vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: cButtonInt.cls

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "cButtonInt"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit

' cComamndBarItemInt is a real cCommandBarItem object.
' It holds the description of the item, a collection of object
' pointers to the owning command bar(s)

Private m_lBorderSize As Long ' = 4
Private m_lSplitWidth As Long ' = 11
Private m_lMenuGlyphWidth As Long ' = 24

Private m_sKey As String
Private m_sCaption As String
Private m_iIconIndex As Long
Private m_bShowCaptionInToolbar As Boolean
Private m_bShowDropDownInToolbar As Boolean
Private m_eStyle As EButtonStyle
Private m_lPanelWidth As Long
Private m_lPtrPanelControl As Long
Private m_bEnabled As Boolean
Private m_bVisible As Boolean
Private m_bInFrequentlyUsed As Boolean
Private m_iPriority As Long
Private m_bChecked As Boolean
Private m_sToolTip As String
Private m_sShortcutKey As String
Private m_eShortcutModifiers As ShiftConstants
Private m_lPtrBar As Long
Private m_hWnd As Long

Private m_cCacheSize() As cMeasureButtonParams
Private m_iSizeCacheCount As Long

' Owning bar collection:
Private m_ptrBars As Collection

Friend Sub Dump(ByVal indent As Long)
Dim vlPtr As Variant
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt

   Debug.Print Space$(indent) & m_sKey & " (" & m_sCaption & ") :Button"
   For Each vlPtr In m_ptrBars
      Set barInt = ObjectFromPtr(vlPtr)
      If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
         Debug.Print Space$(indent + 1) & "[Owner: " & barInt.Key & "," &
          barInt.Title & "]"
      End If
   If (m_lPtrBar <> 0) Then
      Set barInt = ObjectFromPtr(m_lPtrBar)
      If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
         barInt.Dump indent + 1
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Friend Function RemovedFromBar(barInt As cCommandBarInt)
   m_ptrBars.Remove barInt.Key
End Function
Friend Function AddedToBar(barInt As cCommandBarInt)
   m_ptrBars.Add ObjPtr(barInt), barInt.Key
End Function
Friend Function Deleted()
Dim vlPtr As Variant
Dim barInt As cCommandBarInt
   For Each vlPtr In m_ptrBars
      Set barInt = ObjectFromPtr(vlPtr)
      If Not (barInt Is Nothing) Then
         barInt.Remove Me
      End If
End Function

Friend Property Get CanAction( _
      Orientation As ECommandBarOrientation _
   ) As Boolean
Dim bCanAction As Boolean
   bCanAction = m_bEnabled And m_bVisible And (m_eStyle <> eSeparator)
   If (bCanAction) Then
      If (m_eStyle = ePanel) Then
         If (Orientation = eLeft Or Orientation = eRight) Then
            bCanAction = (m_iIconIndex <> -1)
            bCanAction = False
         End If
      End If
   End If
   CanAction = bCanAction
End Property

Friend Sub fInit(ByVal sKey As String)
   m_sKey = sKey
End Sub
Friend Property Get Key() As String
   Key = m_sKey
End Property

Friend Property Get Caption() As String
   Caption = m_sCaption
End Property
Friend Property Let Caption(ByVal sCaption As String)
   m_sCaption = sCaption
End Property

Friend Property Get ToolTip() As String
   ToolTip = m_sToolTip
End Property
Friend Property Let ToolTip(ByVal sToolTip As String)
   m_sToolTip = sToolTip
End Property

Friend Property Get iconIndex() As Long
   iconIndex = m_iIconIndex
End Property
Friend Property Let iconIndex(ByVal lIconIndex As Long)
   m_iIconIndex = lIconIndex
End Property

Friend Property Get Enabled() As Boolean
   Enabled = m_bEnabled
End Property
Friend Property Let Enabled(ByVal bEnabled As Boolean)
   m_bEnabled = bEnabled
End Property

Friend Property Get InfrequentlyUsed() As Boolean
   InfrequentlyUsed = m_bInFrequentlyUsed
End Property
Friend Property Let InfrequentlyUsed(ByVal bInfrequentlyUsed As Boolean)
   m_bInFrequentlyUsed = bInfrequentlyUsed
End Property

