vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: GDIPPropertyItem.cls
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "GDIPPropertyItem"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Private m_lId As Long
Private m_lLength As Long
Private m_itemType As PropertyTagType
Private m_bData() As Byte
Public Property Get Id() As Long
Id = m_lId
End Property
Public Property Get ItemType() As PropertyTagType
ItemType = m_itemType
End Property
Public Property Get Length() As Long
Length = m_lLength
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Select Case m_lId
Case PropertyTagExifIFD
Name = "ExifIFD"
Case PropertyTagsIFD
Name = "IFD"
Case PropertyTagNewSubfileType
Name = "NewSubfileType"
Case PropertyTagSubfileType
Name = "TagSubFileType"
Case PropertyTagImageWidth
Name = "ImageWidth"
Case PropertyTagImageHeight
Name = "ImageHeight"
Case PropertyTagBitsPerSample
Name = "BitsPerSample"
Case PropertyTagCompression
Name = "Compression"
Case PropertyTagPhotometricInterp
Name = "PhotometricInterp"
Case PropertyTagThreshHolding
Name = "ThreshHolding"
Case PropertyTagCellWidth
Name = "CellWidth"
Case PropertyTagCellHeight
Name = "CellHeight"
Case PropertyTagFillOrder
Name = "FillOrder"
Case PropertyTagDocumentName
Name = "DocumentName"
Case PropertyTagImageDescription
Name = "ImageDescription"
Case PropertyTagEquipMake
Name = "EquipMake"
Case PropertyTagEquipModel
Name = "EquipModel"
Case PropertyTagStripOffsets
Name = "StripOffsets"
Case PropertyTagOrientation
Name = "Orientation"
Case PropertyTagSamplesPerPixel
Name = "SamplesPerPixel"
Case PropertyTagRowsPerStrip
Name = "RowsPerStrip"
Case PropertyTagStripBytesCount
Name = "StripBytesCount"
Case PropertyTagMinSampleValue
Name = "MinSampleValue"
Case PropertyTagMaxSampleValue
Name = "MaxSampleValue"
Case PropertyTagXResolution
Name = "XResolution"
Case PropertyTagYResolution
Name = "YResolution"
Case PropertyTagPlanarConfig
Name = "PlanarConfig"
Case PropertyTagPageName
Name = "PageName"
Case PropertyTagXPosition
Name = "XPosition"
Case PropertyTagYPosition
Name = "YPosition"
Case PropertyTagFreeOffset
Name = "FreeOffset"
Case PropertyTagFreeByteCounts
Name = "FreeByteCounts"
Case PropertyTagGrayResponseUnit
Name = "GrayResponseUnit"
Case PropertyTagGrayResponseCurve
Name = "GrayResponseCurve"
Case PropertyTagT4Option
Name = "T4Option"
Case PropertyTagT6Option
Name = "T6Option"
Case PropertyTagResolutionUnit
Name = "ResolutionUnit"
Case PropertyTagPageNumber
Name = "PageNumber"
Case PropertyTagTransferFuncition
Name = "TransferFuncition"
Case PropertyTagSoftwareUsed
Name = "SoftwareUsed"
Case PropertyTagDateTime
Name = "DateTime"
Case PropertyTagArtist
Name = "Artist"
Case PropertyTagHostComputer
Name = "HostComputer"
Case PropertyTagPredictor
Name = "Predictor"
Case PropertyTagWhitePoint
Name = "WhitePoint"
Case PropertyTagPrimaryChromaticities
Name = "PrimaryChromaticities"
Case PropertyTagColorMap
Name = "ColorMap"
Case PropertyTagHalftoneHints
Name = "HalftoneHints"
Case PropertyTagTileWidth
Name = "TileWidth"
Case PropertyTagTileLength
Name = "TileLength"
Case PropertyTagTileOffset
Name = "TileOffset"
Case PropertyTagTileByteCounts
Name = "TileByteCounts"
Case PropertyTagInkSet
Name = "InkSet"
Case PropertyTagInkNames
Name = "InkNames"
Case PropertyTagNumberOfInks
Name = "NumberOfInks"
Case PropertyTagDotRange
Name = "DotRange"
Case PropertyTagTargetPrinter
Name = "TargetPrinter"
Case PropertyTagExtraSamples
Name = "ExtraSamples"
Case PropertyTagSampleFormat
Name = "SampleFormat"
Case PropertyTagSMinSampleValue
Name = "SMinSampleValue"
Case PropertyTagSMaxSampleValue
Name = "SMaxSampleValue"
Case PropertyTagTransferRange
Name = "TransferRange"
Case PropertyTagJPEroc
Name = "JPEroc"
Case PropertyTagJPEGInterFormat
Name = "JPEGInterFormat"
Case PropertyTagJPEGInterLength
Name = "JPEGInterLength"
Case PropertyTagJPEGRestartInterval
Name = "JPEGRestartInterval"
Case PropertyTagJPEGLosslessPredictors
Name = "JPEGLosslessPredictors"
Case PropertyTagJPEointTransforms
Name = "JPEointTransforms"
Case PropertyTagJPEGQTables
Name = "JPEGQTables"
Case PropertyTagJPEGDCTables
Name = "JPEGDCTables"
Case PropertyTagJPEGACTables
Name = "JPEGACTables"
Case PropertyTagYCbCrCoefficients
Name = "YCbCrCoefficients"
