Top = 660
_ExtentX = 10081
_ExtentY = 661
Attribute VB_Name = "frmGoldfish"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SetWindowTheme Lib "uxtheme.dll" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal pszSubAppName As Long, ByVal pszSubIdList As
Long) As Long
' Toolbar Menu
Private WithEvents m_cMenu As cPopupMenu
Attribute m_cMenu.VB_VarHelpID = -1
' clipboard support:
Private WithEvents m_cClipView As cClipboardViewer
Attribute m_cClipView.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_cClipboard As cCustomClipboard
' clipboard items to cache:
Private m_cCache() As cClipboardCache
Private m_iCount As Long
' items to make copies of:
Private m_lID() As Long
Private m_iCopyCount As Long
' all posible IDs:
Private m_lFormatID() As Long
Private m_sFormatName() As String
Private m_lFormatCount As Long
' systray interface:
Private WithEvents m_frmSysTray As frmSysTray
Attribute m_frmSysTray.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_bInSysTray As Boolean
Private m_bSysTrayUnload As Boolean
' always on top:
Private m_bAlwaysOnTop As Boolean
' Start in systry:
Private m_bSysTray As Boolean
' toolbar/statusbar:
Private m_bToolbarStandard As Boolean
Private m_bToolbarEdit As Boolean
Private m_bCaptions As Boolean
Private m_bStatusBar As Boolean
' registry access:
Private m_cReg As New cRegistry
' item being copied:
Private m_iCopyItem As Long
' Initial directory to save to:
Private m_sInitSaveDir As String
' Restrict size of form:
ptReserved As POINTAPI
ptMaxPosition As POINTAPI
ptMinTrackSize As POINTAPI
ptMaxTrackSize As POINTAPI
End Type
Private Const WM_GETMINMAXINFO = &H24
' Subclassing
Implements ISubclass
Public Property Let AlwaysOnTop(ByVal bState As Boolean)
' set always on top for the form.
m_bAlwaysOnTop = bState
If (bState) Then
SetWindowPos Me.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE
SetWindowPos Me.hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or
End If
End Property
Public Property Get AlwaysOnTop() As Boolean
AlwaysOnTop = m_bAlwaysOnTop
End Property
Public Sub ParseCommand(ByVal sCommand As String)
Dim sFile As String
Dim sOutFile As String
Dim sChar As String
Dim i As Long
Dim bIsValidCommand As Boolean
Dim bPrint As Boolean
If (Len(sCommand) > 0) Then
' Evaluate whether we are printing or opening:
If (Left$(sCommand, 2) = "/p/index.html") Then
' Print
If (Len(sCommand) > 4) Then
sFile = Trim$(Mid$(sCommand, 3))
bPrint = True
End If
sFile = Trim$(sCommand)
End If
If (Len(sFile) > 0) Then
' Strip quotes if we have them:
For i = 1 To Len(sFile)
sChar = Mid$(sFile, i, 1)
If (sChar <> """") Then
sOutFile = sOutFile & sChar
End If
Next i
If (Len(sOutFile) > 0) Then
' Is it a valid file?
On Error Resume Next
sFile = Dir(sOutFile)
If (Err.Number = 0) And (sFile <> "") Then
' We attempt to load it:
bIsValidCommand = True
If (pbLoadFile(sFile)) Then
If (bPrint) Then
pCommandHandler "FILE:PRINT"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Not (bIsValidCommand) Then
MsgBox "The command line '" & sCommand & "' could not be
interpreted.", vbInformation
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function AddToSysTray()
' Add to systray (easy way...)
If (m_frmSysTray Is Nothing) Then
Set m_frmSysTray = New frmSysTray
With m_frmSysTray
.AddMenuItem "&Open Goldfish...", "SYSTRAY:OPEN", True
.AddMenuItem "-", "sep1"
.AddMenuItem "&About Goldfish...", "HELP:ABOUT"
.AddMenuItem "-", "sep2"
.AddMenuItem "E&xit", "SYSTRAY:CLOSE"
.ToolTip = "Goldfish Clipboard Cache"
.IconHandle = Me.Icon.handle
End With
End If
m_bInSysTray = True
End Function
Private Function RemoveFromSysTray()
' remove systray if we have it:
If Not (m_frmSysTray Is Nothing) Then
Unload m_frmSysTray
Set m_frmSysTray = Nothing
End If
m_bInSysTray = False
End Function
Public Property Let NumberOfLines(ByVal lLines As Long)
Dim iLine As Long
Dim bMore As Boolean
Dim iFC As Long
' set number of clipboard items to store:
If (m_iCount <> lLines) Then
If (lLines < m_iCount) Then
' it is required to set the extra ones to nothing:
For iLine = lLines + 1 To m_iCount
Set m_cCache(iLine) = Nothing
Next iLine
bMore = True
iFC = m_iCount + 1
End If
m_iCount = lLines
ReDim Preserve m_cCache(1 To m_iCount) As cClipboardCache
If (bMore) Then
For iLine = iFC To m_iCount
Set m_cCache(iLine) = New cClipboardCache
m_cCache(iLine).Order = iLine
Next iLine
End If
For iLine = lstClipboard.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If lstClipboard.ItemData(iLine) > m_iCount Then
lstClipboard.RemoveItem iLine
End If
Next iLine
End If
End Property
Public Property Get NumberOfLines() As Long
NumberOfLines = m_iCount
End Property
Public Property Get InSysTray() As Boolean
InSysTray = m_bInSysTray
End Property
Public Property Let InSysTray(ByVal bState As Boolean)
If (bState <> m_bInSysTray) Then
If (bState) Then
End If
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Clipboard() As cCustomClipboard
' Interface to the options form
Set Clipboard = m_cClipboard
End Property