Friend Property Get Checked() As Boolean
   Checked = m_bChecked
End Property
Friend Property Let Checked(ByVal bChecked As Boolean)
   If (m_eStyle = eCheck Or m_eStyle = eRadio Or m_eStyle = eRadioNullable) Then
      m_bChecked = bChecked
      ' We need to check here for any other buttons
      ' which might be affected!
   End If
End Property

Friend Property Get Visible() As Boolean
   Visible = m_bVisible
End Property
Friend Property Let Visible(ByVal bVisible As Boolean)
   m_bVisible = bVisible
End Property

Friend Property Get Priority() As Long
   Priority = m_iPriority
End Property
Friend Property Let Priority(ByVal lPriority As Long)
   m_iPriority = lPriority
End Property

Friend Property Get PanelWidth() As Long
   PanelWidth = m_lPanelWidth
End Property
Friend Property Let PanelWidth(ByVal lPanelWidth As Long)
   m_lPanelWidth = lPanelWidth
End Property

Friend Property Get PanelControl() As Object
   If Not (m_lPtrPanelControl = 0) Then
      Set PanelControl = ObjectFromPtr(m_lPtrPanelControl)
   End If
End Property
Friend Property Let PanelControl(ctl As Object)
   pSetPanelControl ctl
End Property
Friend Property Set PanelControl(ctl As Object)
   pSetPanelControl ctl
End Property

Private Sub pSetPanelControl(ctl As Object)
   If (ctl Is Nothing) Then
      m_lPtrPanelControl = 0
      m_lPtrPanelControl = ObjPtr(ctl)
   End If
End Sub

Friend Property Get ShowCaptionInToolbar() As Boolean
   ShowCaptionInToolbar = m_bShowCaptionInToolbar
End Property
Friend Property Let ShowCaptionInToolbar(ByVal bShowCaptionInToolbar As Boolean)
   m_bShowCaptionInToolbar = bShowCaptionInToolbar
End Property
Friend Property Get ShowDropDownInToolbar() As Boolean
   ShowDropDownInToolbar = m_bShowDropDownInToolbar
End Property
Friend Property Let ShowDropDownInToolbar(ByVal bShowDropDownInToolbar As
   m_bShowDropDownInToolbar = bShowDropDownInToolbar
End Property

Friend Property Get ShortcutKey() As String
   ShortcutKey = m_sShortcutKey
End Property
Friend Property Let ShortcutKey(ByVal sShortcutKey As String)
   m_sShortcutKey = sShortcutKey
End Property

Friend Property Get Style() As EButtonStyle
   Style = m_eStyle
End Property
Friend Property Let Style(eStyle As EButtonStyle)
   m_eStyle = eStyle
End Property

Friend Property Get ShortcutModifiers() As ShiftConstants
   ShortcutModifiers = m_eShortcutModifiers
End Property
Friend Property Let ShortcutModifiers(eShortcutModifiers As ShiftConstants)
   m_eShortcutModifiers = eShortcutModifiers
End Property

Friend Property Get Bar() As cCommandBarInt
   If (m_lPtrBar <> 0) Then
      Set Bar = ObjectFromPtr(m_lPtrBar)
   End If
End Property
Friend Function SetBar(cmdBar As cCommandBarInt)
   If (cmdBar Is Nothing) Then
      m_lPtrBar = 0
      m_lPtrBar = ObjPtr(cmdBar)
   End If
End Function

Friend Sub NotifyUsers(ByVal eventType As Long)
Dim vlPtr As Variant
Dim Bar As cCommandBarInt
   For Each vlPtr In m_ptrBars
      Set Bar = ObjectFromPtr(vlPtr)
      If Not (Bar Is Nothing) Then
         Bar.NotifyUsers eventType, Me
      End If
End Sub

Friend Function TooltipText(ByVal showShortcut As Boolean) As String
Dim sRet As String
Dim sShortcut As String
   sRet = m_sToolTip
   If (showShortcut) Then
      sShortcut = ShortcutText()
      If (Len(sShortcut) > 0) Then
         sRet = sRet & " (" & ShortcutText() & ")"
      End If
   End If
   TooltipText = sRet
End Function
Friend Function ShortcutText() As String
   ' TODO: Fill in the shortcut, appropriately internationalized
Dim sShortcut As String
   If Len(m_sShortcutKey) > 0 Then
      If (m_eShortcutModifiers > 0) Then
         If ((m_eShortcutModifiers And vbCtrlMask) = vbCtrlMask) Then
            sShortcut = sShortcut & "Ctrl+"
         End If
         If ((m_eShortcutModifiers And vbShiftMask) = vbShiftMask) Then
            sShortcut = sShortcut & "Shift+"
         End If
         If ((m_eShortcutModifiers And vbAltMask) = vbAltMask) Then
            sShortcut = sShortcut & "Alt+"
         End If
         sShortcut = sShortcut & m_sShortcutKey
      End If
   End If
   ShortcutText = sShortcut
End Function

