I've been using your cStringBuilder Class, which has been exactly what I've needed, helping to optimize one of my biggest bottlenecks. But it also had caused a problem, and I don't want other programmers to have to experience this as well. If you append a string that is much larger than the chunk size, then it attempts to copy memory beyond the end of the string, and is yanked of the windows stage very quickly. It is rather simple to fix, but it was harder to diagnose because it appeared random; sometimes it would crash, and sometimes not... Anyway, here's what I did:
I replaced
Dim lLen As Long
' Append an item to the string:
lLen = LenB(sThis)
If (m_iPos + lLen) > m_iLen Then
m_sString = m_sString & Space$(m_iChunkSize \ 2)
m_iLen = m_iLen + m_iChunkSize
End If
in the Append Method with
Dim lLen As Long
Dim lLenPlusPos As Long
' Append an item to the string:
lLen = LenB(sThis)
lLenPlusPos = lLen + m_iPos
If lLenPlusPos > m_iLen Then
Dim lTemp As Long
lTemp = m_iLen
Do While lTemp < lLenPlusPos
lTemp = lTemp + m_iChunkSize
m_sString = m_sString & Space$((lTemp - m_iLen) \ 2)
m_iLen = lTemp
End If
Seems to work better.