Public Property Get FormatID(ByVal sName As String) As Long
Dim iFmt As Long
' Find the clipboard format ID for a given clipboard format name:
For iFmt = 1 To m_lFormatCount
If (m_sFormatName(iFmt) = sName) Then
FormatID = m_lFormatID(iFmt)
Exit Property
End If
Next iFmt
End Property
Public Property Get DoStoreFormat(ByVal lID As Long) As Boolean
Dim iItem As Long
' Interface to the options form
For iItem = 1 To m_iCopyCount
If (m_lID(iItem) = lID) Then
DoStoreFormat = True
Exit For
End If
Next iItem
End Property
Public Property Let DoStoreFormat(ByVal lID As Long, ByVal bState As Boolean)
Dim iItem As Long
Dim iIndex As Long
Dim bCurrentState As Long
' Interface to the options form
For iItem = 1 To m_iCopyCount
If (m_lID(iItem) = lID) Then
iIndex = iItem
bCurrentState = True
Exit For
End If
Next iItem
If (bCurrentState <> bState) Then
If (bState) Then
' must add:
m_iCopyCount = m_iCopyCount + 1
ReDim Preserve m_lID(1 To m_iCopyCount) As Long
m_lID(m_iCopyCount) = lID
' must remove:
If (m_iCopyCount > 1) Then
For iItem = iIndex + 1 To m_iCopyCount
m_lID(iItem - 1) = m_lID(iItem)
Next iItem
m_iCopyCount = m_iCopyCount - 1
ReDim Preserve m_lID(1 To m_iCopyCount) As Long
m_iCopyCount = 0
Erase m_lID
End If
End If
End If
End Property
Private Sub cboTypes_Click()
Dim lIndex As Long
' Show the type chosen in detail view:
If (cboTypes.ListIndex > -1) Then
lIndex = lstClipboard.ItemData(lstClipboard.ListIndex)
m_cCache(lIndex).RenderFormat m_cClipboard, edtDetails,
End If
End Sub
Private Function pbLoadOptions(ByRef cR As cRegistry, ByVal hKey As
ERegistryClassConstants) As Boolean
Dim lWidth As Long
Dim lLeft As Long
Dim lTop As Long
Dim lHeight As Long
' Load options from the registry:
cR.ClassKey = hKey
cR.SectionKey = "Software\vbaccelerator\Goldfish"
cR.ValueKey = "EntriesToKeep"
If (cR.KeyExists) Then
cR.ValueType = REG_DWORD
' Number of entries:
m_iCount = cR.Value
If (m_iCount <= 0) Then
m_iCount = 10
End If
If (m_iCount > 512) Then
m_iCount = 512
End If
' Type of entries to store:
cR.ValueKey = "StoreText"
cR.Default = -1
DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(1)) = (cR.Value <> 0)
cR.ValueKey = "StoreRTF"
cR.Default = -1
DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(2)) = (cR.Value <> 0)
cR.ValueKey = "StoreHTML"
cR.Default = 0
DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(3)) = (cR.Value <> 0)
cR.ValueKey = "StoreCSV"
cR.Default = 0
DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(4)) = (cR.Value <> 0)
' Position:
cR.ValueKey = "Maximised"
cR.Default = 0
If (cR.Value <> 0) Then
Me.WindowState = vbMaximized
cR.ValueKey = "Left"
If (cR.KeyExists) Then
lLeft = cR.Value
lLeft = (Screen.Width - 448 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
End If
cR.ValueKey = "Top"
If (cR.KeyExists) Then
lTop = cR.Value
lTop = (Screen.Height - 315 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
End If
cR.ValueKey = "Width"
If (cR.KeyExists) Then
lWidth = cR.Value
If (lWidth < 448 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) Then
lWidth = 448 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
End If
lWidth = 448 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
End If
cR.ValueKey = "Height"
If (cR.KeyExists) Then
lHeight = cR.Value
If (lHeight < 180 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) Then
lHeight = 180 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End If
lHeight = 180 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End If
If (lLeft + lWidth > Screen.Width - 4 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) Then
lLeft = Screen.Width - lWidth - 4 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
End If
If (lTop + lHeight > Screen.Height - 4 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) Then
lHeight = Screen.Height - lHeight - 4 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End If
Me.Move lLeft, lTop, lWidth, lHeight
End If
' Sys Tray:
cR.ValueKey = "ShowInSysTray"
cR.Default = -1
InSysTray = (cR.Value <> 0)
' Always on top:
cR.ValueKey = "AlwaysOnTop"
cR.Default = 0
m_bAlwaysOnTop = (cR.Value <> 0)
' Toolbar captions:
cR.ValueKey = "ToolbarCaptions"
cR.Default = -1
m_bCaptions = (cR.Value <> 0)
cR.ValueKey = "StandardToolbar"
cR.Default = 1
If cR.Value = 1 Then
' Toolbar (v1.0 compatibility mode):
cR.ValueKey = "Toolbar"
cR.Default = -1
m_bToolbarStandard = (cR.Value <> 0)
m_bToolbarEdit = (cR.Value <> 0)
cR.Default = -1
m_bToolbarStandard = (cR.Value <> 0)
cR.ValueKey = "EditToolbar"
cR.Default = -1
m_bToolbarEdit = (cR.Value <> 0)
End If
' Status bar:
cR.ValueKey = "Statusbar"
cR.Default = -1
m_bStatusBar = (cR.Value <> 0)
' Initial directory to save in:
cR.ValueKey = "InitSaveDir"
cR.ValueType = REG_SZ
cR.Default = App.Path
m_sInitSaveDir = cR.Value
pbLoadOptions = True
End If
End Function
Private Function pbSaveOptions(ByRef cR As cRegistry, ByVal hKey As
ERegistryClassConstants) As Boolean
Dim sPath As String
' Save options from the registry:
cR.ClassKey = hKey
cR.SectionKey = "Software\vbaccelerator\Goldfish"