Friend Function OverSplit( _
      ByVal xOffset As Long, _
      ByVal yOffset As Long, _
      ByVal lWidth As Long, _
      ByVal lHeight As Long, _
      ByVal RightToLeft As Boolean, _
      ByVal Orientation As ECommandBarOrientation _
   If (m_eStyle = eSplit) Then
      'If (orientation = eLeft) Or (orientation = eRight) Then
      '   OverSplit = (yOffset > (lHeight - m_lSplitWidth))
         If (RightToLeft) Then
            OverSplit = (xOffset < m_lSplitWidth)
            OverSplit = (xOffset > (lWidth - m_lSplitWidth))
         End If
      'End If
   End If
End Function

Friend Sub DrawMenuStyle( _
      cDP As cDrawButtonParams _
Dim iIdx As Long
Dim bEnabled As Boolean
Dim hPen As Long
Dim hPenOld As Long
Dim hFontOld As Long

   bEnabled = cDP.Enabled
   cDP.Enabled = (m_bEnabled And cDP.Enabled)
   ' A menu style thing.  Now in a menu, if the item has a
   ' blank caption, we take that to mean it should be drawn
   ' as just the icon, whereas if it has a caption then
   ' we extend across.
   ' Here we'll take it as read that the background of the
   ' menu has been drawn.
   Dim lTextXStart As Long
   If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
      lTextXStart = cDP.left + 4 '+ cDP.Size - cDP.IconWidth - 16
      lTextXStart = 16 + cDP.IconWidth
   End If
      If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
         'lTextXStart = lTextXStart - cDP.IconWidth - 6
         lTextXStart = lTextXStart + cDP.IconWidth + 6
      End If
   End If
   If (m_eStyle = eSeparator) Then
      hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, DarkColor)
      hPenOld = SelectObject(cDP.hDC, hPen)
      If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
         MoveToEx cDP.hDC, cDP.left + cDP.Size - cDP.IconWidth - 4 -
          cDP.IconWidth, cDP.top + 1, tJ
         MoveToEx cDP.hDC, lTextXStart, cDP.top + 1, tJ
      End If
      LineTo cDP.hDC, IIf(cDP.RightToLeft, cDP.left, cDP.Size), cDP.top + 1
      SelectObject cDP.hDC, hPenOld
      DeleteObject hPen
      ' is the item highlighted?
      Dim checkColorStart As Long
      Dim checkColorEnd As Long
      checkColorStart = MenuCheckedBackgroundColorStart
      checkColorEnd = MenuCheckedBackgroundColorEnd
      If (cDP.MouseOverButton) Then
         ' Fill the highlight rectangle:
         UtilDrawBackground cDP.hDC, _
            MenuHotBackgroundColorStart, MenuHotBackgroundColorEnd, _
            cDP.left + 2, cDP.top + 1, cDP.Size - 4, cDP.Height - 1
         UtilDrawBorderRectangle cDP.hDC, _
            cDP.left + 2, cDP.top + 1, cDP.Size - 4, cDP.Height - 1
         checkColorStart = MenuCheckedHotBackgroundColorStart
         checkColorEnd = MenuCheckedHotBackgroundColorEnd
      End If
      ' Checked?
      If (m_bChecked) Then
         If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
            UtilDrawBackground cDP.hDC, _
               checkColorStart, checkColorEnd, _
               cDP.left + cDP.Size - 4 - cDP.IconWidth - 4, cDP.top + 2,
                cDP.IconWidth + 5, cDP.IconHeight + 5
            UtilDrawBorderRectangle cDP.hDC, _
               cDP.left + cDP.Size - 4 - cDP.IconWidth - 4, cDP.top + 2,
                cDP.IconWidth + 5, cDP.IconHeight + 5
            UtilDrawBackground cDP.hDC, _
               checkColorStart, checkColorEnd, _
               cDP.left + 3, cDP.top + 2, cDP.IconWidth + 5, cDP.IconHeight + 5
