vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: vbalCommandBar.ctl
Begin VB.UserControl vbalCommandBar
ClientHeight = 3600
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 4800
ControlContainer= -1 'True
ScaleHeight = 240
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 320
Begin VB.Timer tmrLostMouse
Enabled = 0 'False
Interval = 50
Left = 480
Top = 1680
Attribute VB_Name = "vbalCommandBar"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Public Enum EButtonStyle
' A normal push button
' A group separator
' A button which is split and should have a drop down
' A panel which holds a control. When the toolbar is shown
' in a vertical orientation, the panel is either hidden or,
' if the object has a valid icon index, it is displayed
' as a push button.
' A checkable button.
' A checkable button that toggles off any other buttons in
' the group when checked. In a radio group at least one
' button must be checked.
' A checkable button that toggles off any other button
' in the group when checked. In a nullable radio group
' a checked radio button can be unchecked.
End Enum
Public Enum ECommandBarOrientation
End Enum
Private m_hWnd As Long
Private m_bDesignTime As Boolean
Private m_bEnabled As Boolean
Private m_bVisible As Boolean
Private m_bRedraw As Boolean
Private m_bPopup As Boolean
Private m_bPopupVisibleChecks As Boolean
Private m_bWrappable As Boolean
Private m_bTopLevelMenuStyle As Boolean
Private m_eOrientation As ECommandBarOrientation
Private m_sToolBarKey As String
Private m_lIconWidth As Long
Private m_lIconHeight As Long
Private m_hIml As Long
Private m_ptrVB6Iml As Long
Private m_bInDragMode As Boolean
Private m_item() As cDisplayButtonInfo
Private m_sLastToolTip As String
Private m_fntCache As New cFontCache
Public Event ButtonDropDown(btn As cButton, cancel As Boolean)
Public Event ButtonClick(btn As cButton)
Public Event RequestNewInstance(ctl As Object)
Friend Function NewInstance() As vbalCommandBar
Dim ctl As vbalCommandBar
RaiseEvent RequestNewInstance(ctl)
Set NewInstance = ctl
End Function
Public Sub TestMenu()
m_bPopup = True
m_eOrientation = eTop
End Sub
Public Property Let ImageList( _
ByRef vImageList As Variant _
m_hIml = 0
m_ptrVB6Iml = 0
If (VarType(vImageList) = vbLong) Then
' Assume a handle to an image list:
m_hIml = vImageList
ElseIf (VarType(vImageList) = vbObject) Then
' Assume a VB image list:
On Error Resume Next
' Get the image list initialised..
vImageList.ListImages(1).Draw 0, 0, 0, 1
m_hIml = vImageList.hImageList
If (Err.Number = 0) Then
' Check for VB6 image list:
If (TypeName(vImageList) = "ImageList") Then
Dim o As Object
Set o = vImageList
m_ptrVB6Iml = ObjPtr(o)
End If
Debug.Print "Failed to Get Image list Handle", "cVGrid.ImageList"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If (m_hIml <> 0) Then
If (m_ptrVB6Iml <> 0) Then
m_lIconWidth = vImageList.ImageWidth
m_lIconHeight = vImageList.ImageHeight
Dim rc As RECT
ImageList_GetImageRect m_hIml, 0, rc
m_lIconWidth = rc.right - rc.left
m_lIconHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top
End If
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Redraw() As Boolean
Redraw = m_bRedraw
End Property
Public Property Let Redraw(ByVal bState As Boolean)
If Not (m_bRedraw = bState) Then
m_bRedraw = bState
If (m_bRedraw) Then
End If
PropertyChanged "Redraw"
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Font() As IFont
Set Font = UserControl.Font
End Property
Public Property Let Font(ifnt As IFont)
Set UserControl.Font = ifnt
PropertyChanged "Font"
End Property
Public Property Set Font(ifnt As IFont)
Set UserControl.Font = ifnt
PropertyChanged "Font"
End Property
Public Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
Enabled = m_bEnabled
End Property
Public Property Let Enabled(ByVal bEnabled As Boolean)
m_bEnabled = bEnabled
PropertyChanged "Enabled"
End Property
Public Property Get HideInfrequentlyUsed() As Boolean
HideInfrequentlyUsed = mCommandBars.HideInfrequentlyUsed
End Property
Public Property Let HideInfrequentlyUsed(ByVal bState As Boolean)
mCommandBars.HideInfrequentlyUsed = bState
PropertyChanged "HideInfrequentlyUsed"
End Property
Public Sub Dump()
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = 1 To mCommandBars.BarCount
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(i)
barInt.Dump 1
Next i
End Sub
Public Property Get IdealSize() As Long
End Property
Public Property Get Toolbar() As cCommandBar
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim c As New cCommandBar
c.fInit m_hWnd, m_sToolBarKey
Set Toolbar = c
End If
End Property
Public Property Let Toolbar(Bar As cCommandBar)
pSetToolbar Bar
End Property
Public Property Set Toolbar(Bar As cCommandBar)
pSetToolbar Bar
End Property
Private Sub pSetToolbar(Bar As cCommandBar)