cR.ValueKey = "EntriesToKeep"
cR.ValueType = REG_DWORD
cR.Value = m_iCount
' Type of entries to store:
cR.ValueKey = "StoreText"
cR.Value = CLng(DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(1)))
cR.ValueKey = "StoreRTF"
cR.Value = CLng(DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(2)))
cR.ValueKey = "StoreHTML"
cR.Value = CLng(DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(3)))
cR.ValueKey = "StoreCSV"
cR.Value = CLng(DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(4)))
' position:
cR.ValueKey = "Maximised"
cR.Value = Abs(Me.WindowState = vbMaximized)
If (Me.WindowState = vbNormal) Then
cR.ValueKey = "Left"
cR.Value = CLng(Me.Left)
cR.ValueKey = "Top"
cR.Value = CLng(Me.Top)
cR.ValueKey = "Width"
cR.Value = CLng(Me.Width)
cR.ValueKey = "Height"
cR.Value = CLng(Me.Height)
End If
cR.ValueKey = "ShowInSysTray"
cR.Value = CLng(InSysTray)
cR.ValueKey = "StandardToolbar"
cR.Value = CLng(rbrMain.BandVisible(rbrMain.BandIndexForData("ToolbarBand")))
cR.ValueKey = "EditToolbar"
cR.Value =
cR.ValueKey = "ToolbarCaptions"
cR.Value = CLng(tbrMain.ButtonTextVisible(0))
cR.ValueKey = "Statusbar"
cR.Value = CLng(sbrMain.Visible)
cR.ValueKey = "AlwaysOnTop"
cR.Value = CLng(m_bAlwaysOnTop)
cR.ValueKey = "InitSaveDir"
cR.ValueType = REG_SZ
cR.Value = m_sInitSaveDir
If (cR.ClassKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) Then
cR.SectionKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
cR.ValueKey = "Goldfish"
cR.ValueType = REG_SZ
If (InSysTray) Then
' add to the auto-start:
sPath = App.Path
If (Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\") Then sPath = sPath & "\"
sPath = sPath & App.EXEName
cR.Value = sPath
' remove from the auto-start:
On Error Resume Next
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim iItem As Long
Dim lID As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim lSubIndex As Long
Dim sFile As String
Dim sPath As String
' Initialise the app.
' 1) start subclassing so we can restrict form size and respond
' to command lines form other instances
AttachMessage Me, Me.hwnd, WM_GETMINMAXINFO
AttachMessage Me, Me.hwnd, WM_COPYDATA
m_iCount = 10
sPath = App.Path
' What are you doing in the root of the drive anyway?????
If (Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\") Then sPath = sPath & "\"
sFile = sPath & App.EXEName & ".Exe" ' Please remember to add the extension!
Dim cR As New cRegistry
If Not (InDevelopment()) Then
' 2) set my App Path entry:
cR.SectionKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths"
cR.ValueKey = ""
cR.Value = sFile
' 3) Register my file association:
cR.CreateEXEAssociation sFile, "Goldfish.ClipboardFile", "Goldfish
Clipboard Files", "GCF", , True, , , , , , 24
End If
' 4) Initialise the clipboard access object:
Set m_cClipboard = New cCustomClipboard
' 5) Set up potential formats to store:
m_lFormatCount = 4
ReDim m_sFormatName(1 To 4) As String
ReDim m_lFormatID(1 To 4) As Long
m_sFormatName(1) = "Text"
m_lFormatID(1) = CF_TEXT
DoStoreFormat(CF_TEXT) = True
m_sFormatName(2) = "Rich Text Format"
m_lFormatID(2) = m_cClipboard.AddFormat(m_sFormatName(2))
DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(2)) = True
m_sFormatName(3) = "HTML Format"
m_lFormatID(3) = m_cClipboard.AddFormat(m_sFormatName(3))
DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(3)) = False
m_sFormatName(4) = "Csv"
m_lFormatID(4) = m_cClipboard.AddFormat(m_sFormatName(4))
DoStoreFormat(m_lFormatID(4)) = False
' 6) Get options from current users settings if they are present:
If Not (pbLoadOptions(cR, HKEY_CURRENT_USER)) Then
' Otherwise load from local machine (if possible):
End If
' ------------------
' 7) Set up display:
' Get appropriate toolbar resource (if in Development we load
' from file to show what it will look like):
If (GetDeviceCaps(Me.hdc, BITSPIXEL) > 8) Then
lID = 101
sFile = sPath & "gftbar24.bmp"
lID = 102
sFile = sPath & "gftbar24-16.bmp"
End If
picIcon.Width = imgIcon.Width
' Set up the main toolbar:
With tbrMain
If (InDevelopment) Then
' if in development, it helps to see the buttons:
.ImageSource = CTBLoadFromFile
.ImageFile = sFile
' otherwise use the internal resources:
.ImageSource = CTBResourceBitmap
.ImageResourcehInstance = App.hInstance
.ImageResourceID = lID
End If
.CreateToolbar 24, , True
.AddButton "Copy (CTRL-C)", 4, , , " Copy ", CTBAutoSize, "EDIT:COPY"
.AddButton , , , , , CTBSeparator
.AddButton "Open all From File (CTRL-O)", 25, , , " Open ",
.AddButton "Save all to File (CTRL-S)", 24, , , " Save ", CTBAutoSize,
.AddButton "Print (CTRL-P)", 13, , , " Print ", CTBAutoSize, "FILE:PRINT"
.AddButton , , , , , CTBSeparator
.AddButton "Show List (CTRL-L)", 26, , , " List ", CTBCheckGroup Or
.AddButton "Show Details (CTRL-D)", 27, , , "Details", CTBCheckGroup Or
.AddButton , , , , , CTBSeparator
.AddButton "Set Options", 30, , , "Configure", CTBAutoSize,
.ButtonChecked("list") = True
End With
' Set up the clipboard cache editing toolbar:
With tbrEdit
If (InDevelopment) Then