            UtilDrawBorderRectangle cDP.hDC, _
               cDP.left + 3, cDP.top + 2, cDP.IconWidth + 5, cDP.IconHeight + 5
         End If
      End If
      ' Icon:
      If (m_iIconIndex <> -1) Then
         If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
            UtilDrawIcon cDP.hDC, cDP.hIml, cDP.ptrVB6Iml, m_iIconIndex, _
               cDP.left + cDP.Size - 4 - cDP.IconWidth - 4 + 2, cDP.top +
                (cDP.Height - cDP.IconHeight) \ 2, m_bEnabled
            UtilDrawIcon cDP.hDC, cDP.hIml, cDP.ptrVB6Iml, m_iIconIndex, _
               cDP.left + 5, cDP.top + (cDP.Height - cDP.IconHeight) \ 2,
         End If
         If (m_bChecked) Then
            If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
               ' Draw the check glyph
               UtilDrawCheckGlyph cDP.hDC, _
                  cDP.left + cDP.Size - 4 - cDP.IconWidth - 4 + 2, cDP.top +
                   (cDP.Height - cDP.IconHeight) \ 2, _
                  cDP.IconWidth, cDP.IconHeight, _
                  m_bEnabled, &H0
               ' Draw the check glyph
               UtilDrawCheckGlyph cDP.hDC, _
                  cDP.left + 5, cDP.top + (cDP.Height - cDP.IconHeight) \ 2, _
                  cDP.IconWidth, cDP.IconHeight, _
                  m_bEnabled, &H0
            End If
         End If
      End If
      ' Text
      Dim lTextColor As Long
      If (m_bEnabled) Then
         If (cDP.MouseOverButton) Then
            lTextColor = MenuTextHotColor
            lTextColor = MenuTextColor
         End If
         lTextColor = MenuTextDisabledColor
      End If
      hFontOld = SelectObject(cDP.hDC, cDP.hFont)
      UtilDrawText _
         cDP.hDC, m_sCaption, _
         lTextXStart, cDP.top, cDP.Size - lTextXStart, cDP.Height, _
         m_bEnabled, lTextColor, cDP.Orientation
      Dim sShortcut As String
      Dim tR As RECT
      sShortcut = ShortcutText
      If (Len(sShortcut) > 0) Then
         ' draw the short cut text;
         tR.bottom = cDP.Height
         DrawText cDP.hDC, sShortcut, -1, tR, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_SINGLELINE
         Dim lShortcutLeft As Long
         If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
            lShortcutLeft = cDP.left + cDP.Size - (tR.right - tR.left) -
            UtilDrawText _
               cDP.hDC, sShortcut, _
               lShortcutLeft, cDP.top, cDP.Size - lShortcutLeft, cDP.Height, _
               m_bEnabled, lTextColor, cDP.Orientation
         End If
      End If
      SelectObject cDP.hDC, hFontOld
      ' Sub Menu?
      If Not (m_lPtrBar = 0) Then
         If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
            UtilDrawSubMenuGlyph cDP.hDC, _
               cDP.left + cDP.Size - m_lMenuGlyphWidth, cDP.top,
                m_lMenuGlyphWidth, cDP.Height, _
               m_bEnabled, lTextColor
         End If
      End If
   End If
   cDP.Enabled = bEnabled
End Sub
Private Sub DrawButtonStyle( _
      cDP As cDrawButtonParams _
Dim iIdx As Long
Dim bEnabled As Boolean
Dim hPen As Long
Dim hPenOld As Long
Dim hFontOld As Long
Dim lTextColor As Long
Dim hasSplitGlyph As Boolean
Dim startColor As Long
Dim endColor As Long
Dim hotSplit As Boolean
Dim drawBorder As Boolean
Dim drawSplitBorder As Boolean
Dim tSplitRect As RECT
Dim lBackWidth As Long
Dim lBackHeight As Long
Dim skipBackground As Boolean