Case PropertyTagYCbCrSubsampling
Name = "YCbCrSubsampling"
Case PropertyTagYCbCrPositioning
Name = "YCbCrPositioning"
Case PropertyTagREFBlackWhite
Name = "REFBlackWhite"
Case PropertyTagICCProfile
Name = "ICCProfile"
Case PropertyTagGamma
Name = "Gamma"
Case PropertyTagICCProfileDescriptor
Name = "ICCProfileDescriptor"
Case PropertyTagSRGBRenderingIntent
Name = "SRGBRenderingIntent"
Case PropertyTagImageTitle
Name = "ImageTitle"
Case PropertyTagCopyright
Name = "Copyright"
Case PropertyTagResolutionXUnit
Name = "ResolutionXUnit"
Case PropertyTagResolutionYUnit
Name = "ResolutionYUnit"
Case PropertyTagResolutionXLengthUnit
Name = "ResolutionXLengthUnit"
Case PropertyTagResolutionYLengthUnit
Name = "ResolutionYLengthUnit"
Case PropertyTagPrintFlags
Name = "PrintFlags"
Case PropertyTagPrintFlagsVersion
Name = "PrintFlagsVersion"
Case PropertyTagPrintFlagsCrop
Name = "PrintFlagsCrop"
Case PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidth
Name = "PrintFlagsBleedWidth"
Case PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidthScale
Name = "PrintFlagsBleedWidthScale"
Case PropertyTagHalftoneLPI
Name = "HalftoneLPI"
Case PropertyTagHalftoneLPIUnit
Name = "HalftoneLPIUnit"
Case PropertyTagHalftoneDegree
Name = "HalftoneDegree"
Case PropertyTagHalftoneShape
Name = "HalftoneShape"
Case PropertyTagHalftoneMisc
Name = "HalftoneMisc"
Case PropertyTagHalftoneScreen
Name = "HalftoneScreen"
Case PropertyTagJPEGQuality
Name = "JPEGQuality"
Case PropertyTagGridSize
Name = "GridSize"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailFormat
Name = "ThumbnailFormat"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailWidth
Name = "ThumbnailWidth"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailHeight
Name = "ThumbnailHeight"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailColorDepth
Name = "ThumbnailColorDepth"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailPlanes
Name = "ThumbnailPlanes"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailRawBytes
Name = "ThumbnailRawBytes"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailSize
Name = "ThumbnailSize"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailCompressedSize
Name = "ThumbnailCompressedSize"
Case PropertyTagColorTransferFunction
Name = "ColorTransferFunction"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailData
Name = "ThumbnailData"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailImageWidth
Name = "ThumbnailImageWidth"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailImageHeight
Name = "ThumbnailImageHeight"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailBitsPerSample
Name = "ThumbnailBitsPerSample"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailCompression
Name = "ThumbnailCompression"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailPhotometricInterp
Name = "ThumbnailPhotometricInterp"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailImageDescription
Name = "ThumbnailImageDescription"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailEquipMake
Name = "ThumbnailEquipMake"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailEquipModel
Name = "ThumbnailEquipModel"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailStripOffsets
Name = "ThumbnailStripOffsets"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailOrientation
Name = "ThumbnailOrientation"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailSamplesPerPixel
Name = "ThumbnailSamplesPerPixel"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailRowsPerStrip
Name = "ThumbnailRowsPerStrip"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailStripBytesCount
Name = "ThumbnailStripBytesCount"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionX
Name = "ThumbnailResolutionX"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionY
Name = "ThumbnailResolutionY"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailPlanarConfig
Name = "ThumbnailPlanarConfig"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionUnit
Name = "ThumbnailResolutionUnit"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailTransferFunction
Name = "ThumbnailTransferFunction"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailSoftwareUsed
Name = "ThumbnailSoftwareUsed"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailDateTime
Name = "ThumbnailDateTime"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailArtist
Name = "ThumbnailArtist"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailWhitePoint
Name = "ThumbnailWhitePoint"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities
Name = "ThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients
Name = "ThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling
Name = "ThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrPositioning
Name = "ThumbnailYCbCrPositioning"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailRefBlackWhite
Name = "ThumbnailRefBlackWhite"
Case PropertyTagThumbnailCopyRight
Name = "ThumbnailCopyRight"
Case PropertyTagLuminanceTable
Name = "LuminanceTable"
Case PropertyTagChrominanceTable
Name = "ChrominanceTable"
Case PropertyTagFrameDelay
Name = "FrameDelay"
Case PropertyTagLoopCount
Name = "LoopCount"
Case PropertyTagPixelUnit
Name = "PixelUnit"
Case PropertyTagPixelPerUnitX
Name = "PixelPerUnitX"
Case PropertyTagPixelPerUnitY
Name = "PixelPerUnitY"
Case PropertyTagPaletteHistogram
Name = "PaletteHistogram"
Case PropertyTagExifExposureTime
Name = "ExifExposureTime"
Case PropertyTagExifFNumber
Name = "ExifFNumber"
Case PropertyTagExifExposureProg
Name = "ExifExposureProg"
Case PropertyTagExifSpectralSense
Name = "ExifSpectralSense"
Case PropertyTagExifISOSpeed
Name = "ExifISOSpeed"
Case PropertyTagExifOECF
Name = "ExifOECF"
Case PropertyTagExifVer
Name = "ExifVer"
Case PropertyTagExifDTOrig
Name = "ExifDTOrig"
Case PropertyTagExifDTDigitized
Name = "ExifDTDigitized"
Case PropertyTagExifCompConfig
Name = "ExifCompConfig"
Case PropertyTagExifCompBPP
Name = "ExifCompBPP"
Case PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed
Name = "ExifShutterSpeed"
Case PropertyTagExifAperture
Name = "ExifAperture"
Case PropertyTagExifBrightness
Name = "ExifBrightness"
Case PropertyTagExifExposureBias
Name = "ExifExposureBias"
Case PropertyTagExifMaxAperture
Name = "ExifMaxAperture"
Case PropertyTagExifSubjectDist
Name = "ExifSubjectDist"
Case PropertyTagExifMeteringMode
Name = "ExifMeteringMode"
Case PropertyTagExifLightSource
Name = "ExifLightSource"
Case PropertyTagExifFlash
Name = "ExifFlash"
Case PropertyTagExifFocalLength
Name = "ExifFocalLength"
Case PropertyTagExifMakerNote
Name = "ExifMakerNote"
Case PropertyTagExifUserComment
Name = "ExifUserComment"
Case PropertyTagExifDTSubsec
Name = "ExifDTSubsec"
Case PropertyTagExifDTOrigSS
Name = "ExifDTOrigSS"
Case PropertyTagExifDTDigSS
Name = "ExifDTDigSS"
Case PropertyTagExifFPXVer
Name = "ExifFPXVer"
Case PropertyTagExifColorSpace
Name = "ExifColorSpace"
Case PropertyTagExifPixXDim
Name = "ExifPixXDim"
Case PropertyTagExifPixYDim
Name = "ExifPixYDim"
Case PropertyTagExifRelatedWav
Name = "ExifRelatedWav"
Case PropertyTagExifInterop
Name = "ExifInterop"
Case PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy
Name = "ExifFlashEnergy"
Case PropertyTagExifSpatialFR
Name = "ExifSpatialFR"
Case PropertyTagExifFocalXRes
Name = "ExifFocalXRes"
Case PropertyTagExifFocalYRes
Name = "ExifFocalYRes"
Case PropertyTagExifFocalResUnit
Name = "ExifFocalResUnit"
Case PropertyTagExifSubjectLoc
Name = "ExifSubjectLoc"
Case PropertyTagExifExposureIndex
Name = "ExifExposureIndex"
Case PropertyTagExifSensingMethod
Name = "ExifSensingMethod"
Case PropertyTagExifFileSource
Name = "ExifFileSource"
Case PropertyTagExifSceneType
Name = "ExifSceneType"
Case PropertyTagExifCfaPattern
Name = "ExifCfaPattern"
Case PropertyTagGpsVer
Name = "GpsVer"
Case PropertyTagGpsLatitudeRef
Name = "GpsLatitudeRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsLatitude
Name = "GpsLatitude"
Case PropertyTagGpsLongitudeRef
Name = "GpsLongitudeRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsLongitude
Name = "GpsLongitude"
Case PropertyTagGpsAltitudeRef
Name = "GpsAltitudeRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsAltitude
Name = "GpsAltitude"
Case PropertyTagGpsGpsTime
Name = "GpsGpsTime"
Case PropertyTagGpsGpsSatellites
Name = "GpsGpsSatellites"
Case PropertyTagGpsGpsStatus
Name = "GpsGpsStatus"
Case PropertyTagGpsGpsMeasureMode
Name = "GpsGpsMeasureMode"
Case PropertyTagGpsGpsDop
Name = "GpsGpsDop"