.ImageSource = CTBLoadFromFile
.ImageFile = sFile
.ImageSource = CTBResourceBitmap
.ImageResourcehInstance = App.hInstance
.ImageResourceID = lID
End If
.CreateToolbar 24, , True
.AddButton "Previous", 0, , , "Previous Entry", CTBAutoSize,
.AddButton "Next", 1, , , "Next Entry", CTBAutoSize, "VIEW:NEXT"
.AddButton , , , , , CTBSeparator
.AddButton "Delete (Del)", 9, , , "Delete", CTBAutoSize, "EDIT:DELETE"
.AddButton "Move Up", 28, , , "Move Up", CTBAutoSize, "EDIT:UP"
.AddButton "Move Down", 29, , , "Move Down", CTBAutoSize, "EDIT:DOWN"
End With
' Build the menu:
Set m_cMenu = New cPopupMenu
With m_cMenu
.hWndOwner = Me.hwnd
.OfficeXpStyle = True
lIndex = .AddItem("&File", , , , , , , "FILE:TOP")
.AddItem "&Open..." & vbTab & "Ctrl+O", , , lIndex, , , , "FILE:OPEN"
.AddItem "&Save..." & vbTab & "Ctrl+S", , , lIndex, , , , "FILE:SAVE"
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "FILE:SEP1"
.AddItem "&Print..." & vbTab & "Ctrl+P", , , lIndex, , , , "FILE:PRINT"
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "FILE:SEP2"
.AddItem "&Close", , , lIndex, , , , "FILE:CLOSE"
lIndex = .AddItem("&Edit", , , , , , , "EDIT:TOP")
.AddItem "&Copy" & vbTab & "Ctrl+C", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:COPY"
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:SEP1"
.AddItem "&Delete" & vbTab & "Del", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:DELETE"
.AddItem "&Rename...", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:RENAME"
.AddItem "Move U&p", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:UP"
.AddItem "Move Do&wn", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:DOWN"
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:SEP2)"
.AddItem "C&lear", , , lIndex, , , , "EDIT:CLEAR"
lIndex = .AddItem("&View", , , , , , , "VIEW:TOP")
lSubIndex = .AddItem("&Toolbars", , , lIndex, , , , "VIEW:TOOLBARS")
.AddItem "&Standard Buttons", , , lSubIndex, , True, , "VIEW:STANDARD"
.AddItem "&Edit Buttons", , , lSubIndex, , True, , "VIEW:EDIT"
.AddItem "-", , , lSubIndex, , , , "VIEW:SEP1"
.AddItem "&Text Labels", , , lSubIndex, , True, , "VIEW:TEXTLABELS"
.AddItem "&Status Bar", , , lIndex, , True, , "VIEW:STATUSBAR"
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "VIEW:SEP2"
.AddItem "&Next Item" & vbTab & "Alt+Right Arrow", , , lIndex, , , False,
.AddItem "&Previous Item" & vbTab & "Alt+Left Arrow", , , lIndex, , ,
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "VIEW:SEP3"
.AddItem "&List" & vbTab & "Ctrl+L", , , lIndex, , True, , "VIEW:LIST"
.AddItem "&Details" & vbTab & "Ctrl+D", , , lIndex, , , , "VIEW:DETAILS"
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "VIEW:SEP4"
.AddItem "&Configure...", , , lIndex, , , , "VIEW:CONFIGURE"
lIndex = .AddItem("&Help", , , , , , , "HELP:TOP")
.AddItem "Contents" & vbTab & "F1", , , lIndex, , , , "HELP:CONTENTS"
.AddItem "vbAccelerator on the &Web...", , , lIndex, , , , "HELP:VBA"
.AddItem "-", , , lIndex, , , , "HELP:SEP1"
.AddItem "&About...", , , lIndex, , , , "HELP:ABOUT"
End With
tbrMenu.CreateFromMenu m_cMenu
On Error Resume Next
SetWindowTheme tbrMenu.hwnd, StrPtr(""), StrPtr("")
On Error GoTo 0
' This is only here to help see it during design time:
picDetails.BorderStyle = 0
' Set up the rebar:
rbrMain.CreateRebar Me.hwnd
rbrMain.AddBandByHwnd tbrMenu.hwnd, , , , "MenuBand"
rbrMain.AddBandByHwnd tbrMain.hwnd, , True, False, "ToolbarBand"
rbrMain.AddBandByHwnd tbrEdit.hwnd, , False, False, "EditToolbarBand"
'rbrMain.AddBandByHwnd picIcon.hwnd, , False, True, "Goldfish"
rbrMain.BandChevron(1) = False
rbrMain.BandChevron(2) = False
' A favourites bar would be a good idea here.
edtDetails.ReadOnly = True
' Status bar:
sbrMain.AddPanel estbrStandard, "Goldfish."
sbrMain.PanelSpring(1) = True
sbrMain.AddPanel estbrStandard, ""
' ------------------
' 8) Create objects for caching clipboard memory:
ReDim m_cCache(1 To m_iCount) As cClipboardCache
For iItem = 1 To m_iCount
Set m_cCache(iItem) = New cClipboardCache
m_cCache(iItem).hWndOwner = Me.hwnd
m_cCache(iItem).Order = iItem
Next iItem
' 9) Initialise the clipboard notification:
Set m_cClipView = New cClipboardViewer
' This will cause the ClipboardChanged notification immediately:
m_cClipView.InitClipboardChangeNotification Me.hwnd
' 11) Set the buttons:
' 12) Tag this window with a property so future instances
' will know we are running:
TagWindow Me.hwnd
' 13) Set toolbar and status bar states based on saved options:
If Not (m_bToolbarStandard) Then
m_cMenu_Click m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:STANDARD")
End If
If Not (m_bToolbarEdit) Then
m_cMenu_Click m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:EDIT")
End If
If Not (m_bCaptions) Then
m_cMenu_Click m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:TEXTLABELS")
End If
If Not (m_bStatusBar) Then
m_cMenu_Click m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:STATUSBAR")
End If
' 14) Show me so we can set always on top:
AlwaysOnTop = m_bAlwaysOnTop
' 15) Command line?
