vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cBitmap.cls
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "cBitmap"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' ======================================================================
' Class: cBitmap
' Filename: cBitmap.cls
' Author: SP McMahon
' Date: 14 July 1998
' A class to store a bitmap. Similar to cSpriteBitmap but doesn't
' use a mask.
' ======================================================================
' Memory DC & Bitmap to hold the bitmap
Private m_hdcBitmap As Long
Private m_hBmpBitmap As Long
Private m_hBmpBitmapOld As Long
' Width & Height of the bitmap
Private m_lDX As Long
Private m_lDY As Long
Public Function CreateAtSize( _
ByVal lDX As Long, _
ByVal lDY As Long _
) As Boolean
' First ensure that we've cleared up anything
' we already have:
' Create a DC at size to hold the bitmap:
If (GDIMakeDCAndBitmap( _
False, _
m_hdcBitmap, _
m_hBmpBitmap, _
m_hBmpBitmapOld, _
lDX, lDY)) Then
m_lDX = lDX
m_lDY = lDY
CreateAtSize = True
End If
End Function
Public Function CreateFromFile( _
ByVal sBitmapBitmap As String _
) As Boolean
Dim tBM As Bitmap
' First ensure that we've cleared up anything
' we already have:
' Load the Bitmap bitmap:
If (GDILoadBitmapIntoDC( _
False, _
sBitmapBitmap, _
m_hdcBitmap, _
m_hBmpBitmap, _
m_hBmpBitmapOld)) Then
' Get the dimensions of the bitmap (which is
' a DIB):
GetObjectAPI m_hBmpBitmap, Len(tBM), tBM
' Store dimensions:
m_lDX = tBM.bmWidth
m_lDY = tBM.bmHeight
CreateFromFile = True
End If
End Function
Public Function CreateFromPicture( _
ByRef picThis As StdPicture _
Dim tBM As Bitmap
If (GDILoadPictureIntoDC(False, picThis, m_hdcBitmap, m_hBmpBitmap,
m_hBmpBitmapOld)) Then
' Get the dimensions of the bitmap (which is
' a DIB):
GetObjectAPI m_hBmpBitmap, Len(tBM), tBM
' Store dimensions:
m_lDX = tBM.bmWidth
m_lDY = tBM.bmHeight
CreateFromPicture = True
End If
End Function
Property Get Width() As Long
Width = m_lDX
End Property
Property Get Height() As Long
Height = m_lDY
End Property
Property Get hDC() As Long
hDC = m_hdcBitmap
End Property
Public Sub RenderBitmap( _
ByVal lHDC As Long, _
ByVal lX As Long, _
ByVal lY As Long, _
Optional ByVal OpCode As RasterOpConstants = vbSrcCopy _
BitBlt _
lHDC, _
lX, lY, m_lDX, m_lDY, _
m_hdcBitmap, _
0, 0, _
End Sub
Private Sub ClearUp()
' Here we ensure all our Objects are destroyed:
GDIClearDCBitmap m_hdcBitmap, m_hBmpBitmap, m_hBmpBitmapOld
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub