When the control has the Sorted Bar option set, you cannot add an item


Id: 3771.2
Type: Bug Bug
Current Status: Open


27 Oct 2003 Open Yaron Lavi

When using the control with a SORTED bar option, you cannot add an item; the function fails on the first call because the item index is zero while the UDT array lower bound is 1. Please see the fix below which should be added to the fItemAdd function:

         If Not IsMissing(KeyBefore) Then
            ReDim Preserve m_tBar(lBarIndex).tItem( _
                1 To m_tBar(lBarIndex).lItemCount + 1) As tBarItem
            If (m_tBar(lBarIndex).bSorted) And Len(Caption) > 0 Then
               ' find the position:
               For i = 1 To m_tBar(lBarIndex).lItemCount
                  If (StrComp(Caption, _
                     m_tBar(lBarIndex).tItem(i).sCaption, _
                     vbTextCompare) <= 0) Then
                     lIndex = i
                     Exit For
                  End If
               Next i
               If (lIndex > 0) Then
                  ' Shift everything from lIndex to end down:
                  For i = m_tBar(lBarIndex).lItemCount To lIndex Step -1
                     LSet m_tBar(lBarIndex).tItem(i + 1) = _
                  Next i
                  ' the following line will return zero on an empty, 
                  ‘ sorted bar:
                  lIndex = m_tBar(lBarIndex).lItemCount
                   ' Add these lines:           
                  If lIndex = 0 Then
                    lIndex = 1
                  End If
             ' end add.
               End If
               m_tBar(lBarIndex).lItemCount = m_tBar(lBarIndex).lItemCount + 1

Yaron Lavi,

Applications Project Manager

SigValue Technologies.