ParseCommand Command
' 16) Introduce myself.
If (InDevelopment) Then ' check if its working :)
' Hi everybody. Hope you enjoy the code and have a beer on me.
MsgBox "You are running Goldfish in development mode." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
& "There may be an error during Form Unload " & vbCrLf & "(trapped in
EXE or set Toggle->Break on Unhandled Errors in VB).", vbInformation
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
Dim iItem As Long
Dim cR As New cRegistry
' Check for whether we are in systray or not to see whether to cancel
' If we are unloading for a dramatic reason, then do it regardless:
If (UnloadMode <> vbAppWindows) And (UnloadMode <> vbAppTaskManager) Then
If (m_bInSysTray) Then
If Not (m_bSysTrayUnload) Then
' In SysTray and not unloading from SysTray so just hide.
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
' Save options:
' Clear up:
' a) From SysTray:
' b) From Clipboard notifications:
Set m_cClipView = Nothing
' c) Clear up clipboard object:
Set m_cClipboard = Nothing
' d) Free any memory we're using up to store clipboard objects:
For iItem = 1 To m_iCount
Set m_cCache(iItem) = Nothing
Next iItem
Erase m_cCache
' e) Ensure the Rebar will unload happily:
' f) Clear up the status bar object:
' g) Stop subclassing for form resizing and commands sent from
' another instance:
DetachMessage Me, Me.hwnd, WM_GETMINMAXINFO
DetachMessage Me, Me.hwnd, WM_COPYDATA
' h) Ensure no other instances think I'm running:
' bye!!!
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim lT As Long
Dim lH As Long
Dim lW As Long
' Resize:
lT = rbrMain.RebarHeight * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
lH = Me.ScaleHeight - lT - 4 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY + sbrMain.Height *
lW = Me.ScaleWidth
If (lH > 0) And (lW > 0) Then
lstClipboard.Move 0, lT + 2 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, lW, lH
With lstClipboard
picDetails.Move .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height
End With
lH = lH - edtDetails.Top
If (lH > 0) Then
edtDetails.Move 0, edtDetails.Top, picDetails.ScaleWidth, lH
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetNextClipboardCache() As Long
Dim iCache As Long
Dim iMaxCache As Long
' Find the next object to store clipboard information in:
For iCache = 1 To m_iCount
If (m_cCache(iCache).Order = m_iCount) Then
iMaxCache = iCache
Exit For
End If
Next iCache
For iCache = 1 To m_iCount
If (iCache <> iMaxCache) Then
If (m_cCache(iCache).Order <> 0) Then
m_cCache(iCache).Order = m_cCache(iCache).Order + 1
End If
m_cCache(iCache).Order = 1
m_cCache(iCache).Used = True
End If
Next iCache
GetNextClipboardCache = iMaxCache
Debug.Print "MaxCache:", iMaxCache, m_cCache(iMaxCache).Order
End Function
Private Property Let ISUbClass_MsgResponse(ByVal RHS As EMsgResponse)
' This shouldn't really be in SSUBTMR.
' In fact, SSUBTMR should have a BeforeMessage and AfterMessage
' function if it was going to be easier to use.
' Sometime....
End Property
Private Property Get ISUbClass_MsgResponse() As EMsgResponse
' This will tell you which message you are responding to:
If (CurrentMessage = WM_GETMINMAXINFO) Then
' Tell the subclasser what to do for this message (here we do all
ISUbClass_MsgResponse = emrConsume
' WM_COPYDATA, send response after we've done with it:
ISUbClass_MsgResponse = emrPostProcess
End If
End Property
Private Function ISUbClass_WindowProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal iMsg As Long,
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim b() As Byte
Dim sCommand As String
Select Case iMsg
' Copy parameter to local variable for processing
CopyMemory mmiT, ByVal lParam, LenB(mmiT)
' Minimium width and height for sizing
mmiT.ptMinTrackSize.x = 377
mmiT.ptMinTrackSize.y = 174
' Copy modified results back to parameter
CopyMemory ByVal lParam, mmiT, LenB(mmiT)
' Copy for processing:
CopyMemory tCDS, ByVal lParam, Len(tCDS)
If (tCDS.cbData > 0) Then
ReDim b(0 To tCDS.cbData - 1) As Byte
CopyMemory b(0), ByVal tCDS.lpData, tCDS.cbData
sCommand = StrConv(b, vbUnicode)
' We've got the info, now do it:
ParseCommand sCommand
' We are invisible, i.e. in SysTray
If Me.Visible = False Then
m_frmSysTray_MenuClick 0, "open"
End If
End If
End Select
End Function
Private Sub lstClipboard_Click()
Dim iCache As Long
Dim bSel As Boolean
Dim bState As Boolean
' set up available types in detail view:
If (lstClipboard.ListIndex > -1) Then
iCache = lstClipboard.ItemData(lstClipboard.ListIndex)
m_cCache(iCache).ShowFormats m_cClipboard, cboTypes
bSel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lstClipboard_DblClick()
' Equivalent to choosing Details:
If (lstClipboard.ListIndex > -1) Then
m_cMenu_Click m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:DETAILS")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_cClipView_ClipboardChanged()
Dim iFmt As Long
Dim lCount As Long
Dim iClipFmt As Long
Dim lID As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
On Error GoTo ClipboardError
' load the latest clipboard data:
Debug.Print "Clipboard has changed"
If (m_iCopyItem = 0) Then
With m_cClipboard
lCount = .GetCurrentFormats(Me.hwnd)
m_cClipboard.ClipboardOpen Me.hwnd
If (lCount > 0) Then
For iClipFmt = 1 To lCount
lID = .GetCurrentFormatID(iClipFmt)
For iFmt = 1 To m_iCopyCount
If (m_lID(iFmt) = lID) Then
Debug.Print "Storing clipboard data with format " &
' We want to copy this item:
If lIndex = 0 Then
lIndex = GetNextClipboardCache()
Debug.Print "Storing in cache " & lIndex
End If
m_cClipboard.GetClipboardMemoryHandle(lID), lID
Exit For
End If
Next iFmt
Next iClipFmt
End If
End With
m_iCopyItem = 0
End If
Exit Sub
' *** Generally can't open clipboard. Not a problem as this
' doesn't seem to occur when there is something useful in there! ***
' An example of this type of error is when VB IDE loads and you
' have an add-in.
