vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: Service.ctl

Begin VB.UserControl Service 
   CanGetFocus     =   0   'False
   ClientHeight    =   3600
   ClientLeft      =   0
   ClientTop       =   0
   ClientWidth     =   4800
   ClipControls    =   0   'False
   InvisibleAtRuntime=   -1  'True
   ScaleHeight     =   3600
   ScaleWidth      =   4800
   Begin VB.Image HCursor 
      Height          =   480
      Left            =   720
      Picture         =   "Service.ctx":0000
      Top             =   2040
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Width           =   480
   Begin VB.Image VCursor 
      Height          =   480
      Left            =   120
      Picture         =   "Service.ctx":0152
      Top             =   2040
      Visible         =   0   'False
      Width           =   480
   Begin VB.Label Label1 
      AutoSize        =   -1  'True
      Caption         =   "VbDockService"
      Height          =   195
      Left            =   0
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   0
      Width           =   1125
Attribute VB_Name = "Service"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Implements IWindowsHook
Implements ISubclass
Private m_emr As EMsgResponse

Public Enum DockPositions
 DpTop = &H1
 DpBottom = &H2
 DpLeft = &H3
 DpRight = &H4
End Enum

Private m_ContainersSet         As Boolean

Private ChildHwnds              As New Collection

Private tmp_MdiActive           As Long
Private m_AppForms              As Object
Private m_ClientTopHwnd         As Long
Private MdiActiveControlHwnd    As Long
Private UseMdiActiveControl     As Boolean

Private Const m_def_MinWidthChildForm = 156&
Private Const m_def_MinHeightChildForm = 26&

Dim m_MinWidthChildForm As Long
Dim m_MinHeightChildForm As Long

Private Function GetCaptionFont() As Boolean
   Dim tblf As LOGFONT
   If (m_CapFnt <> 0) Then
      DeleteObject m_CapFnt
      m_CapFnt = 0
   End If
   tbfm.cbSize = LenB(tbfm) + LenB(Chr(0))
   Call SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, tbfm, 0)
   CopyMemory tblf, tbfm.lfSMCaptionFont, LenB(tbfm.lfSMCaptionFont)
   m_CapFnt = CreateFontIndirect(tblf)
   GetCaptionFont = (m_CapFnt <> 0)
End Function
Private Sub ActivateMdiClientChild(ByVal MdiChildHwnd As Long)
  If MdiChildHwnd <> 0 Then
   SendMessage m_MdiChwnd, WM_MDIACTIVATE, MdiChildHwnd, 0
   m_ClientTopHwnd = MdiChildHwnd
  End If
  If m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then
   SendMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveSubIndx).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE, 0, 0
  End If
  If m_ActiveToolIndx <> 0 Then
   SendMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveToolIndx).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE, 0, 0
  End If
End Sub

Public Property Get ActiveSubForm() As Object
 If m_ActiveSubIndx = 0 Then
  Set ActiveSubForm = Nothing
  Set ActiveSubForm = m_SubForm(m_ActiveSubIndx)
 End If

End Property

Public Sub DockIntialize(ByVal DockObj As Variant, ByVal WinObj As Variant,
 ByVal AppFormsCol As Object)
 Dim Msg As String
 Dim L As Long
 Dim N As Integer
 On Error GoTo SetError:
 If m_ContainersSet Then
  MsgBox "Docks have already been Intialized!", vbOKOnly
 Exit Sub
 End If
 Set DockService = Me
 Set m_AppForms = AppFormsCol
 For N = vbAlignTop To vbAlignRight
  DockObj(N).Visible = False
 Set m_SubDock = DockObj
 Set m_SubForm = WinObj
 m_SubForm(1).Visible = False
 m_SubForm(1).IsHidden = True
 'Don't know why but if we don't do this
 'mouse message can be blocked from
 'SubDock depending on it's location in it's container
 'Set m_SubForm(1).Container = Me
 m_SubForm(1).Move 0, 0, 0, 0
 m_ContainersSet = True
Exit Sub
 Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " _
            & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description & Chr(13) & "Dock Object
             Count must equal 1 with index of 1"
    MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
End Sub