   bEnabled = cDP.Enabled
   cDP.Enabled = (m_bEnabled And cDP.Enabled)
   ' Backgrounds:
   If (cDP.Enabled) Then
      If (m_eStyle = eSplit) Then
         If (cDP.mouseDownSplit And cDP.mouseOverSplit) Then
            drawBorder = True
            startColor = GradientColorStart
            endColor = GradientColorEnd
         ElseIf (cDP.mouseOverSplit) Or (cDP.MouseOverButton) Then
            drawBorder = True
            drawSplitBorder = True
            If (cDP.MouseDownButton) Then
               ' Draw hot down background:
               startColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorStart
               endColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorEnd
               ' Overdraw the split with the hot up color:
               hotSplit = True
               ' Background hot for both:
               startColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorStart
               endColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorEnd
            End If
         ElseIf (cDP.MouseDownButton) Then
            drawBorder = True
            drawSplitBorder = True
            startColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorStart
            endColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorEnd
            startColor = ButtonBackgroundColorStart
            endColor = ButtonBackgroundColorEnd
         End If
         If (cDP.MouseOverButton) Then
            drawBorder = True
            If (cDP.MouseDownButton) Then
               If (m_lPtrBar = 0) Then
                  startColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorStart
                  endColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorEnd
                  startColor = GradientColorStart
                  endColor = GradientColorEnd
               End If
               If (m_bChecked) Then
                  startColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorStart
                  endColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorEnd
                  startColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorStart
                  endColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorEnd
               End If
            End If
         ElseIf (cDP.MouseDownButton) Then
            drawBorder = True
            If (m_bChecked) Then
               startColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorStart
               endColor = ButtonCheckedHotBackgroundColorEnd
               startColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorStart
               endColor = ButtonHotBackgroundColorEnd
            End If
            If (m_bChecked) Then
               drawBorder = True
               startColor = ButtonCheckedBackgroundColorStart
               endColor = ButtonCheckedBackgroundColorEnd
               startColor = ButtonBackgroundColorStart
               endColor = ButtonBackgroundColorEnd
            End If
         End If
      End If
      skipBackground = True
      'startColor = ButtonBackgroundColorStart
      'endColor = ButtonBackgroundColorEnd
   End If
   If Not skipBackground Then
      lBackWidth = cDP.Size - 2
      lBackHeight = cDP.Height - 2
      UtilDrawBackground _
         cDP.hDC, _
         startColor, _
         endColor, _
         cDP.left + 1, _
         cDP.top + 1, _
         lBackWidth, _
   End If
   hasSplitGlyph = (m_eStyle = eSplit) Or ((m_lPtrBar <> 0) And
   If (hasSplitGlyph) Then
      If ((cDP.Orientation = eLeft) Or (cDP.Orientation = eRight)) And Not
       (m_eStyle = eSplit) Then
         tSplitRect.left = cDP.left + 1
         tSplitRect.top = cDP.top + 1 + cDP.Height - 2 - m_lSplitWidth
         tSplitRect.right = tSplitRect.left + cDP.Size - 2
         tSplitRect.bottom = tSplitRect.top + m_lSplitWidth
         If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
            tSplitRect.left = cDP.left + 1
            tSplitRect.top = cDP.top + 1
            tSplitRect.right = tSplitRect.left + m_lSplitWidth
            tSplitRect.bottom = tSplitRect.top + cDP.Height - 2
            tSplitRect.left = cDP.left + 1 + cDP.Size - 2 - m_lSplitWidth
            tSplitRect.top = cDP.top + 1
            tSplitRect.right = tSplitRect.left + m_lSplitWidth
            tSplitRect.bottom = tSplitRect.top + cDP.Height - 2
         End If
      End If
   End If
   If (drawBorder) Then
      UtilDrawBorderRectangle _
         cDP.hDC, cDP.left + 1, cDP.top + 1, cDP.Size - 2, cDP.Height - 2
      If (m_eStyle = eSplit) Then
         If (drawSplitBorder) Then
            UtilDrawBorderRectangle _
               cDP.hDC, _
               tSplitRect.left, tSplitRect.top, _
               tSplitRect.right - tSplitRect.left, tSplitRect.bottom -
         End If
      End If
   End If
   If hotSplit Then
      UtilDrawBackground _
         cDP.hDC, _
         ButtonHotBackgroundColorStart, _
         ButtonHotBackgroundColorEnd, _