' This occurs because VB Add-ins generally have to use the ridiculous
' PasteFace method to set up a button on the toolbar.
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub RenderCache()
Dim iCache As Long
Dim iOrder As Long
Dim lListIndex As Long
' Display what's currently in the list of clipboard items:
lstClipboard.Visible = False
lListIndex = lstClipboard.ListIndex
For iOrder = 1 To m_iCount
For iCache = 1 To m_iCount
If (m_cCache(iCache).Order = iOrder) And (m_cCache(iCache).Used) Then
Debug.Print "Cache Item " & iCache & " has order " & iOrder
lstClipboard.AddItem m_cCache(iCache).RenderString
lstClipboard.ItemData(lstClipboard.NewIndex) = iCache
Exit For
End If
Next iCache
Next iOrder
If (lListIndex <> -1) Then
If (lListIndex + 1) >= lstClipboard.ListCount Then
lstClipboard.ListIndex = lstClipboard.ListCount - 1
lstClipboard.ListIndex = lListIndex + 1
End If
If (lstClipboard.ListCount > 0) Then
lstClipboard.ListIndex = 0
End If
End If
lstClipboard.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub pSetView()
Dim bSel As Boolean
Dim bSomething As Boolean
' Set toolbar and menus to reflect what we have stored:
If (lstClipboard.ListCount > 0) Then
bSomething = True
End If
If (bSomething) Then
If (lstClipboard.ListIndex <> -1) And (cboTypes.ListCount > 0) Then
bSel = True
End If
End If
If (m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:LIST"))) Then
lstClipboard.Visible = True
picDetails.Visible = False
tbrMain.ButtonEnabled("FILE:OPEN") = True
tbrMain.ButtonToolTip("FILE:SAVE") = "Save Clipboard list (CTRL-S)"
tbrMain.ButtonToolTip("FILE:PRINT") = "Print Clipboard list (CTRL-P)"
picDetails.Visible = True
lstClipboard.Visible = False
tbrMain.ButtonEnabled("FILE:OPEN") = False
tbrMain.ButtonToolTip("FILE:SAVE") = "Save This Item (CTRL-S)"
tbrMain.ButtonToolTip("FILE:PRINT") = "Print This Item (CTRL-P)"
End If
tbrMain.ButtonEnabled("EDIT:COPY") = bSel
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("EDIT:COPY")) = bSel
tbrMain.ButtonEnabled("FILE:SAVE") = bSomething
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("FILE:SAVE")) = bSel
tbrMain.ButtonEnabled("FILE:PRINT") = bSomething
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("FILE:PRINT")) = bSel
tbrMain.ButtonEnabled("VIEW:DETAILS") = bSel
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:DETAILS")) = bSel
tbrEdit.ButtonEnabled("delete") = bSel
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("EDIT:DELETE")) = bSel
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("EDIT:RENAME")) = bSel
End Sub
Private Sub m_cMenu_Click(ItemNumber As Long)
Dim sKey As String
Dim iPos As Long
Dim iNextPos As Long
Dim iIdx As Integer
Dim sMenu As String
If ItemNumber > 0 Then
sKey = m_cMenu.ItemKey(ItemNumber)
pCommandHandler sKey
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_frmSysTray_MenuClick(ByVal lIndex As Long, ByVal sKey As String)
pCommandHandler sKey
End Sub
Private Sub m_frmSysTray_SysTrayDoubleClick(ByVal eButton As
' Systray interface:
If (eButton = vbLeftButton) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_frmSysTray_SysTrayMouseUp(ByVal eButton As MouseButtonConstants)
' Systry interface:
If (eButton = vbRightButton) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pSaveDetail()
Dim sPath As String
Dim sName As String
Dim iFilterIndex As Long
Dim sTitle As String
Dim iPos As Long
Dim eType As ERECFileTypes
Dim sExt As String
Dim iIndex As Long
' Saves the currently selected detail item out
' to a file.
