vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: SubDock.ctl
Begin VB.UserControl SubDock
Alignable = -1 'True
Appearance = 0 'Flat
CanGetFocus = 0 'False
ClientHeight = 3600
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 4800
ControlContainer= -1 'True
DrawStyle = 6 'Inside Solid
ForwardFocus = -1 'True
MousePointer = 99 'Custom
ScaleHeight = 240
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 320
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption = "SubDock(1) Control"
Height = 375
Left = 0
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 4335
Attribute VB_Name = "SubDock"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Implements ISubclass
Private m_emr As EMsgResponse
Private Const MinSize = 8
Private MouseButton As Boolean
Private SizeAction As Integer
Private MaxX As Long
Private MaxY As Long
Private MinX As Long
Private MinY As Long
Private XoffSet As Integer
Private SplitPosX As Long
Private SplitPosY As Long
Private PosRect As RECT
Private ChildMaxIndex As Integer
Private ClientRect As RECT
Private SizeRect As RECT
Private Di() As DockInfo
Private DiCount As Integer
Public DockCol As New Collection
Attribute DockCol.VB_VarDescription = "Collection of Child SubForms"
Private m_SubClassed As Boolean
Private SizerSize As Boolean
Dim m_IsChildMax As Boolean
Public Property Let AutoRefresh(ByVal New_State As Boolean)
Attribute AutoRefresh.VB_Description = "Insures SubForm Redraw while
Dim N As Integer
If Not Extender.Visible Or DiCount = -1 Then Exit Property
If Not m_IsChildMax Then
For N = 0 To DiCount
If DockCol(Di(N).DcColIndex).Docked Then
DockCol(Di(N).DcColIndex).AutoRefresh = New_State
DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).AutoRefresh = New_State
End If
End Property
Public Function GetInsertPos(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, TLHit As
Boolean) As Integer
Attribute GetInsertPos.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Dim N As Integer
If Not Extender.Visible Then
GetInsertPos = DockCol.Count
Exit Function
End If
If Not m_IsChildMax And DiCount > 0 Then
For N = 0 To DiCount
If Extender.Align < vbAlignLeft Then
If N < DiCount Then
If x >= Di(N).ChildRect.Left And x < Di(N + 1).ChildRect.Left Then
If x <= Di(N).ChildRect.Left + Di(N).ChildRect.Width / 2 Then
GetInsertPos = N
TLHit = True
Exit Function
GetInsertPos = N + 1
Exit Function
End If
End If
If x <= Di(N).ChildRect.Left + Di(N).ChildRect.Width / 2 Then
GetInsertPos = N
TLHit = True
Exit Function
GetInsertPos = N + 1
Exit Function
End If
End If
If N < DiCount Then
If y >= Di(N).ChildRect.Top And y < Di(N + 1).ChildRect.Top Then
If y <= Di(N).ChildRect.Top + Di(N).ChildRect.Height / 2 Then
GetInsertPos = N
TLHit = True
Exit Function
GetInsertPos = N + 1
Exit Function
End If
End If
If y <= Di(N).ChildRect.Top + Di(N).ChildRect.Height / 2 Then
GetInsertPos = N
TLHit = True
Exit Function
GetInsertPos = N + 1
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
If DiCount = -1 Then
GetInsertPos = 0
If Extender.Align < vbAlignLeft Then
If x <= ScaleWidth / 2 Then
GetInsertPos = DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).Pos
TLHit = True
GetInsertPos = DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).Pos + 1
End If
If y <= ScaleHeight / 2 Then
GetInsertPos = DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).Pos
TLHit = True
GetInsertPos = DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).Pos + 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Sub Hide()
If Extender.Visible Then
Extender.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Public Function MaxChild(ByVal ChildPosToMax As Integer) As Boolean
Attribute MaxChild.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Dim N As Integer
If DiCount = 0 Or m_IsChildMax Then Exit Function
ChildMaxIndex = ChildPosToMax