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not barInt Is Nothing Then
barInt.ReleaseRef m_hWnd
End If
End If
If (Bar Is Nothing) Then
m_sToolBarKey = ""
m_sToolBarKey = Bar.Key
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
barInt.AddRefhWnd m_hWnd
Dim i As Long
Dim ctl As Object
For i = 1 To barInt.Count
Set ctl = barInt.Item(i).PanelControl
If Not ctl Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Set ctl.Container = UserControl.Extender
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get CommandBars() As cCommandBars
Dim c As New cCommandBars
c.fInit m_hWnd
Set CommandBars = c
End Property
Public Property Get Buttons() As cButtons
Dim c As New cButtons
c.fInit m_hWnd
Set Buttons = c
End Property
Friend Property Get Popup() As Boolean
Popup = m_bPopup
End Property
Friend Function BarCount() As Long
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
BarCount = mCommandBars.BarCount
End If
End Function
Friend Function BarItem(ByVal index As Variant) As cCommandBar
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(index)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim c As New cCommandBar
c.fInit m_hWnd, barInt.Key
Set BarItem = c
End If
End If
End Function
Friend Property Get BarTitle(ByVal sKey As String) As String
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim intBar As cCommandBarInt
Set intBar = mCommandBars.BarItem(sKey)
If Not (intBar Is Nothing) Then
BarTitle = intBar.Title
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let BarTitle(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal sTitle As String)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim intBar As cCommandBarInt
Set intBar = mCommandBars.BarItem(sKey)
If Not (intBar Is Nothing) Then
intBar.Title = sTitle
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Sub BarRemove(ByVal sKey As String)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
mCommandBars.BarRemove sKey
End If
End Sub
Friend Function BarAdd(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal sTitle As String) As
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarAdd(sKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
If Len(sTitle) > 0 Then
barInt.Title = sTitle
End If
Dim c As New cCommandBar
c.fInit m_hWnd, sKey
Set BarAdd = c
End If
End Function
Friend Property Get BarButtonCount(ByVal sKey As String) As Long
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
BarButtonCount = barInt.Count
End If
End Property
Friend Sub BarButtonClear(ByVal sKey As String)
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub
Friend Function BarButtonCollection(ByVal sKey As String) As cCommandBarButtons
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim c As New cCommandBarButtons
c.fInit m_hWnd, sKey
Set BarButtonCollection = c
End If
End Function
Friend Sub BarButtonRemove(ByVal sBarKey As String, ByVal sButtonKey As String)
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sButtonKey)
barInt.Remove btnInt
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub BarButtonAdd(ByVal sBarKey As String, btn As cButton)
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(btn.Key)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
barInt.Add btnInt
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub BarButtonInsertAfter(ByVal sBarKey As String, btn As cButton,
btnAfter As cButton)
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Dim btnAfterInt As cButtonInt
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(btn.Key)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Set btnAfterInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(btnAfter.Key)
If Not (btnAfterInt Is Nothing) Then
barInt.InsertAfter btnInt, btnAfterInt
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub BarButtonInsertBefore(ByVal sBarKey As String, btn As cButton,
btnBefore As cButton)
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Dim btnBeforeInt As cButtonInt
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(btn.Key)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Set btnBeforeInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(btnBefore.Key)
If Not (btnBeforeInt Is Nothing) Then
barInt.InsertBefore btnInt, btnBeforeInt
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Property Get BarButton(ByVal sBarKey As String, ByVal index As Variant)
As cButton
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(sBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Set btnInt = barInt.Item(index)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim c As New cButton
c.fInit m_hWnd, btnInt.Key
Set BarButton = c
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Function ButtonCount() As Long
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
ButtonCount = mCommandBars.ButtonCount
End If
End Function
Friend Function ButtonItem(ByVal index As Variant) As cButton