Case PropertyTagGpsSpeedRef
Name = "GpsSpeedRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsSpeed
Name = "GpsSpeed"
Case PropertyTagGpsTrackRef
Name = "GpsTrackRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsTrack
Name = "GpsTrack"
Case PropertyTagGpsImgDirRef
Name = "GpsImgDirRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsImgDir
Name = "GpsImgDir"
Case PropertyTagGpsMapDatum
Name = "GpsMapDatum"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestLatRef
Name = "GpsDestLatRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestLat
Name = "GpsDestLat"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestLongRef
Name = "GpsDestLongRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestLong
Name = "GpsDestLong"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestBearRef
Name = "GpsDestBearRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestBear
Name = "GpsDestBear"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestDistRef
Name = "GpsDestDistRef"
Case PropertyTagGpsDestDist
Name = "GpsDestDist"
End Select
End Property
Public Function ValueCount() As Long
Select Case ItemType
Case PropertyTagTypeASCII
' each item is 1 byte:
ValueCount = 1
Case PropertyTagTypeUndefined, PropertyTagTypeByte, 6 ' sbyte
ValueCount = m_lLength
Case PropertyTagTypeShort, 8 ' schar
' each item is 2 bytes:
ValueCount = m_lLength / 2
Case PropertyTagTypeRational, PropertyTagTypeSRational, 12 ' double
' each item is 8 bytes:
ValueCount = m_lLength / 8
Case PropertyTagTypeLong, PropertyTagTypeSLONG, 11 ' float
' each item is 4 bytes:
ValueCount = m_lLength / 4
End Select
End Function
Public Property Get ParseString() As String
ParseString = StrConv(m_bData, vbUnicode)
End Property
Public Property Get ParseRational(ByVal lItem As Long) As Variant
Dim lStart As Long
If (lItem > 0) And (lItem <= ValueCount) Then
lStart = (lItem - 1) * 8
ReDim lValue(1 To 2) As Long
RtlMoveMemory lValue(1), m_bData(lStart), 4
RtlMoveMemory lValue(2), m_bData(lStart + 4), 4
ParseRational = lValue
SetStatusHelper InvalidParameter
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ParseShort(ByVal lItem As Long) As Integer
Dim lStart As Long
If (lItem > 0) And (lItem <= ValueCount) Then
lStart = (lItem - 1) * 2
Dim iRet As Integer
RtlMoveMemory iRet, m_bData(lStart), 2
ParseShort = iRet
SetStatusHelper InvalidParameter
End If
End Property
Public Property Get ParseLong(ByVal lItem As Long) As Long
Dim lStart As Long
If (lItem > 0) And (lItem <= ValueCount) Then
lStart = (lItem - 1) * 4
Dim iRet As Long
RtlMoveMemory iRet, m_bData(lStart), 4
ParseLong = iRet
SetStatusHelper InvalidParameter
End If
End Property
Public Sub GetData(ByRef b() As Byte)
Dim i As Long
If (m_lLength > 0) Then
For i = LBound(b) To UBound(b)
b(i) = m_bData(i - LBound(b))
Next i
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get DataBufferSize() As Long
DataBufferSize = ElementDataSize() * m_lLength
End Property
Public Property Get ElementDataSize() As Long
Dim lSize As Long
Select Case ItemType
Case PropertyTagTypeASCII, PropertyTagTypeUndefined, PropertyTagTypeByte, 6
' sbyte
' each item is 1 byte:
lSize = 1
Case PropertyTagTypeShort, 8 ' schar
' each item is 2 bytes:
lSize = 2
Case PropertyTagTypeRational, PropertyTagTypeSRational, 12 ' double
' each item is 8 bytes:
lSize = 8
Case PropertyTagTypeLong, PropertyTagTypeSLONG, 11 ' float
' each item is 4 bytes:
lSize = 4
End Select
ElementDataSize = lSize
End Property
Public Sub Create( _
ByVal lId As Long, _
ByVal lLength As Long, _
ByVal eItemType As PropertyTagType, _
ByRef b() As Byte _
Dim i As Long
m_lId = lId
m_lLength = lLength
m_itemType = eItemType
If (m_lLength > 0) Then
ReDim m_bData(LBound(b) To UBound(b))
For i = LBound(b) To UBound(b)
m_bData(i - LBound(b)) = b(i)
Next i
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub fInit( _
ByVal lId As Long, _
ByVal lLength As Long, _
ByVal eItemType As PropertyTagType, _
ByVal lPtr As Long, _
ByVal lSize As Long _
m_lId = lId
m_lLength = lLength
m_itemType = eItemType
If Not (lPtr = 0) And (lLength > 0) Then
Dim lDataSize As Long
lDataSize = lSize - 16
If (lDataSize > 0) Then
ReDim m_bData(0 To lDataSize - 1) As Byte
RtlMoveMemory m_bData(0), ByVal lPtr, lDataSize
End If
End If
End Sub