vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: frmTestAppCommands.frm
Begin VB.Form frmTestAppCommands
Caption = "vbAccelerator AppCommand Class Demonstration"
ClientHeight = 7050
ClientLeft = 4590
ClientTop = 1980
ClientWidth = 6360
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 400
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Icon = "frmTestAppCommands.frx":0000
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 7050
ScaleWidth = 6360
Begin VB.ListBox lstEvents
Height = 1425
Left = 120
TabIndex = 5
Top = 5520
Width = 6075
Begin VB.ListBox lstOptions
Height = 3210
Left = 120
Style = 1 'Checkbox
TabIndex = 0
Top = 840
Width = 6075
Begin VB.Label lblEvents
BackColor = &H80000010&
Caption = " Events"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000016&
Height = 255
Left = 120
TabIndex = 4
Top = 5160
Width = 6075
Begin VB.Label lblConfigure
BackColor = &H80000010&
Caption = " Configure"
BeginProperty Font
Name = "Tahoma"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000016&
Height = 255
Left = 120
TabIndex = 3
Top = 60
Width = 6075
Begin VB.Label lblDescription
Height = 555
Left = 120
TabIndex = 2
Top = 4140
Width = 6015
Begin VB.Label lblInfo
Caption = $"frmTestAppCommands.frx":1272
Height = 495
Left = 120
TabIndex = 1
Top = 360
Width = 6075
Attribute VB_Name = "frmTestAppCommands"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents m_cAppCommand As cAppCommand
Attribute m_cAppCommand.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private m_domAPI As DOMDocument
Private Sub Form_Load()
' Create the class for intercepting
' app command events:
Set m_cAppCommand = New cAppCommand
m_cAppCommand.Attach Me.hWnd
' Load the XML document which contains
' details of the API so we can display
' the info whenever an event occurs
' and also provide a UI for saying
' which events we want to consume.
Set m_domAPI = New DOMDocument
Dim sApiXMLFile As String
sApiXMLFile = normalizePath(App.path) & "/home/VB/Tips/Responding_to_AppCommands/AppCommandApi.xml"
If m_domAPI.Load(sApiXMLFile) Then
MsgBox "The file " & sApiXMLFile & " was not found or is corrupt: [" &
m_domAPI.parseError & "]", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
' clear up (will be done automatically by
' VB, but anyway)
Set m_cAppCommand = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub lstOptions_Click()
Dim nodCommand As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodCommand = getCommandNode(lstOptions.ItemData(lstOptions.ListIndex))
lblDescription.Caption =
End Sub
Private Sub m_cAppCommand_AppCommand(ByVal command As AppCommandConstants,
ByVal fromDevice As AppCommandDeviceConstants, ByVal keyState As
AppCommandKeyStateConstants, ByRef processed As Boolean)
Dim sMsg As String
Dim nodCommand As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodCommand = getCommandNode(command)
If Not (nodCommand Is Nothing) Then
' built-in command:
sMsg = nodCommand.selectSingleNode("Description").childNodes(0).nodeValue
' custom command:
sMsg = "Custom Command (value=" & command & ")"
End If
Dim nodFromDevice As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodFromDevice = getDeviceNode(fromDevice)
sMsg = sMsg & "From " &
sMsg = sMsg & ", Keys:" & keysPressedDescription(keyState)
' Determine whether to pass on to Windows or not:
processed = processCommand(command)
lstEvents.AddItem sMsg
End Sub
Private Function keysPressedDescription(ByVal keyState As
AppCommandKeyStateConstants) As String
Dim sMsg As String
Dim flag As Long
flag = 1
Do While (flag <= 64)
If (keyState And flag) = flag Then
If (Len(sMsg) > 1) Then
sMsg = sMsg & ", "
End If
sMsg = sMsg &
End If
flag = flag * 2
keysPressedDescription = sMsg
End Function
Private Function processCommand(ByVal command As Long) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To lstOptions.ListCount
If (lstOptions.ItemData(i) = command) Then
processCommand = lstOptions.Selected(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
' Show the list of app commands from the file
Private Sub displayOptions()
Dim nodCommand As IXMLDOMNode
For Each nodCommand In
lstOptions.ItemData(lstOptions.NewIndex) =
CLng(attributeValue(nodCommand, "value"))
End Sub
' Return the KeyState node for the specified KeyState value:
Private Function getKeyStateNode(ByVal value As Long) As IXMLDOMNode
Dim xPath As String
xPath = "AppCommandApi/KeyStateList/KeyState[@value='" & value & "']"
Set getKeyStateNode = m_domAPI.selectSingleNode(xPath)
End Function
' Return the KeyState node for the specified KeyState value:
Private Function getDeviceNode(ByVal value As Long) As IXMLDOMNode
Dim xPath As String
xPath = "AppCommandApi/DeviceTypeList/DeviceType[@value='" & value & "']"
Set getDeviceNode = m_domAPI.selectSingleNode(xPath)
End Function
' Return the command node for the specified app command value:
Private Function getCommandNode(ByVal value As Long) As IXMLDOMNode
Dim xPath As String
xPath = "AppCommandApi/CommandList/Command[@value='" & value & "']"
Set getCommandNode = m_domAPI.selectSingleNode(xPath)
End Function
' helper function: add a path separator to the end of a path if it doesn't have
Private Function normalizePath(ByVal path As String) As String
If Not (Right$(Trim$(path), 1) = "\") Then
normalizePath = path & "\"
normalizePath = path
End If
End Function
' helper function: return the value of the attribute with the specified name:
Private Function attributeValue(ByVal nod As IXMLDOMNode, ByVal name As String)
As String
Dim attr As IXMLDOMAttribute
For Each attr In nod.Attributes
If StrComp(attr.name, name) = 0 Then
attributeValue = attr.value
Exit For
End If
End Function