vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cPopupMenu.cls

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "cPopupMenu"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

' Name:     vbAccelerator PopupMenu Component
' Author:   Steve McMahon (steve@vbaccelerator.com)
' Date:     22 November 2002
' Requires: SSUBTMR.DLL
'           pcDibSection.cls
'           pcDottedBrush.cls
'           pcMemDC.cls
'           pcMouse.cls
'           pcNCMetrics.cls
'           pcStoreMenu.cls
'           mGDIAPI.bas
'           mFindNewMenuWindow.bas
' Copyright  1998-2002 Steve McMahon for vbAccelerator
' Visit vbAccelerator - advanced free source code for VB programmers
' http://vbaccelerator.com

' Creates unlimited new popup menus using the API
Implements ISubclass

Private m_cNCM As New pcNCMetrics

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
    lpvDest As Any, lpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)

' The messages we will intercept & send
Private Const WM_DESTROY = &H2
Private Const WM_MENUSELECT = &H11F
Private Const WM_MEASUREITEM = &H2C
Private Const WM_DRAWITEM = &H2B
Private Const WM_COMMAND = &H111
Private Const WM_MENUCHAR = &H120
Private Const WM_INITMENUPOPUP = &H117
Private Const WM_WININICHANGE = &H1A
Private Const WM_ENTERMENULOOP = &H211
Private Const WM_EXITMENULOOP = &H212

Private Const WM_NOTIFY = &H4E

' Win98+, 2k+
Private Const WM_MENURBUTTONUP = &H122
Private Const WM_MENUDRAG = &H123
Private Const WM_MENUGETOBJECT = &H124
Private Const WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP = &H125
Private Const WM_MENUCOMMAND = &H126

' Array of menu items
Private m_tMI() As tMenuItem
Private m_iMenuCount As Long

' Stored menus:
Private m_cStoredMenu() As pcStoreMenu
Private m_iStoreCount As Long
Private m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey As String

' Handle to image list for drawing icons:
Private m_hIml As Long
Private m_lIconSize As Long

' Where to get a tick icon for checked stuff (or -1 to use Win default):
Private m_lTickIconIndex As Long
' Where to get a option button icon for checked stuff (or -1 to use Win default)
Private m_lOptionIconIndex As Long

' hWNd of owner:
Private m_hWndOwner As Long
Private m_hWndAttached As Long
' Height of a menu item:
Private m_lMenuItemHeight As Long

' colours
Private m_oActiveMenuColor As Long
Private m_oInActiveMenuColor As Long
Private m_oMenuBackgroundColor As Long
Private m_oActiveMenuBackColor As Long

' Sub menus:
Private m_lSubMenuCount As Long
Private m_hSubMenus() As Long
' Next id to choose for a menu item:
Private m_lLastMaxId As Long

Private m_bGradientHighlight As Boolean
Private m_bButtonHighlightStyle As Boolean
Private m_bHighlightCheckedItems As Boolean
Private m_OfficeXPStyle As Boolean

Private m_sTag As String
Private m_bDrawHeadersAsSeparators As Boolean

Private m_bAcceleratorsActive As Boolean

Private m_cMemDC As pcMemDC
Private m_cBrush As pcDottedBrush
Private m_fnt As StdFont
Private m_fntSymbol As StdFont
Private m_cBitmap As pcMemDC
Private m_cBitmapLight As pcMemDC
Private m_cBitmapDark As pcMemDC
Private m_bImageProcessBitmap As Boolean
Private m_pic As IPicture

' Window/handles
Private Type tMenuWindowHandle
   hMenu As Long
   hWnd As Long
End Type
Private m_tWnd() As tMenuWindowHandle
Private m_iWndCount As Long

' Chevron related
Private Type tMenuWindowHandleSize
   tMWH As tMenuWindowHandle
   tR As RECT
   iSequence As Long
End Type
Private m_bShowInfrequent As Boolean
Private WithEvents m_tmrChevron As CTimer
Attribute m_tmrChevron.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_lChevronStartTime As Long
Private m_lChevronIndex As Long
Private m_lHoverIndex As Long
Private m_tChevronWnd() As tMenuWindowHandleSize
Private m_iChevronWndCount As Long
Private m_lTopMenuIndex As Long
Private m_lWndIndex As Long
Private WithEvents m_tmrChevronNavigate As CTimer
Attribute m_tmrChevronNavigate.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_ptrVb6ImageList As Long
Private m_bNoAnimation As Boolean
Public Enum ECNMHeaderStyle
   ecnmHeaderCaptionBar = 0
   ecnmHeaderSeparator = 1
End Enum

' Events:
Public Event Click(ItemNumber As Long)
Public Event ItemHighlight(ItemNumber As Long, bEnabled As Boolean, bSeparator
 As Boolean)
Public Event MenuExit()
Public Event InitPopupMenu(ParentItemNumber As Long)
Public Event UnInitPopupMenu(ParentItemNumber As Long)
Public Event DrawItem(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lMenuIndex As Long, ByRef lLeft
 As Long, ByRef lTop As Long, ByRef lRight As Long, ByRef lBottom As Long,
 ByVal bSelected As Boolean, ByVal bChecked As Boolean, ByVal bDisabled As
 Boolean, bDoDefault As Boolean)
Public Event MeasureItem(ByVal lMenuIndex As Long, ByRef lWidth As Long, ByRef
 lHeight As Long)

Public Sub ToolbarMenuChevronPress()
   If m_iChevronWndCount > 1 Then
      ' Debug.Print "Preparing to Navigate"
      Set m_tmrChevronNavigate = New CTimer
      m_tmrChevronNavigate.Interval = 10
      m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item = 2
   End If
End Sub

Public Property Get AcceleratorsActive() As Boolean
   AcceleratorsActive = (m_hWndOwner = GetActiveWindow())
End Property
Public Property Get BackgroundPicture() As StdPicture
   Set BackgroundPicture = m_pic
End Property
Public Property Let BackgroundPicture(ByRef iPic As StdPicture)
   pSetPicture iPic
End Property
Public Property Set BackgroundPicture(ByRef iPic As StdPicture)
   pSetPicture iPic
End Property
Public Property Get ImageProcessHighlights() As Boolean
   ImageProcessHighlights = m_bImageProcessBitmap
End Property
Public Property Let ImageProcessHighlights(ByVal bState As Boolean)
   If Not bState = m_bImageProcessBitmap Then
      m_bImageProcessBitmap = bState
      If Not (m_cBitmap Is Nothing) Then
         If bState Then
            Set m_cBitmapLight = Nothing
            Set m_cBitmapDark = Nothing
         End If
      End If
   End If
End Property
Private Sub pSetPicture(ByRef iPic As IPicture)
   If Not iPic Is Nothing Then
      Set m_pic = iPic
      Set m_cBitmapLight = Nothing
      Set m_cBitmapDark = Nothing
      Set m_cBitmap = New pcMemDC
      m_cBitmap.CreateFromPicture iPic
      Set m_cBitmap = Nothing
      Set m_cBitmapLight = Nothing
      Set m_cBitmapDark = Nothing
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub imageProcessBackgroundBitmap()
   If m_bImageProcessBitmap Then
      Dim cDib As New pcDibSection
      If cDib.Create(m_cBitmap.Width, m_cBitmap.Height) Then
         ' create a lighter version:
         cDib.LoadPictureBlt m_cBitmap.hdc
         cDib.Lighten 30
         Set m_cBitmapLight = New pcMemDC
         m_cBitmapLight.Width = m_cBitmap.Width
         m_cBitmapLight.Height = m_cBitmap.Height
         cDib.PaintPicture m_cBitmapLight.hdc
         ' create a darker version:
         cDib.LoadPictureBlt m_cBitmap.hdc
         cDib.Fade 120
         Set m_cBitmapDark = New pcMemDC
         m_cBitmapDark.Width = m_cBitmap.Width
         m_cBitmapDark.Height = m_cBitmap.Height
         cDib.PaintPicture m_cBitmapDark.hdc
      End If
   End If
End Sub
Public Sub ClearBackgroundPicture()
   pSetPicture Nothing
End Sub
Private Property Get hFontSymbol() As Long
Dim iFn As IFont
   Set iFn = m_fntSymbol
   hFontSymbol = iFn.hFont
End Property
Public Property Let Font( _
      fntThis As IFont _
   pSetFont fntThis
End Property
Public Property Set Font( _
      fntThis As IFont _
   pSetFont fntThis
End Property
Public Property Get Font() As IFont
Dim lHDC As Long
   If m_fnt Is Nothing Then
      lHDC = CreateDCAsNull("DISPLAY", ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
      Set Font = m_cNCM.Font(lHDC, MenuFOnt)
      DeleteDC lHDC
      Set Font = m_fnt
   End If
End Property
Private Sub pSetFont(fntThis As IFont)
   Set m_fnt = fntThis
   m_fntSymbol.Size = Font.Size * 1.3
   Dim tR As RECT, hFntOld As Long
   hFntOld = SelectObject(m_cMemDC.hdc, hFont)
   DrawText m_cMemDC.hdc, "Xg", -1, tR, DT_LEFT Or DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_CALCRECT
   SelectObject m_cMemDC.hdc, hFntOld
   m_lMenuItemHeight = tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 2
   If m_lMenuItemHeight < m_lIconSize - 1 Then
      m_lMenuItemHeight = m_lIconSize - 1
   End If
   Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
      ResetMenuForRecalc i
   Next i
End Sub
Private Property Get hFont() As Long
Dim iFn As IFont
   Set iFn = Font
   hFont = iFn.hFont
End Property
Private Property Get hFontBold() As Long
Dim iFn As IFont
Dim iFn2 As IFont
   Set iFn = Font
   iFn.Clone iFn2
   iFn2.Bold = True
   hFontBold = iFn2.hFont
End Property
Public Property Let ActiveMenuForeColor(ByVal oColor As OLE_COLOR)
   m_oActiveMenuColor = oColor
End Property
Public Property Get ActiveMenuForeColor() As OLE_COLOR
   If m_oActiveMenuColor = CLR_INVALID Then
      ActiveMenuForeColor = vbHighlightText
      ActiveMenuForeColor = m_oActiveMenuColor
   End If
End Property
Public Property Let ActiveMenuBackgroundColor(ByVal oColor As OLE_COLOR)
   m_oActiveMenuBackColor = oColor
End Property
Public Property Get ActiveMenuBackgroundColor() As OLE_COLOR
   If m_oActiveMenuBackColor = CLR_INVALID Then
      ActiveMenuBackgroundColor = vbHighlight
      ActiveMenuBackgroundColor = m_oActiveMenuBackColor
   End If
End Property
Public Property Let InActiveMenuForeColor(ByVal oColor As OLE_COLOR)
   m_oInActiveMenuColor = oColor
End Property
Public Property Get InActiveMenuForeColor() As OLE_COLOR
   If m_oInActiveMenuColor = CLR_INVALID Then
      InActiveMenuForeColor = vbMenuText
      InActiveMenuForeColor = m_oInActiveMenuColor
   End If
End Property
Public Property Let MenuBackgroundColor(ByVal oColor As OLE_COLOR)
   m_oMenuBackgroundColor = oColor
End Property
Public Property Get MenuBackgroundColor() As OLE_COLOR
   If m_oMenuBackgroundColor = CLR_INVALID Then
      If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
         MenuBackgroundColor = vbWindowBackground
         MenuBackgroundColor = vbMenuBar
      End If
      MenuBackgroundColor = m_oMenuBackgroundColor
   End If
End Property

Friend Function AcceleratorPress(ByVal nKeyCode As KeyCodeConstants, ByVal
 wMask As ShiftConstants) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
   ' 1.2TI
   ' we need to check if the object which owns is
   ' is the active system window:
   If getTheActiveWindow Then
      For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
         If Not m_tMI(i).iShortCutShiftKey = 0 Then
            'Debug.Print "Accel Press..."; nKeyCode, wMask,
             m_tMI(i).iShortCutShiftKey, m_tMI(i).iShortCutShiftMask
            If m_tMI(i).iShortCutShiftMask = wMask Then
               If m_tMI(i).iShortCutShiftKey = nKeyCode Then
                  ' 1.2SPM Need to check if item is enabled/visible before it
                   is clicked!
                  If m_tMI(i).bEnabled And m_tMI(i).bVisible Then
                     ' Yo!
                     raiseClickEventSub i
                     AcceleratorPress = True
                     Exit For
                  End If
               End If
            End If
         End If
      Next i
      'Debug.Print "Ignoring accelerator: owner form is not active"
   End If
End Function
Private Function getTheActiveWindow() As Boolean
Dim lhWnd As Long
   lhWnd = GetActiveWindow()
   If lhWnd = m_hWndOwner Then
      ' is active
      getTheActiveWindow = True
      If lhWnd = m_hWndOwner Then
         ' is active
         getTheActiveWindow = True
      End If
   End If
End Function
Public Property Get IDForItem(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Long
   If lIndex > 0 And lIndex <= m_iMenuCount Then
      IDForItem = m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID
   End If
End Property
Public Property Get ItemForID(ByVal wID As Long) As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
   For lIndex = 1 To m_iMenuCount
      If m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID = wID Then
         ItemForID = lIndex
         Exit For
      End If
   Next lIndex
End Property

Public Sub EmulateMenuClick(ByVal wID As Long)
Dim lIndex As Long
   For lIndex = 1 To m_iMenuCount
      If m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID = wID Then
         RaiseClickEvent wID
         Exit For
      End If
   Next lIndex
End Sub
Public Property Get OfficeXpStyle() As Boolean
   OfficeXpStyle = m_OfficeXPStyle
End Property
Public Property Let OfficeXpStyle(ByVal bState As Boolean)
   m_OfficeXPStyle = bState
End Property
Public Property Get GradientHighlight() As Boolean
   GradientHighlight = m_bGradientHighlight
End Property
Public Property Let GradientHighlight(ByVal bState As Boolean)
   m_bGradientHighlight = bState
End Property
Public Property Get ButtonHighlight() As Boolean
   ButtonHighlight = m_bButtonHighlightStyle
End Property
Public Property Let ButtonHighlight(ByVal bState As Boolean)
   m_bButtonHighlightStyle = bState
End Property
Public Property Get HeaderStyle() As ECNMHeaderStyle
   If (m_bDrawHeadersAsSeparators) Then
      HeaderStyle = ecnmHeaderSeparator
      HeaderStyle = ecnmHeaderCaptionBar
   End If
End Property
Public Property Let HeaderStyle(ByVal eStyle As ECNMHeaderStyle)
   If (eStyle = ecnmHeaderCaptionBar) Then
      m_bDrawHeadersAsSeparators = False
      m_bDrawHeadersAsSeparators = True
   End If
End Property