SizeRect = SizerAlign(Extender.Align, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, ClientRect)
For N = 0 To DiCount
If N <> ChildMaxIndex Then
MoveWindow DockCol(Di(N).DcColIndex).hwnd,
DockCol(Di(N).DcColIndex).Left, DockCol(Di(N).DcColIndex).Top, 0, 0, 0
End If
m_IsChildMax = True
DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).MaxState = True
MaxChild = True
End Function
Public Function UnMaxChild() As Boolean
Attribute UnMaxChild.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
If Not m_IsChildMax Then Exit Function
m_IsChildMax = False
DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).MaxState = False
ChildMaxIndex = 0
UnMaxChild = True
End Function
Public Sub RemoveChild(ByVal ChildPos As Integer)
Attribute RemoveChild.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Dim N As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim Rindex As Integer
Rindex = Di(ChildPos).DcColIndex
If m_IsChildMax Then DockCol(Di(ChildPos).DcColIndex).MaxState = False
DockCol(Di(ChildPos).DcColIndex).Visible = False
DockCol(Di(ChildPos).DcColIndex).IsHidden = True
HideChild ChildPos
DockCol.Remove Rindex
For N = 1 To DockCol.Count
DockCol(N).OrgPos = N - 1
If Not DockCol(N).IsHidden Then
DockCol(N).Pos = J
Di(J).DcColIndex = N
J = J + 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub InsertChild(ByVal NewPos As Integer, ByVal OldPos As Integer, TLHit
As Boolean)
Attribute InsertChild.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Dim Tmp() As DockInfo
Dim N As Integer
Dim OffX As Long
Dim OffY As Long
Dim Ecount As Integer
Dim TmpObj As Object
Dim J As Integer
If Extender.Align > vbAlignBottom Then
OffY = (Di(OldPos).SplitRect.Bottom - Di(OldPos).ChildRect.Top)
OffX = (Di(OldPos).SplitRect.Right - Di(OldPos).ChildRect.Left)
End If
If NewPos > OldPos And NewPos - OldPos > 1 Then
GoSub DimTmps
If NewPos > DiCount Then
Ecount = DiCount - 1
NewPos = DiCount
Ecount = NewPos - 1
NewPos = Ecount
End If
For N = OldPos To Ecount
Tmp(N).SplitRect = Di(N + 1).SplitRect
OffsetRect Tmp(N).SplitRect, -OffX, -OffY
If NewPos <> DiCount Then
Tmp(N - 1).SplitRect = Di(NewPos).SplitRect
End If
Set TmpObj = DockCol(Di(OldPos).DcColIndex)
DockCol.Remove Di(OldPos).DcColIndex
If TLHit And Di(NewPos).DcColIndex <= DockCol.Count Then
If DockCol(Di(NewPos).DcColIndex).IsHidden Then
DockCol.Add TmpObj, , , Di(NewPos).DcColIndex
DockCol.Add TmpObj, , , Di(NewPos).DcColIndex - 1
End If
DockCol.Add TmpObj, , , Di(NewPos).DcColIndex - 1
End If
ElseIf NewPos < OldPos And OldPos - NewPos > 0 Then
GoSub DimTmps
Set TmpObj = DockCol(Di(OldPos).DcColIndex)
DockCol.Remove Di(OldPos).DcColIndex
If Not TLHit And NewPos > 0 Then
If DockCol(Di(NewPos - 1).DcColIndex + 1).IsHidden Then
DockCol.Add TmpObj, , Di(NewPos - 1).DcColIndex + 1
DockCol.Add TmpObj, , Di(NewPos).DcColIndex
End If
DockCol.Add TmpObj, , Di(NewPos).DcColIndex
End If
If Extender.Align > vbAlignBottom Then
Tmp(NewPos).SplitRect.Bottom = Di(NewPos).ChildRect.Top + OffY
Tmp(NewPos).SplitRect.Top = Tmp(NewPos).SplitRect.Bottom - 4
For N = NewPos + 1 To OldPos - 1
Tmp(N).SplitRect.Top = Tmp(N - 1).SplitRect.Bottom + Di(N -
Tmp(N).SplitRect.Bottom = Tmp(N).SplitRect.Top + 4
Tmp(NewPos).SplitRect.Right = Di(NewPos).ChildRect.Left + OffX
Tmp(NewPos).SplitRect.Left = Tmp(NewPos).SplitRect.Right - 4
For N = NewPos + 1 To OldPos - 1
Tmp(N).SplitRect.Left = Tmp(N - 1).SplitRect.Right + Di(N -
Tmp(N).SplitRect.Right = Tmp(N).SplitRect.Left + 4
End If
Exit Sub
End If
SetRectsToSplits Tmp(), Extender.Align, DiCount
For N = 0 To DiCount
Di(N) = Tmp(N)
For N = 0 To DiCount
If Extender.Align > vbAlignBottom Then
Di(N).szPercent = Di(N).SplitRect.Top / ScaleHeight
Di(N).szPercent = Di(N).SplitRect.Left / ScaleWidth
End If
For N = 1 To DockCol.Count
DockCol(N).OrgPos = N - 1
If Not DockCol(N).IsHidden Then
DockCol(N).Pos = J
Di(J).DcColIndex = N
J = J + 1
End If
