The bug is in serialization of cSkinConfiguration - border setting is not saving and restoring. This code will solve this problem (cSkinConfiguration class).
'---------------------Begin of
Public Sub Restore( _
ByVal sXml As String, _
picCaption As StdPicture, _
picBorders As StdPicture _
' Set defaults:
' Load the data:
Dim x As New DOMDocument
If x.loadXML(sXml) Then
' ok
Dim nodTop As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodTop = x.selectSingleNode("//NeoCaptionSkin")
If (nodTop Is Nothing) Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1048 + 513, _
App.EXEName & _
".cSkinConfiguration", "NeoCaptionSkin element not found in XML document."
Dim nodItem As IXMLDOMNode
For Each nodItem In nodTop.childNodes
Select Case nodItem.nodeName
Case "Name"
Name = nodItem.firstChild.nodeValue
Case "Caption"
restoreCaption nodItem
Case "Buttons"
restoreButtons nodItem
Case "Menu"
restoreMenu nodItem
Case "Effects"
restoreEffects nodItem
Case "Borders"
restoreBorders nodItem
End Select
End If
Set Caption = picCaption
Set Borders = picBorders
' problem
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1048 + 513, _
App.EXEName & ".cSkinConfiguration", _
"The XML document could not be loaded: " + _
x.parseError.reason + " at position " + x.parseError.filepos
End If
End Sub
Private Sub restoreBorders(nodEffects As IXMLDOMNode)
Dim attr As IXMLDOMAttribute
For Each attr In nodEffects.Attributes
Select Case attr.Name
Case "borderHasInactiveVersion"
BorderHasInactiveVersion = LCase(attr.value) = "yes"
Case "leftBorderWidth"
LeftBorderWidth = attr.value
Case "rightBorderWidth"
RightBorderWidth = attr.value
Case "topSizingBorderHeight"
TopSizingBorderHeight = attr.value
Case "bottomSizingBorderHeight"
BottomSizingBorderHeight = attr.value
End Select
End Sub
Public Function Store() As String
Dim x As New DOMDocument
Dim nodTop As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodTop = x.createElement("NeoCaptionSkin")
' Name
Dim nodName As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodName = x.createElement("Name")
nodName.Text = Name
nodTop.appendChild nodName
' Caption
Dim nodCaption As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodCaption = x.createElement("Caption")
addAttribute nodCaption, "activeLeftEnd", ActiveLeftEnd
addAttribute nodCaption, "activeRightStart", ActiveRightStart
addAttribute nodCaption, "activeRightEnd", ActiveRightEnd
addAttribute nodCaption, "inactiveOffset", InactiveOffset
addAttribute nodCaption, "activeColor", ActiveCaptionColor
addAttribute nodCaption, "inactiveColor", InActiveCaptionColor
storeFont nodCaption, CaptionFont
addAttribute nodCaption, "drawTitle", DrawTitle
addAttribute nodCaption, "titleStartOffsetY", TitleStartOffsetY
nodTop.appendChild nodCaption
' Buttons
Dim nodButtons As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodButtons = x.createElement("Buttons")
addAttribute nodButtons, "buttonWidth", ButtonWidth
addAttribute nodButtons, "buttonHeight", ButtonHeight
addAttribute nodButtons, "controlButtonHasInactiveVersion", _
addAttribute nodButtons, "customControlButtonPosition", _
addAttribute nodButtons, "controlButtonOffsetX", ControlButtonOffsetX
addAttribute nodButtons, "controlButtonOffsetY", ControlButtonOffsetY
nodTop.appendChild nodButtons
' Menu
Dim nodMenu As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodMenu = x.createElement("Menu")
addAttribute nodMenu, "activeMenuColor", ActiveMenuColor
addAttribute nodMenu, "activeMenuColorOver", ActiveMenuColorOver
addAttribute nodMenu, "inActiveMenuColor", InActiveMenuColor
addAttribute nodMenu, "menuBackgroundColor", MenuBackgroundColor
storeFont nodMenu, MenuFont
addAttribute nodMenu, "menuStartOffsetY", MenuStartOffsetY
addAttribute nodMenu, "menuStartOffsetX", MenuStartOffsetX
nodTop.appendChild nodMenu
' Borders
Dim nodBorders As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodBorders = x.createElement("Borders")
addAttribute nodBorders, "borderHasInactiveVersion", _
addAttribute nodBorders, "leftBorderWidth", LeftBorderWidth
addAttribute nodBorders, "rightBorderWidth", RightBorderWidth
addAttribute nodBorders, "topSizingBorderHeight", _
addAttribute nodBorders, "bottomSizingBorderHeight", _
nodTop.appendChild nodBorders
' Effects
Dim nodEffects As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodEffects = x.createElement("Effects")
addAttribute nodEffects, "transparentColor", TransparentColor
Dim nodColourise As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodColourise = x.createElement("Colourise")
addAttribute nodColourise, "active", Colourise
addAttribute nodColourise, "hue", Hue
addAttribute nodColourise, "saturation", Saturation
nodEffects.appendChild nodColourise
Dim nodAdjustRGB As IXMLDOMNode
Set nodAdjustRGB = x.createElement("AdjustRGB")
addAttribute nodAdjustRGB, "active", AdjustRGB
addAttribute nodAdjustRGB, "percentRed", PercentRed
addAttribute nodAdjustRGB, "percentBlue", PercentBlue
addAttribute nodAdjustRGB, "percentGreen", PercentGreen
nodEffects.appendChild nodAdjustRGB
nodTop.appendChild nodEffects
x.appendChild nodTop
Store = x.xml
End Function
'---------------------End of
Best regards,
Sergey Pitutin