Public Property Get Count() As Long
   Count = m_iMenuCount
End Property

Public Property Get HighlightCheckedItems() As Boolean
    HighlightCheckedItems = m_bHighlightCheckedItems
End Property
Public Property Let HighlightCheckedItems(ByVal bState As Boolean)
    m_bHighlightCheckedItems = bState
End Property
Public Property Get NoMenuAnimation() As Boolean
   NoMenuAnimation = m_bNoAnimation
End Property
Public Property Let NoMenuAnimation(ByVal bState As Boolean)
   m_bNoAnimation = bState
End Property
Public Property Get Tag() As String
   Tag = m_sTag
End Property
Public Property Let Tag(ByVal sTag As String)
   m_sTag = sTag
End Property
Public Property Get CurrentlyRestoredKey() As String
   CurrentlyRestoredKey = m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey
End Property
Public Sub Store(ByVal sKey As String)
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim bShowInfrequent As Boolean
   m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey = ""
   bShowInfrequent = m_bShowInfrequent
   If Not bShowInfrequent Then
      showInfrequentlyUsed True
   End If
   ' Save the menu under the key sKey:
   lIndex = plStored(sKey)
   If (lIndex = 0) Then
      ' We need a new item
      m_iStoreCount = m_iStoreCount + 1
      ReDim Preserve m_cStoredMenu(1 To m_iStoreCount) As pcStoreMenu
      Set m_cStoredMenu(m_iStoreCount) = New pcStoreMenu
      lIndex = m_iStoreCount
   End If
   With m_cStoredMenu(lIndex)
      .Key = sKey
      .Store m_tMI(), m_iMenuCount
   End With
   m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey = sKey
   If Not bShowInfrequent Then
      showInfrequentlyUsed False
   End If
End Sub
Public Sub Restore(ByVal sKey As String)
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim bShowInfrequent As Boolean
   ' Restore the menu from the key sKey:
   If (sKey <> m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey) Then
      lIndex = plStored(sKey)
      If (lIndex > 0) Then
         ' Clear any menu:
         m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey = ""
         bShowInfrequent = m_bShowInfrequent
         If Not bShowInfrequent Then
            showInfrequentlyUsed True
         End If
         ' Restore from storage:
         m_cStoredMenu(lIndex).Restore Me
         If Not bShowInfrequent Then
            showInfrequentlyUsed False
         End If
         m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey = sKey
         ' Error
         Debug.Print "Failed to restore..."
      End If
      Debug.Print "Nothing to do.."
   End If
End Sub
Public Function StoreToFile( _
      Optional ByVal iFile As Long = -1, _
      Optional ByVal sFile As String = "" _

   ' SPM Deprecated.  Use SaveToXml instead
Dim i As Long
Dim iUseFile As Integer
   ' Really we should be de/serialising to a PStream via the IStream
   ' interface (i.e. PropertyBag)
   If iFile < 1 And sFile = "" Then
      Err.Raise 9, App.EXEName & ".cPopupMenu", "Invalid call to
       RestoreFromFile; specify file name or handle."
      Exit Function
   End If
   If m_iStoreCount > 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
      Kill sFile

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

      If iFile = -1 Then
         iUseFile = FreeFile
         Open sFile For Binary Access Write Lock Read As #iUseFile
         iUseFile = iFile
      End If
      Put #iUseFile, , "vbalNewMenu"
      Put #iUseFile, , m_iStoreCount
      For i = 1 To m_iStoreCount
         m_cStoredMenu(i).Serialise iUseFile
      Next i
      If iFile = -1 Then
         Close #iUseFile
      End If
      iUseFile = 0
      Err.Raise 9, App.EXEName & ".cPopupMenu", "No stored menus to save"
   End If
   Exit Function
Dim lErr As Long, sErr As String
   lErr = Err.Number: sErr = Err.Description
   If iUseFile > 0 And iFile = -1 Then
      Close #iUseFile
      iUseFile = 0
   End If
   Err.Raise lErr, App.EXEName & ".cPopupMenu", sErr
   Exit Function
End Function
Public Function RestoreFromFile( _
      Optional ByVal iFile As Long = -1, _
      Optional ByVal sFile As String = "" _

   ' SPM Deprecated.  Use LoadFromXml instead
Dim i As Long
Dim iUseFile As Long
Dim sBuf As String
Dim lCount As Long
Dim bFail As Boolean
Dim sError As String

   ' Really we should be de/serialising to a PStream via the IStream
   ' interface (i.e. PropertyBag)
   If iFile < 1 And sFile = "" Then
      Err.Raise 9, App.EXEName & ".cPopupMenu", "Invalid call to
       RestoreFromFile; specify file name or handle."
      Exit Function
   End If

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   If iFile = -1 Then
      iUseFile = FreeFile
      Open sFile For Binary Access Read Lock Write As #iUseFile
      iUseFile = iFile
   End If
   sBuf = Space$(11)
   Get #iUseFile, , sBuf
   If sBuf = "vbalNewMenu" Then
      Get #iUseFile, , lCount
      If lCount > 0 Then
         m_iStoreCount = lCount
         ReDim m_cStoredMenu(1 To m_iStoreCount) As pcStoreMenu
         For i = 1 To m_iStoreCount
            Set m_cStoredMenu(i) = New pcStoreMenu
            If Not (m_cStoredMenu(i).Deserialise(iUseFile)) Then
               bFail = True
               sError = m_cStoredMenu(i).Error
               Exit For
            End If
         Next i
      End If
      If iFile = -1 Then
         Close #iUseFile
      End If
      iUseFile = 0
      If bFail Then
         Err.Raise 9, App.EXEName & ".cPopupMenu", sError
         RestoreFromFile = True
      End If
      If iFile = -1 Then
         Close #iUseFile
      End If
      iUseFile = 0
      Err.Raise 9, App.EXEName & ".cPopupMenu", "Not a cNewMenu file stream."
   End If
   Exit Function
Dim lErr As Long, sErr As String
   lErr = Err.Number: sErr = Err.Description
   If iUseFile > 0 And iFile = -1 Then
      Close #iUseFile
      iUseFile = 0
   End If
   Err.Raise lErr, App.EXEName & ".cPopupMenu", sErr
   Exit Function
   Resume 0
End Function
Private Property Get plStored(ByVal sKey As String) As Long
Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To m_iStoreCount
      If (m_cStoredMenu(i).Key = sKey) Then
         plStored = i
         Exit For
      End If
   Next i
End Property
Public Property Get hWndOwner() As Long
   hWndOwner = m_hWndOwner
End Property
Public Property Let hWndOwner(ByVal hWndA As Long)
   ' Clear up:

   ' Set for new owner:
   m_hWndOwner = hWndA
End Property

Public Property Let ImageList( _
        ByRef vImageList As Variant _
    m_hIml = 0
    m_ptrVb6ImageList = 0
    If (VarType(vImageList) = vbLong) Then
        ' Assume a handle to an image list:
        m_hIml = vImageList
    ElseIf (VarType(vImageList) = vbObject) Then
        ' Assume a VB image list:
        On Error Resume Next
        ' Get the image list initialised..
        vImageList.ListImages(1).Draw 0, 0, 0, 1
        m_hIml = vImageList.hImageList
        If (Err.Number = 0) Then
            ' Check for VB6 image list:
            If (TypeName(vImageList) = "ImageList") Then
                If (vImageList.ListImages.Count <>
                 ImageList_GetImageCount(m_hIml)) Then
                    Dim o As Object
                    Set o = vImageList
                    m_ptrVb6ImageList = ObjPtr(o)
                End If
            End If
            Debug.Print "Failed to Get Image list Handle", "cVGrid.ImageList"
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
    If (m_hIml <> 0) Then
        If (m_ptrVb6ImageList <> 0) Then
            m_lIconSize = vImageList.ImageHeight
            Dim rc As RECT
            ImageList_GetImageRect m_hIml, 0, rc
            m_lIconSize = rc.Bottom - rc.Top
        End If
    End If
End Property

Public Function AddItem( _
        ByVal sCaption As String, _
        Optional ByVal sHelptext As String = "", _
        Optional ByVal lItemData As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lParentIndex As Long = 0, _
        Optional ByVal lIconIndex As Long = -1, _
        Optional ByVal bChecked As Boolean = False, _
        Optional ByVal bEnabled As Boolean = True, _
        Optional ByVal sKey As String = "" _
    ) As Long
Dim lID As Long
   m_iMenuCount = m_iMenuCount + 1
   ReDim Preserve m_tMI(1 To m_iMenuCount) As tMenuItem
   lID = plGetNewID()
   With m_tMI(m_iMenuCount)
       .lID = lID
       .lActualID = lID
       pSetMenuCaption m_iMenuCount, sCaption, (sCaption = "-")
       .sAccelerator = psExtractAccelerator(sCaption)
       .sHelptext = sHelptext
       .lIconIndex = lIconIndex
       If (lParentIndex <> 0) Then
          .lParentId = m_tMI(lParentIndex).lActualID
       End If
       .lParentIndex = lParentIndex
       .lItemData = lItemData
       .bChecked = bChecked
       .bEnabled = bEnabled
       .bCreated = True
       .bVisible = True
       .bComboBox = False
       .bTextBox = False
       .bDragOff = False
       .bInfrequent = False
       .bChevronBehaviour = False
       .bChevronAppearance = False
       .bShowCheckAndIcon = False
       .sKey = sKey
   End With
   pAddNewMenuItem m_tMI(m_iMenuCount)
   If (m_tMI(m_iMenuCount).bTitle) Then
      Header(m_iMenuCount) = True
      m_tMI(m_iMenuCount).lHeight = (m_lMenuItemHeight + 6) * 3 \ 4
      If (m_tMI(m_iMenuCount).sCaption = "-") Then
         m_tMI(m_iMenuCount).lHeight = 6
         m_tMI(m_iMenuCount).lHeight = m_lMenuItemHeight + 6
      End If
   End If
   ItemData(m_iMenuCount) = lItemData
   AddItem = m_iMenuCount
End Function
Public Function InsertItem( _
      ByVal sCaption As String, _
      ByVal vKeyBefore As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal sHelptext As String = "", _
      Optional ByVal lItemData As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lIconIndex As Long = -1, _
      Optional ByVal bChecked As Boolean = False, _
      Optional ByVal bEnabled As Boolean = True, _
      Optional ByVal sKey As String = "" _
   ) As Long
Dim lIndexBefore As Long
Dim lID As Long
   'Inserts an item into a menu:
   lIndexBefore = plMenuIndex(vKeyBefore)
   If (lIndexBefore > 0) Then
      m_iMenuCount = m_iMenuCount + 1
      ReDim Preserve m_tMI(1 To m_iMenuCount) As tMenuItem
      lID = plGetNewID()
      With m_tMI(m_iMenuCount)
         .lID = lID
         .lActualID = lID
          pSetMenuCaption m_iMenuCount, sCaption, (sCaption = "-")
         .sAccelerator = psExtractAccelerator(sCaption)
         .sHelptext = sHelptext
         .lIconIndex = lIconIndex
         .lItemData = lItemData
         .bChecked = bChecked
         .bEnabled = bEnabled
         .bCreated = True
         .bVisible = True
         .bComboBox = False
         .bTextBox = False
         .bDragOff = False
         .bInfrequent = False
         .bChevronAppearance = False
         .bChevronBehaviour = False
         .bShowCheckAndIcon = False
         .sKey = sKey
      End With
      pInsertNewMenuitem m_tMI(m_iMenuCount), lIndexBefore
      InsertItem = m_iMenuCount
   End If
End Function
Public Function ReplaceItem( _
      ByVal vKey As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal sCaption As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal sHelptext As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal lItemData As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal lIconIndex As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal bChecked As Variant, _
      Optional ByVal bEnabled As Variant _
   ) As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim sItems() As String
Dim lH() As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim lFlags As Long
Dim lPosition As Long
Dim hSubMenu As Long

   ' Replaces a menu item with a new one.  Works
   ' around a bug with the caption property where if
   ' you changed the size of the caption the menu did
   ' not resize.  Also allows you to change the help
   ' text, item data, icon, check and enable at the
   ' same time.
   ' Check valid index:
   lIndex = plMenuIndex(vKey)
   If (lIndex > 0) Then
      If Not IsMissing(sCaption) Then
         pSetMenuCaption lIndex, sCaption, (sCaption = "-")
      End If
      If Not IsMissing(sHelptext) Then
         m_tMI(lIndex).sHelptext = sHelptext
      End If
      If Not IsMissing(lItemData) Then
         m_tMI(lIndex).lItemData = lItemData
      End If
      If Not IsMissing(lIconIndex) Then
         m_tMI(lIndex).lIconIndex = lIconIndex
      End If
      If Not IsMissing(bChecked) Then
         m_tMI(lIndex).bChecked = bChecked
      End If
      If Not IsMissing(bEnabled) Then
         m_tMI(lIndex).bEnabled = bEnabled
      End If
      pHierarchyForIndex lIndex, lH(), sItems()
      lPosition = lH(UBound(lH)) - 1
      ' Check if there is a sub menu:
      tMI.cbSize = Len(tMI)
      tMI.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU
      GetMenuItemInfo m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, 0, tMI
      hSubMenu = tMI.hSubMenu
      ' Remove the menu item:
      lR = RemoveMenu(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID,
      ' Insert it back again at the corect position with the same ID etc:
      lFlags = plMenuFlags(lIndex)
      lFlags = (lFlags Or MF_OWNERDRAW) And Not MF_STRING Or MF_BYPOSITION
      lR = InsertMenuByLong(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, lPosition, lFlags,
       m_tMI(lIndex).lID, m_tMI(lIndex).lID)
      If (hSubMenu <> 0) Then
         ' If we had a submenu then put that back again:
         lFlags = lFlags And Not MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_BYCOMMAND
         lFlags = lFlags Or MF_POPUP
         lR = ModifyMenuByLong(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lID, lFlags,
          hSubMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID)
      End If
      If (lR = 0) Then
         Debug.Print "Failed to insert new menu item."
      End If
   End If
End Function
Public Sub RemoveItem( _
        ByVal vKey As Variant _
Dim lIndex As Long
    lIndex = IndexForKey(vKey)
    If (lIndex > 0) Then
        pRemoveItem lIndex
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub pRemoveItem( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long _
Dim hMenusToDestroy() As Long
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lDestroy As Long
Dim lRealCount As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim lMaxID As Long
Dim lSubIndex As Long
Dim lNew() As Long

    ' Remove the Item:
    lR = RemoveMenu(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, MF_BYCOMMAND)
    m_tMI(lIndex).bMarkToDestroy = True
    ' Loop though all the children of the item at Index and determine
    ' what there is to remove:
    pRemoveSubMenus m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, 1, hMenusToDestroy(), lCount
    ' Destroy the menus:
    For lDestroy = 1 To lCount
        DestroyMenu hMenusToDestroy(lDestroy)
        ' Debug.Print "Destroyed sub-menu:" & hMenusToDestroy(lDestroy)
    Next lDestroy
    ' Now repopulate the array & sort out the indexes to remove
    ' the indexes marked for deletion:
    If (lCount > 0) Or (lR <> 0) Then
      lRealCount = 0
      For lIndex = 1 To m_iMenuCount
         If Not (m_tMI(lIndex).bMarkToDestroy) Then
            If (GetMenuItemCount(m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID) = -1) Then
               If (m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID > lMaxID) Then
                  lMaxID = m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID
               End If
            End If
            lRealCount = lRealCount + 1
            If (lRealCount <> lIndex) Then
               ' A much neater way than previously (set all the items
               ' what was I thinking of)
               LSet m_tMI(lRealCount) = m_tMI(lIndex)
               ' problem: the parent index of a menu is now changed by the
               For lSubIndex = 1 To m_iMenuCount
                  If m_tMI(lSubIndex).lParentIndex = lIndex Then
                     m_tMI(lSubIndex).lParentIndex = lRealCount
                     m_tMI(lSubIndex).lParentId = m_tMI(lRealCount).lActualID
                  End If
               Next lSubIndex
            End If
         End If
      Next lIndex

      ReDim Preserve m_tMI(1 To lRealCount) As tMenuItem
      m_iMenuCount = lRealCount
      If (lMaxID > m_iMenuCount) Then
         m_lLastMaxId = lMaxID
         m_lLastMaxId = m_iMenuCount
      End If
    End If

