vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cSpriteBitmaps.cls
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "cSpriteBitmaps"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' ======================================================================
' Class: cSpriteBitmaps
' Filename: cSpriteBitmaps.cls
' Author: SP McMahon
' Date: 14 July 1998
' A class to store a picture clip of sprite bitmaps and an associated
' mask to allow transparent drawing onto a DC.
' ======================================================================
' Memory DC & Bitmap to hold the sprite
Private m_hdcSprite As Long
Private m_hBmpSprite As Long
Private m_hBmpSpriteOld As Long
' Memory DC & Bitmap to hold the mask element of the sprite
Private m_hdcMask As Long
Private m_hBmpMask As Long
Private m_hBmpMaskOld As Long
' Memory DC to build up the sprite and draw it:
Private m_hDCBuild As Long
Private m_hBmpBuild As Long
Private m_hBmpBuildOld As Long
' Variables to store sprite frames, current cell and cell size:
Private m_lDX As Long
Private m_lDY As Long
Private m_lCX As Long
Private m_lCY As Long
Public Sub TransparentDraw( _
ByVal hDCDest As Long, _
ByVal lX As Long, _
ByVal lY As Long, _
ByVal lCell As Long, _
Optional ByVal bUseBuildDC As Boolean = True _
Dim lDX As Long
Dim lDY As Long
Dim lDC As Long
Dim loX As Long
Dim loY As Long
' Get the position of the sprite cell within the data:
pGetXYForCell lCell, lDX, lDY
' Determine where to draw to:
If (bUseBuildDC) Then
' Now we take a copy of the background we are drawing on
' into the work DC:
lDC = m_hDCBuild
BitBlt lDC, 0, 0, m_lDX, m_lDY, hDCDest, lX, lY, SRCCOPY
loX = 0
loY = 0
lDC = hDCDest
loX = lX
loY = lY
End If
' We OR the mask into place, i.e. wherever the mask is black
' there is no effem_cTile, but wherever it is white the background
' goes completely white:
BitBlt lDC, loX, loY, m_lDX, m_lDY, m_hdcMask, lDX, lDY, SRCPAINT
' Now we AND the sprite into position: wherever the sprite is white,
' there is no effem_cTile, but over the whitened mask area the sprite
' shows as normal:
BitBlt lDC, loX, loY, m_lDX, m_lDY, m_hdcSprite, lDX, lDY, SRCAND
If (bUseBuildDC) Then
' Now we can blit the combination of the background with the
' transparently drawn area onto the Destination:
BitBlt hDCDest, lX, lY, m_lDX, m_lDY, m_hDCBuild, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
End If
End Sub
Public Function CreateFromPicture( _
ByRef oPic As StdPicture, _
ByVal lXImageCount As Long, _
ByVal lYImageCount As Long, _
Optional ByRef oMaskPic As StdPicture = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal lTransColor As Long = &HFFFFFF _
) As Boolean
Dim tBM As Bitmap
Dim bContinue As Boolean
' First ensure that we've cleared up anything
' we already have:
' First create the sprite bitmap:
If (GDILoadPictureIntoDC( _
False, _
oPic, _
m_hdcSprite, _
m_hBmpSprite, _
m_hBmpSpriteOld _
)) Then
' Get the dimensions of the bitmap (which is
' a DIB):
GetObjectAPI m_hBmpSprite, Len(tBM), tBM
If (oMaskPic Is Nothing) Then
' Create a mask based on white areas of the
' original sprite:
bContinue = pbCreateMaskFromSprite( _
tBM.bmWidth, _
tBM.bmHeight, _
lTransColor _
' We load the specified mask image:
bContinue = GDILoadPictureIntoDC( _
True, _
oMaskPic, _
m_hdcMask, _
m_hBmpMask, _
End If
If (bContinue) Then
' Set the x and y count for image cells in the sprite:
m_lCX = lXImageCount
m_lCY = lYImageCount
' The width & Height of the sprite:
m_lDX = tBM.bmWidth \ m_lCX
m_lDY = tBM.bmHeight \ m_lCY
' Make a working DC to draw the sprite in:
If (GDIMakeDCAndBitmap( _
False, _
m_hDCBuild, m_hBmpBuild, m_hBmpBuildOld, _
m_lDX, m_lDY)) Then
CreateFromPicture = True
Debug.Print "Failed to create working DC/Bitmap"
End If
Debug.Print "Failed to create mask DC/Bitmap"
End If
Debug.Print "Failed to create sprite DC/Bitmap"
End If
End Function
Public Function CreateFromFile( _
ByVal sSpriteBitmap As String, _
ByVal lXImageCount As Long, _
ByVal lYImageCount As Long, _
Optional ByVal sMaskBitmap As String = "", _
Optional ByVal lTransColor As Long = &HFFFFFF _
) As Boolean
Dim tBM As Bitmap
Dim bContinue As Boolean
' First ensure that we've cleared up anything
' we already have:
' First create the sprite bitmap:
If (GDILoadBitmapIntoDC( _
False, _
sSpriteBitmap, _
m_hdcSprite, _
m_hBmpSprite, _
m_hBmpSpriteOld _
)) Then
' Get the dimensions of the bitmap (which is
' a DIB):
GetObjectAPI m_hBmpSprite, Len(tBM), tBM
If (sMaskBitmap = "") Then
' Create a mask based on white areas of the
' original sprite:
bContinue = pbCreateMaskFromSprite( _
tBM.bmWidth, _
tBM.bmHeight, _
lTransColor _
' We load the specified mask image:
bContinue = GDILoadBitmapIntoDC( _
True, _
sMaskBitmap, _
m_hdcMask, _
m_hBmpMask, _
End If
If (bContinue) Then
' Set the x and y count for image cells in the sprite:
m_lCX = lXImageCount
m_lCY = lYImageCount
' The width & Height of the sprite:
m_lDX = tBM.bmWidth \ m_lCX
m_lDY = tBM.bmHeight \ m_lCY
' Make a working DC to draw the sprite in:
If (GDIMakeDCAndBitmap( _
False, _
m_hDCBuild, m_hBmpBuild, m_hBmpBuildOld, _
m_lDX, m_lDY)) Then
CreateFromFile = True
Debug.Print "Failed to create working DC/Bitmap"
End If
Debug.Print "Failed to create mask DC/Bitmap"
End If
Debug.Print "Failed to create sprite DC/Bitmap"
End If
End Function
Private Function pbCreateMaskFromSprite( _
ByVal bmWidth As Long, _
ByVal bmHeight As Long, _
ByVal lTransColor As Long _
) As Boolean
Dim lOrigColor As Long
Dim bTransColorIsWhite As Boolean
' Now create a mask Object. Here we want
' to just copy the bitmap into a monochrome
' DC, then invert it:
If (GDIMakeDCAndBitmap( _
True, _
m_hdcMask, m_hBmpMask, m_hBmpMaskOld, _
bmWidth, bmHeight)) Then
If (lTransColor = &HFFFFFF) Then
bTransColorIsWhite = True
End If
If (bTransColorIsWhite) Then
' Copy the Bitmap from the source, inverting it
' as we go:
BitBlt m_hdcMask, 0, 0, bmWidth, bmHeight, m_hdcSprite, 0, 0,
&HFF0062 ' Whiteness
BitBlt m_hdcMask, 0, 0, bmWidth, bmHeight, m_hdcSprite, 0, 0,
pbCreateMaskFromSprite = True
' We need to make an non-inverse mask first. This
' is ORed with the original sprite to make the area
' with transparent colour = white, then it the mask is
' inverted.
Dim hdcTemp As Long, hBmpTemp As Long, hBmpTempOld As Long
If (GDIMakeDCAndBitmap( _
True, _
hdcTemp, hBmpTemp, hBmpTempOld, _
bmWidth, bmHeight)) Then
' Set the back colour for the sprite to the
' transparent colour (this means it is set to
' black when we bitblt to the mono DC):
lOrigColor = SetBkColor(m_hdcSprite, lTransColor)
' Make non-inverse mask:
BitBlt hdcTemp, 0, 0, bmWidth, bmHeight, m_hdcSprite, 0, 0,
' Return back colour of sprite
SetBkColor m_hdcSprite, lOrigColor
' Make sprite white in lTransColor region:
BitBlt m_hdcSprite, 0, 0, bmWidth, bmHeight, hdcTemp, 0, 0,
' Invert the mask:
BitBlt m_hdcMask, 0, 0, bmWidth, bmHeight, m_hdcSprite, 0, 0,
&HFF0062 ' Whiteness
BitBlt m_hdcMask, 0, 0, bmWidth, bmHeight, hdcTemp, 0, 0,
' Clear up temporary bitmap:
GDIClearDCBitmap hdcTemp, hBmpTemp, hBmpTempOld
pbCreateMaskFromSprite = True
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Property Get CellWidth() As Long
CellWidth = m_lDX
End Property
Property Get CellHeight() As Long
CellHeight = m_lDY
End Property
Public Sub DirectBltSprite( _
ByVal lHDC As Long, _
ByVal lX As Long, _
ByVal lY As Long, _
ByVal lCell As Long _
Dim lDX As Long
Dim lDY As Long
pGetXYForCell lCell, lDX, lDY
BitBlt lHDC, lX, lY, m_lDX, m_lDY, m_hdcSprite, lDX, lDY, SRCCOPY
End Sub
Private Sub pGetXYForCell( _
ByVal lCell As Long, _
ByRef lX As Long, _
ByRef lY As Long _
lX = ((lCell - 1) Mod m_lCX) * m_lDX
lY = ((lCell - 1) \ m_lCX) * m_lDY
End Sub
Private Sub ClearUp()
' Here we ensure all our Objects are destroyed:
GDIClearDCBitmap m_hdcSprite, m_hBmpSprite, m_hBmpSpriteOld
GDIClearDCBitmap m_hdcMask, m_hBmpMask, m_hBmpMaskOld
GDIClearDCBitmap m_hDCBuild, m_hBmpBuild, m_hBmpBuildOld
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Debug.Print "m_cSpriteBitmaps:Initialise"
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Debug.Print "m_cSpriteBitmaps:Terminate"
End Sub