         tSplitRect.left + 1, _
         tSplitRect.top + 1, _
         tSplitRect.right - tSplitRect.left - 2, _
         tSplitRect.bottom - tSplitRect.top - 2
   End If
   If (m_eStyle = eSeparator) Then
      Dim lSepX As Long
      Dim lSepY As Long
      Dim lSepHeight As Long
      Dim lSepWidth As Long
      If (cDP.Orientation = eLeft) Or (cDP.Orientation = eRight) Then
         lSepY = cDP.top + (cDP.Height - 2) \ 2
         lSepX = cDP.left + m_lBorderSize
         lSepWidth = cDP.Size - m_lBorderSize * 2
         lSepX = cDP.left + (cDP.Size - 2) \ 2
         lSepY = cDP.top + m_lBorderSize
         lSepHeight = cDP.Height - m_lBorderSize * 2
      End If
      hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, DarkColor)
      hPenOld = SelectObject(cDP.hDC, hPen)
      MoveToEx cDP.hDC, lSepX, lSepY, tJ
      If (cDP.Orientation = eLeft) Or (cDP.Orientation = eRight) Then
         LineTo cDP.hDC, lSepX + lSepWidth, lSepY
         LineTo cDP.hDC, lSepX, lSepY + lSepHeight
      End If
      SelectObject cDP.hDC, hPenOld
      DeleteObject hPen
      hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, LightColor)
      hPenOld = SelectObject(cDP.hDC, hPen)
      MoveToEx cDP.hDC, lSepX + 1, lSepY + 1, tJ
      If (cDP.Orientation = eLeft) Or (cDP.Orientation = eRight) Then
         LineTo cDP.hDC, lSepX + 1 + lSepWidth, lSepY + 1
         LineTo cDP.hDC, lSepX + 1, lSepY + lSepHeight + 1
      End If
      SelectObject cDP.hDC, hPenOld
      DeleteObject hPen
   ElseIf ((m_eStyle = ePanel) And (cDP.Orientation = eBottom Or
    cDP.Orientation = eTop)) Then
      ' Ensure the contained control is at the right point
      If Not (m_lPtrPanelControl = 0) Then
         On Error Resume Next
         Dim ctl As Object
         Set ctl = ObjectFromPtr(m_lPtrPanelControl)
         If Not (ctl.Visible) Then
            ctl.Visible = True
         End If
         Dim lPanelTop As Long
         lPanelTop = cDP.top * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY + (cDP.Height *
          Screen.TwipsPerPixelY - ctl.Height) / 2
         ctl.Move (cDP.left + 1) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, lPanelTop, (cDP.Size
          - 2) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX  ', cDP.height
         On Error GoTo 0
      End If
      ' Draw the icon:
      Dim lIconX As Long
      Dim lIconY As Long
      Dim lIconWIdth As Long
      If (m_iIconIndex <> -1) Then
         If (cDP.Orientation = eLeft) Or (cDP.Orientation = eRight) Then
            lIconY = cDP.top + m_lBorderSize
            If (m_eStyle = eSplit) Then
               lIconX = cDP.left + m_lBorderSize
               lIconX = cDP.left + (cDP.Size - cDP.IconWidth) \ 2
            End If
            lIconWIdth = cDP.IconHeight
            If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
               lIconX = cDP.left + cDP.Size - m_lBorderSize - cDP.IconWidth
               lIconX = cDP.left + m_lBorderSize
            End If
            lIconY = cDP.top + (cDP.Height - cDP.IconHeight) \ 2
            lIconWIdth = cDP.IconWidth
         End If
         UtilDrawIcon cDP.hDC, cDP.hIml, cDP.ptrVB6Iml, m_iIconIndex, lIconX,
          lIconY, cDP.Enabled
         If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
            lIconX = cDP.left + cDP.Size - m_lBorderSize
            lIconX = cDP.left + m_lBorderSize
         End If
         lIconWIdth = 0
      End If
      ' Draw the text, if desired:
      If (m_bShowCaptionInToolbar) Then
         Dim lTextX As Long
         Dim lTextY As Long
         Dim lTextWidth As Long
         Dim lTextHeight
         If (cDP.Enabled) Then
            lTextColor = ButtonTextColor
            lTextColor = ButtonTextDisabledColor
         End If
         If (cDP.Orientation = eLeft) Or (cDP.Orientation = eRight) Then
            lTextX = cDP.left + m_lBorderSize
            lTextY = cDP.top + lIconWIdth + 2 + m_lBorderSize
            lTextWidth = cDP.Size - m_lBorderSize * 2
            lTextHeight = cDP.Height
            If (cDP.RightToLeft) Then
               lTextX = cDP.left + m_lBorderSize + 2
               If (m_eStyle = eSplit) Then
                  lTextX = lTextX + m_lSplitWidth + 2
               End If
               lTextX = lIconX + lIconWIdth + 2
               If (lIconWIdth > 0) Then
                  lTextX = lTextX + 2
               End If
            End If
            lTextWidth = cDP.Size - lIconWIdth - m_lBorderSize * 2 - 2
            If (lIconWIdth > 0) Then
               lTextWidth = lTextWidth - 2
            End If
            lTextHeight = cDP.Height - m_lBorderSize * 2
            lTextY = m_lBorderSize
         End If
         hFontOld = SelectObject(cDP.hDC, cDP.hFont)
         UtilDrawText cDP.hDC, m_sCaption, _
            lTextX, lTextY, lTextWidth, lTextHeight, _
            cDP.Enabled, lTextColor, cDP.Orientation
         SelectObject cDP.hDC, hFontOld