End Sub
Private Sub pRemoveSubMenus( _
        ByVal lParentId As Long, _
        ByVal lStartIndex As Long, _
        ByRef hMenusToDestroy() As Long, _
        ByRef lMenuToDestroyCount As Long _
Dim lIndex As Long
    For lIndex = 1 To m_iMenuCount
        If (m_tMI(lIndex).lParentId = lParentId) Then
            m_tMI(lIndex).bMarkToDestroy = True
            pAddToDestroyArray m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, hMenusToDestroy(),
            pRemoveSubMenus m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, lIndex, hMenusToDestroy(),
        End If
    Next lIndex
End Sub
Private Sub pAddToDestroyArray( _
        ByVal hMenu As Long, _
        ByRef hMenusToDestroy() As Long, _
        ByRef lMenuToDestroyCount As Long _
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim bFound As Boolean
    For lIndex = 1 To lMenuToDestroyCount
        If (hMenusToDestroy(lIndex) = hMenu) Then
            bFound = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next lIndex
    If Not (bFound) Then
        lMenuToDestroyCount = lMenuToDestroyCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve hMenusToDestroy(1 To lMenuToDestroyCount) As Long
        hMenusToDestroy(lMenuToDestroyCount) = hMenu
    End If
End Sub
Public Function ClearSubMenusOfItem( _
        ByVal vKey As Variant _
    ) As Long
Dim hMenu As Long
Dim iMenu As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
    lIndex = plMenuIndex(vKey)
    If (lIndex > 0) Then
        ' The idea is to leave just the submenu
        ' but with nothing in it:
        ' The ActualID of a sub-menu will be the
        ' handle to the submenu:
        hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID
        ' Now remove all the items in the sub-menu,
        ' mark them for destruction and also do
        ' any sub-menus they may have:
        For iMenu = m_iMenuCount To 1 Step -1
            If (iMenu <= m_iMenuCount) Then
                If (m_tMI(iMenu).hMenu = hMenu) Then
                    pRemoveItem iMenu
                End If
            End If
        Next iMenu
        For iMenu = 1 To m_iMenuCount
            If (m_tMI(iMenu).lActualID = hMenu) Then
                ClearSubMenusOfItem = iMenu
                Exit For
            End If
        Next iMenu
    End If
End Function

Private Sub pInsertNewMenuitem( _
      ByRef tMI As tMenuItem, _
      ByVal lIndexBefore As Long _
Dim lPIndex As Long
Dim hMenu As Long
Dim lFlags As Long
Dim lPosition As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim lH() As Long
Dim sItems() As String

   ' Find out where we're inserting into existing sub menu:
   hMenu = m_tMI(lIndexBefore).hMenu
   If (hMenu <> 0) Then
      pHierarchyForIndex lIndexBefore, lH(), sItems()
      lPosition = lH(UBound(lH)) - 1
      lFlags = plMenuFlags(m_iMenuCount)
      lFlags = (lFlags Or MF_OWNERDRAW) And Not MF_STRING Or MF_BYPOSITION
      lR = InsertMenuByLong(hMenu, lPosition, lFlags, tMI.lID, tMI.lID)
      If (lR = 0) Then
          Debug.Print "Failed to insert new Menu item"
         ' Store the hMenu for this item:
         tMI.hMenu = hMenu
      End If
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub pSetMenuCaption( _
        ByVal iItem As Long, _
        ByVal sCaption As String, _
        ByVal bSeparator As Boolean _
Dim sCap As String
Dim sShortCut As String
Dim iPos As Long
   m_tMI(iItem).sInputCaption = sCaption
   If (bSeparator) Then
       m_tMI(iItem).sCaption = "-"
      ' Check if this is a title:
      If (Left$(sCaption, 1) = "-") Then
         m_tMI(iItem).bTitle = True
         sCaption = Mid$(sCaption, 2)
      End If
      ' Check if this menu item will have a menu bar break:
      pParseCaption sCaption, "|", m_tMI(iItem).bMenuBarBreak
      ' Check if this menu item will be on the same line as
      ' the last one:
      pParseCaption sCaption, "^", m_tMI(iItem).bMenuBreak
      ' Check if we have a shortcut to the menu item:
      iPos = InStr(sCaption, vbTab)
      If (iPos <> 0) Then
          sCap = Left$(sCaption, (iPos - 1))
          ' Extract the ctrl key item:
          sShortCut = Mid$(sCaption, (iPos + 1))
          pParseMenuShortcut iItem, sShortCut
          sCap = sCaption
      End If
      m_tMI(iItem).sAccelerator = psExtractAccelerator(sCap)
      m_tMI(iItem).sCaption = sCap
   End If

End Sub
Private Sub pParseCaption(ByRef sCaption As String, ByVal sToken As String,
 ByRef bFlag As Boolean)
Dim iPos As Long
Dim iPos2 As Long
Dim sCap As String

   iPos = InStr(sCaption, sToken)
   If (iPos <> 0) Then
      ' Check for double token (i.e. interpret as untokenised character):
      iPos2 = InStr(sCaption, sToken & sToken)
      If (iPos2 <> 0) Then
         bFlag = False
         If (iPos2 > 1) Then
            sCap = Left$(sCaption, iPos - 1)
         End If
         If (iPos2 + 1 < Len(sCaption)) Then
            sCap = sCap & Mid$(sCaption, iPos2 + 1)
         End If
         bFlag = True
         If (iPos > 1) Then
            sCap = Left$(sCaption, iPos - 1)
         End If
         If (iPos < Len(sCaption)) Then
            sCap = sCap & Mid$(sCaption, iPos + 1)
         End If
         sCaption = sCap
      End If
      bFlag = False
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub pParseMenuShortcut( _
        ByVal iItem As Long, _
        ByVal sShortCut As String _
Dim iPos As Long
Dim iNextPos As Long
Dim iCount As Long
Dim sBits() As String
Dim sKeyNum As String

   sShortCut = Trim$(sShortCut)

   m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftMask = 0
   m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = 0
   m_tMI(iItem).sShortCutDisplay = sShortCut
   If Len(sShortCut) > 0 Then
      iPos = 1
      iNextPos = InStr(iPos, sShortCut, "+")
      Do While iNextPos <> 0
         iCount = iCount + 1
         ReDim Preserve sBits(1 To iCount) As String
         sBits(iCount) = Mid$(sShortCut, iPos, iNextPos - iPos)
         iPos = iNextPos + 1
         iNextPos = InStr(iPos, sShortCut, "+")
      If iPos <= Len(sShortCut) Then
         iCount = iCount + 1
         ReDim Preserve sBits(1 To iCount) As String
         sBits(iCount) = Mid$(sShortCut, iPos)
      End If
      ' Parse the bits:
      For iPos = 1 To iCount
         If Len(sBits(iPos)) = 1 Then
            m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = Asc(UCase$(sBits(iPos)))
            Select Case sBits(iPos)
            Case "Ctrl"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftMask =
                m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftMask Or vbCtrlMask
            Case "Alt"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftMask =
                m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftMask Or vbAltMask
            Case "Shift"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftMask =
                m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftMask Or vbShiftMask
            Case "Home"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyHome
            Case "End"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyEnd
            Case "Left Arrow"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyLeft
            Case "Right Arrow"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyRight
            Case "Up Arrow"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyUp
            Case "Down Arrow"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyDown
            Case "Break"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyClear
            Case "Page Up"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyPageUp
            Case "Page Up"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyPageDown
            Case "Del"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyDelete
            Case "Esc"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyEscape
            Case "Tab"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyTab
            Case "Enter"
               m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyReturn
            Case Else
               If Left$(sShortCut, 1) = "F" Then
                  sKeyNum = Mid$(sShortCut, (iPos + 1))
                  m_tMI(iItem).iShortCutShiftKey = vbKeyF1 + Val(sKeyNum) - 1
               End If
            End Select
         End If
      Next iPos
   End If
End Sub
Private Function pHierarchyForIndex( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long, _
        ByRef lHierarchy() As Long, _
        ByRef sItems() As String _
    ) As String
Dim lH() As Long
Dim sI() As String
Dim lItems As Long
Dim hMenuSeek As Long
Dim lPid As Long
Dim bComplete As Boolean
Dim l As Long
Dim lNewIndex As Long
Dim sOut As String

    Erase lHierarchy
    Erase sItems
    ' Now determine the hierarchy for this item:
    hMenuSeek = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
        lItems = lItems + 1
        ReDim Preserve lH(1 To lItems) As Long
        ReDim Preserve sI(1 To lItems) As String
        lH(lItems) = plMenuPositionForIndex(hMenuSeek, lIndex)
        sI(lItems) = m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption
        lPid = m_tMI(lIndex).lParentId
        If (lPid <> 0) Then
            lNewIndex = plGetIndexForId(m_tMI(lIndex).lParentId)
            ' Debug.Print lNewIndex
            lIndex = lNewIndex
            hMenuSeek = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
            bComplete = True
        End If
    Loop While Not (bComplete)
    ReDim lHierarchy(1 To lItems) As Long
    ReDim sItems(1 To lItems) As String
    For l = lItems To 1 Step -1
        lHierarchy(l) = lH(lItems - l + 1)
        sItems(l) = sI(lItems - l + 1)
    Next l

End Function
Private Function plMenuPositionForIndex( _
        ByVal hMenuSeek As Long, _
        ByVal lIndex As Long _
    ) As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lCount As Long
   ' fixed bug where this returned the wrong menu item...
   lCount = GetMenuItemCount(hMenuSeek)
   If (lCount > 0) Then
      For l = 0 To lCount - 1
         tMII.cbSize = Len(tMII)
         tMII.fMask = MIIM_ID
         GetMenuItemInfo hMenuSeek, l, True, tMII
         If (tMII.wID = m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID) And (m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu =
          hMenuSeek) Then
            plMenuPositionForIndex = l + 1
         End If
      Next l
   End If
End Function
Private Function plFindItemInMenu( _
        ByVal hMenuSeek As Long, _
        ByVal lPosition As Long _
    ) As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim l As Long, i As Long
Dim lID As Long
Dim lCount As Long
   ' fixed bug where this returned the wrong menu item...
   tMII.cbSize = Len(tMII)
   tMII.fMask = MIIM_ID
   GetMenuItemInfo hMenuSeek, lPosition - 1, True, tMII
   For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
      If m_tMI(i).lActualID = tMII.wID And m_tMI(i).hMenu = hMenuSeek Then
         plFindItemInMenu = i
         Exit Function
      End If
   Next i
End Function
Private Function plMenuIndex(ByVal vKey As Variant) As Long
Dim i As Long
   ' Signal default
   plMenuIndex = -1
   ' Check for numeric key (i.e. index):
   If (IsNumeric(vKey)) Then
      i = CLng(vKey)
      If (i > 0) And (i <= m_iMenuCount) Then
         plMenuIndex = i
      End If
      ' Check for string key:
      For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
          If (m_tMI(i).sKey = vKey) Then
              plMenuIndex = i
              Exit Function
          End If
      Next i
   End If
End Function
Public Property Get IndexForKey( _
      ByVal sKey As String _
   ) As Long
Dim i As Long
   i = plMenuIndex(sKey)
   If i = -1 Then i = 0
   IndexForKey = i
End Property
Public Property Get ItemKey( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As String
   ItemKey = m_tMI(lIndex).sKey
End Property
Public Property Let ItemKey( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal sKey As String _
   m_tMI(lIndex).sKey = sKey
End Property
Public Property Get ItemData( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long _
    ) As Long
    ItemData = m_tMI(lIndex).lItemData
End Property
Public Property Get ItemParentIndex( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As Long
   ItemParentIndex = m_tMI(lIndex).lParentIndex
End Property
Public Property Let ItemData( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal lItemData As Long _
   m_tMI(lIndex).lItemData = lItemData
   If (lIndex > 0) And (lIndex <= m_iMenuCount) Then
      tMII.cbSize = Len(tMII)
      tMII.fMask = MIIM_DATA
      GetMenuItemInfo m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, False, tMII
      tMII.dwItemData = lItemData
      SetMenuItemInfo m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, False, tMII
   End If
End Property
Public Property Let ItemIcon( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal lIconIndex As Long _
   m_tMI(lIndex).lIconIndex = lIconIndex
End Property
Public Property Get ItemIcon( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As Long
   ItemIcon = m_tMI(lIndex).lIconIndex
End Property
Public Property Get ItemInfrequentlyUsed( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As Boolean
   ItemInfrequentlyUsed = m_tMI(lIndex).bInfrequent
End Property
Public Property Let ItemInfrequentlyUsed( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal bState As Boolean _
   m_tMI(lIndex).bInfrequent = bState
   ResetMenuForRecalc lIndex
   setInfrequentSeparatorsAndChevrons m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
End Property
Public Property Get HideInfrequentlyUsed() As Boolean
   HideInfrequentlyUsed = Not (m_bShowInfrequent)
End Property
Public Property Let HideInfrequentlyUsed(ByVal bState As Boolean)
   If (bState = m_bShowInfrequent) Then
      showInfrequentlyUsed Not (bState)
   End If
End Property

Public Property Get Checked( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long _
    ) As Boolean
    tMII.fMask = MIIM_STATE
    tMII.cbSize = LenB(tMII)
    GetMenuItemInfo m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, False, tMII
    m_tMI(lIndex).bChecked = ((tMII.fState And MFS_CHECKED) = MFS_CHECKED)
    Checked = m_tMI(lIndex).bChecked
End Property
Public Property Let Checked( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long, _
        ByVal bChecked As Boolean _
Dim lFlag As Long
Dim lFlagNot As Long

    m_tMI(lIndex).bChecked = bChecked
    If (bChecked) Then
        lFlag = MF_CHECKED
        lFlagNot = 0
        lFlag = 0
        lFlagNot = MF_CHECKED
    End If
    pSetMenuFlag lIndex, lFlag, lFlagNot
End Property
Public Property Get RadioCheck(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Boolean
' BMS 19/9/99: Added Property Get RadioChecked, to allow client to
' determine if an item is of type RadioCheck or not.
   If (lIndex > 0) Then
      RadioCheck = m_tMI(lIndex).bRadioCheck
   End If
End Property
Public Property Let RadioCheck( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal bRadioCheck As Boolean _
' BMS 20/9/99: Added Property Let RadioChecked, to allow client to
' set if an item is of type RadioCheck or not.
Dim lFlag As Long
Dim lFlagNot As Long
   If bRadioCheck Then
      If m_tMI(lIndex).bChecked Then
         Checked(lIndex) = False
      End If
   End If
   m_tMI(lIndex).bRadioCheck = bRadioCheck
   If (bRadioCheck) Then
      lFlag = MFT_RADIOCHECK
      lFlagNot = 0
      lFlag = 0
      lFlagNot = MFT_RADIOCHECK
   End If
   pSetMenuFlag lIndex, lFlag, lFlagNot
End Property
Public Property Get ShowCheckAndIcon(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Boolean
   ShowCheckAndIcon = m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon
End Property
Public Property Let ShowCheckAndIcon(ByVal lIndex As Long, ByVal bState As
   m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon = bState
   ResetMenuForRecalc lIndex
End Property
Public Property Get RedisplayMenuOnClick(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Boolean
   RedisplayMenuOnClick = m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour
End Property
Public Property Let RedisplayMenuOnClick(ByVal lIndex As Long, ByVal bState As
   m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour = bState
End Property

Public Sub GroupToggle(ByVal lIndex As Long, Optional ByVal bRadio As Boolean =
Dim hMenuSeek As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim lCount As Long
   ' Check a radio item and toggle off any others within
   ' this menu space:
   If lIndex > 0 And lIndex <= m_iMenuCount Then
      RadioCheck(lIndex) = True
      hMenuSeek = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
      lPos = plMenuPositionForIndex(hMenuSeek, lIndex) - 1
      If lPos > -1 Then
         For l = lPos - 1 To 0 Step -1
            tMII.cbSize = Len(tMII)
            tMII.fMask = MIIM_ID Or MIIM_TYPE
            GetMenuItemInfo hMenuSeek, l, True, tMII
            If (tMII.fType And MF_SEPARATOR) <> MF_SEPARATOR Then
               lIndex = plGetIndexForId(tMII.wID)
               RadioCheck(lIndex) = False
               Exit For
            End If
         Next l
         For l = lPos + 1 To GetMenuItemCount(hMenuSeek) - 1
            tMII.cbSize = Len(tMII)
            tMII.fMask = MIIM_TYPE Or MIIM_ID
            GetMenuItemInfo hMenuSeek, l, True, tMII
            If (tMII.fType And MF_SEPARATOR) <> MF_SEPARATOR Then
               lIndex = plGetIndexForId(tMII.wID)
               RadioCheck(lIndex) = False
               Exit For
            End If
         Next l
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Public Property Get Enabled( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long _
    ) As Boolean
    Enabled = m_tMI(lIndex).bEnabled