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(index)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim c As New cButton
c.fInit m_hWnd, btnInt.Key
Set ButtonItem = c
End If
End If
End Function
Friend Sub ButtonRemove(ByVal sKey As String)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
mCommandBars.ButtonRemove sKey
End If
End Sub
Friend Function ButtonAdd( _
ByVal sKey As String, _
Optional ByVal iIcon As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal sCaption As String = "", _
Optional ByVal eStyle As EButtonStyle = eNormal, _
Optional ByVal sToolTip As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sShortcutKey As String = "", _
Optional ByVal eShortcutModifier As ShiftConstants = vbCtrlMask _
) As cButton
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonAdd(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
If (iIcon <> -1) Then
btnInt.iconIndex = iIcon
End If
If Len(sCaption) > 0 Then
btnInt.Caption = sCaption
End If
If (eStyle <> eNormal) Then
btnInt.Style = eStyle
End If
btnInt.ShortcutKey = sShortcutKey
btnInt.ShortcutModifiers = eShortcutModifier
btnInt.ToolTip = sToolTip
Dim c As New cButton
c.fInit m_hWnd, sKey
Set ButtonAdd = c
End If
End Function
Friend Property Get ButtonCaption(ByVal sKey As String) As String
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonCaption = btnInt.Caption
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonCaption(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal sCaption As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.Caption = sCaption
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonShortcutKey(ByVal sKey As String) As String
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonShortcutKey = btnInt.ShortcutKey
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonShortcutKey(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal sShortcutKey
As String)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.ShortcutKey = sShortcutKey
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonShortcutModifiers(ByVal sKey As String) As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonShortcutModifiers = btnInt.ShortcutModifiers
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonShortcutModifiers(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal
eShortcutModifiers As ShiftConstants)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.ShortcutModifiers = eShortcutModifiers
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonToolTip(ByVal sKey As String) As String
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonToolTip = btnInt.ToolTip
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonToolTip(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal sToolTip As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.ToolTip = sToolTip
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonIconIndex(ByVal sKey As String) As Long
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonIconIndex = btnInt.iconIndex
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonIconIndex(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal lIconIndex As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.iconIndex = lIconIndex
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonPanelWidth(ByVal sKey As String) As Long
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonPanelWidth = btnInt.PanelWidth
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonPanelWidth(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal lPanelWidth As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.PanelWidth = lPanelWidth
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonPanelControl(ByVal sKey As String) As Object
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Set ButtonPanelControl = btnInt.PanelControl
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonPanelControl(ByVal sKey As String, ctl As Object)
pSetButtonPanelControl sKey, ctl
End Property
Friend Property Set ButtonPanelControl(ByVal sKey As String, ctl As Object)
pSetButtonPanelControl sKey, ctl
End Property
Private Sub pSetButtonPanelControl(ByVal sKey As String, ctl As Object)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim ctlPrev As Object
Set ctlPrev = btnInt.PanelControl
If Not (ctlPrev Is Nothing) Then
On Error Resume Next
ctlPrev.Visible = False
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If (ctl Is Nothing) Then
Set btnInt.PanelControl = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set ctl.Container = UserControl.Extender
ctl.Visible = False
On Error GoTo 0
Set btnInt.PanelControl = ctl
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Property Get ButtonEnabled(ByVal sKey As String) As Boolean
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonEnabled = btnInt.Enabled
