vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: mIOLEInPlaceActiveObject.bas
Attribute VB_Name = "mIOLEInPlaceActiveObject"
Option Explicit
' ===========================================================================
' Filename: mIOleInPlaceActivate.bas
' Author: Mike Gainer, Matt Curland and Bill Storage
' Date: 09 January 1999
' Requires: OleGuids.tlb (in IDE only)
' Description:
' Allows you to replace the standard IOLEInPlaceActiveObject interface for a
' UserControl with a customisable one. This allows you to take control
' of focus in VB controls.
' The code could be adapted to replace other UserControl OLE interfaces.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Visit vbAccelerator, advanced, free source for VB programmers
' http://vbaccelerator.com
' ===========================================================================
Private Type GUID
Data1 As Long
Data2 As Integer
Data3 As Integer
Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
End Type
Private Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal lpsz As Long,
rguid As GUID) As Long
Public Const S_FALSE = 1
Public Const S_OK = 0
Public Type IPAOHookStruct 'IOleInPlaceActiveObjectHook
lpVTable As Long 'VTable pointer
IPAOReal As IOleInPlaceActiveObject 'Un-AddRefed pointer for forwarding
TBEx As vbalRichEdit 'Un-AddRefed native class pointer for making Friend
ThisPointer As Long
End Type
Private Const strIID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject As String =
Private IID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject As GUID
Private m_IPAOVTable(9) As Long
Private m_lpIPAOVTable As Long
Public Property Get IPAOVTable() As Long
' Set up the vTable for the interface and return a pointer to it:
If m_lpIPAOVTable = 0 Then
m_IPAOVTable(0) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf QueryInterface)
m_IPAOVTable(1) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf AddRef)
m_IPAOVTable(2) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf Release)
m_IPAOVTable(3) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf GetWindow)
m_IPAOVTable(4) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf ContextSensitiveHelp)
m_IPAOVTable(5) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf TranslateAccelerator)
m_IPAOVTable(6) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf OnFrameWindowActivate)
m_IPAOVTable(7) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf OnDocWindowActivate)
m_IPAOVTable(8) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf ResizeBorder)
m_IPAOVTable(9) = AddressOfFunction(AddressOf EnableModeless)
m_lpIPAOVTable = VarPtr(m_IPAOVTable(0))
CLSIDFromString StrPtr(strIID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject),
End If
IPAOVTable = m_lpIPAOVTable
End Property
Private Function AddressOfFunction(lpfn As Long) As Long
' Work around, VB thinks lPtr = AddressOf Method is an error
AddressOfFunction = lpfn
End Function
Private Function AddRef(This As IPAOHookStruct) As Long
' Call the UserControl's standard AddRef method:
AddRef = This.IPAOReal.AddRef
End Function
Private Function Release(This As IPAOHookStruct) As Long
' Call the UserControl's standard Release method:
Release = This.IPAOReal.Release
End Function
Private Function QueryInterface(This As IPAOHookStruct, riid As GUID, pvObj As
Long) As Long
' Install the interface if required:
If IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject) Then
' Install alternative IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface implemented here
pvObj = This.ThisPointer
AddRef This
QueryInterface = 0
' Use the default support for the interface:
QueryInterface = This.IPAOReal.QueryInterface(ByVal VarPtr(riid), pvObj)
End If
End Function
Private Function GetWindow(This As IPAOHookStruct, phwnd As Long) As Long
' Call user controls' GetWindow method:
GetWindow = This.IPAOReal.GetWindow(phwnd)
End Function
Private Function ContextSensitiveHelp(This As IPAOHookStruct, ByVal fEnterMode
As Long) As Long
' Call the user control's ContextSensitiveHelp method:
ContextSensitiveHelp = This.IPAOReal.ContextSensitiveHelp(fEnterMode)
End Function
Private Function TranslateAccelerator(This As IPAOHookStruct, lpMsg As
VBOleGuids.msg) As Long
Dim hRes As Long
' Check if we want to override the handling of this key code:
hRes = S_FALSE
hRes = This.TBEx.TranslateAccelerator(lpMsg)
If hRes Then
' If not pass it on to the standard UserControl TranslateAccelerator
hRes = This.IPAOReal.TranslateAccelerator(ByVal VarPtr(lpMsg))
End If
TranslateAccelerator = hRes
End Function
Private Function OnFrameWindowActivate(This As IPAOHookStruct, ByVal fActivate
As Long) As Long
' Call the user control's OnFrameWindow activate interface:
OnFrameWindowActivate = This.IPAOReal.OnFrameWindowActivate(fActivate)
End Function
Private Function OnDocWindowActivate(This As IPAOHookStruct, ByVal fActivate As
Long) As Long
' Call the user control's OnDocWindow activate interface:
OnDocWindowActivate = This.IPAOReal.OnDocWindowActivate(fActivate)
End Function
Private Function ResizeBorder(This As IPAOHookStruct, prcBorder As RECT, ByVal
puiWindow As IOleInPlaceUIWindow, ByVal fFrameWindow As Long) As Long
' Call the user control's ResizeBorder interface
ResizeBorder = This.IPAOReal.ResizeBorder(VarPtr(prcBorder), puiWindow,
End Function
Private Function EnableModeless(This As IPAOHookStruct, ByVal fEnable As Long)
As Long
' Call the user control's EnableModeless interface
EnableModeless = This.IPAOReal.EnableModeless(fEnable)
End Function
Private Function IsEqualGUID(iid1 As GUID, iid2 As GUID) As Boolean
Dim Tmp1 As Currency
Dim Tmp2 As Currency
' Check for match in GUIDs.
If iid1.Data1 = iid2.Data1 Then
If iid1.Data2 = iid2.Data2 Then
If iid1.Data3 = iid2.Data3 Then
' compare last 8 bytes of GUID in one chunk:
CopyMemory Tmp1, iid1.Data4(0), 8
CopyMemory Tmp2, iid2.Data4(0), 8
If Tmp1 = Tmp2 Then
IsEqualGUID = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
' This could alternatively be done by matching the result
' of StringFromCLSID called on both GUIDs.
End Function