vbAccelerator - Contents of code file: Form1.frm

Object = "{8245A918-4CF7-11D2-8E21-10B404C10000}#8.1#0"; "vbalIml.ocx"
Object = "*\A..\..\_READE~1\GRAHEM~1\vbInfoBar.vbp"
Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Caption         =   "Form1"
   ClientHeight    =   3336
   ClientLeft      =   3900
   ClientTop       =   3072
   ClientWidth     =   3840
   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
   ScaleHeight     =   3336
   ScaleWidth      =   3840
   Begin vbIB.vbInfoBar vbInfoBar1 
      Height          =   300
      Left            =   60
      TabIndex        =   7
      Top             =   60
      Width           =   2535
      _ExtentX        =   4466
      _ExtentY        =   487
      BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} 
         Name            =   "Arial"
         Size            =   9.6
         Charset         =   0
         Weight          =   700
         Underline       =   0   'False
         Italic          =   0   'False
         Strikethrough   =   0   'False
      BackColor2      =   0
      ForeColor       =   -2147483628
   Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
      Caption         =   "Background:"
      Height          =   1416
      Left            =   105
      TabIndex        =   2
      Top             =   1050
      Width           =   2430
      Begin VB.OptionButton Option1 
         Appearance      =   0  'Flat
         Caption         =   "Bitmap"
         ForeColor       =   &H80000008&
         Height          =   225
         Index           =   3
         Left            =   120
         TabIndex        =   6
         Top             =   1020
         Width           =   1695
      Begin VB.OptionButton Option1 
         Appearance      =   0  'Flat
         Caption         =   "Vertical Gradient"
         ForeColor       =   &H80000008&
         Height          =   225
         Index           =   2
         Left            =   105
         TabIndex        =   5
         Top             =   780
         Width           =   1695
      Begin VB.OptionButton Option1 
         Appearance      =   0  'Flat
         Caption         =   "Horizontal Gradient"
         ForeColor       =   &H80000008&
         Height          =   225
         Index           =   1
         Left            =   105
         TabIndex        =   4
         Top             =   540
         Width           =   1695
      Begin VB.OptionButton Option1 
         Appearance      =   0  'Flat
         Caption         =   "Plain"
         ForeColor       =   &H80000008&
         Height          =   225
         Index           =   0
         Left            =   105
         TabIndex        =   3
         Top             =   315
         Value           =   -1  'True
         Width           =   1695
   Begin vbalIml.vbalImageList ilsIcons 
      Index           =   0
      Left            =   2628
      Top             =   0
      _ExtentX        =   762
      _ExtentY        =   762
      IconSizeX       =   24
      IconSizeY       =   24
      ColourDepth     =   8
      Size            =   56724
      Images          =   "Form1.frx":0000
      KeyCount        =   29
      Keys            =   ""
   Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 
      Caption         =   "Change Text"
      Height          =   375
      Left            =   945
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   2835
      Width           =   1620
   Begin vbalIml.vbalImageList ilsIcons 
      Index           =   1
      Left            =   3252
      Top             =   0
      _ExtentX        =   762
      _ExtentY        =   762
      ColourDepth     =   8
      Size            =   27260
      Images          =   "Form1.frx":DDB4
      KeyCount        =   29
      Keys            =   ""
   Begin VB.CheckBox Check1 
      Appearance      =   0  'Flat
      Caption         =   "InfoButton State"
      ForeColor       =   &H80000008&
      Height          =   330
      Left            =   105
      TabIndex        =   1
      Top             =   630
      Value           =   1  'Checked
      Width           =   1485
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" (ByVal hwndLock As Long)
 As Long

Const m_cPOPMENU = "P"
Private WithEvents m_popDrop As cPopupMenu
Attribute m_popDrop.VB_VarHelpID = -1

Private Sub Check1_Click()
    vbInfoBar1.ButtonEnabled = Check1.Value
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    With vbInfoBar1
        .Caption = InputBox("Caption", _
                            "Change InfoBar Text", _
                            "This is a long Information Bar description!")
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    With vbInfoBar1
        .ImageList = ilsIcons(0).hIml
        .IconIndex = 28
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    With vbInfoBar1
      .Move .Left, .Top, Me.ScaleWidth - .Left * 2
        Frame1.Move .Left, Frame1.Top, .Width, Frame1.Height
        Command1.Move .Left + .Width - Command1.Width
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub m_popDrop_Click(ItemNumber As Long)
End Sub

Private Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer)

    With vbInfoBar1
        Select Case Index
            Case 0
                .Gradient = False
                .VerticalGradient = False
                Set .BackgroundPicture = Nothing
            Case 1
                .Gradient = True
                .VerticalGradient = False
                Set .BackgroundPicture = Nothing
            Case 2
                .Gradient = True
                .VerticalGradient = True
                Set .BackgroundPicture = Nothing
            Case 3
                .Gradient = False
                .VerticalGradient = False
                Set .BackgroundPicture = LoadPicture("/home/Resources/Babbage/Information_Bar_Control/dblue031.jpg")
        End Select
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub vbInfoBar1_ButtonDown(ButtonState As vbIB.eButtonState)
    ButtonState = ebsStayDown
End Sub

Private Sub vbInfoBar1_Click()
    Dim lButton As Long, lDropX As Long, lDropY As Long
    m_popDrop.Restore m_cPOPMENU
    vbInfoBar1.GetDropDownPosition lButton, lDropX, lDropY
    m_popDrop.ShowPopupMenu lDropX, lDropY
    '## Release Infobar button here to ensure that the popmenu loss of focus
    '   won't it stick down.
End Sub

Private Sub vbInfoBar1_Paint()
End Sub

Private Sub pInitMenus()

    '## Initialise Toolbar DropDown menus...
    Set m_popDrop = New cPopupMenu
    With m_popDrop
        .ImageList = ilsIcons(1).hIml
        .hWndOwner = Me.hWnd
        .GradientHighlight = True
        .HeaderStyle = ecnmHeaderSeparator
        .HighlightCheckedItems = True

        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 1", , , , 0, , , "M1L1"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 2", , , , 1, , , "M1L2"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 3", , , , 2, , , "M1L3"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 4", , , , 3, , , "M1L4"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 5", , , , 4, , , "M1L5"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 6", , , , 5, , , "M1L6"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 7", , , , 6, , , "M1L7"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 8", , , , 7, , , "M1L8"
        .AddItem "Menu 1, Item 9", , , , 8, , , "M1L9"
        .Store m_cPOPMENU
    End With

End Sub