Dim cc As New cCommonDialog
iIndex = lstClipboard.ItemData(lstClipboard.ListIndex)
sName = m_cCache(iIndex).Filename
iFilterIndex = 1
If cc.VBGetSaveFileName(sName, sTitle, True, "Rich Text Document
(*.RTF)|*.RTF|Text Document (*.TXT)|*.TXT|All FIles (*.*)|*.*",
iFilterIndex, m_sInitSaveDir, "Choose Location to Save Document to", "RTF",
If (sName <> "") Then
iPos = InStr(sName, sTitle)
If (iPos <> 0) Then
m_sInitSaveDir = Left$(sName, (iPos - 1))
End If
If iFilterIndex = 1 Then
eType = SF_RTF
ElseIf iFilterIndex = 2 Then
eType = SF_TEXT
' check extension:
For iPos = Len(sTitle) To 1 Step -1
If (Mid$(sTitle, iPos, 1) = ".") Then
sExt = UCase$(Mid$(sTitle, iPos + 1))
End If
Next iPos
Select Case sExt
Case "TXT"
eType = SF_TEXT
Case Else
eType = SF_RTF
End Select
End If
KillFileCacheInfo sName
edtDetails.SaveToFile sName, eType
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub rbrMain_HeightChanged(lNewHeight As Long)
' ensure form looks right for new rebar height:
imgIcon.Top = (lNewHeight * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY - imgIcon.Height) \ 2
End Sub
Private Sub tbrEdit_ButtonClick(ByVal lButton As Long)
pCommandHandler tbrEdit.ButtonKey(lButton)
End Sub
Private Sub tbrMain_ButtonClick(ByVal lButton As Long)
pCommandHandler tbrMain.ButtonKey(lButton)
End Sub
Private Sub pSerialiseList()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim iFile As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Saves the entire contents of Goldfish to a binary file.
' Undocumented file format, and a bit nasty. If you were doing
' this for real and IE5 is available, perhaps consider using XML instead.
Dim cc As New cCommonDialog
If cc.VBGetSaveFileName(sFileName, , , "Goldfish Clipboard Files
(*.CCF)|*.GCF|All Files (*.*)|*.*", 1, , , "CCF", Me.hwnd) Then
KillFileCacheInfo sFileName
iFile = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Binary Access Write As #iFile
Put #iFile, , 4
For i = 1 To 4
Put #iFile, , m_lFormatID(i)
Next i
For i = 1 To lstClipboard.ListCount
lIndex = lstClipboard.ItemData(i - 1)
m_cCache(lIndex).Serialise iFile
Next i
Close #iFile
iFile = 0
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error occurred whilst trying to save the clipboard list:" &
vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbExclamation
If iFile <> 0 Then
Close #iFile
End If
iFile = 0
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub pDeserialiseList()
Dim sFileName As String
' The reverse of pSerialiseList.
Dim cc As New cCommonDialog
If cc.VBGetOpenFileName(sFileName, , , , , , "Goldfish Clipboard Files
(*.GCF)|*.GCF|All Files (*.*)|*.*", 1, , , "CCF", Me.hwnd) Then
pbLoadFile sFileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pEnableForListSelection()
Dim bState As Boolean
Dim bSel As Boolean
' Set up which buttons you can click:
bState = (lstClipboard.ListIndex > 0)
tbrEdit.ButtonEnabled("EDIT:UP") = bState
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("EDIT:UP")) = bState
tbrEdit.ButtonEnabled("VIEW:NEXT") = bState
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:NEXT")) = bState
bState = (lstClipboard.ListIndex < lstClipboard.ListCount - 1)
tbrEdit.ButtonEnabled("EDIT:DOWN") = bState
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("EDIT:DOWN")) = bState
tbrEdit.ButtonEnabled("VIEW:PREVIOUS") = bState
m_cMenu.Enabled(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:PREVIOUS")) = bState
End Sub
Private Sub pDelete()
Dim iOrder As Long
Dim iCache As Long
Dim iThisItem As Long
Dim iMaxOrder As Long
iOrder = lstClipboard.ListIndex + 1
For iCache = 1 To m_iCount
If (m_cCache(iCache).Order = iOrder) Then
iThisItem = iCache
ElseIf (m_cCache(iCache).Order > iOrder) Then
If (m_cCache(iCache).Order > iMaxOrder) Then
iMaxOrder = m_cCache(iCache).Order
End If
m_cCache(iCache).Order = m_cCache(iCache).Order - 1
End If
Next iCache
Debug.Assert (iThisItem <> 0)
If (iThisItem > 0) Then
m_cCache(iThisItem).Order = iMaxOrder
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pRename()
Dim sName As String
' rename:
If (lstClipboard.ListIndex < 0) Then
MsgBox "Please choose an item to rename.", vbInformation
sName = InputBox$("Enter a new title for this clipboard entry:", ,
If (sName <> "") Then
m_cCache(lstClipboard.ItemData(lstClipboard.ListIndex)).RenderString =
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pMoveItem(ByVal bUp As Boolean)
Dim iOrder As Long
Dim iCache As Long
Dim iThisItem As Long
Dim iSwapItem As Long
If (bUp) Then
iOrder = lstClipboard.ListIndex + 1
For iCache = 1 To m_iCount
If (m_cCache(iCache).Order = iOrder) Then
iThisItem = iCache
ElseIf (m_cCache(iCache).Order = iOrder - 1) Then
iSwapItem = iCache
End If
Next iCache
If (iThisItem > 0) And (iSwapItem > 0) Then
m_cCache(iThisItem).Order = m_cCache(iSwapItem).Order
m_cCache(iSwapItem).Order = iOrder
lstClipboard.ListIndex = m_cCache(iThisItem).Order - 1
End If
iOrder = lstClipboard.ListIndex + 1
For iCache = 1 To m_iCount
If (m_cCache(iCache).Order = iOrder) Then
iThisItem = iCache
ElseIf (m_cCache(iCache).Order = iOrder + 1) Then
iSwapItem = iCache
End If
Next iCache
If (iThisItem > 0) And (iSwapItem > 0) Then