Public Property Get ClientActiveForm() As Object
 Dim D As Form
 If ChildHwnds.Count = 0 Or m_ClientTopHwnd = 0 Then
  Set ClientActiveForm = Nothing
  m_ClientTopHwnd = 0
  For Each D In m_AppForms
   If m_ClientTopHwnd = D.hwnd Then
    Set ClientActiveForm = D
    Exit For
   End If
 End If
End Property

Public Function AttachForm(ByVal Frm As Object, ByVal DPos As DockPositions,
 Optional LastSubForm As Boolean = False, Optional IsDocked As Boolean = True,
 Optional SetActive As Boolean = False, Optional Show As Boolean = True) As
Attribute AttachForm.VB_Description = "Form or Control Container to be Docked"
 Static DockWinCount As Integer
 Static ShowValue()  As Boolean
 Static ActivateIndex As Integer
 Dim ChildTopFrm As Long
 If Not m_ContainersSet Then
  MsgBox "A call to SetContainers is required for this function to work!",
  Exit Function
 ElseIf SubFormsLoaded Then
  MsgBox "All Subforms have already been loaded!", vbOKOnly
  Exit Function
 End If
 DockWinCount = DockWinCount + 1
 ReDim Preserve ShowValue(1 To DockWinCount)
 ShowValue(DockWinCount) = Show
 If DockWinCount > 1 Then Load m_SubForm(DockWinCount)
 m_SubForm(DockWinCount).Docked = IsDocked
 m_SubForm(DockWinCount).Visible = Show
 m_SubForm(DockWinCount).IsHidden = Show
 m_SubForm(DockWinCount).FrmHwnd = Frm.hwnd
 Set m_SubForm(DockWinCount).Container = m_SubDock(DPos)
 m_SubDock(DPos).DockCol.Add m_SubForm(DockWinCount)
 m_SubForm(DockWinCount).Pos = m_SubDock(DPos).DockCol.Count - 1
 m_SubForm(DockWinCount).OrgPos = m_SubForm(DockWinCount).Pos
 If SetActive Then ActivateIndex = DockWinCount
 m_Form.Add Frm
 If IsDocked Then
  Frm.Show , UserControl.Parent
  SetDockWindowStyle Frm.hwnd, m_SubForm(DockWinCount).hwnd
  SetToolWindowStyle Frm.hwnd
  Frm.Show , UserControl.Parent
 End If
 Set AttachForm = m_SubForm(DockWinCount)
 If Not LastSubForm Then
  Exit Function

  Set AppObj = Extender.Parent
  Set CursorV = VCursor.Picture
  Set CursorH = HCursor.Picture
  m_MdiChwnd = FindWindowEx(AppObj.hwnd, 0&, "MDIClient", vbNullString)
  Dim N As Integer
  For N = 1 To DockWinCount
  ChildTopFrm = FindWindowEx(m_MdiChwnd, 0&, "ThunderForm", vbNullString)
  If ChildTopFrm <> 0 Then
   SendMessage ChildTopFrm, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0
   SendMessage ChildTopFrm, WM_ACTIVATE, 1, 0
  End If
  AttachMessage Me, m_MdiChwnd, WM_MDIGETACTIVE
  AttachMessage Me, m_MdiChwnd, WM_MDIACTIVATE
  AttachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_NCACTIVATE
  AttachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_ACTIVATE
  AttachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP
  AttachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_SIZE
  AttachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_GETMINMAXINFO
  AttachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
  AttachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_ENABLE
  SubClassChildren 0, True
  SubFormsLoaded = True
  For N = 1 To DockWinCount
   If Not ShowValue(N) Then
    m_SubForm(N).IsHidden = True
   ElseIf ShowValue(N) Then
    m_SubForm(N).IsHidden = False
    m_SubForm(N).Visible = True
   End If
  For N = 1 To DockWinCount
   If ShowValue(N) And m_SubDock(m_SubForm(N).DockPos).Visible = False Then
    m_SubDock(m_SubForm(N).DockPos).Visible = True
   End If
  For N = 1 To 4
   If ActivateIndex > 0 Then
    SendMessage m_SubForm(ActivateIndex).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE, 1, 0
   End If
  ReDim ShowValue(0)
 End If
End Function

