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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now using ExtractIconEx rather than resource enumeration to pick the icon. This ensures the id is compatible with the ShellLink interface. Fixed bug preventing SelectionChange events from being sent. When an icon file is specified in code, the file name now appears in the text box. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
vbAccelerator Icon Selector ControlAn Icon Selector which precisely emulates the Windows Change Icon Dialog. ![]() This control provides a simple to use icon selector, and works in the exactly the same way as the Change Icon dialog in Windows. You can either use it to select existing icons, or you can add your own. About The ControlThe control has been designed to be as simple as possible whilst providing all the features you need to implement an icon selection dialog. Please feel free to enhance it and build your own version if you want more features! Style PropertiesThe Font property allows you to select the font used in the control, and the AllowChangeFile property determines whether the text box and Browse buttons are displayed or not. Setting Icons To Choose FromSetting the FileName property will load all available icons from the selected file. If the SelectedIconResourceId property has been set to a resource in the file, then this will automatically be selected once the file is loaded. To clear the control, set the FileName property to a blank string. Determining the Selected ItemYou can get the selected item's resource id from the SelectedIconResourceId property, or the icon itself from the SelectedIcon property. The SelectionChange event is fired whenever the selected item is changed. Other EventsIn a dialog, double-clicking on an item or pressing Return would imply the user has made a selection. The control supports DblClick, KeyDown, KeyPress and KeyUp events to allow you to implement this. Icon Selection in the ShellAlthough the Shell clearly includes an icon selection dialog, this dialog isn't exposed through any API. Its probably possible to invoke the dialog through an undocumented Shell call, but such things cause trouble in the long run as new versions of Windows are released. So this control re-implements the icon selector from scratch. Pointing a Windows Spy at the Windows dialog reveals that the icon selection is done using an owner-draw list box, with these styles set:
In Detail - Creating The ControlVB doesn't allow you to modify the built-in ListBox to set these styles, but using some of the code from the Owner-Draw Combo and List Box you can create on yourself. Creating the ListBoxBuilding a ListBox with the correct styles using the API is achieved like this: ' Create the list box: hInst = App.hInstance ' Set up style bits to get the appropriate type of ' window: sStyle = "LISTBOX" wStyle = WS_VISIBLE Or WS_CHILD wStyle = wStyle Or LBS_HASSTRINGS Or _ LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Or LBS_NOTIFY Or LBS_MULTICOLUMN wStyle = wStyle Or WS_HSCROLL lH = 48 ' Create the window: lW = UserControl.Width \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX m_hWndParent = UserControl.hwnd m_hWnd = CreateWindowEx( _ WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, _ sStyle, _ "", _ wStyle, _ 0, 0, lW, lH, _ m_hWndParent, _ 0, _ hInst, _ ByVal 0 _ ) ' If we succeed If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then m_hBackBrush = GetSysColorBrush( _ vbWindowBackground And &H1F&) ' Ensure the correct font: SendMessageByLong m_hWnd, WM_SETFONT, m_fnt.hFont, 1 ' Start subclassing: pSubClass End If In order to make the control work, you need to do two things:
With that in place, you can start adding items to the ListBox using the LB_ADDSTRING and LB_SETITEMDATA messages. To ensure the items are the correct size, you also need to send LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH and LB_SETITEMHEIGHT messages. Implementing the Rest Of The ControlThe remainder of the control is implemented using various features described elsewhere on the site:
That's AllAnyway, that's it for now. I'm off to prepare the oysters and finish the confit of duck for Valentine's day, because I'm soppy (and I really wanted to try a confit of duck...).
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