End Property
Public Property Let Enabled( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long, _
        ByVal bEnabled As Boolean _
Dim lFlag As Long
Dim lFlagNot As Long

    m_tMI(lIndex).bEnabled = bEnabled
    If (bEnabled) Then
        lFlag = MF_ENABLED
        lFlagNot = MF_GRAYED
        lFlag = MF_DISABLED
        lFlagNot = MF_GRAYED
    End If
    pSetMenuFlag lIndex, lFlag, lFlagNot
End Property
Public Property Get Caption( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long _
    ) As String
   Caption = m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption
End Property
Public Property Let Caption( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long, _
        ByVal sCaption As String _

   m_tMI(lIndex).sInputCaption = sCaption
   m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption = sCaption
   m_tMI(lIndex).sAccelerator = psExtractAccelerator(sCaption)
   ResetMenuForRecalc lIndex
End Property
Public Property Get Visible( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As Boolean
   Visible = m_tMI(lIndex).bVisible
End Property
Public Property Let Visible( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal bState As Boolean _
   m_tMI(lIndex).bVisible = bState
   ResetMenuForRecalc lIndex
End Property

Public Property Get HelpText( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As String
   HelpText = m_tMI(lIndex).sHelptext
End Property
Public Property Let HelpText( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal sHelptext As String _
   m_tMI(lIndex).sHelptext = sHelptext
End Property

Private Sub showInfrequentlyUsed(ByVal bState As Boolean)
Dim i As Long
Dim bChange As Boolean

   bChange = Not (m_bShowInfrequent = bState)

   ' set the state (if not already...)
   m_bShowInfrequent = bState
   ' Debug.Print "showInfrequentyUsed:", bState
   If (bChange) Or (Not m_bShowInfrequent) Then
      ' ensure all items get measured correctly:
      For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
         If m_tMI(i).bInfrequent Then
            ResetMenuForRecalc i
         End If
      Next i
      If Not (bState) Then
         ' which menus should we add chevrons to?
         ' which separators should we also set as infrequent?
         Dim hMenu() As Long
         Dim iMenuCount As Long
         Dim j As Long
         Dim lIndex As Long
         ' determine which menus contain infrequent items:
         For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
            lIndex = 0
            For j = 1 To iMenuCount
               If lIndex = 0 Then
                  If m_tMI(i).hMenu = hMenu(j) Then
                     lIndex = j
                     Exit For
                  End If
               End If
            Next j
            If (lIndex = 0) Then
               ReDim Preserve hMenu(1 To iMenuCount + 1) As Long
               iMenuCount = iMenuCount + 1
               hMenu(iMenuCount) = m_tMI(i).hMenu
            End If
         Next i

         ' correct separators & add chevrons:
         For j = 1 To iMenuCount
            setInfrequentSeparatorsAndChevrons hMenu(j)
         Next j
         ' done.
         ' remove chevrons:
         For i = m_iMenuCount To 1 Step -1
            If i <= m_iMenuCount Then
               If m_tMI(i).bChevronAppearance Then
                  pRemoveItem i
               End If
            End If
         Next i
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub setInfrequentSeparatorsAndChevrons(ByVal hMenu As Long)
Dim i As Long
Dim iCount As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim lGroupFrequentCount As Long
Dim lInFrequentCount As Long
Dim lParentIndex As Long
Dim bSeparator As Boolean
Dim sKey As String
Dim lR As Long

   tMI.cbSize = LenB(tMI)
   tMI.fMask = MIIM_ID
   iCount = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu)
   For i = 1 To iCount
      lR = GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, i - 1, True, tMI)
      lIndex = ItemForID(tMI.wID)
      If lIndex > 0 Then
         bSeparator = isSeparator(lIndex)
         If bSeparator Then
            m_tMI(lIndex).bInfrequent = (lGroupFrequentCount = 0)
            lGroupFrequentCount = 0
            If m_tMI(lIndex).bInfrequent Then
               lInFrequentCount = lInFrequentCount + 1
               lParentIndex = m_tMI(lIndex).lParentIndex
               lGroupFrequentCount = lGroupFrequentCount + 1
            End If
         End If
      End If
   Next i
   ' remove chevrons:
   sKey = m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey
   m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey = ""
   For i = m_iMenuCount To 1 Step -1
      If i <= m_iMenuCount Then
         If m_tMI(i).hMenu = hMenu Then
            If m_tMI(i).bChevronAppearance Then
               pRemoveItem i
            End If
         End If
      End If
   Next i
   m_sCurrentlyRestoredKey = sKey
   If (lInFrequentCount > 0) And Not (m_bShowInfrequent) Then
      i = AddItem("v-chevron-v", , , lParentIndex)
      m_tMI(i).bChevronAppearance = True
      m_tMI(i).bChevronBehaviour = True
      ItemData(i) = &HCAFECAFE
   End If

End Sub

Private Function isSeparator(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Boolean
   If Trim$(m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption = "-") Then
      isSeparator = True
   End If
End Function

Private Sub ResetMenuForRecalc(ByVal lIndex As Long)
Dim hMenu As Long
Dim hSubMenu As Long
Dim lFlags As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim lPosition As Long
Dim iCount As Long, i As Long

   ' Modify the menu item:
   hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
   tMI.cbSize = Len(tMI)
   GetMenuItemInfo hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, 0, tMI
   hSubMenu = tMI.hSubMenu
   iCount = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu)
   tMI.fMask = MIIM_ID
   For i = 0 To iCount - 1
      GetMenuItemInfo hMenu, i, 1, tMI
      If (tMI.wID <> m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID) Then
         lPosition = lPosition + 1
         Exit For
      End If
   Next i
   ' remove it from the menu:
   RemoveMenu hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, MF_BYCOMMAND
   ' Insert it back again at the corect position with the same ID etc:
   lFlags = plMenuFlags(lIndex)
   lR = InsertMenuByLong(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, lPosition, lFlags,
    m_tMI(lIndex).lID, m_tMI(lIndex).lItemData)
   If (hSubMenu <> 0) Then
      ' If we had a submenu then put that back again:
      lFlags = lFlags And Not MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_BYCOMMAND
      lFlags = lFlags Or MF_POPUP
      lR = ModifyMenuByLong(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lID, lFlags,
       hSubMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lItemData)
   End If

End Sub
Public Property Get Header( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As Boolean
   Header = m_tMI(lIndex).bTitle
End Property
Public Property Let Header( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal bState As Boolean _
   m_tMI(lIndex).bTitle = bState
   If (bState) Then
      If Not m_tMI(lIndex).bDragOff Then
         ' disable the item
         pSetMenuFlag lIndex, MF_DISABLED, MF_GRAYED
         ' neither disabled nor grayed
         pSetMenuFlag lIndex, 0, MF_DISABLED Or MF_GRAYED
      End If
   End If
End Property
Public Property Get OwnerDraw( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As Boolean
   OwnerDraw = m_tMI(lIndex).bOwnerDraw
End Property
Public Property Let OwnerDraw( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal bState As Boolean _
   m_tMI(lIndex).bOwnerDraw = bState
End Property

Public Property Get Default( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long _
   ) As Boolean
   Default = m_tMI(lIndex).bDefault
End Property
Public Property Let Default( _
      ByVal lIndex As Long, _
      ByVal bState As Boolean _
   m_tMI(lIndex).bDefault = bState
   ' Modify this menu item to reflect the new properties:
   ResetMenuForRecalc lIndex
End Property

Public Sub Clear()
Dim lMenu As Long
   m_lLastMaxId = &H800
   ' Clear up all submenus we have created:
   For lMenu = 1 To m_lSubMenuCount
       DestroyMenu m_hSubMenus(lMenu)
   Next lMenu
   m_lSubMenuCount = 0
   Erase m_hSubMenus
   ' Clear the main menu we have created:
   If (m_iMenuCount > 0) Then
      DestroyMenu m_tMI(1).hMenu
   End If

   ' Clear up the array:
   m_iMenuCount = 0
   Erase m_tMI
End Sub

Public Function ShowPopupMenu( _
      ByVal lLeft As Long, _
      ByVal lTop As Long, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeLeft As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeTop As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeRight As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeBottom As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal bTryToKeepLeft As Boolean = True _
   ) As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lUN As Long
Dim bIsSubclass As Boolean

   If Count = 0 Then
      Exit Function
   End If
   tP.x = lLeft \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
   tP.y = lTop \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
   ClientToScreen m_hWndOwner, tP
   If Abs(lExcludeLeft - lExcludeRight) > 0 Or Abs(lExcludeTop -
    lExcludeBottom) > 0 Then
      tP2.x = lExcludeLeft \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
      tP2.y = lExcludeTop \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
      ClientToScreen m_hWndOwner, tP2
      tPM.rcExclude.Left = tP2.x
      tPM.rcExclude.Top = tP2.y
      tP2.x = lExcludeRight \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
      tP2.y = lExcludeBottom \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
      ClientToScreen m_hWndOwner, tP2
      tPM.rcExclude.Right = tP2.x
      tPM.rcExclude.Bottom = tP2.y
   End If
   tPM.cbSize = Len(tPM)
   If Not (bTryToKeepLeft) Then
   End If
   If (m_bNoAnimation) Then
   End If
   SendMessageLong m_hWndOwner, WM_ENTERMENULOOP, 1, 0
   bIsSubclass = (m_hWndAttached <> 0)
   showInfrequentlyUsed m_bShowInfrequent
   CreateSubClass m_hWndOwner
   lR = TrackPopupMenuEx(m_tMI(1).hMenu, lUN, tP.x, tP.y, m_hWndOwner, tPM)
   ' Find the index of the item with id lR within the menu:
   If lR > 0 Then
      lIndex = ItemForID(lR)
      ShowPopupMenu = lIndex
   End If
   If Not bIsSubclass Then
      If lR > 0 Then
         If m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour Then
            If Not m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronAppearance Then
               raiseClickEventSub lIndex
            End If
            ShowPopupMenu = chevronPress(lIndex)
            raiseClickEventSub lIndex
         End If
      End If
   End If
   SendMessageLong m_hWndOwner, WM_EXITMENULOOP, 1, 0
   ' The WM_COMMAND message is sent after this sub exits.
End Function
Public Function ShowPopupMenuAtIndex( _
      ByVal lLeft As Long, _
      ByVal lTop As Long, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeLeft As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeTop As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeRight As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal lExcludeBottom As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal bTryToKeepLeft As Boolean = True, _
      Optional ByVal lIndex As Long = 1 _
   ) As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lUN As Long
Dim bIsSubclass As Boolean
Dim hMenu As Long

   If lIndex > 0 Then
      If lIndex <= 0 Or lIndex > Count Then
         Exit Function
      End If
      hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
      If Count = 0 Then
         Exit Function
      End If
      hMenu = m_tMI(1).hMenu
   End If
   tP.x = lLeft \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
   tP.y = lTop \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
   ClientToScreen m_hWndOwner, tP
   If Abs(lExcludeLeft - lExcludeRight) > 0 Or Abs(lExcludeTop -
    lExcludeBottom) > 0 Then
      tP2.x = lExcludeLeft \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
      tP2.y = lExcludeTop \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
      ClientToScreen m_hWndOwner, tP2
      tPM.rcExclude.Left = tP2.x
      tPM.rcExclude.Top = tP2.y
      tP2.x = lExcludeRight \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
      tP2.y = lExcludeBottom \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
      ClientToScreen m_hWndOwner, tP2
      tPM.rcExclude.Right = tP2.x
      tPM.rcExclude.Bottom = tP2.y
   End If
   tPM.cbSize = Len(tPM)
   If Not (bTryToKeepLeft) Then
   End If
   If (m_bNoAnimation) Then
   End If
   SendMessageLong m_hWndOwner, WM_ENTERMENULOOP, 1, 0
   bIsSubclass = (m_hWndAttached <> 0)
   showInfrequentlyUsed m_bShowInfrequent
   CreateSubClass m_hWndOwner
   lR = TrackPopupMenuEx(hMenu, lUN, tP.x, tP.y, m_hWndOwner, tPM)
   ' Find the index of the item with id lR within the menu:
   If lR > 0 Then
      lIndex = ItemForID(lR)
      ShowPopupMenuAtIndex = lIndex
   End If
   If Not bIsSubclass Then
      If lR > 0 Then
         If m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour Then
            If Not m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronAppearance Then
               raiseClickEventSub lIndex
            End If
            ShowPopupMenuAtIndex = chevronPress(lIndex)
            raiseClickEventSub lIndex
         End If
      End If
   End If
   SendMessageLong m_hWndOwner, WM_EXITMENULOOP, 1, 0
   ' The WM_COMMAND message is sent after this sub exits.
End Function

Public Function ShowPopupAbsolute( _
      ByVal lLeftPixel As Long, _
      ByVal lTopPixel As Long, _
      Optional ByVal lIndex As Long = 0, _
      Optional ByVal bTryToKeepLeft As Boolean = True _
   ) As Long
Dim tR As RECT
Dim lUN As Long
Dim hMenu As Long
Dim bIsSubclass As Boolean
Dim lR As Long
   If lIndex > 0 Then
      If lIndex <= 0 Or lIndex > Count Then
         Exit Function
      End If
      hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
      If Count = 0 Then
         Exit Function
      End If
      hMenu = m_tMI(1).hMenu
   End If

   If Not (bTryToKeepLeft) Then
   End If
   If (m_bNoAnimation) Then
   End If
   SendMessageLong m_hWndOwner, WM_ENTERMENULOOP, 1, 0
   showInfrequentlyUsed m_bShowInfrequent
   bIsSubclass = (m_hWndAttached <> 0)
   CreateSubClass m_hWndOwner
   lR = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, lUN, lLeftPixel, lTopPixel, 0, m_hWndOwner, tR)
   ' Find the index of the item with id lR within the menu:
   lIndex = ItemForID(lR)
   ShowPopupAbsolute = lIndex
   If Not bIsSubclass Then
      If lR > 0 Then
         If m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour Then
            If Not m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronAppearance Then
               raiseClickEventSub lIndex
            End If
            ShowPopupAbsolute = chevronPress(lIndex)
            raiseClickEventSub lIndex
         End If
      End If
   End If
   SendMessageLong m_hWndOwner, WM_EXITMENULOOP, 1, 0
   ' The WM_COMMAND message is sent after this sub exits.
End Function
Private Sub pSetMenuFlag( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long, _
        ByVal lFlag As Long, _
        ByVal lFlagNot As Long _
Dim lFlags As Long

    lFlags = plMenuFlags(lIndex)
    lFlags = (lFlags Or MF_OWNERDRAW) And Not MF_STRING
    tMII.cbSize = LenB(tMII)
    GetMenuItemInfo m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, False, tMII
    If (tMII.hSubMenu <> 0) Then
        lFlags = lFlags Or MF_POPUP
    End If
    lFlags = lFlags And Not MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_BYCOMMAND
    lFlags = lFlags Or lFlag
    lFlags = lFlags And Not lFlagNot
    ModifyMenuByLong m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, lFlags,
     m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID, m_tMI(lIndex).lItemData
End Sub
Public Property Get hMenu(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Long
   hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
End Property

Private Sub pAddNewMenuItem( _
        ByRef tMI As tMenuItem _
Dim hMenu As Long
Dim lPIndex As Long
Dim lFlags As Long
Dim lR As Long
Dim hMenuNew As Long
Dim bOk As Boolean
Dim i As Long