Public Sub DockTerminate()
Attribute DockTerminate.VB_Description = "Terminates VbDockService... Must be
 called before Docked Objects are out of scope...As in MdiForm Query Unload"
    Dim N As Integer
    RemoveHook Me, WH_KEYBOARD
    If (m_CapFnt <> 0) Then
     DeleteObject m_CapFnt
     m_CapFnt = 0
    End If
    If m_MdiChwnd <> 0 Then
     UnSubClassChildren 0, True
     DetachMessage Me, m_MdiChwnd, WM_MDIACTIVATE
     DetachMessage Me, m_MdiChwnd, WM_MDIGETACTIVE
     DetachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_NCACTIVATE
     DetachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_ACTIVATE
     DetachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP
     DetachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_SIZE
     DetachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_GETMINMAXINFO
     DetachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
     DetachMessage Me, AppObj.hwnd, WM_ENABLE
    End If
    For N = 1 To 4
    For N = 1 To m_SubForm.ubound
     If m_SubForm(N).FrmHwnd <> 0 Then
      m_SubForm(N).Visible = False
      ShowWindow m_SubForm(N).FrmHwnd, 0
      SetParent m_SubForm(N).FrmHwnd, m_MdiChwnd
      m_SubForm(N).FrmHwnd = 0
     End If
    m_MdiChwnd = 0
    Set m_SubDock = Nothing
    Set m_SubForm = Nothing
    Set m_Form = Nothing
    Set CursorV = Nothing
    Set CursorH = Nothing
    Set DockService = Nothing
    Set m_AppForms = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub RestoreActiveState()
       On Local Error Resume Next
        m_AppInactive = False
        m_MouseActivated = False
        If m_ActiveToolIndx <> 0 Then
        ElseIf m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then
         CallOldWindowProc tmp_MdiActive, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0
        End If
        If Not AppObj.ActiveControl Is Nothing And UseMdiActiveControl Then
        End If
        m_MdiActive = tmp_MdiActive
        tmp_MdiActive = 0
        If m_MdiActive <> 0 And Not UseMdiActiveControl Then
         SendMessage m_MdiChwnd, WM_MDIACTIVATE, m_MdiActive, 0
        End If
        UseMdiActiveControl = False
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
End Sub

Private Sub SaveActiveState()
        On Local Error Resume Next
         If Not AppObj.ActiveControl Is Nothing Then
          If GetFocus = AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd Or
           IsChild(AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd, GetFocus) = 1 Then
           MdiActiveControlHwnd = AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd
           UseMdiActiveControl = True
          End If
         End If
         m_AppInactive = True
         SendMessage AppObj.hwnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, 0, 0
         If m_ActiveToolIndx <> 0 Then
          SendMessage m_Form(m_ActiveToolIndx).hwnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, 0, 0
          SendMessage m_Form(m_ActiveToolIndx).hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0
         ElseIf m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then
          SendMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveSubIndx).hwnd, SF_NCPAINT, 0, 0
          CallOldWindowProc m_MdiActive, WM_NCACTIVATE, 0, 0
         End If
         tmp_MdiActive = m_MdiActive
         m_MdiActive = 0
         If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
End Sub

Private Property Let ISubclass_MsgResponse(ByVal RHS As SSubTimer.EMsgResponse)

End Property

Private Property Get ISubclass_MsgResponse() As SSubTimer.EMsgResponse
    If CurrentMessage = WM_SIZE Or CurrentMessage = WM_NCDESTROY Then
     ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrPostProcess
    ElseIf CurrentMessage = WM_NCACTIVATE Then
     ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrConsume
     ISubclass_MsgResponse = emrPreprocess
    End If
End Property

