This project provides a class which subclasses Combo Boxes and other controls so that they draw
in a flat style and highlight when the mouse is over or they are in focus. The class
works on all types of Combo and ComboBoxEx controls as well as on TextBoxes and PictureBoxes.
By default, the Office 10/VS.NET drawing style is used, but there is also an Office 9 style.
Last Updated: 29 September 2003
Owner draw combo and list boxes are an excellent way to improve the look and feel of your application.
However, there is little support for them in Visual Basic. The only owner-draw combo box supplied is
the Checked list box style, but this is a preset list box style with no possibility for customisation.
Here I provide a new control, completely written in Visual Basic, which does all the hard work of setting
up an owner draw combo or list box. It also provides some great looking preset implementations:
- Choosing colours
- Choosing system colours
- Choosing fonts
- Drawing combo or list boxes with icons, indentations and different font and fore/back colours for each item
- Selecting paragraph styles, similar to the paragraph picker in Word
Last Updated: 19 December 2002