    ' Find out where we're adding this item:
    With tMI
        If (.lParentId = 0) Then
            ' This is a new top level menu item:
            If (m_iMenuCount = 1) Then
               ' Create a new menu
               hMenu = CreatePopupMenu()
               ' Use the existing menu:
               hMenu = m_tMI(1).hMenu
            End If
            ' We are adding to an existing menu:
            ' First we need to determine if there is already a sub menu for the
             parent item:
            lPIndex = plGetIndexForId(tMI.lParentId)
            If (lPIndex = 0) Then
                ' Debug.Print " *** Couldn't find parent... *** "
                ' Determine if the parent menu has a sub-menu:
                tMII.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU
                tMII.cbSize = LenB(tMII)
                GetMenuItemInfo m_tMI(lPIndex).hMenu, m_tMI(lPIndex).lActualID,
                 False, tMII
                hMenu = tMII.hSubMenu
                If (hMenu = 0) Then
                    ' We don't have a sub menu for this item so we're
                    ' going to have to add one:
                    ' Debug.Print "Adding new sub-menu:"
                    ' Create the new menu item and store it's handle so we can
                     clear up
                    ' again later:
                    hMenu = CreatePopupMenu()
                    If (hMenu = 0) Then
                        Debug.Print " *** Failed to create sub menu *** "
                        ' Check if hMenu isn't an ID:
                        bOk = False
                        If Not (pbIDIsUnique(hMenu)) Then
                           For i = 1 To 100
                              hMenuNew = CreatePopupMenu()
                              If (pbIDIsUnique(hMenuNew)) Then
                                 DestroyMenu hMenu
                                 hMenu = hMenuNew
                                 bOk = True
                                 Exit For
                                 DestroyMenu hMenuNew
                              End If
                           Next i
                           If Not bOk Then
                              ' .. out of menu handles ...
                              DestroyMenu hMenu
                             Debug.Print "Out of Menu Handles"
                             Exit Sub
                        End If
                     End If
                    m_lSubMenuCount = m_lSubMenuCount + 1
                    ReDim Preserve m_hSubMenus(1 To m_lSubMenuCount) As Long
                    m_hSubMenus(m_lSubMenuCount) = hMenu
                    ' Now set the parent item so it has a popup menu:
                    lFlags = plMenuFlags(lPIndex)
                    lFlags = (lFlags Or MF_OWNERDRAW) And Not MF_STRING
                    lFlags = lFlags Or MF_POPUP
                    lFlags = lFlags And Not MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_BYCOMMAND
                    lR = ModifyMenuByLong(m_tMI(lPIndex).hMenu,
                     m_tMI(lPIndex).lActualID, lFlags, hMenu,
                    ItemData(lPIndex) = m_tMI(lPIndex).lItemData
                    If (lR = 0) Then
                        Debug.Print "Failed to modify menu to add the sub menu
                         " & WinAPIError(Err.LastDllError)
                    End If
                    ' WHen you add a sub menu to an item, its id becomes the
                     sub menu handle:
                    m_tMI(lPIndex).lActualID = hMenu
                    tMI.lParentId = hMenu
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If (hMenu <> 0) Then
            lFlags = plMenuFlags(m_iMenuCount)
            lFlags = (lFlags Or MF_OWNERDRAW) And Not MF_STRING Or MF_BYPOSITION
            lR = AppendMenuBylong(hMenu, lFlags, tMI.lID, tMI.lItemData)
            If (lR = 0) Then
                Debug.Print "Failed to add new Menu item"
            End If
        End If
        ' Store the hMenu for this item:
        .hMenu = hMenu
    End With
End Sub
Private Function plMenuFlags( _
        ByVal lIndex As Long _
Dim lFlags As Long
   With m_tMI(lIndex)
      If (.bChecked) Then
          lFlags = lFlags Or MF_CHECKED
          lFlags = lFlags Or MF_UNCHECKED
      End If
      If (.bEnabled) Then
          lFlags = lFlags Or MF_ENABLED
          lFlags = lFlags Or MF_GRAYED
      End If
      If Left$(Trim$(.sInputCaption), 1) = "-" Or (.bTitle And Not .bDragOff)
       Or Not (isVisible(lIndex)) Then
         ' Debug.Print .sInputCaption
         lFlags = lFlags Or MF_SEPARATOR
      End If
      If (m_tMI(lIndex).bMenuBarBreak) Then
         lFlags = lFlags Or MF_MENUBARBREAK
      End If
      If (m_tMI(lIndex).bMenuBreak) Then
         lFlags = lFlags Or MF_MENUBREAK
      End If
   End With
   plMenuFlags = lFlags
End Function
Private Function psExtractAccelerator( _
        ByVal sCaption As String _
Dim i As Long

    For i = 1 To Len(sCaption)
        If (Mid$(sCaption, i, 1) = "&") Then
            If (i < Len(sCaption)) Then
                psExtractAccelerator = UCase$(Mid$(sCaption, (i + 1), 1))
            End If
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
End Function
Private Function plGetNewID() As Long
Dim lID As Long

    If (m_lLastMaxId < m_iMenuCount) Then
        m_lLastMaxId = m_iMenuCount
        m_lLastMaxId = m_lLastMaxId + 1
    End If
    lID = m_lLastMaxId
    Do Until (pbIDIsUnique(lID))
        lID = lID + 1
        m_lLastMaxId = lID
    plGetNewID = lID
End Function
Private Function pbIDIsUnique( _
        ByVal lID As Long _
    ) As Boolean
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim lMenu As Long
    For lMenu = 1 To m_iMenuCount
        If (m_tMI(lMenu).lActualID = lID) Or (m_tMI(lMenu).lID = lID) Then
            bFound = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next lMenu
    pbIDIsUnique = Not (bFound)
End Function
Property Let TickIconIndex( _
        ByVal lTickIconIndex As Long _
    m_lTickIconIndex = lTickIconIndex
End Property
Property Get TickIconIndex() As Long
    TickIconIndex = m_lTickIconIndex
End Property
Property Let OptionIconIndex( _
        ByVal lOptionIconIndex As Long _
    m_lOptionIconIndex = lOptionIconIndex
End Property
Property Get OptionIconIndex() As Long
    OptionIconIndex = m_lOptionIconIndex
End Property

Public Sub CreateSubClass(hWndA As Long)
   If m_hWndAttached = hWndA Then
      'Debug.Print "SUBCLASSING"
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_MENUSELECT
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_MEASUREITEM
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_DRAWITEM
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_COMMAND
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_MENUCHAR
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_INITMENUPOPUP
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_MENURBUTTONUP
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_WININICHANGE
      AttachMessage Me, hWndA, WM_DESTROY
      m_hWndAttached = hWndA
   End If
End Sub

Public Sub DestroySubClass()
    If (m_hWndAttached <> 0) Then
      'Debug.Print "NOT SUBCLASSING"
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_MENUSELECT
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_MEASUREITEM
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_DRAWITEM
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_COMMAND
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_MENUCHAR
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_INITMENUPOPUP
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_MENURBUTTONUP
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_WININICHANGE
      DetachMessage Me, m_hWndAttached, WM_DESTROY
      m_hWndAttached = 0
    End If
End Sub
Friend Function plGetIndexForId( _
        ByVal lItemId As Long _
    ) As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
    'Debug.Print "Finding Index:"
    'Debug.Print lItemId
    lIndex = 0
    For l = 1 To m_iMenuCount
        'Debug.Print "    Index at l = " & m_tMI(l).lId
        If (m_tMI(l).lActualID = lItemId) Then
            lIndex = l
            Exit For
        End If
    Next l
    plGetIndexForId = lIndex
End Function
Private Function RaiseClickEvent(lID As Long) As Boolean
' Return true from this if we have completely handled the
' click on our own:
Dim lIndex As Long

   ' Find the Index of this menu id within our own array:
   lIndex = plGetIndexForId(lID)
   ' If we find it, then raise a click event for it:
   If (lIndex > 0) Then
      If m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour Then
         chevronPress lIndex
         ' Send a click event with the index:
         raiseClickEventSub lIndex
         ' If this was one of the VB menu entries we have
         ' subclassed, we want to return false.  Then the
         ' click will filter through to the original Click
         ' event so your code should work as normal:
         If Not (m_tMI(lIndex).bIsAVBMenu) Then
            RaiseClickEvent = True
         End If
      End If

      ' This is a problem.  We've got a click on
      ' a menu id which doesn't seem to be any
      ' of the menu items of the form.  It shouldn't
      ' happen, but return false anyway so we don't eat
      ' the message.
      Debug.Print "Failed to find index"
      RaiseClickEvent = False
   End If
End Function
Private Sub raiseClickEventSub(ByVal lIndex As Long)
   ' Check if this isn't a special chevron item:
   If m_tMI(lIndex).lItemData = VBALCHEVRONMENUCONST Then
      If parseToolbarItem(lIndex) Then
         Exit Sub
      End If
   End If
   RaiseEvent Click(lIndex)
End Sub
Private Function parseToolbarItem(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Boolean
   ' try and parse the key:
   If Len(m_tMI(lIndex).sKey) > 4 Then
      Dim iPos As Long, iNextPos As Long
      Dim iPiece As Long
      Dim sBit() As String
      iPos = 1
         iPiece = iPiece + 1
         ReDim Preserve sBit(1 To iPiece) As String
         iNextPos = InStr(iPos, m_tMI(lIndex).sKey, ":")
         If (iNextPos = 0) Then
            sBit(iPiece) = Mid$(m_tMI(lIndex).sKey, iPos)
            sBit(iPiece) = Mid$(m_tMI(lIndex).sKey, iPos, iNextPos - iPos)
            iPos = iNextPos + 1
         End If
      Loop While (iNextPos > 0)
      Dim lhWnd As Long, lPtr As Long, iButton As Long, i As Long
      Dim sKey As String
      If iPiece > 1 Then
         If sBit(1) = "_VBALCC" Then
            If IsNumeric(sBit(2)) Then
               lhWnd = CLng(sBit(2))
               If IsWindow(lhWnd) Then
                  lPtr = GetProp(lhWnd, "vbalTbar:ControlPtr")
                  If (Not (lPtr = 0)) Then
                     Dim o As Object
                     Set o = ObjectFromPtr(lPtr)
                     If Not (o Is Nothing) Then
                        Select Case sBit(3)
                        Case "CST"
                           ' customise
                           iButton = &H10000
                        Case "RST"
                           ' reset
                           iButton = &H20000
                        Case "AOR"
                           ' do nothing
                           iButton = &H30000
                        Case "BTN"
                           ' flip the visible state for the specifed button.
                           If IsNumeric(sBit(4)) Then
                              ' Get the button id:
                              iButton = CLng(sBit(4))
                              ' Set the check state:
                              Checked(lIndex) = Not (Checked(lIndex))
                              ' Now we need also to set the visible state for
                               the menu item
                              ' which corresponds.
                              If (iPiece > 4) Then
                                 sKey = ""
                                 For i = 5 To iPiece
                                    If (i > 5) Then
                                       sKey = sKey & ":"
                                    End If
                                    sKey = sKey & sBit(i)
                                 Next i
                                 i = IndexForKey(sKey)
                                 If (i > 0) Then
                                    Visible(i) = Checked(lIndex)
                                 End If
                              End If
                              Exit Function
                           End If
                        End Select
                        ' Send details of what we did to the toolbar:
                        Dim tHdr As NMHDR
                        tHdr.hwndFrom = lhWnd
                        tHdr.code = VBALCHEVRONMENUCONST
                        tHdr.idfrom = iButton
                        SendMessageAsAny m_hWndOwner, WM_NOTIFY, 0, tHdr
                        parseToolbarItem = True
                     End If
                  End If
               End If
            End If
         End If
      End If
   End If

End Function
Private Sub RaiseHighlightEvent(lID As Long)
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim sCaption As String
Dim bSeparator As Boolean

   lIndex = plGetIndexForId(lID)
   ' Debug.Print lIndex
   If (lIndex > 0) Then
      sCaption = Trim$(m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption)
      ' Debug.Print sCaption
      If Len(sCaption) >= 1 Then
         If Left$(sCaption, 1) = "-" Then
            bSeparator = True
         End If
      End If
      If m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour Then
         chevronHover lIndex, True
         chevronHover 0, False
         RaiseEvent ItemHighlight(lIndex, m_tMI(lIndex).bEnabled, bSeparator)
      End If
      Debug.Print "Failed to find Index for Highlight Id:", lID, lIndex
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub RaiseInitMenuEvent( _
        ByVal hMenu As Long, _
        ByVal bState As Boolean _
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim lParentId As Long
Dim bFound As Boolean

   ' not hovering over a chevron
   chevronHover 0, False
   ' Firstly, we need to find the index of an item
   ' in hMenu:
   For lIndex = m_iMenuCount To 1 Step -1
       If (m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu = hMenu) Then
           lParentId = m_tMI(lIndex).lParentId
           bFound = True
       End If
       If (bFound) Then
           If (m_tMI(lIndex).lActualID = lParentId) Then
              If bState Then
                 RaiseEvent InitPopupMenu(lIndex)
                 RaiseEvent UnInitPopupMenu(lIndex)
              End If
              Exit For
           End If
       End If
   Next lIndex
End Sub
Private Sub RaiseMenuExitEvent()
   ' not over a chevron:
   chevronHover 0, False
   ' raise the event:
   RaiseEvent MenuExit
End Sub
Private Sub chevronHover(ByVal lIndex As Long, ByVal bState As Boolean)
   If bState Then
      If Not (lIndex = m_lChevronIndex) Then ' check for already hovering
         timeBeginPeriod 10
         m_lChevronStartTime = timeGetTime()
         m_lHoverIndex = lIndex
         m_lChevronIndex = lIndex
         If m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronAppearance Then
            m_tmrChevron.Interval = 500
            m_tmrChevron.Interval = -1
         End If
      End If
      If m_lChevronIndex <> 0 Or (m_lHoverIndex <> lIndex) Then
         m_lHoverIndex = lIndex
      End If
      m_lChevronIndex = 0
      m_tmrChevron.Interval = -1
      timeEndPeriod 10
   End If
End Sub

Private Function pGetTextPosition( _
        ByVal lHDC As Long, _
        ByVal lIndex As Long, _
        ByRef rcItem As RECT _
Dim tC As RECT
Dim lDiff As Long
Dim lMenuHeight As Long

   lMenuHeight = m_lMenuItemHeight
    ' Determine the size of the text to draw:
    DrawText lHDC, m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption, Len(m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption), tC,
    ' We want to centre the text vertically:
    lDiff = lMenuHeight - (tC.Bottom - tC.Top)
    If (lDiff > 0) Then
        rcItem.Top = rcItem.Top + lDiff \ 2
    End If
   ' All normal menu items are indented by to
   ' accomodate icon & checked surround for icon:
   rcItem.Left = rcItem.Left + lMenuHeight + 2
End Function
Private Function DrawItem(ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lparam As Long) As Long
Dim hBr As Long, hPen As Long, hPenOld As Long
Dim lHDC As Long
Dim hFntOld As Long, hFntSymOld As Long, hFontInt As Long
Dim bRadioCheck As Boolean, bChecked As Boolean
Dim bDisabled As Boolean, bHighlighted As Boolean
Dim bHeader As Boolean, bSeparator As Boolean
Dim bDefault As Boolean
Dim bInfrequent As Boolean, bChevron As Boolean
Dim bPriorInfrequent As Boolean, bNextInfrequent As Boolean
Dim bDoDefault As Boolean
Dim lID As Long
Dim lSelLeft As Long
Dim sCC As String
Dim lIconIndex As Long
Dim lX As Long, lY As Long
Dim hBrush As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim bCanHighlight As Boolean
   CopyMemory tDIS, ByVal lparam, Len(tDIS)
   Debug.Print "Drawing item", tDIS.itemID
   If tDIS.CtlType = ODT_MENU Then
      lIndex = (plGetIndexForId(tDIS.itemID))
      If (lIndex > 0) Then
         If Not isVisible(lIndex) Then
            DrawItem = True
            Exit Function
         End If

         ' ensure the memory dc is big enough:
         m_cMemDC.Width = tDIS.rcItem.Right - tDIS.rcItem.Left + 2
         m_cMemDC.Height = tDIS.rcItem.Bottom - tDIS.rcItem.Top + 2
         lHDC = m_cMemDC.hdc