Private Function ISubclass_WindowProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal iMsg As Long,
 ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
    Dim Ms As POINTAPI
    Dim ChHwnd As Long
    Dim FHwnd As Long
    Dim Wps As WINDOWPOS
    Dim MinMax As MINMAXINFO
    Dim N As Integer
    On Local Error Resume Next
    Select Case hwnd
        Case m_MdiChwnd
            Select Case iMsg
             Case WM_MDIGETACTIVE
              If m_MdiActive <> 0 And tmp_MdiActive = 0 Then
               ISubclass_WindowProc = m_MdiActive
               ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wParam,
              End If
             Case WM_MDIACTIVATE
               SubClassChildren wParam
               SendMessage wParam, WM_MDIACTIVATE, m_MdiActive, wParam
               m_MdiActive = wParam
             Case Else
            End Select
     Case Else
            Select Case iMsg
             Case WM_NCACTIVATE
              If wParam = 0 And Not m_AppInactive And m_ModalHwnd = 0 Then
                Dim AWs As Long
                AWs = GetWindowLong(AppObj.hwnd, GWL_STYLE)
                Call SetWindowLong(AppObj.hwnd, GWL_STYLE, (AWs Xor WS_VISIBLE))
                If GetFocus = AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd Or
                 IsChild(AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd, GetFocus) = 1 Then
                 MdiActiveControlHwnd = AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd
                 UseMdiActiveControl = True
                End If
                ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, 1, lParam)
                Call SetWindowLong(AppObj.hwnd, GWL_STYLE, (AWs Or WS_VISIBLE))
                SetRedraw AppObj.hwnd, True
             ElseIf wParam = 1 And m_ModalHwnd <> 0 Then
                ISubclass_WindowProc = 0
                DcModule1.SetFocus m_ModalHwnd
              ISubclass_WindowProc = CallOldWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wParam,
             End If
             Case WM_ENABLE
              For N = vbAlignTop To vbAlignRight
               If wParam = 0 Then
                m_SubDock(N).AutoRefresh = True
                m_SubDock(N).AutoRefresh = False
               End If
              If m_ActiveToolIndx = 0 Then
               If Not m_AppInactive And wParam = 0 Then
                 SendMessage AppObj.hwnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, 0, 0
               ElseIf m_AppInactive And wParam = 1 Then
                 PostMessage AppObj.hwnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, 1, 0
               End If
              End If
             Case WM_GETMINMAXINFO
              CopyMemory MinMax, ByVal lParam, LenB(MinMax)
              If hwnd = AppObj.hwnd Then
               MinMax.ptMinTrackSize.x = Screen.Width \ 60 'Aprox 1/16 of screen
               MinMax.ptMinTrackSize.y = Screen.Height \ 60
              ElseIf m_MinWidthChildForm > 0 And m_MinHeightChildForm > 0 Then
               MinMax.ptMinTrackSize.x = m_MinWidthChildForm
               MinMax.ptMinTrackSize.y = m_MinHeightChildForm
              End If
              CopyMemory ByVal lParam, MinMax, LenB(MinMax)
             Case WM_SIZE
               If Not m_AppInactive And wParam <> 1 Then
                Call AutoSizeP
               ElseIf Not m_AppInactive And wParam = 1 Then
                Call SaveActiveState
               ElseIf m_AppInactive And wParam <> 1 Then
                PostMessage AppObj.hwnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, 1, 0
               End If
             Case WM_NCDESTROY
               UnSubClassChildren hwnd
               If GetFocus = m_MdiChwnd Then
                If Not AppObj.ActiveControl Is Nothing Then
                 m_ClientTopHwnd = 0
                 PostMessage AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0
                 If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
                 m_MdiActive = 0
                End If
               End If
             Case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
               ISubclass_WindowProc = 1
               Call GetCursorPos(Ms)
               ChHwnd = WindowFromPoint(Ms.x, Ms.y)
               If m_AppInactive Then m_MouseActivated = True
               If IsChild(m_MdiChwnd, hwnd) = 1 Then
                ActivateMdiClientChild hwnd
                MdiActiveControlHwnd = 0
                Exit Function
               ElseIf IsChild(m_MdiChwnd, ChHwnd) = 1 Then
                If m_ActiveToolIndx <> 0 Then AppObj.SetFocus
                MdiActiveControlHwnd = 0
                Exit Function
               End If
                 If m_ActiveToolIndx <> 0 Then
                  SendMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveToolIndx).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE, 0,
                 End If
                 For N = vbAlignTop To vbAlignRight
                  If (IsChild(m_SubDock(N).hwnd, ChHwnd) = 1) Then
                   If m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then
                    SendMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveSubIndx).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE,
                     0, 0
                   End If
                   MdiActiveControlHwnd = 0
                   m_AppInactive = False
                   tmp_MdiActive = 0
                   Exit Function
                  ElseIf (m_SubDock(N).hwnd = ChHwnd) Then
                   If m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then
                    PostMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveSubIndx).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE,
                     1, 0
                   End If
                   If m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then
                    Exit Function
                    If Not ClientActiveForm Is Nothing And MdiActiveControlHwnd
                     = 0 Then
                     DcModule1.SetFocus ClientActiveForm.hwnd
                     m_MdiActive = ClientActiveForm.hwnd
                    ElseIf MdiActiveControlHwnd <> 0 Then
                     Call EnumChildWindows(AppObj.hwnd, AddressOf
                      SetContainerFocus, MdiActiveControlHwnd)
                     DcModule1.SetFocus MdiActiveControlHwnd
                     m_MdiActive = 0
                    ElseIf Not AppObj.ActiveControl Is Nothing Then
                     PostMessage AppObj.ActiveControl.hwnd, WM_SETFOCUS,
                      GetFocus, 0
                     If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
                     m_MdiActive = 0
                    End If
                   End If
                  End If
                 If m_AppInactive Or m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then AppObj.SetFocus
                 If m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 And LoWord(lParam) <> HTCLIENT Or
                  m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 And ChHwnd = m_MdiChwnd Then
                  SendMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveSubIndx).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE, 1, 0
                  If m_ActiveSubIndx <> 0 Then
                   SendMessage m_SubForm(m_ActiveSubIndx).hwnd, SF_ACTIVATE, 0,
                  End If
                  If LoWord(lParam) = HTCLIENT Then
                   If Not ClientActiveForm Is Nothing Then
                    Call EnumChildWindows(AppObj.hwnd, AddressOf
                     SetContainerFocus, ChHwnd)
                    If ChHwnd = m_MdiChwnd Then DcModule1.SetFocus
                    m_MdiActive = ClientActiveForm.hwnd
                   End If
                  End If

