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Click for AVI Frame Extractor

AVI Frame Extractor

The AVI Frame Extractor code provided here allows you to extract and display individual frames from AVIs. This can be useful if you're trying to create a derivative of an existing AVI as you can extract each of the frames and either edit them in a painting package or write a program to do it. There's also some code in there to save a 256 colour bitmap using Run-Length Encoding.


Last Updated: 23 November 2003

Click for AVI Creation

AVI Creation

One thing that's always been tricky with AVIs is the lack of suitable software to create them. This article provides VB classes allowing 8-bit and 24-bit AVIs to be created, using any available Codec on the system. The demonstration project uses these classes to provide a pretty comprehensive programmer's AVI creation utility.


Last Updated: 23 November 2003