      End If
      ' If it's a split, or we should draw the dropdown, draw the glyph:
      If (hasSplitGlyph) Then
         Dim lGlyphColor As Long
         If (cDP.Enabled) Then
            lGlyphColor = ButtonTextColor
            lGlyphColor = ButtonTextDisabledColor
         End If
         UtilDrawSplitGlyph cDP.hDC, _
            tSplitRect.left, tSplitRect.top, _
            tSplitRect.right - tSplitRect.left, tSplitRect.bottom -
             tSplitRect.top, _
            cDP.Enabled, lGlyphColor, IIf(m_eStyle = eSplit, eTop,
      End If
   End If
   cDP.Enabled = bEnabled

End Sub

Friend Sub Draw( _
      cDP As cDrawButtonParams _

   If (m_bVisible) Then
      ' We have the size of the item sorted,
      ' now a matter of drawing it in the
      ' specified space and style:
         DrawMenuStyle cDP
         DrawButtonStyle cDP
      End If

      If (m_eStyle = ePanel) Then
         If Not (m_lPtrPanelControl = 0) Then
            On Error Resume Next
            Dim ctl As Object
            Set ctl = ObjectFromPtr(m_lPtrPanelControl)
            If (ctl.Visible) Then
               ctl.Visible = False
            End If
         End If
      End If
   End If
End Sub
Private Function GetMenuSize( _
      cSP As cMeasureButtonParams _
   ) As Long
Dim lSize As Long
Dim hFontOld As Long
Dim tR As RECT
Dim sText As String
   If (Me.Style = eSeparator) Then
      cSP.Height = 3
      If (Me.iconIndex > -1) Then
         If (cSP.Orientation = eLeft Or cSP.Orientation = eRight) Then
            lSize = lSize + cSP.IconWidth
            lSize = lSize + cSP.IconHeight
         End If
      End If
      ' Need to consider the width of the text
      ' and the width of the shortcut text:
      sText = m_sCaption & "  " & ShortcutText
      hFontOld = SelectObject(cSP.hDC, cSP.hFont)
      If (cSP.Height = 0) Then
         tR.right = 256
         tR.bottom = 256
         DrawText cSP.hDC, "Xy", -1, tR, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_LEFT Or DT_SINGLELINE
         If (tR.bottom - tR.top < cSP.IconHeight) Then
            cSP.Height = cSP.IconHeight
            cSP.Height = tR.bottom - tR.top
         End If
         cSP.Height = cSP.Height + m_lBorderSize * 2
      End If
      tR.bottom = cSP.Height
      DrawText cSP.hDC, m_sCaption, -1, tR, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_LEFT Or
      SelectObject cSP.hDC, hFontOld
      lSize = lSize + tR.right - tR.left
      If (Len(ShortcutText) > 0) Then
         lSize = lSize + 32
      End If
   End If
   ' All menu items have a space for the sub-menu
   ' glyph regardless of whether they need it or
   ' not:
   lSize = lSize + m_lMenuGlyphWidth
   ' Various size parts for the icon border and the space between
   ' the icon and the text:
   lSize = lSize + 32
      ' add an extra icon spacing for the visible check
      ' box:
      lSize = lSize + cSP.IconWidth + 2
   End If
   GetMenuSize = lSize
End Function