                  If Not ClientActiveForm Is Nothing And MdiActiveControlHwnd =
                   0 Then
                   If (LoWord(lParam) <> HTCLIENT) Then
                    DcModule1.SetFocus ClientActiveForm.hwnd
                   End If
                   m_MdiActive = ClientActiveForm.hwnd
                  ElseIf MdiActiveControlHwnd <> 0 Then
                   If LoWord(lParam) <> HTCLIENT Then
                    Call EnumChildWindows(AppObj.hwnd, AddressOf
                     SetContainerFocus, MdiActiveControlHwnd)
                    DcModule1.SetFocus MdiActiveControlHwnd
                    m_MdiActive = 0
                   End If
                   m_MdiActive = 0
                  End If
                 End If
             Case WM_SETFOCUS
               ActivateMdiClientChild hwnd
             Case WM_ACTIVATEAPP
               If IsWindowEnabled(AppObj.hwnd) = 0 Or AppObj.WindowState = 1
                Exit Function
               ElseIf (wParam = 0) And m_MdiActive <> 0 And tmp_MdiActive = 0
                And Not m_AppInactive Then
                Call SaveActiveState
               ElseIf (wParam = 1) And Not m_MouseActivated And GetActiveWindow
                = AppObj.hwnd And m_AppInactive Then
                Call RestoreActiveState
               ElseIf (wParam = 1) And m_MouseActivated Then
                SendMessage hwnd, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0
                m_AppInactive = False
                m_MouseActivated = False
                tmp_MdiActive = 0
               End If
             Case WM_ACTIVATE
               If (LoWord(wParam) = 0) And (lParam <> 0) And HiWord(wParam) <>
                32 Then
                If IsChild(m_MdiChwnd, GetFocus) = 0 And IsChild(AppObj.hwnd,
                 GetFocus) = 1 And IsWindowEnabled(AppObj.hwnd) = 1 Then
                 MdiActiveControlHwnd = GetFocus
                ElseIf (LoWord(wParam) = 0) And (lParam <> 0) And m_ModalHwnd =
                 0 And IsWindowEnabled(AppObj.hwnd) = 0 Then
                 m_ModalHwnd = lParam
                End If
               End If
             Case Else
             End Select
    End Select
End Function