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonEnabled(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal bEnabled As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.Enabled = bEnabled
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonVisible(ByVal sKey As String) As Boolean
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonVisible = btnInt.Visible
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonVisible(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal bVisible As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.Visible = bVisible
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonChecked(ByVal sKey As String) As Boolean
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonChecked = btnInt.Checked
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonChecked(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal bChecked As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.Checked = bChecked
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonShowCaptionInToolbar(ByVal sKey As String) As Boolean
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonShowCaptionInToolbar = btnInt.ShowCaptionInToolbar
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonShowCaptionInToolbar(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal
bShowCaptionInToolbar As Boolean)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.ShowCaptionInToolbar = bShowCaptionInToolbar
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonShowDropDownInToolbar(ByVal sKey As String) As Boolean
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonShowDropDownInToolbar = btnInt.ShowDropDownInToolbar
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonShowDropDownInToolbar(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal
bShowDropDownInToolbar As Boolean)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.ShowDropDownInToolbar = bShowDropDownInToolbar
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonStyle(ByVal sKey As String) As EButtonStyle
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
ButtonStyle = btnInt.Style
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Let ButtonStyle(ByVal sKey As String, ByVal eStyle As
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.Style = eStyle
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Property Get ButtonBar(ByVal sKey As String) As cCommandBar
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = btnInt.Bar
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim c As New cCommandBar
c.fInit m_hWnd, barInt.Key
Set ButtonBar = c
End If
End If
End If
End Property
Friend Sub ButtonSetBar(ByVal sKey As String, cmdBar As cCommandBar)
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim btnInt As cButtonInt
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set btnInt = mCommandBars.ButtonItem(sKey)
If Not (btnInt Is Nothing) Then
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(cmdBar.Key)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
btnInt.SetBar barInt
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub ChangeNotification(Bar As cCommandBarInt, ByVal eventType As Long,
itm As cButtonInt)
If StrComp(Bar.Key, m_sToolBarKey) = 0 Then
End If
If Not (itm Is Nothing) And _
fPaintOneButton Bar.IndexOf(itm.Key)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub prepareDisplayItemArray(barInt As cCommandBarInt)
If (barInt.Count > 0) Then
Dim i As Long
ReDim Preserve m_item(1 To barInt.Count) As cDisplayButtonInfo
For i = 1 To barInt.Count
Set m_item(i) = New cDisplayButtonInfo
Next i
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub fResize()
Erase m_item
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
prepareDisplayItemArray barInt
Dim tR As RECT
GetClientRect m_hWnd, tR
Dim cMP As New cMeasureButtonParams
With cMP
.FontFace = Me.Font.Name
.FontSize = Me.Font.Size
.hDC = UserControl.hDC
.Height = tR.bottom - tR.top
.hFont = plGetHFont()
.hWnd = m_hWnd
.IconHeight = m_lIconHeight
.IconWidth = m_lIconWidth
.RightToLeft = pbRightToLeft()
.Size = tR.right - tR.left
End With
If (m_bPopup) Then
cMP.Orientation = eTop
If m_bPopupVisibleChecks Then
End If '
cMP.Size = cMP.Size - 4
' we need to calculate the required width & height
' of the control:
Dim menuWidth As Long
Dim menuHeight As Long
If (barInt.Count > 0) Then
barInt.CalculateMenuSize cMP, menuWidth, menuHeight, m_item
UserControl.Extender.width = menuWidth
UserControl.Extender.Height = menuHeight + 2
End If
Dim toolbarWidth As Long
Dim toolbarHeight As Long
toolbarWidth = tR.right - tR.left
toolbarHeight = tR.bottom - tR.top
cMP.Orientation = m_eOrientation
' the calculation result depends on whether we're wrappable or not
If (m_bWrappable) Or (m_bTopLevelMenuStyle) Then
If (m_bTopLevelMenuStyle) Then
End If
' Given the current width, what height do we need
' to be?