         LSet tR = tDIS.rcItem
         OffsetRect tR, -tR.Left, -tR.Top

         ' Get info about the menu item:
         tMII.cbSize = LenB(tMII)
         ReDim b(0 To 128) As Byte
         tMII.dwTypeData = VarPtr(b(0))
         GetMenuItemInfo tDIS.hwndItem, tDIS.itemID, False, tMII
         bRadioCheck = m_tMI(lIndex).bRadioCheck  '((tMII.fType And
         bDisabled = Not (m_tMI(lIndex).bEnabled) '((tMII.fState And
         bChecked = ((tMII.fState And MFS_CHECKED) = MFS_CHECKED) Or bRadioCheck
         bHighlighted = ((tMII.fState And MFS_HILITE) = MFS_HILITE)
         bHeader = m_tMI(lIndex).bTitle
         bSeparator = isSeparator(lIndex)
         bDefault = m_tMI(lIndex).bDefault
         bInfrequent = m_tMI(lIndex).bInfrequent
         bChevron = m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronAppearance
         'Debug.Print lIndex, m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption, bInfrequent, bSeparator
         ' Fill background:
         tR.Bottom = tR.Bottom + 1
         tR.Right = tR.Right + 1
         LSet tTR = tR
         If bInfrequent Then
            getNextAndPriorInfrequentStates lIndex, bPriorInfrequent,
            LSet tWR = tTR
            If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
               fillWithLighterControlColour lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top
               fillWithLighterBackColor lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top, True
            End If
            If Not bPriorInfrequent Then
               If Not (bHighlighted) Then
                  tWR.Bottom = tWR.Top + 1
                  fillWithNormalBackground lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top
                  LSet tWR = tTR
                  If Not (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                     hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1,
                     hPenOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hPen)
                     MoveToEx lHDC, tWR.Left, tWR.Top + 1, tJunk
                     LineTo lHDC, tWR.Right, tWR.Top + 1
                     SelectObject lHDC, hPenOld
                     DeleteObject hPen
                  End If
               End If
            End If
            If Not bNextInfrequent Then
               hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, TranslateColor(vb3DHighlight))
               hPenOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hPen)
               MoveToEx lHDC, tWR.Left, tWR.Bottom - 2, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tWR.Right, tWR.Bottom - 2
               SelectObject lHDC, hPenOld
               DeleteObject hPen
            End If
            fillWithNormalBackground lHDC, tTR, tDIS.rcItem.Top
         End If
         If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
            Dim tSideRect As RECT
            LSet tSideRect = tTR
            tSideRect.Right = m_lMenuItemHeight + 8
            fillWithLighterControlColour lHDC, tSideRect, tDIS.rcItem.Top
         End If
         tR.Top = tR.Top + 1
         SetBkMode lHDC, Transparent
         ' set the appropriate font:
         If bDefault Then
            hFntOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hFontBold)
            hFntOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hFont)
         End If

         bDoDefault = True
         If (m_tMI(lIndex).bOwnerDraw) Then
            ' this is unfortunate
            LSet tTR = tDIS.rcItem
            Dim lW As Long, lH As Long
            lW = tTR.Right - tTR.Left + 1
            lH = tTR.Bottom - tTR.Top + 1
            tTR.Top = tTR.Top - 1
            tTR.Bottom = tTR.Bottom + 1
            BitBlt tDIS.hdc, tDIS.rcItem.Left, tDIS.rcItem.Top, lW, lH, lHDC,
             0, 0, vbSrcCopy
            RaiseEvent DrawItem(tDIS.hdc, lIndex, tTR.Left, tTR.Top, tTR.Right,
             tTR.Bottom, bHighlighted, bChecked, bDisabled, bDoDefault)
            BitBlt lHDC, 0, 0, lW, lH, tDIS.hdc, tDIS.rcItem.Left,
             tDIS.rcItem.Top, vbSrcCopy
            tR.Left = tTR.Left - tDIS.rcItem.Left
            tR.Top = tTR.Top - tDIS.rcItem.Top + 1
         End If
         ' ensure we have the window handle for the menu:
         addWindowHandle tDIS.hdc, m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
         If (bDoDefault) Then
            If bSeparator Or (bHeader And Not (HeaderStyle =
             ecnmHeaderCaptionBar)) Then
               ' Separator:
               LSet tWR = tR
               tWR.Top = (tWR.Bottom - tWR.Top - 2) \ 2 + tWR.Top
               tWR.Bottom = tWR.Top + 2
               InflateRect tWR, -12, 0
               If m_bImageProcessBitmap And Not (m_cBitmapLight Is Nothing) Then
                  tWR.Bottom = tWR.Top
                  fillWithHighlightBackColor lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top +
                  tWR.Top = tWR.Top + 1
                  tWR.Bottom = tWR.Top
                  fillWithLighterBackColor lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top +
                   tWR.Top, False
                  If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                     Dim tWRS As RECT
                     LSet tWRS = tWR
                     tWRS.Left = tSideRect.Right + 4
                     tWRS.Right = tWRS.Right + 20
                     tWRS.Top = tWRS.Top + 1
                     tWRS.Bottom = tWRS.Top
                     DrawEdge lHDC, tWRS, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_TOP Or BF_BOTTOM,
                     DrawEdge lHDC, tWR, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_TOP Or BF_BOTTOM,
                  End If
               End If
            End If
            If bChevron Then
               LSet tWR = tR
               tWR.Top = tWR.Bottom - 15
               If bHighlighted Then
                  If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                     fillWithLighterSelectedColour lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top +
                     fillWithLighterControlColour lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top +
                  End If
                  LSet tTR = tWR
                  InflateRect tTR, -1, -1
                  DrawEdge lHDC, tTR, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT, m_OfficeXPStyle
               End If
               ' draw the chevron:
               hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1,
               hPenOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hPen)
               LSet tTR = tWR
               tTR.Left = ((tTR.Right - tTR.Left) \ 2) - 3 + tTR.Left
               tTR.Top = tTR.Top + 2
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left, tTR.Top, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 3, tTR.Top + 3
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left, tTR.Top + 1, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 3, tTR.Top + 3 + 1
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left, tTR.Top + 4, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 3, tTR.Top + 3 + 4
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left, tTR.Top + 1 + 4, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 3, tTR.Top + 3 + 1 + 4
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left + 4, tTR.Top, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 4 - 3, tTR.Top + 3
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left + 4, tTR.Top + 1, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 4 - 3, tTR.Top + 3 + 1
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left + 4, tTR.Top + 4, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 4 - 3, tTR.Top + 3 + 4
               MoveToEx lHDC, tTR.Left + 4, tTR.Top + 1 + 4, tJunk
               LineTo lHDC, tTR.Left + 4 - 3, tTR.Top + 3 + 1 + 4
               SelectObject lHDC, hPenOld
               DeleteObject hPen
            End If

            If (Not (bSeparator Or bChevron)) Or bHeader Then
               ' Text item:
               lID = tMII.dwItemData
               ' Icon?
               lIconIndex = m_tMI(lIndex).lIconIndex
               If bChecked Or lIconIndex > -1 Then
                  lSelLeft = tR.Left + 4 + (tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1 - 4)
                  If m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                     lSelLeft = lSelLeft + m_lMenuItemHeight + 8
                  End If
               End If
               If bHighlighted And Not (bHeader Or bDisabled) Then
                  If m_bGradientHighlight Then
                     ' Draw a gradient:
                     LSet tWR = tR
                     tWR.Left = tR.Left + lSelLeft + 1
                     tWR.Right = tWR.Left + 4 + (tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1 - 4)
                     hBr =
                     FillRect lHDC, tWR, hBr
                     DeleteObject hBr
                     LSet tWR = tR
                     tWR.Left = tWR.Left + 4 + (tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1 - 4)
                     DrawGradient lHDC, tWR,
                      TranslateColor(MenuBackgroundColor), False
                  ElseIf m_bButtonHighlightStyle Then
                     ' do nothing now
                     ' standard:
                     If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                        LSet tWR = tR
                        tWR.Left = tWR.Left + 1
                        tWR.Right = tWR.Right - 2
                        fillWithLighterSelectedColour lHDC, tWR,
                         tDIS.rcItem.Top + tWR.Top
                        DrawEdge lHDC, tWR, 0, 0, True
                        LSet tWR = tR
                        tWR.Left = lSelLeft + 1
                        fillWithHighlightBackColor lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top +
                     End If
                  End If
               End If
               If m_bButtonHighlightStyle And bChecked And Not (bHighlighted)
                And Not (bDisabled) Then
                  LSet tWR = tR
                  fillWithLighterBackColor lHDC, tWR, tDIS.rcItem.Top +
                   tWR.Top, False
               End If
               If bDisabled Then
                  SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(vb3DHighlight)
                  If bHighlighted Then
                     SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(ActiveMenuForeColor)
                     SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(InActiveMenuForeColor)
                  End If
               End If
               LSet tWR = tR
               If (bHeader) Then
                  ' no icons/checks
                  ' Get the check/icon space:
                  If m_bButtonHighlightStyle Then
                     InflateRect tWR, -2, 0
                     tWR.Bottom = tWR.Bottom - 1
                     tWR.Left = tWR.Left + 1
                  End If
                  tWR.Right = tWR.Left + (tWR.Bottom - tWR.Top + 1 - 2)
                  ' Check:
                  If bChecked Then
                     ' Colour in:
                     If Not (bHighlighted) And Not (bDisabled) Then
                        If Not m_bButtonHighlightStyle Then
                           tWR.Top = tWR.Top + 1
                           If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                              fillWithLighterControlColour lHDC, tWR,
                               tDIS.rcItem.Top + tWR.Top
                              fillWithLighterBackColor lHDC, tWR,
                               tDIS.rcItem.Top + tWR.Top, False
                           End If
                           tWR.Top = tWR.Top - 1
                        End If
                        If bDisabled Then
                           SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(vb3DHighlight)
                        End If
                     End If
                     If Not bDisabled Then
                        If bHighlighted And Not (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                           SetTextColor lHDC,
                           SetTextColor lHDC,
                        End If
                     End If
                     tWR.Right = tWR.Right + 1
                     If Not m_bButtonHighlightStyle Then
                        If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                           tWR.Top = tWR.Top + 1
                           tWR.Bottom = tWR.Bottom - 1
                           DrawEdge lHDC, tWR, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT,
                           tWR.Top = tWR.Top - 1
                           tWR.Bottom = tWR.Bottom + 1
                           tWR.Bottom = tWR.Bottom - 1
                           DrawEdge lHDC, tWR, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT,
                           tWR.Bottom = tWR.Bottom + 1
                        End If
                     End If
                     If lIconIndex = -1 Or m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                        ' Draw the appropriate symbol:
                        hFontInt = SelectObject(lHDC, hFntOld)
                        hFntSymOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hFontSymbol)
                        If bHighlighted And Not (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                           SetTextColor lHDC,
                        End If
                        If bRadioCheck Then
                           pDrawText lHDC, "h", tWR, DT_VCENTER Or DT_CENTER Or
                            DT_SINGLELINE, bDisabled
                           pDrawText lHDC, "b", tWR, DT_VCENTER Or DT_CENTER Or
                            DT_SINGLELINE, bDisabled
                        End If
                        SelectObject lHDC, hFntSymOld
                        If bDefault Then
                           hFntOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hFontBold)
                           hFntOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hFont)
                        End If
                        If bHighlighted And Not (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                           SetTextColor lHDC,
                           SetTextColor lHDC,
                        End If
                     End If
                     If lIconIndex > -1 Then
                        If m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                           OffsetRect tWR, m_lMenuItemHeight + 8, 0
                        End If
                        lX = tWR.Left + (tWR.Right - tWR.Left + 1 -
                         m_lIconSize) \ 2
                        lY = tWR.Top + (tWR.Bottom - tWR.Top + 1 - m_lIconSize)
                         \ 2
                        If bDisabled Then
                           ImageListDrawIconDisabled m_ptrVb6ImageList, lHDC,
                            m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX, lY, m_lIconSize
                           If (bHighlighted And m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                              ImageListDrawIconDisabled m_ptrVb6ImageList,
                               lHDC, m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX + 1, lY + 1,
                               m_lIconSize, True
                              ImageListDrawIcon m_ptrVb6ImageList, lHDC,
                               m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX - 1, lY - 1
                              ImageListDrawIcon m_ptrVb6ImageList, lHDC,
                               m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX, lY
                           End If
                        End If
                        If m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                           OffsetRect tWR, -(m_lMenuItemHeight + 8), 0
                        End If
                     End If
                     If lIconIndex > -1 Then
                        If m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                           If bHighlighted And Not (bHeader Or bDisabled) Then
                              If Not m_bButtonHighlightStyle Then
                                 LSet tTR = tWR
                                 tTR.Right = m_lMenuItemHeight + 8
                                 If Not (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                                    ' draw the highlight where the check is:
                                    fillWithHighlightBackColor lHDC, tTR,
                                     tDIS.rcItem.Top + tTR.Top
                                 End If
                              End If
                           End If
                           ' move:
                           OffsetRect tWR, m_lMenuItemHeight + 8, 0
                        End If
                        If bHighlighted And Not (bDisabled Or m_OfficeXPStyle)
                           If Not (m_bButtonHighlightStyle) Then
                              tWR.Right = tWR.Right + 1
                              DrawEdge lHDC, tWR, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT,
                              tWR.Right = tWR.Right - 1
                           End If
                        End If
                        lX = tWR.Left + (tWR.Right - tWR.Left + 1 -
                         m_lIconSize) \ 2
                        lY = tWR.Top + (tWR.Bottom - tWR.Top + 1 - m_lIconSize)
                         \ 2
                        lX = lX + 2 * Abs(m_bButtonHighlightStyle)
                        If bDisabled Then
                           ImageListDrawIconDisabled m_ptrVb6ImageList, lHDC,
                            m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX, lY, m_lIconSize
                           If (bHighlighted And m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                              ImageListDrawIconDisabled m_ptrVb6ImageList,
                               lHDC, m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX + 1, lY + 1,
                               m_lIconSize, True
                              ImageListDrawIcon m_ptrVb6ImageList, lHDC,
                               m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX - 1, lY - 1
                              ImageListDrawIcon m_ptrVb6ImageList, lHDC,
                               m_hIml, lIconIndex, lX, lY
                           End If
                        End If
                        If m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                           OffsetRect tWR, -(m_lMenuItemHeight + 8), 0
                        End If
                     End If
                  End If
               End If
               ' Draw text:
               If bHeader Then
                  hFontInt = SelectObject(lHDC, hFntOld)
                  hFntSymOld = SelectObject(lHDC,
                  tWR.Left = tWR.Left + 1
                  tWR.Top = tWR.Top + 1
                  If HeaderStyle = ecnmHeaderCaptionBar Then
                     ' caption bar:
                     If bHighlighted And m_tMI(lIndex).bDragOff Then
                        hBrush =
                        SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(vbTitleBarText)
                        dragOffHighlighted lIndex
                        hBrush =
                        SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(vbInactiveCaptionText)
                     End If
                     FillRect lHDC, tWR, hBrush
                     DeleteObject hBrush
                     DrawText lHDC, m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption, -1, tWR, DT_CENTER
                      Or DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_VCENTER
                     ' separator:
                     DrawText lHDC, m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption, -1, tTR, DT_LEFT Or
                      DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_CALCRECT
                     InflateRect tTR, 2, 0
                     tR.Left = tWR.Left + ((tWR.Right - tWR.Left) - (tTR.Right
                      - tTR.Left)) \ 2
                     tR.Right = tR.Left + (tTR.Right - tTR.Left)
                     tR.Top = tWR.Top + ((tWR.Bottom - tWR.Top) - (tTR.Bottom -
                      tTR.Top)) \ 2
                     tR.Bottom = tR.Top + (tTR.Bottom - tTR.Top)
                     If m_cBitmap Is Nothing Then
                        hBr =
                        FillRect lHDC, tR, hBr
                        DeleteObject hBr
                        TileArea lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1,
                         tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1, m_cBitmap.hdc,
                         m_cBitmap.Width, m_cBitmap.Height, 0, tDIS.rcItem.Top
                     End If
                     SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(InActiveMenuForeColor)
                     tR.Left = tR.Left + 2
                     DrawText lHDC, m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption, -1, tR, DT_LEFT Or
                  End If
                  SelectObject lHDC, hFntSymOld
                  hFntOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hFontInt)
                  ' Not header
                  If m_bButtonHighlightStyle And Not (bDisabled) Or
                   (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                     SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(InActiveMenuForeColor)
                  End If
                  LSet tWR = tR
                  tWR.Left = tR.Left + 4 + (tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1 - 4) + 2 + 1
                  If m_tMI(lIndex).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                     tWR.Left = tWR.Left + (tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1)
                  End If
                  If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                     tWR.Left = tWR.Left + 4
                  End If
                  pDrawText lHDC, m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption, tWR, DT_LEFT Or
                   DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_VCENTER, bDisabled
                  If Len(m_tMI(lIndex).sShortCutDisplay) > 0 Then
                     tWR.Left = tWR.Left + m_tMI(lIndex).lShortCutStartPos + 4
                      + 4
                     pDrawText lHDC, m_tMI(lIndex).sShortCutDisplay, tWR,
                      DT_LEFT Or DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_VCENTER, bDisabled
                  End If
                  ' Highlighted:
                  If m_bButtonHighlightStyle And Not (bDisabled) Then
                     LSet tWR = tR
                     InflateRect tWR, 0, 1
                     tWR.Right = tWR.Right - 2
                     tWR.Bottom = tWR.Bottom - 1
                     If bHighlighted Then
                        DrawEdge lHDC, tWR, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT,
                     ElseIf bChecked Then
                        tWR.Top = tWR.Top + 1
                        DrawEdge lHDC, tWR, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT,
                     End If
                  End If
               End If
            End If
            SelectObject lHDC, hFntOld
            If Not hFntOld = 0 Then
               SelectObject lHDC, hFntOld
            End If
            DrawItem = True
         End If
         BitBlt tDIS.hdc, tDIS.rcItem.Left, tDIS.rcItem.Top, tDIS.rcItem.Right
          - tDIS.rcItem.Left + 1, tDIS.rcItem.Bottom - tDIS.rcItem.Top + 1,
          lHDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy

