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Image Mastering API (IMAPI) Wrapper for .NET![]() IMAPI is provided with Windows XP and above to provide full control over the creation of audio and data discs. This sample provides a wrapper around the API allowing it to be used from .NET; both VB and C# client code is provided. About IMAPIThe Image Mastering API allows an application to stage and burn a simple audio or data image to CD-R and CD-RW devices. All XP and above systems come with the Adaptec implementation of IMAPI, which is controlled through the MSDiscMasterObj COM object. In theory other implementations of the API could be made available by vendors but I have not seen any details of any other implementations. The API interfaces are briefly described in the diagram and table below: ![]() MS Disc Master Object
Implementing an IMAPI WrapperThe IMAPI COM interface isn't implemented in a particularly Interop-friendly way. The DLLs containing the implementations do not have type libraries nor do they expose ProgIds to construct the objects. There isn't even any IDL code to help along the creation of a type library in the Platform SDK; rather there is a MIDL-generated file which is intended for use in C++ (or at a push, C). Based on the VB Classic implementation of this wrapper, I took the approach of using Interop to modify the MIDL declares into something which can be used directly from Managed code. Here's an example of how to do the translation for the IDiscMaster interface. 1. MIDL Definition of IDiscMaster EXTERN_C const IID IID_IDiscMaster; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("520CCA62-51A5-11D3-9144-00104BA11C5E") IDiscMaster : public IUnknown { public: virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Open( void) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumDiscMasterFormats( /* [out] */ IEnumDiscMasterFormats **ppEnum) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetActiveDiscMasterFormat( /* [out] */ LPIID lpiid) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetActiveDiscMasterFormat( /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppUnk) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumDiscRecorders( /* [out] */ IEnumDiscRecorders **ppEnum) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetActiveDiscRecorder( /* [out] */ IDiscRecorder **ppRecorder) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetActiveDiscRecorder( /* [in] */ IDiscRecorder *pRecorder) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClearFormatContent( void) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ProgressAdvise( /* [in] */ IDiscMasterProgressEvents *pEvents, /* [retval][out] */ UINT_PTR *pvCookie) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ProgressUnadvise( /* [in] */ UINT_PTR vCookie) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RecordDisc( /* [in] */ boolean bSimulate, /* [in] */ boolean bEjectAfterBurn) = 0; virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Close( void) = 0; }; 2. Interop Definition of IDiscMaster /// <summary> /// IDiscMaster interface /// </summary> [ComImportAttribute()] [GuidAttribute("520CCA62-51A5-11D3-9144-00104BA11C5E")] [InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] internal interface IDiscMaster { /// <summary> /// Opens an IMAPI object /// </summary> void Open(); /// <summary> /// Retrieves a format enumerator /// </summary> void EnumDiscMasterFormats( out IEnumDiscMasterFormats ppEnum); /// <summary> /// Retrieves the currently selected recorder format /// </summary> void GetActiveDiscMasterFormat( out Guid lpiid); /// <summary> /// Sets a new active recorder format /// </summary> void SetActiveDiscMasterFormat( [In()] ref Guid riid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppUnk); /// <summary> /// Retrieves a recorder enumerator /// </summary> void EnumDiscRecorders( out IEnumDiscRecorders ppEnum); /// <summary> /// Gets the active disc recorder /// </summary> void GetActiveDiscRecorder( out IDiscRecorder ppRecorder); /// <summary> /// Sets the active disc recorder /// </summary> void SetActiveDiscRecorder( IDiscRecorder pRecorder); /// <summary> /// Clears the contents of an unburnt image /// </summary> void ClearFormatContent(); /// <summary> /// Registers for progress notifications /// </summary> void ProgressAdvise( IDiscMasterProgressEvents pEvents, out IntPtr pvCookie); /// <summary> /// Cancels progress notifications /// </summary> void ProgressUnadvise( IntPtr vCookie); /// <summary> /// Burns the staged image to the active recorder /// </summary> void RecordDisc( int bSimulate, int bEjectAfterBurn); /// <summary> /// Closes the interface /// </summary> void Close(); } About the IMAPI WrapperThe wrapper is implemented in the library acclImapiWrapper.dll. This is signed with a strong key-name pair, so can be installed into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). To use it, you can either register it into the GAC using gacutil /if or you can just copy it into the output directory of the application. Whichever of those options you choose, you will need to be able to add the DLL to your project's references. The following sections provide an overview of the IMAPI Wrapper, as well as providing some related information you will want to know when using it. Further documentation of all of the classes and methods is available from the downloads. 1. Wrapper InterfaceThe UML diagram below shows the objects exposed by the IMAPI Wrapper: ![]() IMAPI Wrapper UML Diagram A brief high-level overview of the interfaces and their use is as follows:
