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vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cDiscMaster.clsThis file is part of the download VB5 IMAPI Library Source, which is described in the article Image Mastering API (IMAPI) Library for VB. VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "cDiscMaster" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = True Option Explicit Private Const CLSID_MSDiscMasterObj As String = "520CCA63-51A5-11D3-9144-00104BA11C5E" Private Const IID_IDiscMaster As String = "520CCA62-51A5-11D3-9144-00104BA11C5E" Private Const IID_IRedbookDiscMaster As String = "E3BC42CD-4E5C-11D3-9144-00104BA11C5E" Private Const IID_IJolietDiscMaster As String = "E3BC42CE-4E5C-11D3-9144-00104BA11C5E" Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (lpvDest As Any, lpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long) Private Const ERR_BASE As Long = 47700 Private m_cDiscMaster As IVBDiscMaster Private m_cdBurn As ICDBurn Private m_cSimpleRecorder As cSimpleDiscRecorder Private m_cDiscRecorders As cDiscRecorders Private WithEvents m_cProgress As cDiscMasterProgressEvents Attribute m_cProgress.VB_VarHelpID = -1 Private m_lProgressCookie As Long Public Event AddProgress(ByVal nCompleted As Long, ByVal nTotal As Long) Attribute AddProgress.VB_Description = "Raised as items are added to the stash." Public Event BlockProgress(ByVal nCurrentBlock As Long, ByVal nTotalBlocks As Long) Attribute BlockProgress.VB_Description = "Raised as blocks are burnt to the CD." Public Event ClosingDisc(ByVal nEstimatedSeconds As Long) Attribute ClosingDisc.VB_Description = "Raised when the disc is about to be closed." Public Event EraseComplete(ByVal status As Long) Attribute EraseComplete.VB_Description = "Raised when an erase operation on a CDRW disc has completed." Public Event BurnComplete(ByVal status As Long) Attribute BurnComplete.VB_Description = "Raised when a CD Burn operation has completed." Public Event PnPActivity() Attribute PnPActivity.VB_Description = "Raised when a Plug and Play activity has occurred which has changed the list of drives on the machine." Public Event PreparingBurn(ByVal nEstimatedSeconds As Long) Attribute PreparingBurn.VB_Description = "Raised when a burn is being prepared." Public Event TrackProgress(ByVal nCurrentTrack As Long, ByVal nTotalTracks As Long) Attribute TrackProgress.VB_Description = "Raised as tracks are completed when buring an audio CD." Public Event QueryCancel(ByRef bCancel As Boolean) Attribute QueryCancel.VB_Description = "Raised during a burn process to request whether the burn should be cancelled." Public Sub Initialise() Attribute Initialise.VB_Description = "Initialises the disc master library for use. Must be called before any other method can be used." Dim clsidMsDiscMaster As UUID Dim iidIDiscMaster As UUID Dim hR As Long Dim l As Long Dim cDiscMaster As IVBDiscMaster If (InitialiseCDBurn()) Then With clsidMsDiscMaster .Data1 = &H520CCA63 .Data2 = &H51A5& .Data3 = &H11D3& .Data4(0) = &H91 .Data4(1) = &H44 .Data4(2) = &H0 .Data4(3) = &H10 .Data4(4) = &H4B .Data4(5) = &HA1 .Data4(6) = &H1C .Data4(7) = &H5E End With With iidIDiscMaster .Data1 = &H520CCA62 .Data2 = &H51A5& .Data3 = &H11D3& .Data4(0) = &H91 .Data4(1) = &H44 .Data4(2) = &H0 .Data4(3) = &H10 .Data4(4) = &H4B .Data4(5) = &HA1 .Data4(6) = &H1C .Data4(7) = &H5E End With hR = CoCreateInstance(clsidMsDiscMaster, _ Nothing, _ CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER Or CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, _ iidIDiscMaster, _ cDiscMaster) If (FAILED(hR)) Then err.Raise ERR_BASE + 1, App.EXEName & ".cDiscMaster", "Failed to instantiate IDiscMaster implementation" Else Set m_cDiscMaster = cDiscMaster cDiscMaster.Release CopyMemory cDiscMaster, 0&, 4 m_cDiscMaster.Open Set m_cProgress = New cDiscMasterProgressEvents m_cDiscMaster.ProgressAdvise m_cProgress, m_lProgressCookie End If End If End Sub Public Property Get SimpleRecorder() As cSimpleDiscRecorder Set SimpleRecorder = m_cSimpleRecorder End Property Public Property Get Recorders() As cDiscRecorders Attribute Recorders.VB_Description = "Gets a collection of Recorders attached to the system." If Not (m_cDiscMaster Is Nothing) Then If (m_cDiscRecorders Is Nothing) Then Set m_cDiscRecorders = New cDiscRecorders m_cDiscRecorders.fInit m_cDiscMaster End If Set Recorders = m_cDiscRecorders End If End Property Public Sub RefreshRecorders() If Not (m_cDiscRecorders Is Nothing) Then m_cDiscRecorders.fRefresh End If End Sub Public Sub ClearFormatContent() Attribute ClearFormatContent.VB_Description = "Clears any content added to the stash." m_cDiscMaster.ClearFormatContent End Sub Public Property Get RedbookDiscMaster() As cRedbookDiscMaster Attribute RedbookDiscMaster.VB_Description = "Gets a Redbook (Audio) disc master object which can be used to write Audio CDs." ' Set m_cDiscRecorders = Nothing Dim redbook As IVBRedbookDiscMaster Dim iid As UUID iid.Data1 = &HE3BC42CD iid.Data2 = &H4E5C iid.Data3 = &H11D3 iid.Data4(0) = &H91 iid.Data4(1) = &H44 iid.Data4(2) = &H0 iid.Data4(3) = &H10 iid.Data4(4) = &H4B iid.Data4(5) = &HA1 iid.Data4(6) = &H1C iid.Data4(7) = &H5E m_cDiscMaster.SetActiveDiscMasterFormat iid, redbook redbook.AddRef Dim cRedbook As cRedbookDiscMaster Set cRedbook = New cRedbookDiscMaster cRedbook.fInit redbook redbook.Release CopyMemory redbook, 0&, 4 Recorders.Recorder(1).SetAsActive Set RedbookDiscMaster = cRedbook ' End Property Public Property Get JolietDiscMaster() As cJolietDiscMaster Attribute JolietDiscMaster.VB_Description = "Gets a Joliet (Data) Disc Master object which can be used to write files using an IStorage interface." ' Set m_cDiscRecorders = Nothing Dim joliet As IVBJolietDiscMaster Dim iid As UUID iid.Data1 = &HE3BC42CE iid.Data2 = &H4E5C iid.Data3 = &H11D3 iid.Data4(0) = &H91 iid.Data4(1) = &H44 iid.Data4(2) = &H0 iid.Data4(3) = &H10 iid.Data4(4) = &H4B iid.Data4(5) = &HA1 iid.Data4(6) = &H1C iid.Data4(7) = &H5E m_cDiscMaster.SetActiveDiscMasterFormat iid, joliet joliet.AddRef Dim cJoliet As cJolietDiscMaster Set cJoliet = New cJolietDiscMaster cJoliet.fInit joliet joliet.Release CopyMemory joliet, 0&, 4 Recorders.Recorder(1).SetAsActive Set JolietDiscMaster = cJoliet ' End Property Public Sub RecordDisc(ByVal bSimulate As Boolean, ByVal bEjectAfterBurn As Boolean) Attribute RecordDisc.VB_Description = "Burns or simulates a burn to disc of the contents stashed from either a JolietDiscMaster or RedbookDiscMaster instance." m_cDiscMaster.RecordDisc Abs(CLng(bSimulate)), Abs(CLng(bEjectAfterBurn)) End Sub Private Function InitialiseCDBurn() As Boolean Dim clsidCDBurn As UUID Dim cdBurn As ICDBurn With clsidCDBurn .Data1 = &HFBEB8A05 .Data2 = &HBEEE .Data3 = &H4442 .Data4(0) = &H80 .Data4(1) = &H4E .Data4(2) = &H40 .Data4(3) = &H9D .Data4(4) = &H6C .Data4(5) = &H45 .Data4(6) = &H15 .Data4(7) = &HE9 End With Dim iidCDBurn As UUID With iidCDBurn .Data1 = &H3D73A659 .Data2 = &HE5D0 .Data3 = &H4D42 .Data4(0) = &HAF .Data4(1) = &HC0 .Data4(2) = &H51 .Data4(3) = &H21 .Data4(4) = &HBA .Data4(5) = &H42 .Data4(6) = &H5C .Data4(7) = &H8D End With Dim hR As Long hR = CoCreateInstance( _ clsidCDBurn, _ Nothing, _ CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, _ iidCDBurn, _ cdBurn) If (FAILED(hR)) Then err.Raise ERR_BASE + 1, App.EXEName & ".cSimpleCDBurner", "Failed to instantiate CDBurn implementation" Else Set m_cdBurn = cdBurn cdBurn.Release CopyMemory cdBurn, 0&, 4 Set m_cSimpleRecorder = New cSimpleDiscRecorder m_cSimpleRecorder.fInit m_cdBurn InitialiseCDBurn = True End If End Function Public Sub ClearUp() Attribute ClearUp.VB_Description = "Clears up resources associated with the library. It is recommended you call this before your application terminates." If Not (m_cSimpleRecorder Is Nothing) Then Set m_cSimpleRecorder = Nothing End If If Not (m_cDiscRecorders Is Nothing) Then Set m_cDiscRecorders = Nothing End If If Not (m_cDiscMaster Is Nothing) Then m_cDiscMaster.ProgressUnadvise m_lProgressCookie m_cDiscMaster.Close Set m_cProgress = Nothing m_cDiscMaster.Release Set m_cDiscMaster = Nothing End If If Not (m_cdBurn Is Nothing) Then m_cdBurn.Release Set m_cdBurn = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() ' ClearUp ' End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_Add(ByVal nCompleted As Long, ByVal nTotal As Long) RaiseEvent AddProgress(nCompleted, nTotal) End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_BlockProgress(ByVal nCurrentBlock As Long, ByVal nTotalBlocks As Long) RaiseEvent BlockProgress(nCurrentBlock, nTotalBlocks) End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_BurnComplete(ByVal status As Long) RaiseEvent BurnComplete(status) End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_ClosingDisc(ByVal nEstimatedSeconds As Long) RaiseEvent ClosingDisc(nEstimatedSeconds) End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_EraseComplete(ByVal status As Long) RaiseEvent EraseComplete(status) End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_PnPActivity() RaiseEvent PnPActivity End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_PreparingBurn(ByVal nEstimatedSeconds As Long) RaiseEvent PreparingBurn(nEstimatedSeconds) End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_QueryCancel(bCancel As Boolean) RaiseEvent QueryCancel(bCancel) End Sub Private Sub m_cProgress_TrackProgress(ByVal nCurrentTrack As Long, ByVal nTotalTracks As Long) RaiseEvent TrackProgress(nCurrentTrack, nTotalTracks) End Sub
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