m_cCache(iThisItem).Order = m_cCache(iSwapItem).Order
m_cCache(iSwapItem).Order = iOrder
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pCommandHandler(ByVal sKey As String)
Dim iItem As Long
Dim iCache As Long
Dim bS As Boolean
Dim bState As Boolean
Dim lIndex As Long
Select Case sKey
If (m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:DETAILS"))) Then
' detail view
' list view
End If
edtDetails.PrintDoc "Clipboard document " &
Unload Me
If m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:LIST")) Then
If (lstClipboard.ListIndex > -1) Then
iCache = lstClipboard.ItemData(lstClipboard.ListIndex)
m_cCache(iCache).Copy m_cClipboard
End If
If edtDetails.SelectedText <> "" Then
End If
End If
Case "EDIT:UP"
pMoveItem True
pMoveItem False
' clear
For iItem = 1 To m_iCount
m_cCache(iItem).Order = iItem
Next iItem
' Standard bar off:
lIndex = m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:STANDARD")
bState = Not (m_cMenu.Checked(lIndex))
m_cMenu.Checked(lIndex) = bState
rbrMain.BandVisible(rbrMain.BandIndexForData("ToolbarBand")) = bState
' Edit bar off
lIndex = m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:EDIT")
bState = Not (m_cMenu.Checked(lIndex))
m_cMenu.Checked(lIndex) = bState
rbrMain.BandVisible(rbrMain.BandIndexForData("EditToolbarBand")) = bState
lIndex = m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:TEXTLABELS")
bState = Not (m_cMenu.Checked(lIndex))
m_cMenu.Checked(lIndex) = bState
tbrMain.ButtonTextVisible(0) = bState
tbrEdit.ButtonTextVisible(0) = bState
rbrMain.BandChildResized rbrMain.BandIndexForData("ToolbarBand"),
tbrMain.ToolbarWidth, tbrMain.ToolbarHeight
rbrMain.BandChildResized rbrMain.BandIndexForData("EditToolbarBand"),
tbrEdit.ToolbarWidth, tbrEdit.ToolbarHeight
bState = Not (m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:STATUSBAR")))
m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:STATUSBAR")) = bState
sbrMain.Visible = bState
If (lstClipboard.ListIndex < lstClipboard.ListCount) Then
lstClipboard.ListIndex = lstClipboard.ListIndex + 1
End If
If (lstClipboard.ListIndex > 0) Then
lstClipboard.ListIndex = lstClipboard.ListIndex - 1
End If
m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:LIST")) = True
m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:DETAILS")) = False
tbrMain.ButtonChecked("VIEW:LIST") = True
tbrMain.ButtonChecked("VIEW:DETAILS") = False
m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:LIST")) = False
m_cMenu.Checked(m_cMenu.IndexForKey("VIEW:DETAILS")) = True
tbrMain.ButtonChecked("VIEW:LIST") = False
tbrMain.ButtonChecked("VIEW:DETAILS") = True
Dim fc As New frmOptions
fc.OwnerForm = Me
fc.Show vbModal, Me
' help contents...
MsgBox "The help file for this application is not installed on your
system." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "This isn't entirely surprising because it
hasn't been written ;)", vbInformation
' Shell vbAccelerator:
On Error Resume Next
ShellEx "/index.html", , , , , Me.hwnd
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
MsgBox "Sorry, I failed to open the web site
'/index.html' due to an error." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "["
& Err.Description & "]", vbExclamation
End If
' If we're going to show a modal form, better make sure we're
' not TOPMOST first:
bS = AlwaysOnTop
If (bS) Then
AlwaysOnTop = False
End If
frmAbout.Show vbModal, Me
If (bS) Then
AlwaysOnTop = True
End If
m_bSysTrayUnload = True
Unload Me
End Select
End Sub
Private Function pbLoadFile(ByVal sFile As String) As Boolean
Dim iFile As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim sIdentifier As String
Dim iVersion As Long
Dim lFmtMap() As Long
Dim lFmtCount As Long
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
iFile = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary Access Read As #iFile
sIdentifier = Space$(Len("GOLDFISH.CLIPBOARDFILE"))
Get #iFile, , sIdentifier
If (sIdentifier = "GOLDFISH.CLIPBOARDFILE") Then
' A version 1 clipboard file
iVersion = 1
ReDim lFmtMap(1 To 2, 1 To 4) As Long
ElseIf (sIdentifier = "GOLDFISH.CLIPBOARDFI02") Then
' Version 2 clipboard file (works!)
iVersion = 2
Get #iFile, , lFmtCount ' For future expansion
ReDim lFmtMap(1 To 2, 1 To lFmtCount) As Long
For i = 1 To lFmtCount
Get #iFile, , lFmtMap(1, i)
Next i
If lFmtCount < 4 Then
ReDim Preserve lFmtMap(1 To 2, 1 To 4) As Long
End If
End If
If iVersion > 0 Then
For i = 1 To m_iCopyCount
lFmtMap(2, i) = m_lFormatID(i)
Next i
If iVersion = 1 Then
lFmtMap(1, 1) = CF_TEXT
lFmtMap(2, 1) = CF_TEXT
End If
i = 1
Do While Not EOF(iFile)
lIndex = GetNextClipboardCache()
m_cCache(lIndex).InitFormatMapping lFmtMap(), 4
m_cCache(lIndex).Deserialise iFile
Close #iFile
iFile = 0
pbLoadFile = True
Close #iFile
iFile = 0
MsgBox "The file '" & sFile & "' is not a valid Goldfish clipboard
file.", vbInformation
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "An error occurred whilst trying to read this file:" & vbCrLf &
Err.Description, vbExclamation
If (iFile <> 0) Then
Close #iFile
End If
iFile = 0
' Clear any contents:
pCommandHandler "EDIT:CLEAR"
Exit Function
End Function