ReDim Tmp(0 To 0)
Exit Sub
ReDim Tmp(0 To DiCount)
For N = 0 To DiCount
Tmp(N) = Di(N)
End Sub
Public Sub Show()
If DiCount > -1 Then Extender.Visible = True
End Sub
Public Sub SubClassContainer()
Attribute SubClassContainer.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
If Not m_SubClassed Then
m_SubClassed = True
AttachMessage Me, UserControl.hwnd, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED
End If
End Sub
Public Sub UnSubClassContainer()
Attribute UnSubClassContainer.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
If m_SubClassed Then
m_SubClassed = False
DetachMessage Me, UserControl.hwnd, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED
End If
End Sub
Public Sub HideChild(ByVal ChildPos As Integer)
Attribute HideChild.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Dim Dc As Object
Dim N As Integer
Dim DiTmpCount As Integer
Dim DiTmp() As DockInfo
Dim J As Integer
If Not SubFormsLoaded Then Exit Sub
If DiCount = 0 Then Extender.Visible = 0: DiCount = -1: Exit Sub
DiTmpCount = -1
ReDim DiTmp(DiCount - 1)
For N = 0 To DiCount
If N <> ChildPos Then
DiTmpCount = DiTmpCount + 1
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect = Di(N).SplitRect
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).ChildRect = Di(N).ChildRect
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).szPercent = Di(N).szPercent
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).DcColIndex = Di(N).DcColIndex
ElseIf N = ChildPos Then
If N = DiCount Then
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).szPercent = Di(N).szPercent
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect = Di(N).SplitRect
ElseIf N = 0 Then
If Extender.Align < vbAlignLeft Then
Di(N + 1).ChildRect.Left = 0
Di(N + 1).ChildRect.Top = 0
End If
If Extender.Align < vbAlignLeft Then
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Left = (DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Left +
Di(N).SplitRect.Left) / 2
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Right = DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Left +
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).szPercent = DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Left /
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Top = ((DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Top +
Di(N).SplitRect.Top) / 2)
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Bottom = DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Top +
DiTmp(DiTmpCount).szPercent = DiTmp(DiTmpCount).SplitRect.Top /
End If
End If
End If
For N = 1 To DockCol.Count
If Not DockCol(N).IsHidden Then
DockCol(N).Pos = J
Di(J).DcColIndex = N
If DockCol(N).MaxState Then ChildMaxIndex = J: m_IsChildMax = True
J = J + 1
End If
If DiTmpCount = 0 Then
DiTmp(0).ChildRect.Top = ClientRect.Top
DiTmp(0).ChildRect.Left = ClientRect.Left
DiTmp(0).ChildRect.Width = ClientRect.Right - ClientRect.Left
DiTmp(0).ChildRect.Height = ClientRect.Bottom - ClientRect.Top
End If
DiCount = DiTmpCount
For N = 0 To DiTmpCount
Di(N) = DiTmp(N)
SetRectsToSplits Di(), Extender.Align, DiCount
End Sub
Public Sub TileSubDock()
Dim TmpRect As RECT
Dim N As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim pwWidth As Long
DiCount = -1
For N = 1 To DockCol.Count
If Not DockCol(N).IsHidden Then
DiCount = DiCount + 1
End If
If DiCount < 0 Then Exit Sub
If m_IsChildMax Then DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).MaxState = False
SizeRect = SizerAlign(Extender.Align, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, ClientRect)
ReDim Di(0 To DiCount)
Select Case Extender.Align
Case vbAlignTop, vbAlignBottom
TmpRect = ClientRect
pwWidth = 4 + (((ClientRect.Right - ClientRect.Left) - (DiCount * 4)) /
(DiCount + 1))
TmpRect.Right = pwWidth
For N = 0 To DiCount
If N = DiCount Then
TmpRect.Right = (ClientRect.Right + 4)