' The current width is preset, we need to decide
' which items to make invisible
If (barInt.Count > 0) Then
prepareDisplayItemArray barInt
barInt.CalculateToolbarSize cMP, toolbarWidth, toolbarHeight,
If (m_eOrientation = eLeft) Or (m_eOrientation = eRight) Then
UserControl.Extender.width = toolbarHeight
UserControl.Extender.Height = toolbarHeight
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub fPaint()
If (m_bRedraw And m_bVisible) Then
Dim lhDC As Long
Dim tR As RECT
lhDC = UserControl.hDC
GetClientRect m_hWnd, tR
If (m_bPopup) Then
pPaintMenuBackground lhDC, tR.left, tR.top, tR.right, tR.bottom, False
' paint the background to the bar:
UtilDrawBackground lhDC, _
GradientColorStart, GradientColorEnd, _
tR.left, tR.top, tR.right - tR.left, tR.bottom - tR.top, _
((m_eOrientation = eRight) Or (m_eOrientation = eLeft))
End If
' ask the bar to render itself, if any:
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim cDP As New cDrawButtonParams
cDP.hWnd = m_hWnd
cDP.hDC = lhDC
cDP.hIml = m_hIml
cDP.ptrVB6Iml = m_ptrVB6Iml
cDP.FontFace = UserControl.Font.Name
cDP.FontSize = UserControl.Font.Size
cDP.hFont = plGetHFont()
cDP.IconWidth = m_lIconWidth
cDP.IconHeight = m_lIconHeight
cDP.Enabled = m_bEnabled
cDP.RightToLeft = pbRightToLeft()
If (m_bPopup) Then
cDP.Orientation = eTop
If (m_bPopupVisibleChecks) Then
End If
cDP.Orientation = m_eOrientation
If (cDP.Orientation = eLeft) Or (cDP.Orientation = eRight) Then
cDP.ToolbarSize = tR.right - tR.left
cDP.ToolbarSize = tR.bottom - tR.top
End If
If (m_bWrappable) Then
End If
End If
barInt.Draw cDP, m_item
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pPaintMenuBackground( _
ByVal lhDC As Long, _
ByVal lLeft As Long, ByVal lTop As Long, _
ByVal lRight As Long, ByVal lBottom As Long, _
ByVal bForOneItem As Boolean _
Dim lSideBarWidth As Long
lSideBarWidth = m_lIconWidth + 8
If (m_bPopupVisibleChecks) Then
' Add the extra side bar width
lSideBarWidth = lSideBarWidth + m_lIconWidth + 2
End If
UtilDrawBackground lhDC, _
MenuBackgroundColorStart, MenuBackgroundColorEnd, _
lLeft, lTop, lRight - lLeft, lBottom - lTop
Dim tR As RECT
GetClientRect m_hWnd, tR
UtilDrawBorderRectangle lhDC, _
tR.left, tR.top, tR.right - tR.left, tR.bottom - tR.top
lLeft = lLeft + 1
lRight = lRight - 2
If Not (bForOneItem) Then
lTop = lTop + 2
lBottom = lBottom - 2
ElseIf lTop = 1 Then
lTop = lTop + 1
End If
' paint the side bar:
If (pbRightToLeft()) Then
UtilDrawBackground lhDC, _
GradientColorStart, GradientColorEnd, _
lRight - lSideBarWidth, lTop, lSideBarWidth, lBottom - lTop, _
UtilDrawBackground lhDC, _
GradientColorStart, GradientColorEnd, _
lLeft, lTop, lSideBarWidth, lBottom - lTop, _
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub fPaintOneButton(ByVal lIndex As Long)
If (m_bRedraw And m_bVisible) Then
' the bar:
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim lhDC As Long
lhDC = UserControl.hDC
' Set up to draw the button:
Dim cDP As New cDrawButtonParams
cDP.hWnd = m_hWnd
cDP.hDC = lhDC
cDP.hIml = m_hIml
cDP.ptrVB6Iml = m_ptrVB6Iml
cDP.FontFace = UserControl.Font.Name
cDP.FontSize = UserControl.Font.Size
cDP.hFont = plGetHFont()
cDP.IconWidth = m_lIconWidth
cDP.IconHeight = m_lIconHeight
cDP.Enabled = m_bEnabled
cDP.RightToLeft = pbRightToLeft()
If (m_bPopup) Then
cDP.Orientation = eTop
If (m_bPopupVisibleChecks) Then
End If
cDP.Orientation = m_eOrientation
