Programmatic LabelEdit does not work


Id: 13463.13
Type: Bug Bug
Current Status: Resolved


14 Jan 2004 Resolution Identified Darren M. Lines

I have been using you controls for a while now and really like the work you are doing. Whilst using the TreeView control I have found a bug in the method fItemStartEdit

Your code reads

SendMessageL m_hWnd, TVM_EDITLABEL, hItem,0 

but should read (according to MSDN and verified myself)

SendMessageL m_hWnd, TVM_EDITLABEL, 0,hItem 

This will allow the developer to programmatically perform label editing if the AllowEdit flag is set.

Also, while label editing, you cannot press the [RETURN] key to end label edit, perhaps you could consider adding this in a later version.

Darren Lines


15 Feb 2004 Resolved Steve McMahon

Fixed the programmatic label edit method as suggested.

For the Return key, the control now subclasses the WM_KEYDOWN message to detect when the text box sends the Return message to the control.