2. Interop and Non-Deterministic FinalizationSince IMAPI is implemented as using COM, there is something of an impedance mismatch when you come to use it from the .NET Framework. Being a COM library, IMAPI expects AddRef and Release to be called on all objects in pairs. If Release is not called on the DiscMaster object, then any attempt to use it again will fail with IMAPI error code IMAPI_E_STASHINUSE, which has the error description "another application is already using the IMAPI stash file required to stage a disc image. Try again later." Since the "other" application was your own one, and is now dead, there is no way of recovering and the error will persist until you restart the machine. Whilst .NET provides the IDisposable pattern to help dealing with this problem, there is still a problem. If for any reason your application hits an unhandled exception, Dispose is not called, and instead only the finalizer for the class gets called. During class finalization, you may only call code on unmanaged objects. In my library, the DiscMaster object is held in a managed object, and so you cannot call any code on it during finalization. This means that any application using the library needs to take steps to ensure that Dispose is always called on the disposable classes in the library (any use of DiscMaster, RedbookDiscMaster or JolietDiscMaster). There are two things you should do to prevent this sort of problem. The first is to use try...catch blocks for calls to the IMAPI library methods, and secondly you should install a ThreadException handler for your application. The thread exception handler is called whenever your application hits an unhandled exception and therefore allows you call Dispose on things which need it before the application dies: using System.Threading; public frmAudioCDCreator() { Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler( application_ThreadException); } private void application_ThreadException( object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { // (Normally you would not show the user the actual message) MessageBox.Show(this, String.Format( "An untrapped exception occurred: {0}. The application will now close.", e.Exception), Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Call the method which disposes resources: Close(); } 3. Reusable Internal CodeThe IMAPI wrapper library contains a few internal classes which should be reusable if you're writing other code to interoperate with COM, such as OLE Structure Storage applications.
To use any of these objects, you will also need to extract the the relevant interface definitions from IMAPIInterop. The Properties SampleTo demonstrate the library, the downloads include a simple sample for enumerating the disc recorders on the system and showing all of the properties for each recorder. The code for performing this, in VB.NET, is as follows: tvwRecorders.Nodes.Clear() ' Get a new Disc Master instance Dim dm As DiscMaster = New DiscMaster() ' Obtain information about the simple disc recorder: Dim simpleRecorder As SimpleDiscRecorder = dm.SimpleDiscRecorder Dim simpleNode As TreeNode = tvwRecorders.Nodes.Add("Simple CD Burner") If (simpleRecorder.HasRecordableDrive()) Then simpleNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Drive Letter: {0}", _ simpleRecorder.GetRecorderDriveLetter())) simpleNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Staging Area: {0}",_ simpleRecorder.GetBurnStagingAreaFolder(Handle))) Else simpleNode.Nodes.Add("Not present") End If simpleNode.Expand() ' Add information about each recorder on the system: Dim recordersNode As TreeNode = tvwRecorders.Nodes.Add("Recorders") Dim recorderIndex As Integer = 0 Dim recorder As DiscRecorder For Each recorder In dm.DiscRecorders Dim recorderNode As TreeNode = recordersNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Recorder {0}", ++recorderIndex)) ' Add identifying information about the recorder: recorderNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Vendor: {0}", recorder.Vendor)) recorderNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Product: {0}", recorder.Product)) recorderNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Revision: {0}", recorder.Revision)) recorderNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("OSPath: {0}", recorder.OsPath)) recorderNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("DriveLetter: {0}", recorder.DriveLetter)) ' Show media information: Dim mediaNode As TreeNode = recorderNode.Nodes.Add("Media") recorder.OpenExclusive() Dim media As MediaDetails = recorder.GetMediaDetails() If (media.MediaPresent) Then mediaNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Sessions: {0}", media.Sessions)) mediaNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("LastTrack: {0}", media.LastTrack)) mediaNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("StartAddress: {0}", media.StartAddress)) mediaNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("NextWritable: {0}", media.NextWritable)) mediaNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("FreeBlocks: {0}", media.FreeBlocks)) mediaNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("MediaType: {0}", media.MediaType)) mediaNode.Nodes.Add( _ String.Format("Flags: {0}", media.MediaFlags)) Else mediaNode.Nodes.Add("No media present") End If recorder.CloseExclusive() ' Show the properties Dim props As DiscRecorderProperties = recorder.Properties Dim propertyNode As TreeNode = recorderNode.Nodes.Add("Properties") ' Note property is a keyword in VB, so we need to escape it: Dim prop As [Property] For Each prop In props propertyNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("[{0}] {1} = {2}", _ prop.Id, prop.Name, prop.Value)) Next props.Dispose() recordersNode.ExpandAll() Next ' Important! Make sure you do this: dm.Dispose() ConclusionThis article provides a wrapper around the Image Mastering API to allow it to be used easily from VB or C# .NET managed applications. The use of a wrapper isolates coders from the tricky parts of working with COM interfaces
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