End If
Di(N).SplitRect = TmpRect
Di(N).SplitRect.Left = TmpRect.Right - 4
Di(N).SplitRect.Right = TmpRect.Right
Di(N).ChildRect.Left = TmpRect.Left
Di(N).ChildRect.Top = TmpRect.Top
Di(N).ChildRect.Width = (TmpRect.Right - 4) - TmpRect.Left
Di(N).ChildRect.Height = TmpRect.Bottom - TmpRect.Top
Di(N).szPercent = Di(N).SplitRect.Left / ClientRect.Right
OffsetRect TmpRect, pwWidth, 0
Case Else
TmpRect = ClientRect
pwWidth = 4 + (((ClientRect.Bottom - ClientRect.Top) - (DiCount * 4)) /
(DiCount + 1))
TmpRect.Bottom = pwWidth
For N = 0 To DiCount
If N = DiCount Then
TmpRect.Bottom = (ClientRect.Bottom + 4)
End If
Di(N).SplitRect = TmpRect
Di(N).SplitRect.Top = TmpRect.Bottom - 4
Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom = TmpRect.Bottom
Di(N).ChildRect.Left = TmpRect.Left
Di(N).ChildRect.Top = TmpRect.Top
Di(N).ChildRect.Width = (TmpRect.Right - TmpRect.Left)
Di(N).ChildRect.Height = (TmpRect.Bottom - 4) - TmpRect.Top
Di(N).szPercent = Di(N).SplitRect.Top / ClientRect.Bottom
OffsetRect TmpRect, 0, pwWidth
End Select
For N = 1 To DockCol.Count
If Not DockCol(N).IsHidden Then
Di(J).DcColIndex = N
J = J + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReFreshDock()
Dim N As Integer
If Not m_IsChildMax Then
For N = 0 To DiCount
MoveWindow DockCol(Di(N).DcColIndex).hwnd, Di(N).ChildRect.Left,
Di(N).ChildRect.Top, Di(N).ChildRect.Width, Di(N).ChildRect.Height, 1
MoveWindow DockCol(Di(ChildMaxIndex).DcColIndex).hwnd, ClientRect.Left,
ClientRect.Top, (ClientRect.Right - ClientRect.Left), (ClientRect.Bottom -
ClientRect.Top), 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub H_MouseDown(ByVal y As Long)
Dim wcRect As RECT
Dim CtlDims As CtlLengths
CtlDims = ControlDims()
If SizeAction = -1 Then
PosRect = SizeRect
XoffSet = SizeRect.Top
If Extender.Align = vbAlignTop Then
MinY = (MinSize - ScaleHeight)
GetClientRect GetParent(UserControl.hwnd), wcRect
MaxY = (wcRect.Bottom - (CtlDims.TLength + CtlDims.BLength))
ElseIf Extender.Align = vbAlignBottom Then
MaxY = ScaleHeight - MinSize
GetClientRect GetParent(UserControl.hwnd), wcRect
MinY = -(wcRect.Bottom - (CtlDims.TLength + CtlDims.BLength))
End If
PosRect = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect
XoffSet = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect.Top
MaxY = (Di(SizeAction + 1).SplitRect.Top - PosRect.Top) - MinSize
If SizeAction = 0 Then
MinY = -(PosRect.Bottom) + MinSize
MinY = -(PosRect.Top - Di(SizeAction - 1).SplitRect.Top) + MinSize
End If
End If
MouseButton = True
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
SplitPosY = 0
End Sub
Private Sub V_MouseDown(ByVal x As Long)
Dim wcRect As RECT
Dim CtlDims As CtlLengths
CtlDims = ControlDims()
If SizeAction = -1 Then
PosRect = SizeRect
XoffSet = SizeRect.Left
If Extender.Align = vbAlignLeft Then
MinX = (MinSize - ScaleWidth)
GetClientRect GetParent(UserControl.hwnd), wcRect
MaxX = (wcRect.Right - (CtlDims.LLength + CtlDims.RLength))
ElseIf Extender.Align = vbAlignRight Then
MaxX = ScaleWidth - MinSize
GetClientRect GetParent(UserControl.hwnd), wcRect
MinX = -(wcRect.Right - (CtlDims.LLength + CtlDims.RLength))
End If
PosRect = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect
XoffSet = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect.Left
MaxX = (Di(SizeAction + 1).SplitRect.Left - PosRect.Left) - MinSize
If SizeAction = 0 Then
MinX = -(PosRect.Right) + MinSize
MinX = -(PosRect.Left - Di(SizeAction - 1).SplitRect.Left) + MinSize
End If
End If
MouseButton = True
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
SplitPosX = 0
End Sub
Private Sub H_MouseUp(ByVal y As Long)
Dim N As Integer
Dim ShiftDist As Long
Dim lpRect As RECT
If MouseButton Then
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
MouseButton = False
If y <> 0 Then
If SizeAction = -1 Then
SizerSize = True
Call SetRedraw(AppObj.hwnd, False)