If (m_bWrappable) Then
End If
End If
cDP.left = m_item(lIndex).left
cDP.top = m_item(lIndex).top
cDP.Size = m_item(lIndex).right - m_item(lIndex).left
cDP.Height = m_item(lIndex).bottom - m_item(lIndex).top
cDP.MouseDownButton = m_item(lIndex).mouseDown
cDP.MouseOverButton = m_item(lIndex).mouseOver
cDP.mouseDownSplit = m_item(lIndex).mouseDownSplit
cDP.mouseOverSplit = m_item(lIndex).mouseOverSplit
' paint the background to the item:
Dim lBackWidth As Long
Dim lBackHeight As Long
Dim lBackLeft As Long
Dim lBackTop As Long
Dim tR As RECT
lBackWidth = m_item(lIndex).right - m_item(lIndex).left
lBackHeight = m_item(lIndex).bottom - m_item(lIndex).top
lBackLeft = m_item(lIndex).left
lBackTop = m_item(lIndex).top
GetClientRect m_hWnd, tR
If (m_eOrientation = eLeft) Or (m_eOrientation = eRight) Then
lBackLeft = 0
lBackWidth = tR.right - tR.left
lBackHeight = tR.bottom - tR.top
End If
UtilDrawBackground lhDC, GradientColorStart, GradientColorEnd, _
lBackLeft, lBackTop, _
lBackWidth, lBackHeight, _
((m_eOrientation = eLeft) Or (m_eOrientation = eRight))
Dim lTop As Long
lTop = m_item(lIndex).top
If (lIndex = 1) Then lTop = lTop + 1 ' comment-on-dit 'hax0r'?
pPaintMenuBackground lhDC, _
m_item(lIndex).left, lTop, _
m_item(lIndex).right, m_item(lIndex).bottom, _
End If
barInt.DrawOneButton cDP, lIndex
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Function fHitTest(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
For i = 1 To barInt.Count
If (x >= m_item(i).left) And (x <= m_item(i).right) Then
If (y >= m_item(i).top And y <= m_item(i).bottom) Then
fHitTest = i
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
End If
End If
End Function
Friend Function fTrack(ByVal button As MouseButtonConstants, ByVal iIndex As
Long, Optional ByVal mouseDown As Boolean) As Long
Dim sToolTip As String
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim changeCount As Long
Dim changeIndex() As Long
Dim track As Boolean
Dim found As Long
Dim xOffset As Long
Dim yOffset As Long
Dim addChange As Boolean
For i = 1 To barInt.Count
addChange = False
If (i = iIndex) Then
sToolTip = barInt.Item(i).TooltipText(True)
If (barInt.Item(i).CanAction(m_eOrientation)) Then
If (barInt.Item(i).Style = eSplit) Then
' check if we're over split or not:
GetCursorPos tP
ScreenToClient m_hWnd, tP
xOffset = tP.x - m_item(i).left
yOffset = tP.y - m_item(i).top
Dim OverSplit As Boolean
OverSplit = barInt.Item(i).OverSplit( _
xOffset, yOffset, _
m_item(i).right - m_item(i).left, m_item(i).bottom -
m_item(i).top, _
pbRightToLeft(), m_eOrientation)
If (OverSplit) Then
If Not (m_item(i).mouseOverSplit) Then
If (button = vbLeftButton) Then
m_item(i).mouseOverSplit =
m_item(i).mouseOverSplit = True
End If
m_item(i).mouseOver = False
addChange = True
End If
If Not (m_item(i).mouseOver) Then
If (button = vbLeftButton) Then
m_item(i).mouseOver = m_item(i).mouseDown
m_item(i).mouseOver = True
End If
m_item(i).mouseOverSplit = False
addChange = True
End If
End If
If Not (m_item(i).mouseOver) Then
If (button = vbLeftButton) Then
m_item(i).mouseOver = m_item(i).mouseDown
m_item(i).mouseOver = True
End If
addChange = True
End If
End If
If (addChange) Then
track = True
End If
If mouseDown Then
track = False
If (barInt.Item(i).Style = eSplit) Then
If (OverSplit) Then
If Not (m_item(i).mouseDownSplit) Then
m_item(i).mouseDownSplit = True
m_item(i).mouseDown = False
m_item(i).mouseOverSplit = True