Private Sub UnSubClassChildren(ByVal cHwnd As Long, Optional All As Boolean =
  Dim N As Integer
  If All Then
   For N = 1 To ChildHwnds.Count
    DetachMessage Me, ChildHwnds(N), WM_SETFOCUS
    DetachMessage Me, ChildHwnds(N), WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
    DetachMessage Me, ChildHwnds(N), WM_NCDESTROY
    DetachMessage Me, ChildHwnds(N), WM_GETMINMAXINFO
   While ChildHwnds.Count > 0
    ChildHwnds.Remove 1
   For N = 1 To ChildHwnds.Count
    If ChildHwnds(N) = cHwnd Then
     DetachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_SETFOCUS
     DetachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
     DetachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_NCDESTROY
     DetachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_GETMINMAXINFO
     ChildHwnds.Remove N
     Exit Sub
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub SubClassChildren(cHwnd As Long, Optional All As Boolean = False)
 Dim ClassName As String * 12
 Dim Currwnd As Long
 Dim NewRect As RECT
 Dim lp      As POINTAPI
If All Then
 Currwnd = GetWindow(m_MdiChwnd, GW_CHILD)
 While Currwnd <> 0
   Call GetClassName(Currwnd, ClassName, 12&)
   If Left(ClassName, 11) = "ThunderForm" Then
    ChildHwnds.Add Currwnd, CStr(Currwnd)
    AttachMessage Me, Currwnd, WM_SETFOCUS
    AttachMessage Me, Currwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
    AttachMessage Me, Currwnd, WM_NCDESTROY
    AttachMessage Me, Currwnd, WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    GetWindowRect Currwnd, NewRect
    lp.x = NewRect.Left: lp.y = NewRect.Top
    ScreenToClient m_MdiChwnd, lp
    MoveWindow Currwnd, lp.x, lp.y, NewRect.Right - NewRect.Left,
     NewRect.Bottom - NewRect.Top, 1
   End If
  Currwnd = GetWindow(Currwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)
    Dim N As Integer
    For N = 1 To m_Form.Count
     If m_Form(N).hwnd = cHwnd Then
      Exit Sub
     End If

    For N = 1 To ChildHwnds.Count
     If ChildHwnds(N) = cHwnd Then
      Exit Sub
     End If
    ChildHwnds.Add cHwnd, CStr(cHwnd)
    AttachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_SETFOCUS
    AttachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
    AttachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_NCDESTROY
    AttachMessage Me, cHwnd, WM_GETMINMAXINFO
    GetWindowRect cHwnd, NewRect
    lp.x = NewRect.Left: lp.y = NewRect.Top
    ScreenToClient m_MdiChwnd, lp
    MoveWindow cHwnd, lp.x, lp.y, NewRect.Right - NewRect.Left, NewRect.Bottom
     - NewRect.Top, 1
    ActivateMdiClientChild cHwnd
End If

End Sub
Private Function IWindowsHook_HookProc(ByVal eType As
 vbalWinHook.EHTHookTypeConstants, ByVal nCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long,
 ByVal lParam As Long, bConsume As Boolean) As Long
    If KeyboardlParam(lParam).KeyDown Then
     bConsume = True
    ElseIf KeyboardlParam(lParam).KeyUp Then
     bConsume = True
    ElseIf KeyboardlParam(lParam).Alt Then
     bConsume = True
    End If

End Function

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
 If Width <> 1250 Then Width = 1250
 If Height <> 375 Then Height = 375
End Sub

Public Property Get MinWidthChildForm() As Long
    MinWidthChildForm = m_MinWidthChildForm
End Property

Public Property Let MinWidthChildForm(ByVal New_MinWidthChildForm As Long)
    m_MinWidthChildForm = New_MinWidthChildForm
    PropertyChanged "MinWidthChildForm"
End Property

Public Property Get MinHeightChildForm() As Long
    MinHeightChildForm = m_MinHeightChildForm
End Property

Public Property Let MinHeightChildForm(ByVal New_MinHeightChildForm As Long)
    m_MinHeightChildForm = New_MinHeightChildForm
    PropertyChanged "MinHeightChildForm"
End Property

Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
    m_MinWidthChildForm = m_def_MinWidthChildForm
    m_MinHeightChildForm = m_def_MinHeightChildForm
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

    m_MinWidthChildForm = PropBag.ReadProperty("MinWidthChildForm",
    m_MinHeightChildForm = PropBag.ReadProperty("MinHeightChildForm",
End Sub

Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)

    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("MinWidthChildForm", m_MinWidthChildForm,
    Call PropBag.WriteProperty("MinHeightChildForm", m_MinHeightChildForm,
End Sub