          'Debug.Print "Failed to find item to draw.", tDI.itemID, lIndex
      End If
      DrawItem = CallOldWindowProc(m_hWndOwner, WM_DRAWITEM, wParam, lparam)
   End If
End Function
Private Sub getNextAndPriorInfrequentStates(ByVal lIndex As Long, ByRef
 bPriorInfrequent As Boolean, ByRef bNextInfrequent As Boolean)
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lPrior As Long
Dim lNext As Long
Dim lPosition As Long

   ' need to find out our position on this menu, then derive
   ' the prior & subsequent menu position
   ' very inefficient..
   lCount = GetMenuItemCount(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu)
   lPosition = plMenuPositionForIndex(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, lIndex)
   lPrior = plFindItemInMenu(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, lPosition - 1)
   lNext = plFindItemInMenu(m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu, lPosition + 1)
   If lPrior > 0 Then
      bPriorInfrequent = (m_tMI(lPrior).bInfrequent)
   End If
   If lNext > 0 Then
      bNextInfrequent = (m_tMI(lNext).bInfrequent)
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub fillWithLighterBackColor(ByVal lHDC As Long, tR As RECT, ByVal
 lOffsetY As Long, ByVal bInfrequent As Boolean)
Dim hBrush As Long
   SetBkMode lHDC, OPAQUE
   If Not m_cBitmapLight Is Nothing Then
      TileArea lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1, tR.Bottom -
       tR.Top + 1, m_cBitmapLight.hdc, m_cBitmapLight.Width,
       m_cBitmapLight.Height, 0, lOffsetY
      If (NoPalette) Then
         If bInfrequent Then
            hBrush =
            hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(LighterColour(MenuBackgroundColor))
         End If
         FillRect lHDC, tR, hBrush
         DeleteObject hBrush
         m_cBrush.Rectangle lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1,
          tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1, 1, PATCOPY, True, MenuBackgroundColor,
      End If
   End If
   SetBkMode lHDC, Transparent
End Sub
Private Sub fillWithHighlightBackColor(ByVal lHDC As Long, tR As RECT, ByVal
 lOffsetY As Long)
Dim hBr As Long
   If m_cBitmapDark Is Nothing Then
      hBr = CreateSolidBrush(TranslateColor(ActiveMenuBackgroundColor))
      FillRect lHDC, tR, hBr
      DeleteObject hBr
      TileArea lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1, tR.Bottom -
       tR.Top + 1, m_cBitmapDark.hdc, m_cBitmapDark.Width,
       m_cBitmapDark.Height, 0, lOffsetY
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub fillWithNormalBackground(ByVal lHDC As Long, tR As RECT, ByVal
 lOffsetY As Long)
Dim hBrush As Long
   If m_cBitmap Is Nothing Then
      hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(TranslateColor(MenuBackgroundColor))
      FillRect lHDC, tR, hBrush
      DeleteObject hBrush
      TileArea lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1, tR.Bottom -
       tR.Top + 1, m_cBitmap.hdc, m_cBitmap.Width, m_cBitmap.Height, 0, lOffsetY
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub fillWithLighterControlColour(ByVal lHDC As Long, tR As RECT, ByVal
 lOffsetY As Long)

Dim hBrush As Long
   SetBkMode lHDC, OPAQUE
   If Not m_cBitmapLight Is Nothing Then
      TileArea lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1, tR.Bottom -
       tR.Top + 1, m_cBitmapLight.hdc, m_cBitmapLight.Width,
       m_cBitmapLight.Height, 0, lOffsetY
      If (NoPalette) Then
         hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BlendColor(vbButtonFace,
         FillRect lHDC, tR, hBrush
         DeleteObject hBrush
         m_cBrush.Rectangle lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1,
          tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1, 1, PATCOPY, True, MenuBackgroundColor,
      End If
   End If
   SetBkMode lHDC, Transparent
End Sub

Private Sub fillWithLighterSelectedColour(ByVal lHDC As Long, tR As RECT, ByVal
 lOffsetY As Long)

Dim hBrush As Long
   SetBkMode lHDC, OPAQUE
   If Not m_cBitmapLight Is Nothing Then
      TileArea lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1, tR.Bottom -
       tR.Top + 1, m_cBitmapLight.hdc, m_cBitmapLight.Width,
       m_cBitmapLight.Height, 0, lOffsetY
      If (NoPalette) Then
         hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BlendColor(vbHighlight, MenuBackgroundColor))
         FillRect lHDC, tR, hBrush
         DeleteObject hBrush
         m_cBrush.Rectangle lHDC, tR.Left, tR.Top, tR.Right - tR.Left + 1,
          tR.Bottom - tR.Top + 1, 1, PATCOPY, True, MenuBackgroundColor,
      End If
   End If
   SetBkMode lHDC, Transparent
End Sub

Private Sub dragOffHighlighted(ByVal lIndex As Long)
   Debug.Print "Drag-off highlighted ", lIndex
End Sub
Private Function pDrawText(ByVal lHDC As Long, ByVal sText As String, tR As
 RECT, ByVal dtFlags As Long, ByVal bDisabled As Boolean)
   LSet tWR = tR
   If bDisabled Then
      If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
         SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(vbHighlight)
         SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(vb3DHighlight)
         OffsetRect tWR, 1, 1
      End If
   End If
   DrawText lHDC, sText, -1, tWR, dtFlags
   If bDisabled Then
      If Not (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
         SetTextColor lHDC, TranslateColor(vbButtonShadow)
         OffsetRect tWR, -1, -1
         DrawText lHDC, sText, -1, tWR, dtFlags
      End If
   End If
End Function

Private Sub addWindowHandle(ByVal lHDC As Long, ByVal hMenu As Long)
Dim lhWnd As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim bFound As Boolean

   ' Works for W2k
   lhWnd = WindowFromDC(lHDC)
   ' else
   If lhWnd = 0 Then
      For i = 1 To EnumerateWindowsCount
         k = EnumerateWindowshWnd(i)
         bFound = False
         For j = 1 To m_iWndCount
            If m_tWnd(j).hWnd = k Then
               bFound = True
            End If
         Next j
         If Not bFound Then
            lhWnd = k
            Exit For
         End If
      Next i
   End If
   If Not (lhWnd = 0) Then
      For i = 1 To m_iWndCount
         If m_tWnd(i).hMenu = hMenu Then
            ' already have it
            Exit Sub
         End If
      Next i
      ReDim Preserve m_tWnd(1 To m_iWndCount + 1) As tMenuWindowHandle
      m_iWndCount = m_iWndCount + 1
      With m_tWnd(m_iWndCount)
         .hMenu = hMenu
         .hWnd = lhWnd
      End With
      'Debug.Print "Added ", m_iWndCount, hMenu, lhWnd
      Debug.Print "No handle for dc ", lHDC
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub removeWindowHandle(ByVal hMenu As Long)
Dim i As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
   For i = m_iWndCount To 1 Step -1
      If m_tWnd(i).hMenu = hMenu Then
         lIndex = i
         Exit For
      End If
   Next i
   If lIndex > 0 Then
      If m_iWndCount > 1 Then
         For i = lIndex To m_iWndCount - 1
            LSet m_tWnd(i) = m_tWnd(i + 1)
         Next i
         m_iWndCount = m_iWndCount - 1
         m_iWndCount = 0
         Erase m_tWnd
      End If
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub removeWindowHandles()
   m_iWndCount = 0
   Erase m_tWnd
End Sub
Private Sub evaluateMenuWindows()
Dim i As Long
Dim tR As RECT
   m_iChevronWndCount = 0
   Erase m_tChevronWnd
   For i = 1 To m_iWndCount
      If IsWindow(m_tWnd(i).hWnd) Then
         ' Debug.Print "eMW:IsWindow", i, m_tWnd(i).hwnd
         If IsWindowVisible(m_tWnd(i).hWnd) Then
            'Debug.Print "eMW:IsWindowVisible", i, m_tWnd(i).hWnd
            m_iChevronWndCount = m_iChevronWndCount + 1
            ReDim Preserve m_tChevronWnd(1 To m_iChevronWndCount) As
            LSet m_tChevronWnd(m_iChevronWndCount).tMWH = m_tWnd(i)
            GetWindowRect m_tWnd(i).hWnd, tR
            LSet m_tChevronWnd(m_iChevronWndCount).tR = tR
         End If
      End If
   Next i
   ' Debug.Print "eMW:End", m_iWndCount, m_iChevronWndCount
End Sub
Private Function chevronPress(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Long
Dim lWndIndex As Long
Dim lOrigIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim bIsChevron As Boolean
Dim bInfrequentReset As Boolean
   'Debug.Print "ChevronPress:", lIndex
   lOrigIndex = lIndex
   ' Ensure that we are not using the chevron item as the index, as it will
   ' be removed when the showInfrequent flag is reset:
   For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
      If m_tMI(i).hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu Then
         If i <> lIndex Then
            If m_tMI(i).bChevronAppearance = False Then
               lIndex = i
               Exit For
            End If
         End If
      End If
   Next i
   ' now reshow the popup menu with the show infrequent flag reset:
   If m_tMI(lOrigIndex).bChevronAppearance Then
      ' Debug.Print "Clicked something with Chevron Appearance"
      bInfrequentReset = True
      showInfrequentlyUsed True
   End If
      m_lWndIndex = cacheChevronMenuWindows(lIndex)
      If m_lWndIndex <= 0 Then
         ' Debug.Print "Failed to find window index"
         Exit Function
      End If
      If m_tChevronWnd(m_lWndIndex).iSequence > 0 Then
         ' When the menu gets shown we're going to try & navigate to the
          correct submenu:
         Set m_tmrChevronNavigate = New CTimer
         m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item = 2
         m_tmrChevronNavigate.Interval = 10
      End If
      lIndex = ShowPopupAbsolute(m_tChevronWnd(m_lWndIndex).tR.Left,
       m_tChevronWnd(m_lWndIndex).tR.Top, m_lTopMenuIndex)
      bIsChevron = False
      If lIndex > 0 Then
         bIsChevron = m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronBehaviour
         If bIsChevron Then
            If Not m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronAppearance Then
               raiseClickEventSub lIndex
               If Not bInfrequentReset Then
                  ' Ensure that we are not using the chevron item as the index,
                   as it will
                  ' be removed when the showInfrequent flag is reset:
                  For i = 1 To m_iMenuCount
                     If m_tMI(i).hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu Then
                        If i <> lIndex Then
                           If m_tMI(i).bChevronAppearance = False Then
                              lIndex = i
                              Exit For
                           End If
                        End If
                     End If
                  Next i
                  bInfrequentReset = True
                  showInfrequentlyUsed True
               End If
            End If
         End If
      End If
   Loop While bIsChevron
   ' putting the infrequent flag back to normal again emulates the Office
   If bInfrequentReset Then
      showInfrequentlyUsed False
   End If
   chevronPress = lIndex
   'lPtr = GetProp(m_hWndOwner, "vbalTbar:OwnsMenu:" & ObjPtr(Me))
   'Debug.Print lPtr
   'If Not (lPtr = 0) Then
   '   ' is it up to the toolbar to redisplay this menu?
   '   Dim cTbar As Object
   '   Dim lhWnd As Long
   '   Set cTbar = ObjectFromPtr(lPtr)
   '   lhWnd = cTbar.hWnd
   '   Debug.Print "TOOLBAR HWND;"; lhWnd
   '   Exit Function
   '   '
   'End If
End Function
Private Function cacheChevronMenuWindows(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim lWndIndex As Long
Dim hMenu As Long
Dim iSequence As Long
Dim lPtr As Long
   ' Get the wnd for this menu:
   For j = 1 To m_iChevronWndCount
      If m_tChevronWnd(j).tMWH.hMenu = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu Then
         lWndIndex = j
         Exit For
      End If
   Next j
   For i = 1 To m_iChevronWndCount
      m_tChevronWnd(i).iSequence = 0
   Next i
   ' Find out if this item has a parent menu:
   m_lTopMenuIndex = lIndex
   i = lIndex
      If m_tMI(i).lParentIndex <> 0 Then
         i = m_tMI(i).lParentIndex
         ' Check if this parent is part of the shown menu tree:
         For j = 1 To m_iChevronWndCount
            If m_tChevronWnd(j).tMWH.hMenu = m_tMI(i).hMenu Then
               ' It is a part of the shown menu tree, therefore we
               ' adjust the window & index to show:
               iSequence = iSequence + 1
               m_tChevronWnd(j).iSequence = iSequence
               lWndIndex = j
               m_lTopMenuIndex = i
            End If
         Next j
      End If
   Loop While m_tMI(i).lParentIndex > 0

   cacheChevronMenuWindows = lWndIndex

End Function

Private Function isVisible(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Boolean
   If m_tMI(lIndex).bVisible Then
      If m_tMI(lIndex).bInfrequent And Not (m_bShowInfrequent) Then
         isVisible = False
         isVisible = True
      End If
      isVisible = False
   End If
End Function