Select Case Extender.Align
Case vbAlignTop
Height = PosRect.Bottom * TwipsY
Case vbAlignBottom
MoveWindow UserControl.hwnd, Extender.Left \ TwipsX, Extender.Top \
TwipsY + PosRect.Top, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, 0
Height = Height - PosRect.Top * TwipsY
End Select
SizeRect = SizerAlign(Extender.Align, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, ClientRect)
For N = 0 To DiCount
Di(N).SplitRect.Top = ClientRect.Top
Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom = ClientRect.Bottom
Di(N).ChildRect.Top = ClientRect.Top
Di(N).ChildRect.Height = ClientRect.Bottom - ClientRect.Top
SizerSize = False
Call SetRedraw(AppObj.hwnd, True)
Call SetRedraw(UserControl.hwnd, False)
ShiftDist = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect.Top - PosRect.Top
Di(SizeAction).SplitRect = PosRect
Di(SizeAction).ChildRect.Height = Di(SizeAction).ChildRect.Height -
Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Top = Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Top -
Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Height = Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Height +
Di(SizeAction).szPercent = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect.Top / ScaleHeight
Call SetRedraw(UserControl.hwnd, True)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub V_MouseUp(ByVal x As Long)
Dim N As Integer
Dim ShiftDist As Long
Dim lpRect As RECT
If MouseButton Then
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
MouseButton = False
If x <> 0 Then
If SizeAction = -1 Then
SizerSize = True
Call SetRedraw(AppObj.hwnd, False)
Select Case Extender.Align
Case vbAlignLeft
Width = PosRect.Right * TwipsX
Case vbAlignRight
MoveWindow UserControl.hwnd, Extender.Left \ TwipsX + PosRect.Left,
Extender.Top \ TwipsY, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, 0
Width = Width - PosRect.Left * TwipsX
End Select
SizeRect = SizerAlign(Extender.Align, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, ClientRect)
For N = 0 To DiCount
Di(N).SplitRect.Left = ClientRect.Left
Di(N).SplitRect.Right = ClientRect.Right
Di(N).ChildRect.Left = ClientRect.Left
Di(N).ChildRect.Width = ClientRect.Right - ClientRect.Left
SizerSize = False
Call SetRedraw(AppObj.hwnd, True)
Call SetRedraw(UserControl.hwnd, False)
ShiftDist = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect.Left - PosRect.Left
Di(SizeAction).SplitRect = PosRect
Di(SizeAction).ChildRect.Width = Di(SizeAction).ChildRect.Width - ShiftDist
Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Left = Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Left -
Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Width = Di(SizeAction + 1).ChildRect.Width +
Di(SizeAction).szPercent = Di(SizeAction).SplitRect.Left / ScaleWidth
Call SetRedraw(UserControl.hwnd, True)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub H_MouseMove(ByVal y As Long)
If SplitPosY <> y And MouseButton Then
If SizeAction = -1 And Extender.Align = vbAlignTop Then
If y <= MinY And PosRect.Right > MinSize Then
y = MinY
ElseIf y <= MinY And PosRect.Bottom = MinSize Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf y >= MaxY Then
If PosRect.Bottom < ScaleHeight + MaxY Then
y = MaxY
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If y >= MaxY And ScaleHeight - PosRect.Top < MinSize Then
y = MaxY
ElseIf y >= MaxY And ScaleHeight - PosRect.Top >= MinSize Then
If ScaleHeight - PosRect.Top > MinSize Then
y = MaxY
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf y <= MinY Then
If PosRect.Top > MinY Then
y = MinY
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
SplitPosY = y - SplitPosY
PosRect.Top = PosRect.Top + SplitPosY
PosRect.Bottom = PosRect.Bottom + SplitPosY
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
SplitPosY = y
End If
End Sub
Private Sub V_MouseMove(ByVal x As Long)