m_item(i).mouseOver = False
addChange = True
End If
If Not (m_item(i).mouseDown) Then
m_item(i).mouseDown = True
m_item(i).mouseDownSplit = False
m_item(i).mouseOver = True
m_item(i).mouseOverSplit = False
addChange = True
End If
End If
If Not (m_item(i).mouseDown) Then
m_item(i).mouseDown = True
addChange = True
End If
End If
End If
If (addChange) Then
changeCount = changeCount + 1
ReDim Preserve changeIndex(1 To changeCount) As Long
changeIndex(changeCount) = iIndex
End If
End If
If (m_item(i).mouseOver) Or (m_item(i).mouseOverSplit) Then
m_item(i).mouseOver = False
m_item(i).mouseOverSplit = False
changeCount = changeCount + 1
ReDim Preserve changeIndex(1 To changeCount) As Long
changeIndex(changeCount) = i
End If
End If
Next i
If (changeCount > 0) Then
For i = 1 To changeCount
fPaintOneButton changeIndex(i)
Next i
End If
If (track) Then
tmrLostMouse.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End If
If StrComp(sToolTip, m_sLastToolTip) <> 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
UserControl.Extender.TooltipText = sToolTip
m_sLastToolTip = sToolTip
End If
End Function
Friend Sub fClickButton(ByVal index As Long)
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
barInt.ClickButton index
Dim c As New cButton
c.fInit m_hWnd, barInt.Item(index).Key
RaiseEvent ButtonClick(c)
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub fDropDownButton(ByVal index As Long)
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
If Not (barInt.Item(index).Bar Is Nothing) Then
Dim c As New cButton
c.fInit m_hWnd, barInt.Item(index).Key
Dim bCancel As Boolean
RaiseEvent ButtonDropDown(c, bCancel)
If Not (bCancel) Then
' Time to show a drop-down:
pShowDropDown index
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pShowDropDown(ByVal index As Long)
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
Dim barDropDownInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barDropDownInt = barInt.Item(index).Bar
If Not (barDropDownInt Is Nothing) Then
' Part1: get a new instance:
Dim ctl As vbalCommandBar
Set ctl = mCommandBars.NewInstance()
' set the key:
Dim barDropDown As cCommandBar
Set barDropDown = New cCommandBar
barDropDown.fInit m_hWnd, barDropDownInt.Key
Set ctl.Toolbar = barDropDown
' turn it into a menu:
' Now show it at the appropriate position:
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pMouseMove(ByVal button As MouseButtonConstants, ByVal Shift As
Dim iIndex As Long
GetCursorPos tP
ScreenToClient m_hWnd, tP
iIndex = fHitTest(tP.x, tP.y)
fTrack button, iIndex
End Sub
Private Sub pMouseDown(ByVal button As MouseButtonConstants, ByVal Shift As
Dim iIndex As Long
GetCursorPos tP
ScreenToClient m_hWnd, tP
iIndex = fHitTest(tP.x, tP.y)
If (button = vbLeftButton) Then
fTrack button, iIndex, True
If (iIndex > 0) Then
fDropDownButton iIndex
End If
fTrack button, iIndex, False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pMouseUp(ByVal button As MouseButtonConstants, ByVal Shift As
Dim iIndex As Long
Dim i As Long
GetCursorPos tP
ScreenToClient m_hWnd, tP
iIndex = fHitTest(tP.x, tP.y)
If (button = vbLeftButton) Then
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
If (iIndex > 0) Then
If (barInt.Item(iIndex).CanAction(m_eOrientation)) Then
If (m_item(iIndex).mouseOver) And (m_item(iIndex).mouseDown)
fClickButton iIndex
End If
End If
End If
For i = 1 To barInt.Count