Private Function MeasureItem(ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lparam As Long) As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim tR As RECT
Dim hFntOld As Long
Dim hMenuThis As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim lID As Long
Dim lMaxCaptionWidth As Long
Dim lCaptionWidth As Long
Dim lMaxShortCutWidth As Long
Dim lShortCutWidth() As Long
Dim lMaxTotalWidth As Long
Dim lTotalWidth As Long
Dim lMenuIndex() As Long
Dim lCount As Long
   CopyMemory tMIS, ByVal lparam, LenB(tMIS)
   If tMIS.CtlType = ODT_MENU Then
      lIndex = (plGetIndexForId(tMIS.itemID))
      If (lIndex <> 0) Then
         If Not isVisible(lIndex) Then
            'Debug.Print "Item invisible", lIndex
            tMIS.itemHeight = 0
            tMIS.itemWidth = 8
            m_tMI(lIndex).lHeight = 0
            m_tMI(lIndex).lWidth = 8
            CopyMemory ByVal lparam, tMIS, LenB(tMIS)
            Exit Function
         End If
         If Trim$(m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption = "-") Then
            tMIS.itemWidth = 8
            If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
               tMIS.itemHeight = 3
               tMIS.itemHeight = 8
            End If
         ElseIf m_tMI(lIndex).bChevronAppearance Then
            tMIS.itemWidth = 8
            tMIS.itemHeight = 18
            ' every item causes us to re-evaluate every other in the same
            hFntOld = SelectObject(m_cMemDC.hdc, hFont)
            hMenuThis = m_tMI(lIndex).hMenu
            lCount = GetMenuItemCount(hMenuThis)
            ReDim lMenuIndex(1 To lCount) As Long
            ReDim lShortCutWidth(1 To lCount) As Long
            For l = 0 To lCount - 1
               tMII.cbSize = Len(tMII)
               tMII.fMask = MIIM_ID
               lID = GetMenuItemInfo(hMenuThis, l, True, tMII)
               lMenuIndex(l + 1) = (plGetIndexForId(tMII.wID))
               If lMenuIndex(l + 1) > 0 Then
                  ' Get the width of this item:
                  If m_tMI(lMenuIndex(l + 1)).bDefault Then
                     hFntOld = SelectObject(m_cMemDC.hdc, hFontBold)
                  End If
                  DrawText m_cMemDC.hdc, m_tMI(lMenuIndex(l + 1)).sCaption, -1,
                   tR, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_LEFT Or DT_SINGLELINE
                  lCaptionWidth = tR.Right - tR.Left
                  If m_tMI(lMenuIndex(l + 1)).bShowCheckAndIcon Then
                     ' add an additional space for the icon
                     lCaptionWidth = lCaptionWidth + (m_lMenuItemHeight) + 4
                  End If
                  If lCaptionWidth > lMaxCaptionWidth Then
                     lMaxCaptionWidth = lCaptionWidth
                  End If
                  If (m_OfficeXPStyle) Then
                     lCaptionWidth = lCaptionWidth + 4
                  End If
                  lTotalWidth = lCaptionWidth
                  If Len(m_tMI(lMenuIndex(l + 1)).sShortCutDisplay) > 0 Then
                     DrawText m_cMemDC.hdc, m_tMI(lMenuIndex(l +
                      1)).sShortCutDisplay, -1, tR, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_LEFT Or
                     lShortCutWidth(l + 1) = tR.Right - tR.Left
                     If lShortCutWidth(l + 1) > lMaxShortCutWidth Then
                        lMaxShortCutWidth = lShortCutWidth(l + 1)
                     End If
                     lTotalWidth = lTotalWidth + lShortCutWidth(l + 1)
                  End If
                  If lTotalWidth > lMaxTotalWidth Then
                     lMaxTotalWidth = lTotalWidth
                  End If
                  If m_tMI(lMenuIndex(l + 1)).bDefault Then
                     SelectObject m_cMemDC.hdc, hFntOld
                  End If
               End If
            Next l
            SelectObject m_cMemDC.hdc, hFntOld
            For l = 1 To lCount
               If lMenuIndex(l) > 0 Then
                  m_tMI(lMenuIndex(l)).lShortCutStartPos = lMaxTotalWidth -
                   lShortCutWidth(l) + 10 'lMaxCaptionWidt
               End If
            Next l
            tMIS.itemWidth = 4 + m_lMenuItemHeight + 6 + lMaxTotalWidth + 4
            If lMaxShortCutWidth > 0 Then
               tMIS.itemWidth = tMIS.itemWidth + 12
            End If
            ' menu item height is always the same
            tMIS.itemHeight = m_lMenuItemHeight + 6
            If m_tMI(lIndex).bTitle Then
               tMIS.itemHeight = tMIS.itemHeight * 3 \ 4
            End If
         End If
         If (m_tMI(lIndex).bOwnerDraw) Then
            RaiseEvent MeasureItem(lIndex, tMIS.itemWidth, tMIS.itemHeight)
         End If
         m_tMI(lIndex).lWidth = tMIS.itemWidth
         m_tMI(lIndex).lHeight = tMIS.itemHeight
         CopyMemory ByVal lparam, tMIS, LenB(tMIS)
      End If
      MeasureItem = CallOldWindowProc(m_hWndOwner, WM_MEASUREITEM, wParam,
   End If
End Function

Private Sub pDrawMenuCaption( _
        ByVal lHDC As Long, _
        ByVal lIndex As Long, _
        ByRef tR As RECT _
Dim sText As String
Dim hFont As Long
Dim hFontOld As Long

   If m_tMI(lIndex).bDefault Then
      hFont = m_cNCM.BoldenedFontHandle(MenuFOnt)
      If hFont <> 0 Then
         hFontOld = SelectObject(lHDC, hFont)
      End If
   End If
   sText = Trim$(m_tMI(lIndex).sCaption)
   DrawText lHDC, sText, Len(sText), tR, DT_LEFT
   sText = Trim$(m_tMI(lIndex).sShortCutDisplay)
   If (sText <> "") Then
       CopyMemory tSR, tR, LenB(tR)
       tSR.Left = m_tMI(lIndex).lShortCutStartPos
       DrawText lHDC, sText, Len(sText), tSR, DT_LEFT
   End If
   If hFontOld <> 0 Then
      SelectObject lHDC, hFontOld
   End If
   If hFont <> 0 Then
      DeleteObject hFont
   End If
End Sub
Private Function plParseMenuChar( _
        ByVal hMenu As Long, _
        ByVal iChar As Integer _
    ) As Long
Dim sChar As String
Dim lPos As Long
Dim l As Long
    sChar = UCase$(Chr$(iChar))
    For l = 1 To m_iMenuCount
        If (m_tMI(l).hMenu = hMenu) Then
            If (m_tMI(l).sAccelerator = sChar) Then
                plParseMenuChar = &H20000 + lPos
                ' Debug.Print "Found Menu Char"
                Exit Function
            End If
            lPos = lPos + 1
        End If
    Next l
End Function

Public Property Get MenuItemHeight(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Long
   MenuItemHeight = m_tMI(lIndex).lHeight
End Property
Public Property Get MenuItemWidth(ByVal lIndex As Long) As Long
   MenuItemWidth = m_tMI(lIndex).lWidth
End Property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
   Debug.Print "cPopupMenu:Initialize"
   ' Control:
   m_lLastMaxId = &H800
   ' Stuff for drawing:
   Set m_cMemDC = New pcMemDC
   m_cMemDC.Width = Screen.Width \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
   m_cMemDC.Height = 24
   m_oActiveMenuColor = CLR_INVALID
   m_oInActiveMenuColor = CLR_INVALID
   m_oMenuBackgroundColor = CLR_INVALID
   m_oActiveMenuBackColor = CLR_INVALID
   Set m_cNCM = New pcNCMetrics
   Set m_fntSymbol = New StdFont
   m_fntSymbol.Name = "Marlett"
   m_fntSymbol.Size = Font.Size * 1.2
   Set m_cBrush = New pcDottedBrush
   pSetFont Nothing
   m_lTickIconIndex = -1
   m_lOptionIconIndex = -1
   HighlightCheckedItems = True
   m_bImageProcessBitmap = True
   ' Stuff for infrequently used:
   m_bShowInfrequent = True
   Set m_tmrChevron = New CTimer
   ' Keyboard processing
   mMenu.AttachKeyboardHook Me
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Dim i As Long
   Set m_cMemDC = Nothing
   mMenu.DetachKeyboardHook Me
   ' Remove the graphics:
   ' Clear the non-client object, removing any fonts:
   Set m_cNCM = Nothing
   ' Clear up any stored menus:
   For i = 1 To m_iStoreCount
      Set m_cStoredMenu(i) = Nothing
   Next i
   Erase m_cStoredMenu
   m_iStoreCount = 0
   Set m_tmrChevron = Nothing
   Set m_tmrChevronNavigate = Nothing
   Debug.Print "cPopupMenu:Terminate"
End Sub

Private Property Let ISubclass_MsgResponse(ByVal RHS As SSubTimer.EMsgResponse)
End Property

Private Property Get ISubclass_MsgResponse() As SSubTimer.EMsgResponse
   Select Case CurrentMessage
      ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrConsume
   Case Else
      ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrPreprocess
   End Select
End Property

Private Function ISubclass_WindowProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal iMsg As Long,
 ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lparam As Long) As Long
    Dim lMenuId As Long, hMenu As Long, lItem As Long
Dim lMenuCount As Long
Dim lHiWord As Long
Dim bEnabled As Boolean, bSeparator As Boolean
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim bNoDefault As Boolean
Dim iChar As Integer
Dim lFlag As Long
Dim bHandled As Boolean
Dim lR As Long

   ' Debug.Print iMsg

    Select Case iMsg
    ' Handle Menu Select events:
        ' Extract the menu id and flags for the selected
        ' menu item:
        lHiWord = wParam \ &H10000
        lMenuId = wParam And &HFFFF&
        ' MenuId 0 corresponds to a separator on the system
        ' menu:
        If (lMenuId <> 0) Then
            ' Extract separator & enabled/disabled from the flags
            ' stored in the High Word of wParam:
            bSeparator = ((lHiWord And MF_SEPARATOR) = MF_SEPARATOR)
            bEnabled = ((lHiWord And MF_DISABLED) = MF_DISABLED) Or ((lHiWord
             And MF_GRAYED) = MF_GRAYED)
            ' Menu handle is passed in as lParam:
            hMenu = lparam
            If hMenu = 0 Then
               'Debug.Print "Exit menu..."
            End If
            ' Now check if the message is a menu item higlight,
            ' or whether it is indicating exit from the menu:
            lMenuCount = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu)
            For lItem = 0 To lMenuCount - 1
                If (lMenuId = GetMenuItemID(hMenu, lItem)) Then
                    bFound = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next lItem
            ' Raise a highlight or menu exit as required:
            If (bFound) Then
                RaiseHighlightEvent lMenuId
            End If
        End If
    ' Handle menu click events:
        'Debug.Print "Got a WM_COMMAND", wParam, lParam
        ' Commands from menus are identified by an lParam of 0
        ' (otherwise it is set the hWnd of the control):
        bHandled = False
        If (lparam = 0) Or (lparam = m_hWndAttached) Then
            ' Low order word of the wParam item is the menu item id:
            lMenuId = (wParam And &HFFFF&)
            'Debug.Print "ID: " & lMenuId
            If (RaiseClickEvent(lMenuId)) Then
                ' Don't send on the WM_COMMAND if the item
                ' wasn't a VB menu, it might interfere
                ' with some other control items!
               ISubclass_WindowProc = 1
               bHandled = True
            End If
         End If
         If Not bHandled Then
            ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lparam)
         End If
   ' Draw Menu items:
      ' Debug.Print lParam, wParam
      If (DrawItem(wParam, lparam)) Then
         ISubclass_WindowProc = 1
         ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lparam)
      End If
   ' Measure Menu items prior to drawing them:
      ISubclass_WindowProc = MeasureItem(wParam, lparam)
   ' Handle accelerator (&key) messages in the menu:
      ' Check that this is my menu:
      lFlag = wParam \ &H10000
      If ((lFlag And MF_SYSMENU) <> MF_SYSMENU) Then
         hMenu = lparam
         iChar = (wParam And &HFFFF&)
         ' Debug.Print hMenu, Chr$(iChar)
         ' See if this corresponds to an accelerator on the menu:
         lR = plParseMenuChar(hMenu, iChar)
         If lR > 0 Then
            bHandled = True
            ISubclass_WindowProc = lR
         End If
      End If
      If Not bHandled Then
         ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lparam)
      End If
      ' Check the sys menu flag:
      If (lparam \ &H10000) > 0 Then
          ' System menu.
          hMenu = wParam
          ' Find the item which is the parent
          ' of this popup menu:
          RaiseInitMenuEvent hMenu, (iMsg = WM_INITMENUPOPUP)
          If iMsg = WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP Then ' Win98+/2000 only
            removeWindowHandle hMenu
          End If
      End If
      Debug.Print "Got RButtonUp"
      'Debug.Print "WININICHANGE"
      'If Not m_cNCM Is Nothing Then
      '   ' Clear any pre-created font handles:
      '   m_cNCM.ClearUp
      'End If
      '' First ensure we have the correct font:
      'pSelectMenuFont True
      '' Now replace every menu item so the new sizes of the
      '' the menu items are correctly displayed...
      'For lR = 1 To m_iMenuCount
      '   ReplaceItem lR
      'Next lR
      ' Make sure we pass the message on for
      ' default processing!
   Case Else
     ' Debug.Print "Got an unrequested message:", iMsg
   End Select

End Function

Private Sub m_tmrChevron_ThatTime()
Dim lTime As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim bOk As Boolean
Dim lhWnd As Long

   If Not (m_bShowInfrequent) Then
      If m_lChevronIndex > 0 Then
         lTime = timeGetTime()
         If (lTime - m_lChevronStartTime) > 1000 Then ' 1000 ms is the hover
            ' are we over the appropriate window?
            Dim tP As POINTAPI
            GetCursorPos tP
            lhWnd = WindowFromPoint(tP.x, tP.y)
            For i = 1 To m_iChevronWndCount
               If (m_tChevronWnd(i).tMWH.hWnd = lhWnd) Then
                  If (m_tChevronWnd(i).tMWH.hMenu =
                   m_tMI(m_lChevronIndex).hMenu) Then
                     bOk = True
                  End If
               End If
            Next i
            ' stop the timer
            m_tmrChevron.Interval = -1
            If bOk Then
               ' cancel the menu by clicking the chevron.
               ' when the
               mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0
               mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0
            End If
         End If
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub m_tmrChevronNavigate_ThatTime()
   ' stop the timer
   ' Debug.Print "THATTIME", m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item
   m_tmrChevronNavigate.Interval = -1
   Dim i As Long
   Dim j As Long
   Dim iCount As Long
   Dim hMenuIn As Long
   Dim hMenuTarget As Long
   Dim lIndex As Long
   Dim lH As Long
   Dim iThis As Long
   Dim tR As RECT
   Dim pcM As New pcMouse
   Dim bOk As Boolean
   GetCursorPos tP
   iThis = 0
   If IsNumeric(m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item) Then
      i = m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item
      If i > 0 And i <= m_iChevronWndCount Then
         bOk = True
         hMenuTarget = m_tChevronWnd(i).tMWH.hMenu
         hMenuIn = m_tChevronWnd(i - 1).tMWH.hMenu
         iCount = GetMenuItemCount(hMenuIn)
         For j = 1 To iCount
            tMI.cbSize = LenB(tMI)
            tMI.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU Or MIIM_ID
            GetMenuItemInfo hMenuIn, j - 1, True, tMI
            lIndex = ItemForID(tMI.wID)
            If lIndex > 0 Then
               ' Debug.Print j, lIndex, tMI.hSubMenu, hMenuTarget, hMenuIn
               If tMI.hSubMenu = hMenuTarget Then
                  ' Debug.Print i, m_iWndCount
                  If (i - 1) <= m_iWndCount Then
                     GetWindowRect m_tWnd(i - 1).hWnd, tR
                     ' Debug.Print "Got it", tR.Left, tR.Top
                     pcM.MoveTo tR.Left + (tR.Right - tR.Left) \ 2, tR.Top + lH
                      + 8
                     pcM.Click vbLeftButton
                     Exit For
                  End If
                  lH = lH + m_tMI(lIndex).lHeight
               End If
            End If
         Next j
         If m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item < m_iChevronWndCount Then
            m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item = m_tmrChevronNavigate.Item + 1
            m_tmrChevronNavigate.Interval = 10
         End If
      End If
   End If
   pcM.MoveTo tP.x, tP.y
End Sub