If SplitPosX <> x And MouseButton Then
If SizeAction = -1 And Extender.Align = vbAlignLeft Then
If x <= MinX And PosRect.Right > MinSize Then
x = MinX
ElseIf x <= MinX And PosRect.Right = MinSize Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf x >= MaxX Then
If PosRect.Right < ScaleWidth + MaxX Then
x = MaxX
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If x >= MaxX And ScaleWidth - PosRect.Left < MinSize Then
x = MaxX
ElseIf x >= MaxX And ScaleWidth - PosRect.Left >= MinSize Then
If ScaleWidth - PosRect.Left > MinSize Then
x = MaxX
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf x <= MinX Then
If PosRect.Left > MinX Then
x = MinX
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
SplitPosX = x - SplitPosX
PosRect.Left = PosRect.Left + SplitPosX
PosRect.Right = PosRect.Right + SplitPosX
DragFocus UserControl.hwnd, PosRect, 1
SplitPosX = x
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get hwnd() As Long
Attribute hwnd.VB_Description = "Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to
an object's window."
hwnd = UserControl.hwnd
End Property
Public Sub ShowChild()
Attribute ShowChild.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Dim N As Integer
Dim J As Integer
If Not SubFormsLoaded Then Exit Sub
If DiCount < DockCol.Count - 1 Then DiCount = DiCount + 1
For N = 1 To DockCol.Count
If Not DockCol(N).IsHidden Then
DockCol(N).Pos = J
J = J + 1
End If
End Sub
Public Function VisibleCount(Optional TrueCount As Boolean = False) As Integer
Attribute VisibleCount.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
If Not TrueCount And m_IsChildMax Then
VisibleCount = 0
VisibleCount = DiCount
End If
End Function
Private Property Let ISubclass_MsgResponse(ByVal RHS As SSubTimer.EMsgResponse)
End Property
Private Property Get ISubclass_MsgResponse() As SSubTimer.EMsgResponse
If CurrentMessage = WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED Then
ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrPostProcess
ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrConsume
End If
End Property
Private Function ISubclass_WindowProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal iMsg As Long,
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim N As Integer
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Select Case iMsg
SizeRect = SizerAlign(Extender.Align, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, ClientRect)
If SizerSize Or DiCount < 0 Or Parent.WindowState = 1 Then Exit Function
For N = 0 To DiCount
If Extender.Align < 3 Then
Di(N).SplitRect.Top = ClientRect.Top
Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom = ClientRect.Bottom
Di(N).SplitRect.Left = ScaleWidth * Di(N).szPercent
Di(N).SplitRect.Right = Di(N).SplitRect.Left + 4
If Di(N).SplitRect.Right > ScaleWidth - 4 And N < DiCount Then
Di(N).SplitRect.Right = ScaleWidth - 4
Di(N).SplitRect.Left = Di(N).SplitRect.Right - 4
End If
ElseIf Extender.Align > 2 Then
Di(N).SplitRect.Left = ClientRect.Left
Di(N).SplitRect.Right = ClientRect.Right
Di(N).SplitRect.Top = ScaleHeight * Di(N).szPercent
Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom = Di(N).SplitRect.Top + 4
If Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom > ScaleHeight - 4 And N < DiCount Then
Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom = ScaleHeight - 4
Di(N).SplitRect.Top = Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom - 4
End If
End If
SetRectsToSplits Di(), Extender.Align, DiCount
If DiCount = 0 Then
Di(0).ChildRect.Top = ClientRect.Top
Di(0).ChildRect.Left = ClientRect.Left
Di(0).ChildRect.Width = ClientRect.Right - ClientRect.Left
Di(0).ChildRect.Height = ClientRect.Bottom - ClientRect.Top
If Extender.Align < vbAlignLeft Then
For N = 0 To DiCount
Di(N).SplitRect.Top = ClientRect.Top
Di(N).SplitRect.Bottom = ClientRect.Bottom
Di(N).ChildRect.Top = ClientRect.Top