Private Function GetButtonSize( _
      cSP As cMeasureButtonParams _
   ) As Long
Dim lSize As Long
Dim lHeight As Long
Dim hFontOld As Long
Dim tR As RECT
Dim sText As String
   If (m_bVisible) Then
      ' first, generically there is a border for all buttons
      lSize = m_lBorderSize * 2
      If (m_eStyle = eSeparator) Then
         ' nothing more to do
      ElseIf (m_eStyle = ePanel) And (cSP.Orientation = eBottom Or
       cSP.Orientation = eTop) Then
         lSize = lSize + m_lPanelWidth
         If (m_iIconIndex <> -1) Then
            If (cSP.Orientation = eLeft Or cSP.Orientation = eRight) Then
               lSize = lSize + cSP.IconWidth
               lSize = lSize + cSP.IconHeight
            End If
         ElseIf (m_eStyle = ePanel) Then
            GetButtonSize = 0
            Exit Function
         End If
         hFontOld = SelectObject(cSP.hDC, cSP.hFont)
         tR.right = 256
         tR.bottom = 256
         DrawText cSP.hDC, "Xy", -1, tR, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_LEFT Or DT_SINGLELINE
         If (tR.bottom - tR.top < cSP.IconHeight) Then
            lHeight = cSP.IconHeight
            lHeight = tR.bottom - tR.top
         End If
         lHeight = lHeight + m_lBorderSize * 2
         If (m_eStyle = eSplit) And (cSP.Orientation = eLeft Or cSP.Orientation
          = eRight) Then
            ' Add some size for the split:
            lHeight = lHeight + m_lSplitWidth
         End If
         cSP.Height = lHeight
         tR.bottom = cSP.Height
         If (m_bShowCaptionInToolbar) Then
            ' We need to consider the size of the text too
            DrawText cSP.hDC, m_sCaption, -1, tR, DT_CALCRECT Or DT_LEFT
            lSize = lSize + tR.right - tR.left + 4
         End If
         SelectObject cSP.hDC, hFontOld
         If (m_eStyle = eSplit) And Not (cSP.Orientation = eLeft Or
          cSP.Orientation = eRight) Then
            ' We need to add some size for the drop down thingy
            lSize = lSize + m_lSplitWidth
         ElseIf ((m_lPtrBar <> 0) And (m_bShowDropDownInToolbar)) Then
            lSize = lSize + m_lSplitWidth - 4
         End If
      End If
   End If
   GetButtonSize = lSize
End Function

Friend Property Get Size( _
      cSP As cMeasureButtonParams _
   ) As Long

Dim iIdx As Long
Dim lSize As Long
   iIdx = CachedSizeIndex(cSP)
   If iIdx = 0 Then
      If (m_bVisible) Then ' invisible items aleways have width = 0
         ' time for measurement:
         If (cSP.SizeStyle = COMMANDBARSIZESTYLEMENU) Or (cSP.SizeStyle =
            lSize = GetMenuSize(cSP)
         ElseIf (cSP.SizeStyle = COMMANDBARSIZESTYLETOOLBAR) Or (cSP.SizeStyle
            lSize = GetButtonSize(cSP)
            Debug.Assert "What?" = ""
         End If
      End If
      ' Now we have a size we can cache it
      m_iSizeCacheCount = m_iSizeCacheCount + 1
      ReDim Preserve m_cCacheSize(1 To m_iSizeCacheCount) As
      Set m_cCacheSize(m_iSizeCacheCount) = New cMeasureButtonParams
      m_cCacheSize(m_iSizeCacheCount).FromMeasureButtonParams cSP
      m_cCacheSize(m_iSizeCacheCount).Size = lSize
      iIdx = m_iSizeCacheCount
   End If
   Size = m_cCacheSize(iIdx).Size
End Property

Private Function CachedSizeIndex( _
      cSP As cMeasureButtonParams _
Dim i As Long
   For i = 1 To m_iSizeCacheCount
      If cSP.CompareTo(m_cCacheSize(i)) = 0 Then
         CachedSizeIndex = i
         Exit For
      End If
   Next i
End Function

Friend Sub Dispose()
   m_lPtrPanelControl = 0
   m_lPtrBar = 0
   Set m_ptrBars = New Collection
End Sub

Private Function Remeasure()
   m_iSizeCacheCount = 0
   Erase m_cCacheSize
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
   m_lPanelWidth = 16
   m_lBorderSize = 4
   m_lSplitWidth = 11
   m_lMenuGlyphWidth = 20

   Set m_ptrBars = New Collection
   m_bEnabled = True
   m_bVisible = True
   m_iIconIndex = -1
   m_eStyle = eNormal
End Sub