If (m_item(i).mouseDown) Or (m_item(i).mouseDownSplit) Then
m_item(i).mouseDown = False
m_item(i).mouseDownSplit = False
fPaintOneButton i
End If
Next i
End If
End If
fTrack 0, iIndex
If (iIndex > 0) Then
fPaintOneButton iIndex
End If
fTrack 0, iIndex
End If
End Sub
Private Function pbRightToLeft() As Boolean
pbRightToLeft = UserControl.RightToLeft
End Function
Private Function plGetHFont() As Long
Dim lhDC As Long
Dim f As StdFont
Set f = UserControl.Font
lhDC = UserControl.hDC
If (m_eOrientation = eTop) Or (m_eOrientation = eBottom) Then
plGetHFont = m_fntCache.hFont(f, 0, lhDC)
plGetHFont = m_fntCache.hFont(f, 2700, lhDC)
End If
End Function
Private Sub pInitialise()
m_bDesignTime = Not (UserControl.Ambient.UserMode)
If Not (m_bDesignTime) Then
m_hWnd = UserControl.hWnd
mCommandBars.AddRef hWnd, Me
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pTerminate()
If Not (m_hWnd = 0) Then
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
If Len(m_sToolBarKey) > 0 Then
Set barInt = mCommandBars.BarItem(m_sToolBarKey)
If Not barInt Is Nothing Then
barInt.ReleaseRef m_hWnd
End If
End If
mCommandBars.ReleaseRef hWnd
End If
m_hWnd = 0
End Sub
Private Sub tmrLostMouse_Timer()
Dim tR As RECT
GetCursorPos tP
GetWindowRect m_hWnd, tR
If (PtInRect(tR, tP.x, tP.y) = 0) Then
fTrack 0, 0
tmrLostMouse.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
Debug.Print ">> PREPARE FOR WAVE " + UserControl.Name
m_bEnabled = True
m_bVisible = True
m_bRedraw = True
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As
Single, y As Single)
If m_bInDragMode Then
pMouseDown button, Shift
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseMove(button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As
Single, y As Single)
If m_bInDragMode Then
pMouseMove button, Shift
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As
Single, y As Single)
If m_bInDragMode Then
pMouseUp button, Shift
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Paint()
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
Dim defFont As New StdFont
defFont.Name = "Tahoma"
defFont.Size = 8.25
Set Font = PropBag.ReadProperty("Font", defFont)
m_bEnabled = PropBag.ReadProperty("Enabled", True)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
If Not (m_bPopup) Then
' need to be careful here to prevent recursion
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()
Debug.Print ">> WAVE DEFEATED " + UserControl.Name
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
PropBag.WriteProperty "Font", Font
PropBag.WriteProperty "Enabled", m_bEnabled, True
End Sub
' Noisy Playlist:
' The Rapture - The Coming of Spring
' Audio Bullys - I Go To Your House
' Free Form Five - Perspex Sex (Ewan Pearson Mix)
' Dead Prez - Hip Hop
' Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Rich
' Akufen - New Process
' Dizzee Rascal - I Luv U
' Dr Octagon - Bear Witness
' New Flesh featuring Robotic EBU - Stick & Move
' The Bug vs The Rootsman ft He-Man - Killer
' Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five - Scorpio (Plaid Remix)
' Fun Playlist:
' Kid Koala - Drunk Trumpet
' Barry Adamson - Something Wicked This Way Comes
' Prince - Baby I'm A Star
' Skee Lo - I Wish
' Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke
' The Jackson 5 - It's Great to be Here
' Gladys Knight and the Pips - Bourgie Bourgie
' The Chi-Lites - My First Mistake
' Wade Marcus - Spinning Wheel