Di(N).ChildRect.Height = ClientRect.Bottom - ClientRect.Top
ElseIf Extender.Align > vbAlignBottom Then
For N = 0 To DiCount
Di(N).SplitRect.Left = ClientRect.Left
Di(N).SplitRect.Right = ClientRect.Right
Di(N).ChildRect.Left = ClientRect.Left
Di(N).ChildRect.Width = ClientRect.Right - ClientRect.Left
End If
End If
End Select
End Function
Private Sub UserControl_AmbientChanged(PropertyName As String)
If Not Intializing And Not Ambient.UserMode And PropertyName = "DisplayName"
Dim CObject As Control
Dim N As Integer
For Each CObject In Parent.Controls
If RTrim(TypeName(CObject)) = "SubDock" Then
CObject.Name = Extender.Name
CObject.Index = CObject.Align
Label1.Caption = CObject.Name & "(" & CStr(Extender.Index) & ")"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
DiCount = -1
SizeAction = -2
TwipsX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
TwipsY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End Sub
Public Property Get MinWh() As Long
Attribute MinWh.VB_MemberFlags = "440"
If Extender.Align < 3 Then
MinWh = 8 * TwipsY
MinWh = 8 * TwipsX
End If
End Property
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
If Not Ambient.UserMode Then
Dim CObject As Control
Dim N As Integer
Dim cCount As Integer
Dim ArrayName As String
For Each CObject In Parent.Controls
If RTrim(TypeName(CObject)) = "SubDock" Then
If cCount = 0 Then ArrayName = CObject.Name
cCount = cCount + 1
End If
If cCount > 4 Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 27, "DockControl", _
"Sorry! No more than 4 DockControl.SubDocks allowed on Mdi Form"
Exit Sub
ElseIf RTrim(TypeName(Parent)) <> "MDIForm" Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 28, "DockControl", _
"Sorry! DockControl.SubDocks are only allowed on Mdi Form at this time;-("
Exit Sub
End If
Intializing = True
If cCount = 1 Then
Extender.Name = "SubDock"
Extender.Index = 1
Extender.Align = 1
Extender.Visible = False
Label1.Caption = "SubDock(1)"
Exit Sub
Extender.Name = ArrayName
Extender.Index = cCount
Extender.Align = cCount
Extender.Visible = False
Label1.Caption = ArrayName & "(" & CStr(cCount) & ")"
End If
Intializing = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As
Single, y As Single)
Dim N As Integer
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
SizeAction = -2
If PtInRect(SizeRect, CLng(x), CLng(y)) = 1 Then
SizeAction = -1
If Extender.Align < 3 Then
Call H_MouseDown(y)
Call V_MouseDown(x)
End If
For N = 0 To DiCount
If PtInRect(Di(N).SplitRect, CLng(x), CLng(y)) = 1 Then
SizeAction = N
If Extender.Align < 3 Then
Call V_MouseDown(x)
Call H_MouseDown(y)
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As
Single, y As Single)
Dim N As Integer
If Button = 0 Or Button <> 0 And SizeAction = -2 Then
SizeAction = -2
If PtInRect(SizeRect, CLng(x), CLng(y)) = 1 Then
If Extender.Align < 3 Then
MouseIcon = CursorH
MouseIcon = CursorV
End If
For N = 0 To DiCount
If PtInRect(Di(N).SplitRect, CLng(x), CLng(y)) = 1 Then
If Extender.Align < vbAlignLeft Then
MouseIcon = CursorV
ElseIf Extender.Align > vbAlignBottom Then
MouseIcon = CursorH
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End If
ElseIf Button = vbLeftButton Then
If SizeAction > -2 Then
If Extender.Align < 3 And SizeAction > -1 Or Extender.Align > 2 And
SizeAction = -1 Then
Call V_MouseMove(x - XoffSet)
Call H_MouseMove(y - XoffSet)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As
Single, y As Single)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
If SizeAction > -2 Then
If Extender.Align < 3 And SizeAction > -1 Or Extender.Align > 2 And
SizeAction = -1 Then
Call V_MouseUp(x - XoffSet)
Call H_MouseUp(y - XoffSet)
End If
End If
End If
SizeAction = -2
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Show()
If Ambient.UserMode Then
If Label1.Visible Then Label1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub