Search the vbAccelerator Site

Searching on this site is performed by Google. All the code is posted on line, so you can use the Google search facility to find any articles that cover an issue you're trying to resolve.


Example searches:

  • Find all articles which have code using a particular API call. For example, you can type "StretchBlt" into the search box and you'll find all of the code on-line.
    Try it.
  • Find the download page which includes a particular binary. For example, if you want to find the download page for the VB6 version of the S-Grid control, type "vbalGrid6.ocx" into the search bar.
    Try it.
  • Find any .NET code which uses a particular Assembly. For example, you can type "System.Runtime.InteropServices" and this will find all the code which refers to it.
    Try it.
  • Of course, you can try searching for anything else as well!

You can use the Google Search facility for free to your own site. Have a look at Google's Free SiteSearch Solution for details of how to do it, and all Google search services for details of more professional (and expensive) options. There's also a WebService version which is very simple to use (just try the .NET sample included and you'll see what I mean!), although it is currently limited to non-commercial usage and a maximum of 1,000 search hits per day.

Note that using the free-search option means that you cannot force Google to index a particular page. This means that the search index may lag the content of the site by a few days.